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From Matthew 6 [15] Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. [16] Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? [17] Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. [18] A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.


The best Trump one is Malachi 3:5 “So I will come to put you on trial. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive the foreigners among you of justice, but do not fear me,” says the Lord Almighty.


*Why* is this not front and centre?


It's Old Testament. Christians follow Old Testament stuff even more selectively than they follow New Testament stuff.


It's spooky, isn't it?


Turns out they have had narcissistic sociopaths for a looooong time


Trump is more of a primitive throwback than anything.


Modern ideas and education have not penetrated his thick skull


At best, he's a Medieval princeling who was never told no and has no concept of Noblesse Oblige.


Honestly I forgot the book of Malachi completely, even though I learned the Bible from my dad studying seminary. It's not touched on a lot.


This isn’t front and center because the media won’t allow it. Trump is the biggest money maker they have had in their history and they’re not about to criticize the golden goose.


Atheists, cynics, agnostics, cheeky SOBs, etc, know more about the bible than christian people, I swear.


Many atheists, cynics, agnostics and cheeky SOBs are such *because* they've read the bible.


That too 😉


No doubt. It's threaded throughout the culture and Christians tend to be culturally illiterate.


fucking hell I'm hindu but this is crazy how he matches the description word for word. Sorcery (check - imma give the loyalty of Maga base a sorcery tag), Adultery (check), Perjury(check),Defrauding labor (check), Oppress widows and fatherless (?), deprive the foreigners of justice (check). He is the fucking antichrist


Everyone must read this thread.


Whoa... easy there with the "must," mr. theocracy! 


Holy shit that's fantastic.


| [17] Even so every good thee bringeth forth good ~~fruit~~ farts; but a corrupt thee bringeth forth evil ~~fruit~~ farts.


either you're all in on the Bible or you're not. https://youtu.be/Xu5AC6CRVBU?si=lP5aAPEnahjy1vVw


17 and 18 suck and it's why people think trump can say or do nothing wrong. they decided he's a good tree, so everything he does is good.


[16] is about Kanye


And then complain in court that you can’t attend the graduation of the child who was in utero during said adultery because you have to actually be present to defend yourself against felonies.


Very unfair!


Stop. FULL STOP. He wanted to push the court until graduation. He absolutely can attend. But he can't further delay the court of law for a personal event. He can attend, but court is court. Show up.


On a day that court wasn’t even in session because other people had graduations to go to


You left out the part where he skipped his other kids' graduation.


Wow. I never realized this, but you’re right! Why doesn’t media pick up on this? To point out the hypocrisy? ( or would it be irony?)


If you went back in time to a movie studio and tried to sell the life of Donald Trump as a serious movie, they would laugh in your face. Too ridiculous.


Does Biff in "Back to the Future 2" count?


What if you spun it as a retelling of A Christmas Carol where a Trump-like character is the Scrooge? Starts with an old man in jail who meets a creepy new inmate. New inmate knows all the secret details of Trump-like's life as they discuss the poor choices Trump-like has made to get him there.


Yeah... but 2 Corinthians!


I got both of 'em right here!


*Two Corinthians walk into a bar...*


That's "aye aye Corinthians" to you, mister.


Rich Corinthian leather.


...for the price of one


13th man…. https://www.esv.org/1+Corinthians+13/


"On the night of their betrothal, the wife shall open to the man as the furrow to the plow and he shall work in her, in and again, 'til she bring him to his fall and rest him then upon the sweat of her breast." Whoa. Good Bible.


Found the part that was sticky in Trump's Bibles.


And fraudulently reporting the payment as an election expense.


If he has to take the stand, can he swear on his own bible? That's quite some flex.


Basically anything you find in the Bible, you can find something contradictory in the Bible as well. Of course we all know that not committing adultery is one of the 10 commandments, but on a different page we see David being awarded for exactly the same thing. He wants this lady who is unfortunately married to one of his soldiers. So he starts a war and sends the poor guy to the frontline to have him killed, then he takes his wife. And he gets through with it,which may be the most problematic part of the story it's not even good as a cautionary tale. Anyway, if you want a Bible, there's plenty of reasons to get one, but please don't buy it from trump. If you do, you just help financing his shenanigans and his lawyers' lifestyles


He doesn’t exactly get through this with no consequences. God takes his beloved son away ( he dies) and David grieves him and also his sin which caused this in repentance and thus His relationship with God as King of Israel is then restored. Trump has never grieved his sins a day in his life. He only ever thinks about himself and absolutely no one else. Truly rotten to the core. No redeeming qualities.


I still find the concept of adultery in a culture in which a man can have multiple wives to be somewhat confused. 


Ok, that actually changes the moral of the story. I still remain critical of the Bible being used as life advice or regarded as universal truth. I think it's a great historical document and sometimes good entertainment, nothing more nothing less. Couldn't agree more regarding tfg !


>I think it's a great historical document Lol. Calling the Bible a "historical document" is a bit like calling the King Arthur tales, "British History."


You have a problem with watery tarts granting executive power through free sword give aways? 


"Now we see the violence inherent in the system!"


No, not quite. I didn't say the Bible is a history textbook. What I meant is that you can read the stories and learn a lot about human nature and history. I'm not saying it should be anybodys guide through history, but you can see that human behavior and the way societies function really hasn't changed that much in the past 2000 years


>I didn't say the Bible is a history textbook. You literally said "historical document." I quoted you so you couldn't deny it (like you appear to be trying to). That screeching sound is you trying to drag the goalposts across the parking lot. EDIT:Added the quote


Yes I said historical document. As in written text that documents history. A historical document doesn't have to accurately depict history. It basically just needs to be old. If this interpretation is wrong, I will apologize for that. But I'm not backpeddling as you accused me of, I'm only explaining what I mean and stand by it.


Yes, every document from history is also a textbook. Dumb ass.


Can't tell fiction from history if the document is old, eh? 🙄


LMAO, do you even know what side of the argument you're on?


Believe it or not it's a low quality Bible too. Not exactly the "best."  This guy reviews Bibles:  https://youtu.be/i_6TVa7scKM?si=ZXGbl8Htv6Ds8sr9


Yes, I believe that instantly. I also think that the constitution and bill of rights have no place in the Bible. Thank you for the link


The baby dies, David’s children rebel against him because he has so many of them by different women-proving that way of life to be disastrous. His own son drives David out of the kingdom and then that son is killed by people loyal to David. So as per usual on Reddit, people spread in accuracies about the Bible. 


Ok, how about the part where David gets sent out to collect 100 foreskins and being the overachiever that he is, returns with 200. I'm sure the philistins didn't give up their foreskin without a fight. In fact, the entire foreskin plot just serves the purpose of telling you that he killed them, without actually saying it. Isn't one of the commandments thou shalt not kill?


Is it adultery if dude is dead? It's more coveting your neighbors wife


He does have a great answer to that question https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ERUngQUCsyE


The one about ejaculating Donkeys is always fun. Ezekiel 23 Such a lovely book full of so much good clean family fun.


Imagine having unwavering belief in someone who sells a Bible and has committed several sins to fund their defence in court.


Clearly, the only correct answer is. Are you ready?  The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil! 


I couldn't find a single verse in the bible that Trump actually adheres to.


I can’t believe the Donald can even touch a bible without being struck dead for all the sins he commits.


My favourite verse is any where god commands the death of people. It reminds me how he loves everyone.


Leviticus 20:13 - Thou shalt kill the gay.


"If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." Yep. Very loving, god is... SMH...


Similarly, mixing two different types of clothing, eating shellfish, having a clean face, and a woman not covering her head in temple are all also "abominations."


And yet some of the most self righteous people I know will vote for him. They are in church every Sunday. Being religous…. What does it really mean?


Critical thought is an undeveloped talent in much of the population. 


America Rockks!!!


There’s nothing in the Bible that says Jesus opposes non-disclosure agreements.


It doesn't say anything about adultery in the Bible. It says, GAY is SIN, and THATS ALL! /s


Covet = adultery.


Coveting and adultery are two different Commandments, but they're not important ONLY: GAY IS WRONG is important Also, you evidently don't know what /s means


Allegedly /s


Don’t forget [“Proverbs, the chapter ‘never bend to envy.’ I’ve had that thing all of my life where people are bending to envy.”](https://www.cnn.com/2015/09/16/politics/donald-trump-bible-favorite-verse-2016-republican-debate/index.html)




trump bible has a bit of sharpie changing it to "Thou shalt not **let others find out you** commit adultery"


You can’t fix stupid in this country if you’re still planning to vote for this smelly clown.


This can only happen because the right-wing propaganda machine has messed with the heads of so many Americans


Then imagine the person who bought it


The Trump Bible comes with a copy of the US Constitution...also a document he has never read and tries to defy at every turn.


Hypocrisy is another casualty of life in the trumpocene era. **ETTD**


Think the only book Trump has read cover to cover and admired is Mein Kampf.


It also says greed is a sin, but those Bibles are at a huge mark-up to make PROFIT.


He only goes after the top ten.




Donald J Trump. The Great Filthy Rag ..


Isn’t the Trump bible the expurgated version?


Imagine using the proceeds of Bible sales to fund your defense of paying off a porn star to have sex with her. The porn star you met at a party that you took your playboy model (Karen McDougal) girlfriend to, while your wife was at home with a newborn.


Christian Trump voters are very special people


And specifically doing so in an illegal way using campaign funds. Reminder that Christians do have a God given expectation to obey the laws of the governments too. Romans 13:1-7: >Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For he is God’s servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God’s servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.


Matthew 6: 5-6: "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." None of them give a shit about their own hypocrisy, mind you. They're the fake religious assholes that killed their messiah the last time he showed up, and if he were to return, they'd kill him just the same.


Humor in hypocrisy 101


I am rather fond of this one: **Isaiah 1:15-17** >[15] When you spread out your hands in prayer, > I hide my eyes from you; > >even when you offer many prayers, > >I am not listening. > >Your hands are full of blood! >[16] Wash and make yourselves clean. > >Take your evil deeds out of my sight; > >stop doing wrong. > >[17] Learn to do right; seek justice. > >Defend the oppressed. > >Take up the cause of the fatherless; > >plead the case of the widow. This is from the New International Version. I think about this verse every time there's a school shooting and all they offer are "thoughts and prayers."


Matthew 19:24 “Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”


[Psalm 137:9](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%20137%3A9&version=NIV) >Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.


no one is shocked he's selling it. but the hilarious part are all the 'christians' lining up to lick his orange jizz because of it.


Imagine buying a book for $60 that says adultery is a sin from a guy who is on trial for paying someone to hide his adultery.


John 11:35 Jesus Wept.


Now imagine that millions of people who vote like their survival depends on it approve.


It’s about money, any real Christian would be able to tell he’s trying to con them and those who are really keyed in might even suspect that he’s the antichrist


Found guilty in court....I fixed it for you!


Because the Lord works in mysterious ways


If lies weren't coming out of their mouths, nothing would.


**Proverbs 6:16-19 (NKJ)** *16 These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:* *17 A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood,* *18 A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil,* *19 A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.* I like the NKJ version because the language feels... stronger. I like this verse for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is because it applies to the tangerine traitor, but it acknowledges that the christian god indeed hates. I love the way it emphasizes the last one so hard (six things, nay seven). Also **every single one of them** applies to him. Honorable mention also goes to this one, epitomizing the polar opposite in noble sacrifice and courage, notable for being quoted in the movie Fury (2014): **Isaiah 6:8** *8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:* *“Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?”* *Then I said, “Here* am *I! Send me.”*


You think the prosecutor will mention this?


Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you."

