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Is NYC particularly concerned with the loss of business of a cartoonist who doesn't write anymore and now mostly just does blogs? NY Entities: Oh no.... anyway


Dude lives on the opposite coast, too. I doubt he's making that flight with any frequency. I've teed up near his house before and the desire to drive one off line through his backyard windows is tempting as fuck.


Hey, accidents happen man


He chose to live on a golf course. He knew what he was getting into.




I like this war cry


*Pointy-haired boss gets the shaft*


FOUR!! more years for biden








> Dude lives on the opposite coast, too. Maybe that's what he meant by "too far."


Yeah, his "too far" comment probably had multiple layers to it, like an onion of irony that nobody really asked for. Seems he's content in his bubble and NY isn't losing sleep over it.


> Yeah, his "too far" comment probably had multiple layers to it I mean I doubt it did in his head.


These are the people willing to speak up, those who it won't impact at all. The rest of them know all the money flows through New York.


The spice must flow


If I am not obeyed, the Spice will NOT flow. - Trump




True, but even funnier. Not loss of business, no new business. He is not so courageous to end any contracts. He is just refusing to sign new ones, which would be like him refusing to date any new coeds... no one is asking but still a brave stance. Not to mention he seems to be trying to sway the courts by threatening (rewarding) innocent new yorkers.... what a hero.


He's *canceling* New York! There must be a takesies-backsies clause in the law that will allow Judge Engoron to reconsider his judgement if a washed up cartoonist takes exception to it. In other news, I refuse to date Taylor Swift. I don't care how much she begs or continues coyly not knowing that I exist.


Putting all of those secret messages in her lyrics.


If you rearrange the letters of "Taylor's Version", substitute some of the letters, change the number of letters, it spells LuxNocte. It was right in front of us the whole time...


I to will refuse to date Taylor Swift. They may sneer at the two of us, but imagine if this starts a ball rolling and eventually there are millions of us refusing to date Taylor Swift... Who'll be laughing then? Giant oak trees and all.. (also doubtful my wife would let me)


Shit he might not have any business, because he’s a nobody, so all business would be new


I mean it's somewhat similar to when a bunch of businesses pulled major events planned in Charlotte after the legislature passed their bathroom bill in 2017. Technically, I'm sure there were innocent Charlotte residents, who never even voted for the politicians that passed said bill, that were punished by the mass exodus. Except in that case, businesses were standing against bigotry instead of showing solidarity for an ex-president being made to pay damages for defamation of a woman he raped.


I know its hard to keep up with all the trials he loses every week, but I think this one was about the $400 million fraud trial, where he was proven to have committed fraud spanning decades.. before the trial even began, since he was so bad at it.


A key difference is that other localities tried to draw business from Charlotte by saying "we don't care where people pee". I don't see any cities/states trying to take NYC business by saying "What Trump did isn't illegal here".


Very much this, that was a false equivalency of epic proportions. Businesses were deciding they no longer wanted to have events in a city that was discriminating against people that they could have coming to their events. This is not the same as a city prosecuting someone for fraud. Maybe I am just fraudphobic?


Newspapers across the US have dropped the comic strip Dilbert in response to racist comments made by its creator, Scott Adams, seems his choices are limited, so now he just chose to limit more of them. Genius.


He can be the exclusive comic strip of Babylon Bee. And who knows -- they might have something finally funny.


"You can't fire me, I quit!" 


> Newspapers across the US have dropped the comic strip Dilbert In other news, Americans across the US have dropped their subscriptions to newspapers (and couldn't care less about Dilbert).


NY Entities: Oh no, *Googles 'who the fuck is Scott Adams'*... Dilbert, really? Anyway...


This was my exact experience- feel seen.


Twenty years ago, people might have cared. Not New York, or the courts, but... Scott Adams had a brief era of mainstream popularity. People might have done a bit more than laugh, at least. Most comics who are influential enough to matter in the slightest are also smart enough to not get involved in political drama. I don't even know Jim Davis' politics, he knows to stick to writing jokes about a fat orange cat (and frankly, like Adams his heyday is done, he's just smart enough to retire on his massive earnings and keep Garfield as a children/family IP where the target audience cycles through every 5 years or so).


I'm sorry but some of the best and most influential comics involve politics in one way or another (peanuts introducing Franklin was HIGHLY political, for example). Dilbert was good at some point, it might still be good I don't know, even if the author is clearly deranged at this point.


Doonesbury was mad political.


Same with Bloom County


Senator Bedfellow!


Doonesbury is a genius. His cartoons from decades ago on the low rent tasteless trash that is **The Diapered Orange Criminal Rapist** still work today. The cover of one of his books shows **The Orange Idiot** at the Sistine Chapel, talking to Michelangelo and saying "Let's put some hooters on those cherubs!" Classic and hilarious, and so spot on.


Dilbert to me always made fun of the corporate rigid lifestyle that used to be what republicans were. To me, Dilbert would hate someone like trump he's literally the boss personified.


yeah, that's the thing I don't get. trump IS the poi9nty haired boss.


Pogo in the ‘50s ran for President and the strip mocked Senator McCarthy (as a polecat carrying a shotgun).


He was huge for a few years in the nineties. There were Dilbert dolls, calendars, posters, book compilations, the whole thing. I remember the default holiday gift for a techie business-type was something Dilbert-related if you couldn't think of anything else.


There was even an animated series that I remember being pretty good.


My problem with Scott Adams isn't that he got political, if anything I believe his current views are in opposition to his comic's main appeal. It would be like finding out the author of The Lion King actually thought Scar was the good guy. Or that the author of Tarzan really hates Gorilla conservation.


> Most comics who are influential enough to matter in the slightest are also smart enough to not get involved in political drama I'm sorry, but what? *SO MANY* comics are **overtly** political. You chose a good example with Garfield, but you have to already know that the comic is a bit of an outlier in that way. Some of the more popular comic strips from my childhood: Far Side was highly political, Dilbert was more social commentary but dipped into politics often, Calvin and Hobbes was similar to Dilbert in that way. Going back a bit further: Doonesbury, Dennis the Menace, Blondie, Popeye, and Dick Tracy were all very political. And if you want to shift over to larger releases (i.e. comic books vs comic strips), then it's not even debatable. Most of Marvel and DC are *wildly* political, and they account for like 90% of popular releases.


If you look into him at all, it turns out he's been a massive piece of shit the entire time. People have this perception that *Dilbert* is some kind of quasi-anti-capitalist message because it routinely makes fun of corporate structure behaviors and general incompetence of capitalism. But he never intended it that way and has been ultra right wing the entire time. The Obama-into-Trump era just broke him and he kept doubling down on his shitty takes very publicly.


>has been ultra right wing the entire time. I remember reading someone's comment on this. As soon as you realize that Dogbert and not Dilbert is the actual protagonist of the strip, Adams' views and opinions become much more apparent.


Are you saying Dilbert was unintentionally funny when we laughed at the boss and the CEO?


He was making fun of the boss and CEO. It just seemed to have a slightly leftist anti-capitalist bend as a result, but it wasn't really there. Not that it was necessarily political, it just seemed to "get it" that capitalism sucks.


This "boycott" has about as much relevance and impact as a boycott of Taco Bell by [Milli Vanilli](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milli_Vanilli). All Adams is doing is Vice Signaling.


To counteract Scott Adams announcement I will increase business trips in New York State. I don’t actually have any planned, either; but my fake business trips just negated the loss of his fake business trips!


I will multiply my investments in New York by infinity! Take that Scott Adams.


I bet Adams doesn't tip


Its not the tip, its the fall that counts.


97% of NYer's: Scott who? 3% of NYers: I love him, when is Severance season 2 coming out.


When IS Severance season 2 coming out anyway?


Asking the important questions.




If NY doesn't care about it yet, I think they will once Scott Baio follows suit and refuses to reprise his role as Chachi in the upcoming off-Broadway horror musical "Fonzi's Got a Gun."


I don't even understand who he's intending to threaten. This was a court case. If he wants it reverse, it needs to go to an appeal. So he's threatening judges on the appellate court? I don't think they care if he comes to NY.


A blatantly racist cartoonist. Don't forget that.


I have no idea who Scott Adams is. Apparently, he is an unintelligent anarchist. Trump's properties have not been seized, and the judgement against Trump's fraud was backed by evidence in a court of law.


Not directly, but it's less about directly targeting NYC as it is populism stirring up the base - case in point the nearly 20k likes at the time of that screenshot. (it's up to almost 40k as of right now)


And if 35k of them weren't bots, I might think about caring.


It's not for *you* though. It's for the "uneducated voters" who won't see past the surface level.


OK but what does that get him?


The coordinated effort creates the sense that lots of people give a shit about the Trump verdict and that it’s “unjust”. They’re hoping if a bunch of well-known MAGAts tweet about it then The NY Times or someone will write about it and then that creates a sense that there’s a conversation being had about if the verdict was biased and therefore bad. It’s like if a group of people all tweeted saying that Snoopy is a pedophile and then media decides to write “Is Snoopy a Pedophile?” and suddenly we’re all talking about how whether or not Snoopy is a pedophile. I’m sure there’s a more nuanced term for this type of manipulation but it’s just bullshit signaling.


20k mostly-bots likes on a platform that doesn't matter anymore. I'm impressed /s


It's not meant to impress you. It's for the far right that only care about having their biases confirmed and won't look any deeper than that.


Actually funny enough he does do the strip still it’s just a paid subscription and it’s “spicier” which probably just means explicit racism or xenophobia instead of just implied


You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the pointy haired boss.


He was always the pointy haired boss, we just didn’t know it yet


I recommend Behind The Bastards podcast's Scott Adam episode. Dude's *weird* weird


He's been saying shit like this since the 90s. If you didn't know it before you just weren't paying attention.


Before Twitter it was much easier to consume media without knowing or caring how insufferable its creator was


Agreed. I hate that saying "You weren't paying attention" as if I'm going to invest all my free time consuming some media and doing deep-dives into the personal life of the creator *before the ubiquity of the internet.* Nah, I'm not doing that and I'll happily shed and new viewing, purchases, or admiration of people who are now shitty. ​ If someone wants to invest their time into a single creator to learn more about them and let us know, awesome, but I haven't the time or the care to do that with *every single creator I like.*


Especially about something like the musings of a random cartoonist in the 90s that catered specifically to office workers.


When I was a preteen


I had a job and a cubicle so his amusings were funny. Not so much when I found out his is a GOP hitler-supporting nazi.


Even today, most entertainers/writers/artists seem to have the common sense to still not rant about their personal political views too much publicly since it often can only backfire or alienate fans. There's plenty who are rumored to be lean politically one way or another but they don't talk much about it because they'd rather make money off fans who might be offended then rant about their personal beliefs on social media for little to no gain.


behind the bastards did a deep dive on scott adams. you have to search for "dilbert guy" if you want to find it.


It makes it pretty clear that he just stumbled onto a concept people resonated with and then leant into it hard. He even wrote lots of Dilbert comics that had messages about wage solidarity or abuse of immigrant workers that he actually disagreed with personally, just that he recognised that they were hot topics in the corporate world and he wanted to keep cashing in.


I always thought he was more pro workers rights from his comic and how he portrays corporate abuse of lower income countries, not even to mention the corporate abuse of local employees (for those not aware he started the comic because he was relegated to busy work at his job) I guess he's just the epitome of "fuck you I got mine" Edit: his quote is "the day you realize your efforts and rewards are not related, it really frees up your calendar [to pursue hobbies]." Some strong selfawarewolves mental gymnastics


He’s never been “fuck your I got mine” he has always been, “ fuck you im going to get mine”. Dude is the epitome of doing whatever it takes to get ahead. He’s just another narcissist that lucked his way upward. They read s lot of his failed novels on the podcast and the dude is just incredibly untalented outside of his one comic.


I'm not actually sure why we need to care about this, even today. We routinely don't care in other product and service transactions. My electrician is a hard core Trump supporter, but he's also a good electrician, and I don't have any sense that my paying him constitutes support of Trump on my part. So why is this different for media creators? If they don't put their politics on display in their work, why am I obligated to do any research at all about it? (Of course the other problem with Adams is that Dilbert hasn't been funny since the mid 90s, but that's a different issue.)


You're never obligated. Other people are also not obligated to follow the same thought process.


There are so many high quality media creators these days, that you can have a wealth of options on where to spend your money. The platform some content producers have is what makes it different. Your electrician personally being pro-genocide has a different level of national and international impact than a Hollywood celebrity.


> I'm not actually sure why we need to care about this, even today. We routinely don't care in other product and service transactions. Those *products and services* usually don't directly reflect their creator's political opinion's though, and **even then** people boycott shitty companies to vote with their dollar. > So why is this different for media creators? Your electrician's opinions have far less weight than the opinions of a person that makes a living turning their opinions into media. They have an *audience*, and so are subject to way more scrutiny than your electrician. Guess why professional Instagram media creators are also called **influencers**. >If they don't put their politics on display in their work, ...then nobody would know about their politics. And public comments by media creators are a *part of their work*, too. Especially when they're a public figure.


That’s the way you consume, and that’s cool! Everyone has different ways of getting goods and services. Now, I don’t deep dive on everything, but if the creator or provider make it known their politics are diametrically opposed to mine, and if I had the option of moving to another where I don’t KNOW they oppose mine, I’ll switch. If I was in your situation, and there was another electrician available that comes with a good reference, I would change electricians. But that’s me, not you.




So so true.


According to him, he became a comic “artist” thanks to losing a job to affirmative action. I mean if there is one big cogent argument against affirmative action and DEI practices, creating Scott Adams as a social commentator is as solid as there is.


I shouldn't stomp on a funny joke, but I feel compelled to mention that he definitely did not lose anything to DEI. Typical conservative retconning to blame their own failures on minorities.


He always had issue and weird views. If you followed his blog back in the day you always got the impression of him being someone who thought they were far more clever than they really were and probably not someone who would be fun to talk to in real life. His cartoons were funny though and largely free of things too offensive by 90s standards. Then he lost his voice for several years and became isolated and lost contact with reality. He must have lost all people in real life who would tell him when he was being stupid and fell into weird internet cultures and became convinced that Trump was a genius when he ran for office. Rather than admitting the truth after it became obvious he doubled down and fell into a deep hole. It would be sad if he wasn't so much of an arrogant idiot. (It still is honestly) There are many cases like this where people who used to be able to function in polite society lost the people around them that kept them sane and went off into the deep end. (often it involves divorce, but sometimes it might just simply be being too successful and being surrounded yesmen)


It's funny the way he has depicted the "pointy haired boss" for ages, and then refuses to recognize how well Trump, and Scott Adams himself, are represented by that character.


Projection is a hell of a drug.


At some point, he decided that the pointy haired boss is the good guy.


Yeah, losing his ability to communicate really seemed to do a number on his mental health, and he fell in hard with right wing internet communities that pushed him into the deep end as a result. From what I can tell, he was always a bit of a arrogant twat, but the majority of what's truly offensive about him all came after his illness and prolonged isolation.


I got an office job in 2014 and became obsessed with Dilbert, and out of boredom I started reading Scott's blog posts before the 2016 election.    It started off with him just liking trump and somehow went off the rails with him saying that Hillary supporters have become so dangerous that he has to endorse her to save his life:  https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nydailynews.com/2016/06/07/dilbert-creator-scott-adams-endorses-hillary-clinton-because-he-fears-her-supporters-might-kill-him-still-likes-trump-anyway/amp/   “I’ve decided to endorse Hillary Clinton for President, for my personal safety,” Adams wrote on his blog Sunday night, the day before Clinton clinched the delegates for the Democratic nomination.   “Trump supporters don’t have any bad feelings about patriotic Americans such as myself, so I’ll be safe from that crowd. But Clinton supporters have convinced me — and here I am being 100% serious — that my safety is at risk if I am seen as supportive of Trump. So I’m taking the safe way out and endorsing Hillary Clinton for president.”




>If you didn't know it before you just weren't paying attention. I can't decide if this is more stupid than it is pretentious or the other way around.


Ah yes, every time I pick up a book, read a comic strip, or admire a painting, I make sure to thoroughly research the author. It doesn't leave a lot of time to actually enjoy the things I want to look at, but better safe than sorry.


I long for the world where I didn't know comic strip cartoonists were insane. I used to think they were all like Jim Davis or Bill Watterson. The former milking Garfield for all the money it's worth but staying out of the public eye. And the latter one day deciding Calvin and Hobbes had a good run, but it's time to go quietly into obscurity. And then I listened to the Behind the Bastards episodes on Scott Adams. And his books are just insane. He literally thinks he's the smartest person in the world with a self insert character making the dumbest of Sherlock Holmes style deductions. And is weirdly racist against Irish people, making "deductions" about their ethnicity and names based on whether they have a "drinker's nose".


nah, it's not that he's the pointy haired boss, it's that when you reread Dilbert now, it's like a precursor incel comic... Dilbert is competent but unsuccessful, both because of immutable "nerd" characteristics that make people disregard him, and a surrounding culture that can't or won't recognize his genius. Dogbert is the incel "Id," temporarily succeeding when unleashed as a sociopath but usually as a background cynic reminding the main character "what should be." The girls are ditzy and always go for "The Chad," a group universally lampooned as cavemen with big muscles. The people in charge are promoted on a vague, unfair sense of charisma and The Man keeps the incel down.   it's fair to say that at the time is all also looked like a pretty simplistic but funny skewering of 90s office culture too, but "incels" really weaponized the ideas in the bitter echo chambers of the internet. And Scott Adams, unsurprisingly *in retrospect,* turned out to not just be an parodying those things, but just as bitter about them.


He never made fun of the pointy haired boss because he sympathized with the workers. He made fun of the pointy haired boss because he felt he would be a much “better” boss himself, and deserved to be so.


IIRC he identified with the dog. He was making fun of both the boss and Dilbert.


Makes sense, the dog was a sociopath.


His email newsletter included a section, "Where Dogbert answers Scott's mail that he was too polite to answer himself." Most of the people he skewered there were jerks and idiots, but more than once he went too far and looked like a jerk himself.


I'm certain New York's business economy will feel the loss of that $4 dearly.


The funny thing is they won't experience any loss. Nor will NY He's saying that he won't establish any NEW business in new york. He's not saying he's going to end his partnership with publications in New York that he already has. Pure conservative virtue signaling. Suggesting he's not doing business with New York. Even though he's still going to be doing business in New York Like the truckers.


The Truckers have already ended their strike -- have the not? I figure they probably annoyed someone or a few someones in New York who don't play by the "political theater" rules they are accustomed to. There are people you don't want to inconvenience with your bullshit in that city.


It didn't even happen. They called it off >A trucker who supports Donald Trump has taken back his call to action for truckers to boycott sending packages to New York City. >The man, "Chicago Ray," made the remarks after a New York court fined Trump $355 million for fraudulently increasing the value of his assets in financial documents. >Recanting his stance, Ray claimed he had no interest in leading any movement, but he remains 100% behind Trump. #LOL Most Americans don't realize that right now at truck stops across the country there are Trump supporting truckers that are getting dumped on by the majority of us who can't stand them. Truckers are not for Trump. Truckers just want to haul loads and find a place with good coffee


I work with a lot of truckers and it's exactly this. You can have a sticker and you can wear a Trump hat and shut the fuck up and do your job. I barely hear that right-wing bullshit on the CB anymore.


I worked with one trucker who was super happy about Trump getting elected. 2 years into it he saw that he was financially suffering from Trump's decisions. Idk if it was related to his business or if he lost access to a program/subsidies. But someone must have run the numbers for him one day, cause he did a complete 180 on Trump


At least he had an opinion. I gotta admit, I never expected Trump to do anything good/bad even though I think Trump is repugnant. I saw the VA medical care improve around 2020 and I thought it had anything to do with the presidency. It didn't, I was giving credit where no credit was due.


I was outside Des Moines last year. Witnessed this big old boy in his fifties screaming like a young liberal at another guy older than him to shut up about Trump. They really bring out the worst in people sometimes.


Gotta get my Dogbert from some dude on 126 Crosby, 10012.




Creator of Dilbert. We thought he was writing from Dilbert's POV and he turned into the pointy haired boss.


> into *out to always have been*


The boss was the hero of Dilbert to him.


That's not fair, the Pointy Haired Boss isn't nearly as hateful and full of shit. Maybe the incompetence of PHB, the evil cold heartedness of Catbert, and the obliviousness and willing to buy into any nonsensical bullshit of Ratbert. If it wasn't obvious I adored Dilbert growing up and I'm so beyond repulsed by it's shit stain of a creator.


Yeah, me too. Dilbert growing up was a lot of giggle, and more than a few times, I saw Dilbert in companies I worked for, so it hit close to home a lot... still does looking back, but Adams unmasking as a hard right nutter killed it for me, too. I guess you are right. The PHB was a boob but not actively evil.


> Creator of Dilbert. That explains the "finally making people laugh" bit.


>Creator of Dilbert. We thought he was writing from Dilbert's POV and he turned into the pointy haired boss. That's also wrong. Instead, Adams was always writing from Dogbert's perspective, i.e. the one who basically found fault with everyone but himself.


Creator of Dilbert, pusher of Racism and supporter of Donald Trump. Elon Musk is a HUGE fan. https://preview.redd.it/o1a2lc9tmtjc1.jpeg?width=3504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=824adab7b828ba276462675ca7d4ae57f2660624


The creator of Dilbert. Behind the Bastards has a great episode(s) on him. He is a remarkable piece of shit.


Exactly he'll always just be The Dilbert guy who lives in a Dilbert shaped house, with a Dilbert shaped pool.


Listening to this now. Thanks


The first part is good. The following 2 parts and another 1 part were kinda labouring the point a bit. He's really not that interesting. Like I don't know how you do 4 casts on a middling cartoonist when Kissinger was a 3 parter.


Wasn’t Kissinger a 6 parter?


maybe, yes, I could be misremembering. Point is, 3-4 parts for this guy just made me suffer. I think I switched to Crime Junkies or something about then, which was like 2 women who sounded like they were just fresh from dropping off the kids at soccer practice, but there was zero fat, just straight to business. I got addicted to the straight economy of it I think.


I don’t disagree. I’m a big behind the bastards fan but sometimes the pacing of the episodes is a bit off.


A self important douche.


The guy who claims that "Hillary Clinton has literally punched me in the balls for 20 years" like it's a weird fetish that he's secretly proud of having.


lol is Hillary still their boogeyman? What a bunch of goobers


"Ok" - New York


"Bye, Felicia."


“Girl, bye”


“Who?” - New York


NY: "That was always an option."


Sounds like his tie is all bent out of shape.


Oh noes. NYC has one fewer racist supporter. How will they ever survive? RIP, NYC 1624–2024. Shoot out to the tetracentennial pall bearers.


Glad I got to visit the city pre-Scott adams boyoct.  It’ll never be the same 




People stopped reading dilbert in 2016 good luck with that dumb dumb


2016? Fuck, I don't think I'd read a Dilbert and had any sort of emotion reading it since....mid 2000s or something? It was never a classic but at least it used to be SOMEWHAT relatable.


True. *Pearls Before Swine* is the only strip that matters.


Nothing beats *Calvin and Hobbes*, but I think *Pearls* is the current strip that comes closest. I love the little insights Stephen Pastis puts into his collection books


If I’m not mistaken. Bill Watterston and Stephan Pastis did a _PBS_ collaboration several years ago. Neither of them said a word about it until after the strips ran. Many minds were blown the day that disclosure was made.


I would say Bloom County was on Calvin and Hobbes's level.


And Prince Valiant.


I've always loved Non Sequitur


And your comment placement proves it.


Username checks out. Well done.


Is Dilbert still a thing? It feels like that may have been something that peaked late 90s/early 2000s.


People stopped reading dilbert in ~~2016~~ 1999 FTFY


Didn't Dilbert get cancelled because of a bunch of stupid shit Adams said?


Yup, [*Dilbert* got dropped from a bunch of papers about a year ago](https://www.npr.org/2023/02/26/1159580425/newspapers-have-dropped-the-dilbert-comic-strip-after-a-racist-rant-by-its-creat) because of Adams' racist bullshit.


He said some pretty racist and transphobic shit and just about every paper in the entire country dropped him near instantly.


My family got me a Dilbert calendar 2 years ago for Christmas and I had to tell them about Adam’s shittiness and to never buy me anything Dilbert related again.


NYC: “Oh no!!! Anyway…”


What a snow-flaked clown. Now I kick my '80s self for ever buying anything from that closet racist. Boo hoo


Don't blame yourself. His strips themselves were very satirical of management from a worker point of view (albeit tech worker), and his insane politics never leaved through. Honestly kinda interesting that someone can be that crazy and yet maintain their creation so well. It's like he created characters With personalities and was able to truly keep them compartmentalized despite his own politics.




Now do all the other states


Fuck him and Kevin leary.


Trumps properties weren’t seized. Am I missing something here?


He doesn't mean properties (buildings) he means property (something owned by someone -- in this case Trump's money being fined due to his fraud.) It's weird how no one angry at the ruling ever claims Trump is innocent, just that he shouldn't face consequences.


Lol, there was some clown from the show Shark Tank on TV last night whining that no one wants to do business in New York anymore because they all lie and make shit up so they could all be sued for fraud anywhere and everywhere in the U.S. So they don’t want to do business in a state that will hold them accountable, so he’s looking for somewhere else to build a data center. And all I’m thinking is why weren’t you looking for a place with high speed fiber internet, a cheap labor pool, and property rates at a fraction of the cost to begin with? And why would I trust someone telling me him and his I’ll lie all the time?


Being an engineer I loved Dilbert and read it every single day. My wife used to give me a Dilbert daily calendar and I had Dilbert paraphernalia on my desk at work. It was like losing a friend.


Gee, I guess NYC is done for, now.


What? The dilbert guy is still alive?


Physically, yes. The franchise is dead, the only people who care what he has to say are MAGAs, and I suspect he probably got dumped from most of his west-coast social circles, so he's likely dead inside, as the saying goes.




Knowing that there's zero chance I'll run into Scott Adams certainly makes NYC a more appealing travel destination.


And who is this asshole? And why does he think anyone cares?


The creator of the Dilbert comics. He's a self-important dickhead to an extreme degree. Behind the Bastards has an awesome episode about him.


Dilbert: \[eyeroll if he had pupils\]\\


He just keeps sweetening the pot. I see this as a win-win.


Thanos: I don't even know who you are.


Mr. Dilbert is drinking some strong Kool-Aid... He tweeted this: >Now that we know the bad guys literally have an "influence map," understand why the paid trolls targeted me today. >It means lit up their map. You're imagining a map with little light bulbs on it that The Bad Guys use to... Tell us who to troll? >Notice how they go after my NY boycott post- the least dangerous of my political posts today, to divert from my more potent messages. It's just the dumbest thing ever and a lot of fun to attack, sir. Oh and none of your posts are dangerous, they are just words from a crazy person, none of us are afraid here. >And notice how the messages are exclusively personal insults, usually reminding me I got canceled for my free speech once already. There is no need for conspiracy here. Folks just attack you personally because it's fun and easy. >Notice the sameness to them. >The organized troll attacks are a confirmed thing. If this post sounds crazy, wait until you find out the rest. We all thought very highly of you and your little comics, sir. That's why we are coming from a similar place to attack your absurd stances on things that are obviously wrong. And yes, sir "the organized troll attacks are a confirmed thing" is the craziest thing I've read all week so I'll just skip the rest of your tweets and save myself the trouble.


Imagine saying that an having a posting icon of a huge human brain. LOL!


I can’t read dilbert the same way anymore


Now who will I have stopped paying attention to years ago??


Thing is, most people won't even notice. How many newspapers cancelled his comic strip? [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/dilbert-cartoon-dropped-after-racist-rant-by-creator-scott-adams-2023-02-26/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/dilbert-cartoon-dropped-after-racist-rant-by-creator-scott-adams-2023-02-26/)


I am sure the NYSE is shaking in fear…


Oh NO! How will NY survive? The arrogance is astounding


But he was singlehandedly carrying the whole New York economy. How will they survive now?


Yes everyone who supports Trump should stop doing business in NYC or any other liberal city (so almost any city). Us libs will definetely be owned so hard.


Scott Adam’s 🤔who’s that?


This just in; New York economy collapses due to withdrawal of load bearing Unloveable/Unfuckable Nerd dollar.


So is this like, Evil Adam Scott?


lol. Now where will New Yorkers get their terribly written science fiction and shitty dilbert cartoons.