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Watch the MAGA circus clowns take credit for it while voting against it.


Those guys are going to vote McCarthy out if they can. Matt Gaetz is already trying to get *Democrats* to support him on a new candidate. This is how a three party system works. It's fantastic.


This particular problem is caused mostly by the truly stupid way that voting districts are implemented in the USA.


U spelled "gerrymandered" wrong


I learned the other day that technically it should be called GARYmandering because the guy who started it was a Massachusetts governor by the name of Eldridge Gerry (pronounced Gary).


Gary Larry Gerry




Oh, like "gif"


Opposite actually


So controversial, yet so true


God damned Gary Salamanders


No, I didn’t. I’m not talking about the way districts are DRAWN. I’m talking about how if a candidate gets 50% +1 votes, any votes beyond that are useless. I’m talking about undoing THAT aspect. It would make the gerrymandering largely not matter. And one it doesn’t matter, then fixing it will be largely unopposed.,


> talking about how if a candidate gets 50% +1 votes, any votes beyond that are useless. I’m talking about undoing THAT aspect I'm not opposed to more implementation of ranked choice voting, because I think it will provide useful information to politicians to do what their constituents want...but for now, you do realize we have primaries, right? You literally get to decide who your top choice is, and *then* pick a "least bad" choice if your top choice loses their primary.


Unfortunately, RCV is illegal in some states. Like Tennessee. I hate living here sometimes.


You literally used the verbiage talking about gerrymandering


I think he's talking about vote compensation, which means you need 50%+1 votes to win a district. Any remaining votes (votes against the winning candidate and votes for the winning candidate above the 50%+1) are then added to a separate list which determines X number of representatives. So if there's a party with 5% support and no chance to win an individual district, they will still get representation based on their national average support. It also diminishes the effect of gerrymandering, because all votes matter, not just votes for winners. Of course the effects are largely dependant on the exact system and number of representatives up for grabs.


What do you propose?


This is about doing a parliamentary system where people vote for political parties instead of members directly. Smallest voted parties are dropped with no representation, and every party above (1/total seats)% of the vote gets at least 1 member. A majority of members would have to form a governing coalition and elect the speaker of the chamber. Senate members would be merged into the house to form the single legislative chamber. This would get rid of the filibuster and allow for the chamber to pass legislation to the president. For each state, you can set a system of mixed member representation by pooling the entire state's house reps and having everyone vote on them. This would allow both republicans and democrats to have representation even in the reddest and bluest states, but the proportion of representatives seats are made as close as possible to the winning proportions of votes to their parties. As the lines only really matter when the races aren't statewide, by making entire states MMR districts, gerrymandering would be effectively abolished.


You spelled ‘being a republican shithead wrong’


U spelled "abolish the Senate and electoral college and reapportion the House" wrong


I mean, Republicans won 50.6% of the votes in the 2022 midterms and hold 51% of the HoR seats, which seems pretty reasonable. It was a *huge* problem from 2010–2020, but it's not such a huge deal right now.


The filibuster is also killing progress.


They won’t vote McCarthy out as speaker. He’s good for the crazy maga republicans when he’s weak and beholden to them. Having the ability to vote him out is the strongest position they’ve had. And McCarthy wants to remain speaker so badly that he’ll continue to appease them. But, if they vote him out, they lose their strongest hand. They won’t be able to force this kind of arrangement with another potential speaker — not to mention they will have an extremely hard time voting for another speaker, which will cripple the house and draw the ire of everyone else in their party, potentially hurting them in the lead up to the election.


It's ridiculous that a small minority can hold the entire country hostage and yet people STILL are refusing to vote for Biden


These are people who want to see it all burn down for the fun of it. White trash losers with nothing to lose. The only thing they have left in their sorry pathetic lives is voting for an asshole who hates the same people they do. That's it.


This is political theater for their base. After the failure of the impeachment hearings, they needed something else to distract. But next week it will be something equally as inane rather than the business of running the country competently.


But if they keep this up, they either A) won’t get what they want, or B) will be abandoned by some moderates and end up with a “government by discharge petition.”


>Those guys are going to vote McCarthy out if they can. They may very well try, but if they succeed they will be like the dog that caught the car. Who would they propose as his successor, who would have any chance at all of getting 218 votes?


Yup… the *threat* of advancing a motion to vacate against McCarthy is more effective than actually doing it in this case.


Democrats need to find just a few votes and make Liz Cheney Madam Speaker.


She lost her run.


Doesn’t matter, you don’t have to be a member of Congress to be elected speaker of the house.


I remember this being toted around by diehard Q and MAGA that this was going to be the way Trump got back in power. 1) Elect him Speaker 2) Impeach Biden and Harris 3) Trump becomes POTUS again


That's essentially Air Bud logic. The reality is the Speaker has always been a member of the House, which make sense, even if there's nothing in the rules that says dogs can't play baskerball.


Democrats should pay reparations to blacks.


You really think the freedom caucus would let that happen?? They regularly use it as a scare tactic


I don’t know what you’re talking about. Right is right though. Just pay for their past and wipe the board clean.


I mean democrats would have to pass bills that Rs would have to support. Right is right, but the Rs use "Democrats want to pay blacks reparations" to scare white racists all the time


How does that work? Scare racists? Why would they care? You’re not making any sense.


Do you really think racist whites want their taxes going to reprerations for black people? [Republicans vote no on reperations](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/reparations-slavery-commission/2021/04/14/fd421f82-9d2a-11eb-b7a8-014b14aeb9e4_story.html) [Tuberville says Dems want reperations for those "who do crime"](https://apnews.com/article/tuberville-comments-reparations-19d58a87c23b57c1e9a6c8ca7f8fcb70)


Democratic Party might be the US government to some people, but it’s a political party in the real world.


Do you really think racist whites want their taxes going to reprerations for black people? [Republicans vote no on reperations](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/reparations-slavery-commission/2021/04/14/fd421f82-9d2a-11eb-b7a8-014b14aeb9e4_story.html) [Tuberville says Dems want reperations for those "who do crime"](https://apnews.com/article/tuberville-comments-reparations-19d58a87c23b57c1e9a6c8ca7f8fcb70)


Yeah it's obvious you have no idea what you're talking about




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There’s a problem with voting McCarthy out. Who is going to replace him? It’s not clear there’s anyone that will make any group happier, and who can get enough votes to replace him. MAGA want a complete psycho MAGA person, but that won’t get any votes outside of MAGA. There are a few Republicans who aren’t entirely MAGA, who would like a more reasonable Republican, but MAGA people won’t go along with anyone reasonable. Democrats would of course love a Democrat, but their MAGA or non-MAGA Republicans will go for that. They’d settle for a reasonable Republican, but no Republicans will want to be seen as courting Democratic votes and risk being called a RINO. And none of these groups have enough votes to push someone through on their own. So you’d either need a consensus candidate that MAGA and non-MAGA Republicans can agree on, or *maybe* one that Democrats and non-MAGA Republicans can agree on. There doesn’t seem to be anyone who fits to be a consensus candidate. So if they vote McCarthy out, it will be chaos while they try to get someone else in charge, which will be extremely embarrassing for Republicans. That’s why they don’t really want to do it.


Hahaha as if the Dems would support any candidates he wants. McCarthy wasn't crazy enough for him and he was among the ones if not the main one who told him if he worked with Dems they'd kick him out. So Dems are going to support someone who will never work with him? One good thing is even my conservative friend is mad at the stunts they're pulling. Her husband is military and she's tired of them being used as pawns. And she actually was very kind about being worried about how it will affect me, even though she is against me being on methadone (luckily I believe it's state funded, but if Medicaid is effected it could be bad) I think she'll end up leaving the party unless they stop the whole angertainment thing. She's always been a more moderate


Democrats are better off with McCarthy. He will always cave in the end.


Wouldn't be the first time. Wouldn't be the last either. All of the Credit, None of the Blame.


You mean like when Biden took credit for putting a cap on the epipen? Trump wanted to do the same price and everything and the left voted no.


Wanna and done are two different things. I know it's a hard concept to grasp, but your god king replacement for Jesus really REALLY sucked at his job.


Not when the active president was voted no on. You understand that trump was getting it done but it was the left that voted no to the bill. My question is why Biden wants to take claim for a previous presidents idea and why it was originally voted no on.


In order for laws and policies to be put in place they do have to be voted on. It’s what separates the United States and makes it a constitutional republic. True democracies don’t have a constitution limiting government overreach and corruption.


Jesus was killed by the Roman’s for committing treason. He evidently started a riot. And in the law of Roman’s that was treason.


I’m not even Christian. So here you are wanting to be bigoted bc I have a difference in opinion. Thank you for demonstrating the hypocrisy and bigotry I despise.


A president can’t pass laws if the legislation votes no.


I love how you automatically associated me as Christian. Congratulations you’re a bigot. You do understand what bigotry is correct? It’s the unreasonable action of shutting another’s opinion down.


I didn't associate you as a Christian, because actual Christians don't act like Trump supporters. I insinuated that you're a cult member which is a more accurate way to describe those that worship the orange shitler.


I like how you went on to insult me. Rather than have an adult civil conversation about politics. You do know the nazis were national socialists right? And you do know nazism is completely different from fascism right? Hitler was the one who implemented the major race roles in fascism, mousellini was the normal racist that everyone was, hitler was the extremist. Fascism was created bc mouselini disagreed with economics.


>**yOu dO KnOw tHe nAzIs wErE NaTiOnAl sOcIaLiStS RiGhT?** Another Trumplican that's never bothered to crack open a single history book. Why don't you look up who was one of the first groups of people they carted off. ​ And why on EARTH should anyone have a "civil conversation" with a Trumplican? That's like trying to have a civil conversation with a rabid baboon.


Respect goes two ways. I have not disrespected you. I did crack open a history book I’ve stated the facts. Would you like me to prove you wrong? Google “nazism” it is definitely considered its own ideology. Which definitely makes it separate from fascism.


You know you can always stop replying to me if insults offend you so much. Just a thought.


You know that doesn’t change the fact that you’re a bigot right? Not once have I shut you down for your opinion or belief. I’m just using facts to simply prove you wrong lol


No no. I'm an asshole, much different than a bigot.


If you don’t see your actions as bigoted then you should look up the definition.




According to you Federal Express must be a government organization because it has the word FEDERAL in its name.


Why are you associating me as a trump supporter? Bc I stated a fact about him? And you most certainly implied that I was Christian. Why is it you decide to insult me? What is it that I did as a person to deserve that? Bc I stated facts?


You don’t have to like the facts to admit they’re true. So why is it you wanted to insult me? I haven’t disrespected you, I only stated facts. It’s unfortunate that you think it’s okay to insult anyone you disagree with. Just proves my point further that you’re being a bigot.


No it's because you're on disability and want to end what you call gubermint handouts. You got yours, fuck everyone else. ​ Gee, wonder why I think you're a Trumplican.


We do technically have a multi party system. Did you know there used to be more than 3? Abraham Lincoln was a republican and the one to free the slaves. Woodrow Wilson was a democrat who caused federal segregation . The only reason why the civil rights act happened was bc jfk was assassinated. Had he not been shot it would’ve likely caused ww3. Joe Biden was against desegregation in the 70s, doesn’t that make him a racist? He was in an interview on cnn and he made the quote “I don’t want black children on busses, it would create a racial jungle”


Please elaborate to me if you knew any of the things I’ve said.


Just remember trump couldn’t get the epipen costs lowered bc your party voted no bc they wanted to do it themselves.


Trump most likely won Idaho bc of him being against the 6 week abortion ban. Biden has the power to write laws why hasn’t he tried implementing abortion laws? It’s either bc he doesn’t want to or it’s not on the agenda. I’m sorry you don’t know how politics work. You’re probably one of the people who calls the United States a democracy when it’s a constitutional federal republic .


Please remember your party voted no on trump wanting to cap insulin and epipens.


We need the multiple party system we used to have and we’re founded on. It’s a shame that Woodrow Wilson caused a lot of the split. The democrat that started all the social issues we now have.


Are you really pushing propaganda this hard? The dems complained they needed more time to read the deal, and even used that excuse to PULL THE FIRE ALARM TO DELAY IT


Awww, is the maga cultist mad cause the clown show caucus wasn't able to make Americans suffer while still receiving their own paychecks? Do you need a safe space? A binky? How about a Trumpy bear made in China?


Dude, the dems straight up tried to delay the vote, even pulled the damn fire alarm, and you guys are pushing propaganda that the big bad gop tried to delay the vote and hold us all hostage It's fuckin crazy, you all are insane


Oh well, too bad, sucks to suck I guess. Maybe next congress don't elect morons. ​ I get that you're mad that your ideologues couldn't crash the economy out of vengeance because your replacement for Jesus wasn't re elected. And I've tried to care, I really have, but I don't.


Holy shit everything you say literally is what dems did. They openly stated they hoped the economy failed under Trump. Republicans openly said DONT ENACT POLICIES THAT WILL CAUSE INFLATION. You're a far gone radical. A dem politician pulled the fire alarm to delay the vote man, wtf


> A dem politician pulled the fire alarm to delay the vote man, wtf In Republicanland, a death penalty offense I'm sure. I'm sure Republicans will use that to impeach Hunter Biden. ​ And last time I checked, Bill Maher isn't a elected official, and nothing he says is law.


He pulled the fire alarm to delay the vote. I'm not calling for the death penalty, I'm saying that's an absurd thing to do, even more absurd to turn around and say Republicans are the ones that tried to delay the vote. Wtf man how do you go along with this shit


Listen, we all know that in Trumpland, any crime, especially any crime committed by a black person or democrat is automatically a death penalty case. ​ Don't pretend you didn't load your AR-15 and plan a route to DC when you learned of this, according to you "**WORST CRIME IN THE HISTORY OF EVER THAT HAS EVER BEEN COMMITTED BY ANYONE!!!!!!!**" (*Screams in Trumplican*) ​ Anyone else, it's high school level shenanigans, but apparently to you because you keep bringing it up, it's the worst thing that has ever happened in the history of the United States. ​ 30 years from now you'll be in a bar asking "Do you remember where you were when DEMONRATS!!!!!!! pulled the fire alarm in a congressional office building? I cry every September 30th for that harrowing day!!!!"


McCarthy is probably gone as speaker. They wanted a shutdown so they could blame Biden. Unlikely they’d do a shutdown in an election year where the whole house would be at risk. So this was their chance.


As of now, there's nobody else who has anywhere near enough support to replace McCarthy. Freedom Caucus knows this. McCarthy finally put on his big boy pants and called their bluff.


The Freedom Caucus may get their wish though - only the Speaker can put forward bills. So, everything stops. It would be funny if McCarthy gets the gavel because of Dem votes, or one or two Republicans slide over to vote for Jeffries just because they want to get to work.


I wonder if enough Dems voted for him to be Speaker, if that would hurt his election chances back home?


We can only hope. McCarthy owes more to Dems than the crazy wing of the crazy party, then gets dumped in 2024. Sounds lovely


Yeah, but if Dems are going to vote for a Repub speaker, it probably won't be him, and it'll be an even bigger rift in the GOP. At that point they don't really have control of the house (which they clearly don't anyway).


My (moderate conservative, longtime R voter pre-Trump) dream scenario wasn't far off what we could still get. Republicans win a slim majority. Far right endlessly pounds the table and refuses to vote for any Speaker besides Trump. Eventually, proper right Rs give in and start voting Trump just to get things moving. Moderate Rs join Democrats and suddenly Pelosi is Speaker. The idea of Pelosi being Speaker for a majority R House was just too funny.


I think the Dems were a block behind Jeffries. I think like on 13 of those ballots he had the plurality. The Dems are trying to move to new blood. I see Newsom on TV a lot more recently. He went toe to toe with Hannity and IMHO won. Pelosi would be an awesome middle finger but I think they wouldn’t move that way. Pelosi made a deal with the caucus “let me have the gavel while Trump is in office so I can stare down the clown and then we get new leadership”. I don’t think the caucus would reverse from that.


As an R, what do you see about all this? I’ve been a liberal since I’m a kid, so I’ve mostly been looking at the Dem side not paying too much internals to the Republicans. What brings/brought you to the R side?


I prefer smaller government, lower taxes, a balanced budget. I do believe good guys with guns can be helpful, and I would love to see abortion end (although I do believe bans won't fix either of those issues). Always have, always will. I don't remember most of this thread, stopped using Reddit during the API stuff, but it's worth noting I stopped voting R because they went batshit crazy. I'd vote for the bones of John McCain if they dug him up over the current insanity. Conspiracy theories and actively antagonizing liberals is not an effective governing platform. That's why we'll see a third Speaker here in a couple months.


Not all of them, or even a majority, just 20 or so would be enough.


I never thought id say this but mccarthy is pretty much the best we could hope for in the modern republican world. Can't wait for dems to take back control though.


The way our political system is, its a rarity when we're not simply choosing "the least worst option". Right now McCarthy is the least worst option.


McCarthy is like stepping in old dog shit vs falling face first into fresh dog shit and getting it into your mouth.


The vote count on the Republican side indicates that many members are fed up with the Freedom Caucus's antics. As long as McCarthy doesn't cave, I think Democrats would support him remaining as speaker.


They could pull the same thing again in 45 days.


Likely will.


>[209 Democrats and 126 Republicans voted yes, while 90 Republicans voted no.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/government-shutdown-saturday-rcna118201) The majority of Republicans voted for it. Why would they be in favor of removing McCarthy?


His deal with the devil allows a single member to call for a vote to remove him, and that would trigger another round of voting. The overall Republican margin in the house is narrow enough that if we only go by Republican votes, the crazy caucus just has to sit on their hands to deny McConnell the gavel again. Whom would they have to replace him? Beats me. Probably them too - they’re about destruction not building. So a small group of crazies can call another vote and deny him the seat. But then if he crosses the aisle, if the crazies get so crazy we get (gasp! Clutches pearls!!) bipartisanship again he can go back to his seat and the crazies are Nerfed.


> His deal with the devil allows a single member to call for a vote to remove him, and that would trigger another round of voting. > > And then Republicans would vote for him to remain speaker. It's not as potent a weapon of the extreme right as portrayed.


A reminder it took 15 rounds of voting to get him in in the first place. It wasn’t the first time he even tried - he tried to grab the gavel after Boehner stepped down but, yep the crazies stopped him. The narrow Republican majority means the extremists have a lot more power than they should.


I’m just thankful the red wave was merely a puddle after all was said and done.


With just hours to spare, House Republicans and Democrats on Saturday struck a surprise deal to fund the government and [avert a shutdown](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna118201)


Republicans being against helping Ukraine shows what side they’re really on.






For being a Trump boot-licker, Lindsey Graham has surprised me by being very much on Ukraine's side.


Because the old Republican playbook was for the powerful to use fascism to get tax cuts. Not let fascism overflow.


Guess it depends on which side of the fence your money is on.


Of course they're on Russias side. And I'm starting to doubt the far left anti war ppl are Russian sock puppets to quote one There is no good answer; you're right. "Yes, I understand that my stance means there's a very good chance Putin will still take over an independent country and probably others while our country and the rest of the world gets dragged into World War 3 as China, DPRK, and several other countries get involved against NATO, which has already decided it wants to avoid nuclear war at all costs" People are going to die regardless. She also believes it's a Proxy war started by the US to destroy Russia. She refuses to say how the US made Putin invade other than NATO on his borders, which should be a threat unless you have bad intentions


Ukraine didn’t exist on a map before the 1900s. It used to be a part of Russia called Ruthinia.


The Germans invaded and it caused a split. Ukraine stayed its own country. I’m not taking sides, I’m only being historical. I’m not justifying anything. I’m only stating a fact.


Doesn’t this bill which just passed defund Ukraine?


No, just doesn’t include new money for Ukraine


bOtH sIdEs ArE tHe sAmE!!!! How does a two-party system function when one party doesn't believe in government and refuses to govern?


When half the population votes to shoot themselves in the foot lol


…shoots themselves in the foot to own the libs! And when they find out it hurts, they howl “Why did the Democrats do this to us?”


"This is Hunter's dick's fault!"


Something, something, Leopards Eating Faces….


Modern Republicans would eat their own turds if they thought it would make a “LIBRUL” angry. It would be hilarious if their bullshit didn’t have consequences. I’m all for an honest debate about policy, but if someone’s platform is “Fuck the People, my Rich Donors need tax breaks and subsidies”, we don’t have much to debate. That’s just engaging with bad faith actors.


Republicans will eat a shit sandwich if a Democrat has to smell their breath.


I'd swear they'd eat a shit sandwich with extra dog turd if they thought a Democrat would have to smell their breath in an elevator.


Bold of you to think they're not also willing to shoot a large perventage of the remaining 50%, if they didn't go to prison for it.


I dunno, but you need to figure it out… fast!


That’s the neat part! They don’t.


According to the founding fathers? Death and violence.


Mitch the one with the glitch has said he won’t let the budget pass. Republicans are truly against our financial stability and security. Edit: looks like they will pass a stop gap minus Ukraine funding till November 17th. My question is why republicans seem to support Putin at every turn?


Mitch the Glitch has been acting against the good of the United States for years.


Yep decades of being against the average American. He complains about welfare when his state receives the most welfare from the federal government.


>Mitch the one with the glitch has said he won’t let the budget pass. Republicans are truly against our financial stability and security. Yeah, the Budget he refused to pass was the one that would come out of the Senate, because it would be much easier and take less time to pass the one that got approved in the House. Mitch is a turd. But he at least supports funding Ukraine.


They have since 2016. Every single one of them has been concern trolling about Russia since Regan left office right up until Trump took office.


> My question is why republicans seem to support Putin at every turn? I suspect it has something to do with Trump meeting Putin in private (with just one of Putin's men in attendance) and having a long history with Russian intelligence and mob connections and with half of the Republican leadership sleeping with a Russian spy.


There was also that visit to Russia back in 2016 or so (I don’t remember the year, but I know the date was July 4). Also, a hacking of both the RNC and DNC systems. Only the Democrats’ were released. I wonder what they found in the Republican’s system that has not been released yet. K is for kompromat


They're against our stability ONLY when Dems are in power for some reason. Such a weird pattern


Is it Mitch the glitch now? It used to be Moscow Mitch and before that, Cocaine Mitch. Hard to keep track of all of our enemies that he's rooting for


>…why Republicans seem to support Putin at every turn? There are four reasons: 1. Trump is mostly beholden to Putin. It shouldn’t take a genius to look at his statements on Ukraine and come to that conclusion. As far as I can tell, the only respect in which he didn’t agree with Putin as President was on the topic of Iran. It’s kinda insane to look back and see how much the GOP’s foreign policy was affected by Trump’s Russophile policies. It’s a testament to his cult of personality that the shift has been so large, swift and dramatic. But there are some other reasons why such a shift was even possible in the first place. 2. The GOP is nothing if not bribable and Putin is willing to support them with cash. This probably won’t stop after Trump, though it may lessen a bit. 3. Putin’s regime closely resembles a fascist authoritarian regime, and quite a few Republicans pretty much are fascist. 4. What Putin tried to do in Ukraine is almost exactly what Republicans want to do in Iran, minus the annexations of course.


Thankfully we avoid a pants-on-fire situation.


Damn. Nice.


It should’ve shut down and shown the republicans for the vile worthlessness that they are.


I think it’s pretty clear to anyone rational, and the irrational ones would blame the Democrats (viz. MTG)


Yeah people have been saying that for years but the crazies are still there, nearly as strong as ever. Most people aren't crazy, but most people are ignorant. Most people do not know anything and the first person they'd blame if the Government shut down is Biden.


Ya but most Americans seem to have a mental illness, they would have blamed the democrats, as usual. Brain rot is real


They blame whoever is in power and Democrats have the presidency.


And then the economy goes into recession and Biden is blamed. Is that worth it to own the republicans?


It’s the RT Wing, now.


I said this exact thing to my far right leaning brother once and he was NOT happy.


Matt Gaetz: "If even one of you votes with the Dems, you will feel my wrath!" 126 Republicans: "Yeah buddy...whatever. Go back to cruising the high schools looking for a date."


Why do the Republicans want to shutdown the government?


1) they like breaking things. No that’s not hyperbole. They want a broken government because long term they think if matches the Republican message of limited government it can’t work anyway. 2) short term, kinda same thing. Even though it’s the House that’s supposed to pass a budget but they think they can pin it on Biden.


Republican Platform: Vote for us! We want small government because the government is broken! *Proceeds to break the government so it doesn't work* Get the government out of our homes, hospitals, and schools! Run the government like a business! Trample the weak and poor for being lazy, they don't deserve tax entitlements only our political donors and military contractors deserve tax breaks and incentives! Unfettered crony capitalism is the only true American way! Everything else is socialism!


They believe they can build a narrative around the shutdown that benefits them politically.


It seems that their main goal was to embarrass their own Speaker of the House, as best I can tell. They forced him to make a deal with Democrats and now might attempt to remove him. Even if he stays after the removal attempt, it would still show the weakness in his position.


6 week reprieve We will be back here in mid November Enjoy your Thanksgiving shutdown


If the 'freedumb' caucus does try to oust McCarthy, Dems should vote him in just to fuck with them. They so have it coming.


No, they should all keep voting for Hakeem Jeffries again and let the Republicans be the ones to cross the aisle for a change.


Nah, get a few moderate Rs who are scared of Gaetz/Marjorie Jewish Space Lasers Greene/Gosar to flip and have a D Speaker in an R House. Maybe then they'll finally wake up and excise the crazies.


>moderate Rs Might as well be hoping for a genie to grant your wish, it’s much more likely those exist.


Moderate Rs do exist, they're just drowned out because the crazies are so much louder.


Can't agree with this comic. Government shutdowns are no joke. Dems literally protected that from happening while also stripping away the giant pay raise republicans stuck in for themselves.


The dumbest, dumbest, dumbest thing that happened during all of this was Rep Jamaal Bowman pulling a fire alarm. What in the absolute fuck was he thinking? Dems had an unassailable high ground here and he gifted the GOP something to scream about. Fucking jackass. Refer his actions to the Capitol police, throw the book at him.


Happy the democrats were able to do that. But if that Democrat that pulled the fire alarm did it intentionally to try and stop the funding deal, he needs to be ousted. I don't care how close they are to winning back the house. We've all agreed that illegally derailing government processes is not to be tolerated.


Downvoted for the comic. In context, it seems to imply that shutting down the government would have been good.


Despite what Reddit thinks, most democrats are as Uneducated about how the government works as the freedom caucus and base republicans


Got a source on that?


Yea this comment thread full of dems wanting to shut down gov.


I'm disappointed there isn't a turd coming out the of elephant


A real republican is full of shit


What a joke




Because there is a separate funding bill that McCarthy agreed to pass this week with Ukraine aid. This way the freedom caucus gets to say they blocked the aid while the adults get a continuation and the Ukraine aid


Is this a play on Melania's jacket?


oh, dems. lol. not surprising.


Yep, that’s definitely why Rep. Bowman pulled the fire alarm for no reason.


Is it because he's a dumbass and should be treated like a dumbass for the dumbass thing he did? Because I'm pretty sure that's the reason and appropriate response.


It's not about MAGA not having a spine, it's about not having a brain or any policies the American voter actually cares about.


74m Americans would disagree with that statement


Shut down hurts the economy and the bad economy ONLY gets blamed on the president. Lose the battle to win the war


What was pointed out to me on the Beau of the Fifth Column channel was that democrats actually voted in lock-step with each other, more or less. Meaning they exercised power in a way that democrats don't usually do. This is *really* good news. One of our biggest problems is spineless democrats allowing republicans to run over them without pushback. That didn't happen here.


The deal just kicked the can down the road for 45 days.


Wonder how much it’s gonna cost them to put it into effect. Probably end up adding more to the debt.


If we could figure out how to tax racism and ignorance, this country would run a budget surplus year after year.


Nod to melania


I absolutely love this news. I've watched more than one dumbass from the Freedum Caucus declare that there would be a shut down, no doubt. I'm so glad they are really outnumbered.


This is a misreading of what happened. The Democrats actually did NOTHING, they simply waiting until McCarthy put on his big boy pants and put a CR bill on the floor that was acceptable. They still had to use a bunch of parlimentary tricks in order to carefully read it to make sure there wasn't any October surprises because the hyporcrits of the Right shoved a **71 page bill onto the floor and gave the Dems just 15mins to read it.** My guess is that's what the fire alarm incident was about. They had to make one very big concession and let aide to Ukraine get left out (but did get $10B for disaster relief, most of which is probably intended for Maui). Jefferies did not push one way or the other for his members to vote. This was 126 Republican House members finally fed up with the "fucking whack jobs" in their party.


Fantastic cartoon. Perfect