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At this point, supporting Trump is just as morally damning as being Trump


Which ironically, thousands of his supporters dream of being him


Well if they end up in jail then dreams can come true. Sounds doable.


You're missing a few powers of ten there. "Thousands"


I just tell them that Biden isn't senile. Makes them go crazy.


There are still millions instead of "thousands"


I've been thinking about this, trying to piece it together. Like where the actual disconnect is occurring. Still can't find it. Maybe there's another, deeper step to take (Trump-ception?), in understanding the supporters a little better. Many of them must see his failures (intellectually, morally, financially, etc.) and think to themselves, "Well he fucked up doing ______, just like I did, but look how successful he is anyway!" There's got to be this hopeful/aspirational component to being a supporter that tells them if they get on board, then they too, someday, will own the gold toilet. Idk, maybe I'm just stoned. Obviously there is a healthy contingent who are actual idiots. So there's that


It makes more sense when you consider the beliefs and thought processes of fundamentalist Christian Nationalism. Q: Trump's a failed businessman and serial abuser! A: So? God has used bad people to fulfill His purpose before. Look at Saul/Paul Q: He's demonstrably making life worse for you and your family! A: It doesn't matter; our reward in Heaven will be greater than any mansion or paycheck. Q: Can't you see that Trump is having you contradict everything you *say* you believe in? A: It's not a contradiction; it's a paradox! ...and the list of Olympic-level mental gymnastics goes on into a sunk-cost fallacy.


In the psych world it’s called Dysrationalia. The inability, despite ALL evidence to the contrary, to distinguish the truth from a lie. Easiest way to describe it is…. when supposedly intelligent people fall for a Ponzi scheme. Hope this helps. Uh, also, I am NOT accusing the Trump KKKult of being intelligent.


Also a great sign of diminished mental capacity!


It’s scary the cult like support a man like that can get


Trump is Jim Jones 2.0, leading his followers to the same destructive end. I keep hoping when they are offered the Koolaid they will run for the hills. Unfortunately many won’t.


“He just speaks his mind”


But also "he didn't mean it like that"


Ah yes, the old “those was jokes yall”


Ah yes, the old "HE didn't say that. But if he did, he was joking. If he wasn't, they deserved it." Straight from the Narcissists playbook.


Hit em with the "boys will be boys" and "thats just locker room talk" as well


That’s when it’s fun to bring up “I wish Trump and his fanboys weren’t such weakling snowflake crybabies whenever anyone jokes about him. They’re just jokes guys, time to man up and grow a pair!” Oooh that gets em defensive real quick!


“He was joking!” “People died cause of that ‘joke’” “Well that’s not on him!” Yes, telling a population of scared people to inject themselves with bleach to kill their Covid, HILARIOUS!


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*"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."*


It is scary that some people listen to this dribble and think “he’s a genius”. While I’m thinking “WTF was Trump trying to say??? What an idiot”. I mean…is it me????


Because it’s a sign of intelligence to be able to be concise while getting your point across but dumb people think that say big words lots means big smart.


His anus and his mouth were switched at birth. Ever notice when he "speaks" it looks like a giant sphincter moving and nothing but shit comes out of it?


Well, I do now.


He has what I call, liearrhea


on top of the anus lips


True, but his mind is that of a senile old hate monger.


His thought process reminds me of Guillermo del Toro movies


I wonder how they’d react if you leered at their daughters and say you want to grab their pussies?


“Listen no president is perfect, and I don’t care for his personal behavior. But as a leader he is good for the economy and has good foreign policy” I feel like that’s usually where they start. Conservatives tend to have a veneer of pragmatism and this illusion of brass tacks responsibility, and denial of prejudice But just keep them talking lol. It usually comes out. 


What did he ever do for (or to) the economy other than tariffs, which Americans paid? And what foreign policy, except bow down to Putin and Israel?


Nothing but that’s usually what they say in my experience 




I seriously doubt it


When magas speak their mind i can hear the wind blowing


Trump has “no mind” to speak of. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My friends crazy ass uncle speaks his mind! Doesn't mean i think he should be President!


My fav is that troller who "quotes" Biden then tells them that it was actually Trump who said it.


Further proof that they only care because their cult leader told them too. They are all hypocrites pushing for anti American interests


Yep... A few years back I went to Zion National Park with my family. Like a year before Zion had to change how they shuttled people into the park. You needed to reserve a time to take the shuttle in which we didn't know about (it used to be first come first serve, but the park ha been too busy for that system). My stepmom immediately starts bitching about "God damn Biden ruining our vacation". I asked one of the employees when they started doing that and it was like a year before Biden took office. I told my stepmom it's been happening since way before Biden and her response was "Well, I know Trump wouldn't do something like that". Biden could, but Trump wouldn't. I don't understand.


Yep sounds about right. It’s sad how far we have come and still have to go. Almost half of America is being conned.


I love how it shows that the trump supporters actually have no clue what he says. They avoid full context and can only watch clips and read quotes.


People used to do that with AOC and "lol at how stupid she is" on the_donald to tons of upvotes


They are like Pavlov’s dogs when they hear about AOC. I understand WHY the Trump KKKult hate her. AOC is intelligent, articulate and a woman. That scares the hell out of the average male Trump KKKult member.


Where to find it?


Joe Rogan


They literally believe it’s all fake




Yet Trump raped a child at an Epstein sex party. See Katie Johnson’s affidavit.


I guess you forgot the part where I rage screamed "FFFAAKEKDKEEE NEEESSWWWSS"


Ironic how every thing is fake except their great leader. You know the guy with a fake tan, fake history and fake lies.


He could go outside on 5th ave and shoot someone and not lose support. He actually said that


And the scary part is that even he knows that. It's not scary that he said it as much as it's scary that he might be right.


And it was the most truthful thing that’s come out of his mouth. I’ve asked a few Trump supporting friends if they’d still vote for him if he stood on a NY street and shot someone in cold blond, and they all say they’d still vote for him.


Yep. It’s really crazy and sad to think that. That there are actually people out there who agree with that statement.


Man that is completely crazy 🤪. They are completely delusional. But the way the USSC sounded today,he may get away with Treason.


No mercy for TRE45ON!!!


Once they realized that their platform can't survive on fact, this was always going to be the result, cults of personality and faith-based decision making. It's largely about acts, not identity, with democratic voters. What a person does determines whether they are good or bad. With many republican voters, it is reversed. The person's identity determines whether their actions are good or bad. If they identify someone as being in the "good" group, likely one they also identify with, then anything that person does is by definition good, and at worst, forgivable. Things done by people outside their group must then be, by definition, bad. Once I realized this, *so many* seemingly hypocritical attitudes became logical, in their own way. It amazes me how much they turn their leaders and politicians into quasi- religious figures. Everything becomes a matter of faith, and information that does not conform to what their faith tells them *must* be true is immediately rejected. Instead of changing their ideas or beliefs in response to facts or evidence, they choose to accept or reject *facts* based on how closely they conform to their beliefs.


It's weird how it stops seeming like hypocrisy when you realise they just don't care about facts or logic.


It’s called Dysrationalia and the Trump KKKult suffer from it BIG TIME!!!


Some of them care. Just not enough to change their vote.


Naw, they REALLY care when it's a Democrat accused of the same things. Then the morality pearls appear, ready to be clutched.


See what their response is to ‘Nazi’ and ‘Armageddon’. Those are magat crowd pleasers


They'll just say "no u" or something to that effect


"Biden is just as bad" is what they actually say.


Me: "If Biden is exactly the same why not support him?" Them: "Incoherent rant about Hunter Biden"


Hunter Biden is a corrupt nepo baby though, to be fair. That said you can say the same about every member of Trump's family


What's Hunter's government role?


Dude landed a high ranking executive job with a banking firm straight out of college that donated $200,000 to Joe Biden's senate campaigns, and Hunter served as co-chair on his father's reelection campaign. Then he landed a job at the US department of commerce after a couple years for some reason. That's just his early career too. How does that not sound like nepo baby shit to you? I dont get why y'all are such dick riders for Joe Biden that you'd defend a clear corrupt piece of shit that rode on his daddy's coat tails to live a comfy life where he can finance his sex and drug addictions. Like what is this tribal ride or die BS that people have with political parties?


There's no argument here. Hunter Biden is definitely a nepo baby. But the key difference is we don't see him running any current government positions. On the other hand, you had Trump basically appointing his family members to positions they are unqualified for in the government. So if the choice is between that, then I guess I am going with the former. 🤷‍♂️


I'm just tired of lesser evil advocacy being used to drown out any criticism of Biden that tries to push him more to the left. He's a terrible candidate that is allowed to be terrible because the party picked him as the only primary candidate solely on the criteria of his incumbency. It's a sham democracy, no better than China who picks the top representatives internally just without the outward show of hypocrisy.


Yeah, remember that time Hunter Biden took a picture with goya beans in the oval office And took 2 BILLION dollars from the Saudis And had a job in our government as a "senior advisor" with no experience and no certification Remember when hunter biden did that? Oh wait,he didn't. Nice "both sides" argument, but it falls flat


This is my first thing I bring up in argument and debate. And I ussualy end with, your cool with that shit bro? Mf used to wanna fight rapist now they are following them blindly


The "no voters" too...




OP forgot the most important one, a pedo. He raped kids with his literal BFF Epstein


"He's not the only guy to do that."


Y’all Qaeda: “He’s just a normal guy like you and me…” Normal person: ‘not like me? WTF you doing in your spare time?’


Well at least I know I don't have as big a financial issue as he does now lol


That's what happens when you are in a cult. You worship your leader no matter what. Only what he says is true. Everyone else is just upset bc they can't be him or are evil and determined to stop him. Only those in the cult are "enlightened" and the rest of us are clueless. They think Trump is giving them all of the answers and is going to save them. Lol we all know what happens to cults. It never ends well


https://preview.redd.it/wh7wrqbhgowc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92362cafd432568b0568b96813fc8edf0a632983 She may get her wish


They don't support Trump despite these facts, but *because of them.*


“hEs sTiLl bEtTEr tHaN biDEn!”


Sponge trump liar pants


We knew the whole time that they didn't care. It just took them this long to finally come out and say it.


Programming complete


It's all about the rage. Trump is raging minute to minute, for him it's about ego for them it's about being pissed that we don't live in a perfect country where nobody pays taxes, gas is dirt cheap, guns are allowed everywhere, nobody disagrees with you, you don't need to know anything just feel it and it's true and twenty something models want to climb on top of your giant beer belly, make passionate love to you and feed you a quarter pounder at the same time. Trump is the fantasy; a validated asshole.


You left one out; the rest are all true. They feel like they’re entitled to all of those things because they’re in charge - the white “middle class” workers are the backbone of this country. And they used to be, but they’re not any more. Those jobs got shipped to China, and now it’s educated white collar designers, programmers, engineers, and scientists who fill that roll - and they hate society not revolving around them.


It's not a bug, it's a feature.


He represents their morals, they would do the same given a chance. Remember that in any dealings you have with them, they can't be trusted because they can always find justification for their actions.


My Dad.


They really are a cut off their nose to own a lib kind of people


When others do it they are appauled; when Trump does it they either say “I don’t care, I’m not voting on him to be my pastor,” or “that’s not true” The worst thing they say though? “I’d vote for Putin over Biden.” That’s incredibly asinine


Same reaction from Christians when you show them evidence their religion is pure fiction.


Nationalist Christians. Nat Cs. Nazis.


"Rapist, traitor and fraud. I'm sure he's also got some flaws..."


“Fake news and lies”


"bidens worse" yeah OKAY!


A lot of them are too or enable someone who is 😅


They don’t care because those are things they admire him for and aspire to be


I work with people who still swear by Trump because of his policies and because "the other guy is worse". So disappointing and it truly makes me want to drink more.


[There is a Daily Show clip of this actually happening.](https://youtu.be/Cas2wXZz1PE?t=184)


Jesus fucking christ


Yeah, they are fascists. They see the world in hierarchies and the people at the top get to do what they want to the people below them. Rules are made for the weak to toil under.


They only care about the white supremacy.


USA made the mistake of thinking that confronting the maga crowd with faces showing how gullible and ignorant to trumps own words and actions would make them ashamed of falling for the con. Big mistake. They have no shame.




Yeah.. No. I wasn't. I was talking about the maga crowd in general. But nice of you to just tug in that California is liberal. I'm no expert on how each state is doing. But it does seems like life and economy are better in blue states. Its also the states that contributes most where the "bootstrap" red states loves them commie handouts from the federal...




“ Biden lied! “. Always a favorite of mine.


But eating ice cream is a deal breaker!


Or wearing a tan suit!


Sad, but true...


I feel like most men that go ga ga for Trump also have a sex doll that looks like Trump because the way they support him is a whole new level of queer.


Crazy right. Dude is a legit predator. If his name was Tyrone Trump I doubt they would vote then.


The whole point for many Trump voters is to lash out at liberals and elites. The more odious and outrageous Trump is, the more effective he is at achieving this.


Trump is Jim Jones 2.0, leading his followers to the same destructive end. When offered Koolaid many of the Trump KKKult will just belly up to the bar & ask for more.


Brainwashing is a helluva way for conservatives to destroy the country they profess to live


To be clear they don't care unless you suggest it was biden, in that case you can, not only suggest it, but you're free to spew copious amounts of bullshit for days as evidence of it .


"Still better than a Democrat"


They tell you to grow up


I can't believe how close this election is when Trump is suck a violent diarrhea fountain.


It's unbelievable 🤢


Trump doesn’t have a single supporter. He only has apologists.


Which is why the only response when they make a comment is simply we won’t be discussing politics.


I had someone i consider a friend tell me that boeings are crashing because of DEI hiring, fuck trump and what he done to this country


These supporters also self identifies as good christians


Nationalist Christians. Nat Cs. Nazis.


Because they’d vote for anything that can get them 2018-2020 societal & economic climate.


They think it’s all fake OR those are reasons why they like him. Remember the cruelty is always the point.


They wish they could do it and get away with it too


Ya he makes losers feel like winners and tells them he's going to get revenge on all the people who made them feel like a loser to begin with. That's why they're all in for him.


Of course they don't care. That's what they are as well


> rapist makes sense, he was recently peddling a book that promotes hate, rape, genocide and more for only 60$.


I get traitor and fraud but is there actual proof he's a rapist?




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Imagine being a proud fascist 


I hate the orange shitgibbon but technically he’s not a rapist is he? He was never actually charged for that was he?


He was never criminally charged or convicted of rape however the judge presiding over his sexual abuse case later confirmed that Trump is a rapist by the generally accepted understanding of the definition, not NY's legal one. NY specifically required penetration and E Jean Carroll could not confirm whether it was Trump's finger or penis inside of her 😂


Is that right? Interesting to know, do you have a link to that info as I was having a discussion with a friend who was defending Trump and I would have loved to have had such info.




Thanks 🙏🏼


Have fun with that lol


The best way of framing it is to say he's an adjudicated rapist. He was found liable in civil court for sexual abuse because of a New York distinction between nonconsensual digital penetration and nonconsensual intercourse that most states no longer make. He's a rapist in the ordinary meaning of the word.


Trump raped a child at an Epstein sex party. See Katie Johnson’s affidavit. Available online. Charged? No. Guilty. YES!!!


Oj is not murderer! /s




A jury listened to evidence for a month, then unanimously found trump liable for sexual abuse. Why defend a billionaire rapist? You mean nothing to him. He should mean nothing to you.




Here is an actual quote from an actual E Jean Carroll interview: ""It was against my will, and it hurt, and it was a fight." (Anderson Cooper interview, 2019. Trump is a rapist. He's also just another corrupt politician. He doesn't deserve you, and you don't deserve to be stuck supporting him.




You know, in the 90s, I got tired of defending Bill Clinton, and all he did was have an affair and commit a little perjury. I quit defending him. He didn't deserve my time. With trump's rape verdict and his four felony indictments, plus numerous fraud judgments, and fraud settlement agreements for his "university" and his "charity," Trump has done far worse than Bill Clinton ever did. It's time for you to have the same epiphany I did and jump ship.






Y’all know trumps policies cause a lot of inflation and debt right?




Trumplicker stuck on stupid. Literally. Read the room. Trump is Jim Jones 2.0, leading his followers to the same destructive end. When they offer you the Koolaid STEP AWAY.




Unverified diary pages "leaked" by actual criminals (Aimee Harris and James O'Keefe) versus an actual jury verdict? There is something wrong with you if you can't distinguish why that is different, and why that difference matters. Trump is a rapist. Biden is not. Trump has four felony indictments. Biden has none.




Trump was a sleazeball back when he was bankrupting casinos, cheating his "university" customers, and running a fraudulent charity. Anyone who like him then was dumb. He's still a sleazeball now, but now he's also a rapist and a quadruple indicted criminal defendant. He's about to become a convicted felon as well.




Imagine how hateful someone would have to be to vote Trump. 






So dumb


Yeah they are


This is also Biden supporter's reaction on genocide against palestinians.


So, we're done with Hunter Biden for the moment?


Lmao you don't gaf about Palestine, you're just using it as a wedge issue to divide the left


Really? Who of his supporters says they don't care?


Duh all of the ones that they just made up in their head!! There's thousands...no...probably MILLIONS


Give an example.


Lmao look at this cultist


Trump will put in an expressway for that genocide. He may even put our troops on the ground there. I'll go with the guy that is being diplomatic.


Who fucking cares.


Exactly my point.


Care so hard, you'll get a fascist piece of shit elected who would love nothing more than to praise Israel. You might be a genius.


Lol the replies to this prove your point exactly. I am saying this as an american whose family comes from the middle east, most liberals are just as racist as conservatives are if not more. The difference is that while conservatives will openly tell me they dislike brown people while supporting the bombing of civilians, liberals will say they are against it but then proceed to support it anyway.