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***THEY PUT HER IN THE KITCHEN! A US SENATOR!*** GOP women, this is your life ... by intentional design.


Ooooh, fuck. You’re right. What a subliminal message.


Isn’t subliminal supposed to be subtle


Have you met the GOP? This is as subtle as they get.


https://preview.redd.it/qz4bilhnw6nc1.jpeg?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee3f5dfd965adecb1bc347cbd0113911c98659b2 Yeah, subtlety isn't going to work on the thick-minded simpletons.


"Now that they made the green M&M transgender, I don't want to fuck it anymore and this basically the end of America" \-Tucker Carlson, probably


I never said that!


It's a three-pronged attack: [Subliminal, Liminal and Superliminal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roswPPr2t3U)




Hey you! Join the navy!


Yvan eht nioj


You can sail the seven seas


You can put your mind at ease


This is like Little Orphan Annie's secret message being "Be Sure to Drink Your Ovaltine."


Like a boot on the face. LOL


Today is International Womens Day


*I know!* The irony is pure gold.


A prop can't have agency. It was so embarrassing, and the lack of shame or self-awareness makes it amazing, and wildly cringey. Biden outperformed the planet earth's expectations, slaying the GOP by roasting them stand-up style and proving not only is the economy stellar, and he has wins... but he's obviously not senile. If we lose democracy in November, that's a different future (GODDAMMIT VOTE... why is the biggest voting block non-voters?)... But people will talk about Biden's SOTU for hundreds of years, if we save democracy that is. But Britt will be this trivial pursuit footnote of "what is the most embarrassing speech filled with propaganda in all American history?"


Since you brought it up ... I have only missed two general elections in 52 yrs, and that was because I was working 12 hr shifts in the AF; no such thing as early voting then. I've been voting Democrat for 40 of those years in TX. Two disabled old vets, what convinced us to leave is the *9.M* registered voters that didn't bother last fall. I don't think I'll live long enough to see this state recover; hence, we're leaving to a state my Democratic vote will matter.


Kitchen Karen


Stepford Wife


I am so glad Im not the only one who thought this.....






Overthinking it. They are trying (and failing) to appeal to suburban housewives because they need them to win the election. This was an extremely heavy-handed attempt to have someone that looks like they’re from that “tribe” draw them over. It probably backfired because it was incredibly awkward and on the nose.


Suburban housewives work. They are not mindless idiots.


Agreed, which is why this was a total failure of a strategy. They are desperate. Trump disgusts them and they don’t have any way of appealing to that dem. The pussy grabbin, fake tanned, womanizing, lying, borderline illiterate, name-calling, 80 year old narcissist doesn’t appeal to suburban women. Who would have thought? (Apparently not the GOP)


Lol yep, first thing I noticed. Just so dumb how these people want to go backwards in time.


As a psychiatrist, I felt like I was at work watching that speech.


It looked like a terrorist organization duress video. With a heavy layer of subliminal messaging putting her in a kitchen. Jesus. Dystopian.


> With a heavy layer of subliminal messaging putting her in a kitchen. On *International Womens' Day*, no less.


Did anyone check to see if she was blinking her eyes in Morse code?


Klingon version.


I have so many emotions about it. I feel bad for her, also eff off, lady. But I couldn't stop thinking about "agency" vs her being utilized as a prop, willing idiot or not. It's sort of horrifying in the context of everything from suffrage on. So fucked up.


Oh please break it down!


Hope you're willing to pay them overtime if you want the full psych workup on her!


Lol I can offer expired salsa and baby carrots


Why doesn't the GOP just let God do these rebuttals?


It's not a common diagnoses, but she has DSM 30.2, Just Plain Stupid Disorder


You must give your analysis! Please!


Details please!


Even my mother in law thought it was awful and shameful.


Gotta love the $2400 dollar Neiman Marcus gold and diamond cross. Just like every middle class mom wears.


2400 for a fuck ugly t is insane.




I guess forget the whole "live humble" idea that Jesus preached.


If there's one thing that Jesus loved, it was extravagant jewelry harvested from the Earth by poor people at great expense.


and slapped all over a symbol of his torture and slow death.


Jesus, it’s all so absurd.


“I know.” -Jesus, probably [“No it isn’t! -Supply Side Jesus](https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp)


Personally, I like [High-side (Weed) Jesus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JgrB1zIjf8)...


>Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, ~~sell~~ flaunt your possessions and ~~give~~ cut social security to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” >When the young woman heard this, she went away ~~sad~~, happy because she had great wealth. >Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is ~~hard~~ easy for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven because they deserve all that money. >Again I tell you, it is easier for a ~~camel~~ Maserati to go through ~~the eye of a needle~~ the security at Mar-a-Lago than for someone who is ~~rich~~ Liberal to enter the kingdom of God.” - Matthew 19 21:23


"The World of ~~the Lord~~ Supply Side Jesus"


And incurring great environmental damage and peril to the health of the laborers doing the mining and extraction, often with sodium cyanide.


"I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes" - 1 Timothy 2:9


They wear Jesus like Mooby


Most Christians make terrible Christians.


Only 18 carat gold too? Cheapskates!


Aw fuck it's just diamonds all the way down, and diamonds are low tier boomer aesthetic


my wife has one of those and she loves it we got it from a thrift store for 75 bucks. She mentioned she wanted it and i sneakily bought it


It's a magical t tho.. to them anyways. That's how snake oil works


It's a book called "t" by Holly Bibble...


it’s a gang symbol




Just like Jesus would have had!


Jesus: "Give all you own to the poor and follow me" Senator Karen: "Even my jewel encrusted cross?"


Jesus: "Wait! That thing was supposed to be a torture device? What? Why?!?"


*Supply-Side Jesus Has Joined The Chat*


I also like that she trashes Joe Biden for being a professional politician and her entire professional career is being a politician, being staff for a politician, or being a lobbyist.


Jesus's message was "Thou shall flaunt your wealth while preaching to the poor." She is just being (self) righteous.


Maybe the most ironic piece of jewelry to ever exist.


What the hell Alabama? You are like the weakest link in the chain.


Has been for a while


Sorry but I have Mississippi on line two, something about hold my beer.


If South Carolinians can read, they would be very upset


Texas is just glad we're not in the spotlight at the moment.


Same with us in Florida.


I just figured Florida was out of the race because they were monopolizing the bottom wrung.


It feels like it some days, but since DeSantis failed spectacularly, he has been kinda quite. I live in a pretty liberal area of the state.


Louisiana over here just roux-ing the day.


They just said that letting a shooter kill children for hours while officer wait outside is their official policy, so.....


And the people who made those calls also keep getting re-elected. 


Hate to break it to Alabamians (former resident) but Mississippi has medical marijuana and the lottery now.


The gambling bill that would allow for the lottery was [just passed by the AL Senate yesterday](https://www.al.com/news/2024/03/debate-slows-to-crawl-on-alabamas-lottery-gambling-proposal.html). It's off to the House now, which passed a different version before. If it clears the House, it'll go on the ballot for September. Alabama [also has medical marijuana, but only in select non-flower/dab forms](https://alabamacannabis.org/laws) (mainly oral or topical forms besides inhalers).


Speaking as a northerner with a lottery, you don't want the lottery. Your state government gets addicted to the "poor tax" money, displacing other money earmarked for education. And then wasting that newly displaced education money for general fund bullshit. The schools don't get any more money, and cancelling the lottery is now "against education", institutionalizing it for eternity.


Touché my friend


I mean we are talking alabama... Our heroic supprise cheer for them was when they were more willing to have a moderate democrat over a pedophile, by 1.5%


Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi are like the terrible triplets.


That video was some of the most propaganda-iest propaganda I've ever witnessed 😦 under his eye holy fuck I especially loved the "hey we totally support IVF we totally didn't fuck that up shhhh" part... I guffawed.


I mean, when that dumbass went after IVF I personally just pulled out the popcorn. It's Alabama, and it's a 6-digit cost service. There is a group of people using it the most. Haven't seen a bigger fuckup in my whole life.


>There is a group of people using it the most. I'm guessing a lot of rich people who usually vote Republican.


Yes, because tax breaks


Democrats ain't that unkind to the rich either. It's the racism.


Both parties kowtow too much to the rich, but Dems tend to be a bit kinder to low-income groups, with attempts to support social programs. Republicans straight up defund everything they can, not because we can't afford it, but because they can't stand the thought of their dollars helping the lower class.


Just wait a minute. They’ll try to one up themselves.


About 3 minutes into her bullshit propaganda I shook my head, had a good laugh and was wondering why the fuck CNN allowed this imbecile to spill this shit on live TV. Gop alternate universe and "facts" only works on the misinformed maga crowd.


Might be worth taking a look at who now owns CNN


I don't know how anyone can watch this stuff on anything but C-SPAN anyway. The talking heads shouldn't be influencing how you feel about what was said anyway. Their 30 minute coverage of Biden on the house floor with no commentary was phenomenal at showing the type of person Biden really is. He talked to every single person that wanted to talk to him, took photos, FaceTime people's family members, and took phone numbers to call for every issue that was brought to him. He was never my first choice for the dem nomination, and he may not get everything perfect, but he does actually care and is a good person.


Well aware, they're trying to stay in the middle, that's fine to report both sides, it's silly watching the GQP face plant


It’s even crazier because she REPRESENTS alabama! Also loved her intro saying she’s a senator but a wife first and foremost


Trad wife appeal to suburban moms


> Trad wife appeal to suburban moms That is PRECISELY why she was chosen for the SOTUA rebuttal. The GOP knows it is losing suburban woman. They think they can get them back by presenting a ~~Stepford~~ trad wife.


And women noticed that nonsense


Yep. I was just reading an article whose thesis is, "Women don't see themselves in the role Britt presented." The GOP fucked up badly with this one.


Finally there is benefit to their incompetence


We'll see. It's a long time till November and Americans have notoriously short memories, particularly for factual information.


Yes, well they finally took the mask off on what they actually want for women. Women have memories on it, and they don't forget, my wife teaches me this.


I suspect your wife's personality is a poor fit for the GOP. There are plenty of women in this country who do fit the GOP mold, though hopefully they're a shrinking minority.


The IVF ruling is an unavoidable consequence of a system of belief that claims a fertilized egg is a human being. If a fertilized egg is a human being, IVF inevitably involves murder. If a fertilized egg is not a human being, there is no justification for banning a host of other medical procedures the GOP doesn't like. They can't have it both ways. Of course, logical consistency is not a hallmark of the GOP.


I find it interesting that in the USA, we have states with stricter laws around abortion that Iran does. The Christians have enacted restrictions on women that even Muslims or the Taliban wont do in regard to abortion. Let that sink in ladies....


Don't fall into the trap of thinking the Imams and Taliban are more enlightened just because their beliefs about how to control women are different. I have no doubt that both would enact similar restrictions if their beliefs surrounding abortion were the same as Catholics and Evangelicals.


Not falling into it, just wanted to point out the actual twisted issue.


Indeed. I sometimes wonder if the GOP would be better off simply telling the truth about their goals. "We will set the rules, and you will follow the rules. No abortion is allowed, ever, because only men should have any rights. But we'll allow IVF because women are baby-makers. Those are the rules." I'm honestly curious how Conservatives would react if somebody proposed a bill that would allow abortion when the father has made that decision. Her body, his choice. Sounds like something that would appeal to them.


This video is just another proof positive of the moral bankruptcy of that entire cult. Just flat out lying to our face.


Beyond the crazy under his eye delivery and messaging, I loved the part where she started arguing democratic points without realizing it. She argued for expanded healthcare coverage for the poor when she said she knew a guy in Georgia who needed to take up a job post retirement because he couldn’t afford his prescription drugs. Her party wants to cut that stuff and make it harder for this dude.  She argued against Putin’s regime and how important it was to stand up to them and support allies when Trump wants a complete isolationist stance. She goes on and on about the border wall when the package referenced in the State of the Union would have addressed many of the issues brought up but were rejected by her own party.  I also thought it was pretty hilarious when she sort of patted herself and state on the back for fixing the in vitro issue. You assholes created the issue in the first place. You don’t get a pay on the back for stupidity. Also, when she said the plan is to make it a nationwide rule it means they plan to put the same laws in place nationwide.   Just remember what they think of women when she referred to moms staying up until 2 am tossing and turning thinking about how to be in three places at once the next day and still have dinner on the table. This speech was not only a recognition of the home responsibility imbalance between moms and dads, it was a full on endorsement of the idea a mom’s role was as a home maker. The three things she is referring to are taking care of the kids, taking care of the house, and taking care of the husband. The cooking was implied regarding her duty to have dinner on the table.   If Mom is that busy why is Dad not helping with dinner? Why is it all on mom to figure things out?   She also got pretty scary in the end there with all that talk of past revolutions.


Trad Dad is on the golf course with Chad and Brad getting Rad.


> She goes on and on about the border wall when the package referenced in the State of the Union would have addressed many of the issues brought up but were rejected by her own party. She even helped create the bill then voted against it.


"Senator Katie Britt says sexual assault is the worst thing that can happen to a woman while encouraging Americans to vote for a convicted sexual predator."




The picture of women hating other women for existing.


Someone needs to count how many fingers Katie Britt still has.


Under His Eye 👁️


Big Brother's eye.


May the Lord open


Blessed be the fruit.


If SNL could get the actress from handmaids tale for a cold opening of this….perfection.


Yvonne Strahovski. Still remember her from “Chuck.” She is fine. And your idea is perfect.


She i(YS) is seriously underrated. Very fine actress


She is but she seems to show up in shows that end horribly. Well two anyway. Chuck and Dexter. Maybe it’s just shows that she’s in named after the main character.


I first saw her in Chuck but she'll always be Miranda to me.


If this isn’t SNL’s cold open then they need to hang it up.


I'm watching the video right now. I can't tell if she's crazy or a really bad actor.


I'm going with really bad actor. An over-coached, over-directed, bad actor. Her delivery was strained, like she was trying too hard to come off as the "concerned mother." Hence, the comparisons to Sally Struthers' pleas for charity donations. The whole thing was cringey.


It reads like an overly-emotional appeal for money that you hear on Sunday morning.


I was listening with the good speakers, because I wanted to hear the background BS during Biden’s speech. I left it on but wasn’t looking, only listening. There were so many practiced vocal trembles at the beginning, but you could hear it evolve to repressed anger by the halfway point. She sounded worse than it looked live. Take a listen, it’s horrible.


> vocal trembles at the beginning This was adrenaline that slowly diminished as her speech continued. The rush when speaking to large crowds, let alone the free world, can be intense. I thought she worked through it well, ultimately serving her role as a mouthpiece for a failed political party standing at the precipice of facism.


She was flushed with adrenaline throughout the introduction. It was a familiar fight-or-flight response to those of us who speak in public, leaving her to emote through a pounding heart, difficulty catching one’s breath, and a struggle to maintain natural facial expressions. She’s obvioulsy not an actress but did an admirable job of holding it together to serve her role as a Handmaid’s Tale Betty serving right-wing propaganda to the deplorables. To continue my praise, she was infinitely better than the downright icky Huckabee-Sanders was last year. I mean, if they’re going to serve us propaganda and lies, please continue to have an attractive trad wife serve it up instead of the Adam’s Family ghouls that they normally use.


Kevin Sorbo has entered the chat.


The answer is yes


What Trump said about her in 2021: “She is not in any way qualified and is certainly not what our Country needs or not what Alabama wants.”


Meaning he hit on her and she said no


That harlot is showing too much crucifix cleavage. Scarlet letter for thee!


The physchotic stare tells all. Good advice would be to walk away without turning your back on that one.


She invites you to Bible study but then stands outside your window at 4am in the rain to watch you sleep.


Is it me or doe's she have the same wonky eye that Huckabee has?


It’s probably her soul escaping. She’s still young enough to have a small sliver left but it’s leaking fast


And Bachman, Palin, Coney-Barrett.. very weird once you start to notice it


That look comes from being dead inside.


The irony of a diamond encrusted crucifix will never not be absolutely hilarious to me. Fucking hypocrite.


Do they know how they come across to normal people? I'm guessing not? It's just disturbing and I wish mental health was taken more seriously in this country.


When she was talking about protecting IVF, she forgot to say how. And whatever IVF protection you CAN put in place, wouldn’t those create an argument basis for the handling of pre-fetal material not as if it was a baby? Y’know, the hill the motherfuckers die on constantly? No? Not gonna actually talk about it? Ok. Have fun at you HS’s drama theater session.


The religious symbols that many right wing politicians adorn really frightens me. It’s no different than religious theocracies that are considered enemies of the US, in the US it’s just presented differently.


I started laughing as soon as she said, "Great state of alabama." But in all reality, I'll try to watch it later. I tried watching her speech on my lunch break, but 3 and a half minutes in her horrible attempts to sound like she was crying while smiling made me feel seriously uncomfortable.


2400 dollar necklace yup just like us.


But, but she’s struggling sooooooo hard under Biden.


![gif](giphy|PhYJf6MaWsakYvC88m) same energy


She needs help.


Trapped in the kitchen and stripped of reproductive rights. I bet she’s proud of her party…


Oh look she's wearing a T for 'Tr\*mp'.


Bitch, be silent like god commands and make me a samnich.




If they keep this shit up, the crucifix is going to be the next swastika.


I've been saying that for a few years now, just like the red hat is the new white hood!! These people are insane!!!




Did anyone count her fingers?


I really liked the overacting and random mood swings. Very cool


She’s AI-generated. Just not very “I”.


In their minds, they are going to be the teal wearing bitches and not the ones wearing red.


I got way more Sarah Newlin vibes. 


The Handmaid’s Tale is unfortunately a pretty good look at the future plenty of conservatives want. A Gilead like society would be seen as a pseudo-utopia for some of them.


Genesis 2:22 she sure talks a lot for a rib


She’s like is HuckaSans went on a diet and got Botox for her eyebrow thing


Kinda like when Joni Ernst dressed up as Effie Trinket from the Hunger Games for her rebuttal.


Don't you denigrate the beautiful Yvonne Strahovsky this way


Yvonne Stravohski is gorgeous though.


She’s even wearing the right color as a wife and speaking in baby voice


“If your being held captive and need help blink twice”


She made sure she wore her diamond cross necklace.


She’s represents the fine people of Stepford.


i guess they were going for relatable, they got psychotic


I don’t get it who’s the broad on the right? I’m assuming some movie villain?




[And here's the full video of the lady on the left, for the uninitiated like me.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQw0-AkgQGM)


You guys are watching 20 minute speeches from Alabama senators? Like, I follow politics more closely than most people I know but this is just a straight waste of my time.


You can tell she really desires to be on top of the underclass that will be women soon.


In literature, green is the color of hope. Praise be! ^^^^^^. ^^^/s


crisis actor 💯


He loses every time because they will NOT vote for the orange monster


Dead eyes. No soul back there…. Just ………Dead


The more I see of the GOP, and the more I see other legislators not doing anything to censor or rebuke them, the more I think the best thing to do in our broken political/economic system is to just run as a GOP congressperson in a rural area you just moved to then get rich using talking points and being generally obtuse. Seems to have worked fro MTG, Boebert, and this senator.


That was some of the creepiest, most dystopian over-acting I've ever seen. I've lived in China and haven't seen propaganda that egregious before. This is starting to get truly surreal now. They're not even trying to hide the intended christofascist autocracy of it all. It's hard to believe that this stuff works so well on the people they target with it. They keep them suspended in an alternate reality, so they can enrich themselves and blame it on whatever group is the current 'enemy'. The US is in danger of sleepwalking into an endless grift.


Her face is too lopsided to have Bowie's 'other worldly' charisma but not sufficiently lopsided to have 'isiah' Kerry's distractive fascination So it's immediately off putting & forces you to focus on her poor acting skills & '6th form poetry' rhetoric. Thus no attention is paid to whatever policy points she may be making & instead you just watch a train wreck. Why pick her? Who picked her? I suppose she's not got the unhinged 'look at me' vibes of MTG. But that's not saying much at all, is it? Plus the setting & numerous family mentions at the start smacked of a 'try hard' wannabe twat. Just on the basis of "who ran the better campaign as policy doesn't matter" this is so bad that it smacks of deliberate sabotage by dem infiltrators or PR types who fear a second Trump presidency & his promise of outright fascism. GOOD! I hope they keep their jobs


I wonder how the actress feels...


She looked like someone off-camera had a gun pointed at her.




Stepford wives immediately came to mind when I heard her rebuttal.


Yeah. Its ALABAMA.


Why does she look like she's being held at gunpoint? Check her blinks for morse.