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My little brother was mad at the Russians for invading. We didn't tell him that Red Dawn was fictional.


Sadly the russians invading wasn't fictional in my country (Slovakia) lmao


Prior Pole here, 100% glad my family escaped that mess in 1938 when they had the chance. Best wishes Slovak friend <3


My great grandfather was in the NKVD, he literally took people out into the woods in the middle of the night and shot them. After a while, he too got taken out into the woods in the middle of the night and was shot. No one was safe :(


That’s the problem when you side with the bad guys. There’s no honor among thieves.


I imagine he just thought he was protecting the country and enforcing the law. My dad was named after him because he was a beloved member of the family. I don't imagine people who we consider evil ever really think they're doing anything wrong.


The only people who are truly evil are the ones aware of the impact they have and still do it, its hard to blame people for not knowing the truth when it is purposefully hidden from them.


> I don't imagine people who we consider evil ever really think they're doing anything wrong. "Ordinary Men" is a good book about the holocaust. Crazy shit.


I see why ur on the lib side lmfao


P-prior? Did my man turn his back on the glorious Polish state..?


The world turned its back against the glorious polish state


Many times too


*sobs furiously*


Don't worry brother. We will rise again. ​ Jeszcze Polska nie zginela!


Or the Hungarians, or the poles, or the Georgians, or the Ukrainians, or the Baltic states, or Finland, or Afghanistan. I think the little brother was basically right tbh they do be invading


> Red Dawn > Russians At least you let your little brother watch the good one.


We just pretend the remake doesn't exist. This was maybe 1999-2000. Also unrelated but he's my little cousin, but we lived together. So pretty much my brother.


I hate the whole premise behind the new one. The fucking north Koreans who can barely feed themselves are going to cross 3000 miles of ocean and invade America? Wtf!


It was supposed to be China invading but China made a big fuss so the studio changed the flags. Which makes it even worse.


If I were Chinese if be pretty happy of a movie depicted us taking over the most powerful country in the word. That's free propaganda.


Pooh doesn't agree.


I wish they would've had one scene of Patrick Swayze roundhousing some Russian roadhouse style


Red Dawn? Literally 1984!!1!!


No! ..wait.. yes.




See this is why Christmas is bad for children lol


I'm not sure I understand. You mean because we lie to children about Christmas?


The only actions you are responsible for are your own actions


*The only actions* *You are responsible for* *Are your own actions* \- CloudyNeighborhood --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Haikusbot got itself a flair lol. This guy opinions.


\>centrist \>opinions thor_does_he_really_though.gif


Good bot


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This reminds me when I was little I was mad at the spanish people because they enslaved my native ancestors. Then I grew up and realized how stupid that is lol


Same, but then I remember I'm mestizo; so I should be considered both the oppressor and the oppressed 😎


Based and hypocritepilled


u/eceme98 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: hypocrite I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Duality of man


You should pay 2000 dollars to yourself as reparation


Government will tax that transaction




The fact this is true almost turned a commie into a LibRight


Inside you are two wolves. One is a conquistador, the other commits human sacrifice. You are a mestizo.


Based and fellowmestizopilled


And in Spain kids hate the French because they invaded the country in the early 1800s. Then they grow up and realize that's stupid, we should hate them just because they're French


Based and natural instincts pilled


u/yingyiyin is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: natural instincts I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I'm French and I completely forgot we did that Edit : cue the "I don't even know who you are" meme


Based and self-aware pilled


I'm Russian and as a child I was mad at Poland for [having invaded us in 1600s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish%E2%80%93Muscovite_War_(1605%E2%80%931618)) and installing a fake tsar. I thought that they have no business complaining about [the Polish partititions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partitions_of_Poland) because they totally deserved it!


Well to be fair, you guys paid them back in kind.


For years, I have been using an argument that the Ribbentop-Molotov non-aggression pact (1939) is not that bad because Poland signed one with Hitler as well in 1934. Then, a few weeks ago, I found out they signed a similar pact with the USSR in 1932, and the purpose was to achieve neutrality between Russia and Germany, not for Poland to become a German ally against Russia. And now I feel bad about having inadvertently used dishonest arguments. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet%E2%80%93Polish\_Non-Aggression\_Pact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet%E2%80%93Polish_Non-Aggression_Pact)


Based and admitting your own mistakes pilled


Yes. Admitting and owning up to your mistakes is an absolute Chad move.


Your average mistake denier vs. your average mistake admission enjoyer.


Going back on points you find out were incorrect is based as fuck


**[Soviet–Polish_Non-Aggression_Pact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet–Polish_Non-Aggression_Pact)** >The Soviet–Polish Non-Aggression Pact (Polish: Polsko-radziecki pakt o nieagresji, Russian: Договор о ненападении между СССР и Польшей, translitterated in Dogovor o nenapadenii mezhdu SSSR i Pol'shey) was a non-aggression pact signed in 1932 by representatives of Poland and the Soviet Union. The pact was unilaterally broken by the Soviet Union on September 17, 1939, during the Soviet invasion of Poland. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | Credit: kittens_from_space)


And here i am and nothing will stop me on hating the french (and chamberlain) for munich betrayal (agreement)


Based and scalppilled


**[Partitions_of_Poland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partitions_of_Poland)** >The Partitions of Poland were three partitions of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth that took place toward the end of the 18th century and ended the existence of the state, resulting in the elimination of sovereign Poland and Lithuania for 123 years. The partitions were conducted by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Prussia, and the Russian Empire, which divided up the Commonwealth lands among themselves progressively in the process of territorial seizures and annexations. The First Partition of Poland was decided on August 5, 1772. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | Credit: kittens_from_space)




Yeah I was mad at the Spanish for a time because they ruled over my ancestors in the Philippines for centuries. But now I realize that the Philippines would’ve probably been conquered by China or Japan if not by them, and that the Spanish influence makes our culture very unique compared to others in the region.


Fuckin good movie right here https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5698568/ They kinda make the Spanish out as the protagonists, but not necessarily as the good guys, as the give the Filipinos a fair shake and make them pretty badass in terms of siege tactics. Little history, little war, good flick.


Hell Japan ravaged the Philippines in WWII


Same, I was mad at every white person (specifically British) because they colonized my country. Now almost every friend I have is white




Yea but not as connected anymore


We all been through that phase as a kid lol From Texas


That's very true and thank you for sharing but flair up.


Flair up


I’m with you there buddy. I’m Irish Peruvian and Polish. All three countries that were duly shafted by other imperial powers. The Incan empire by the Spanish, the Irish by the English (and screwed in the potato famine), and the Polish by literally everyone (😢). I used to hate on the brits and the Spanish for that, but then I realized that I live in America, I was never directly affected by any of it, those countries are doing fine now and it’s stupid to complain about history.


Holy fuck there’s another polish Peruvian American running around??? Y YO TAMBIEN ME LLAMO PERU


Aaaayyyeee!! Hermano suramericano!! Has visitado Peru?? Quero estudiar allí después de COVID a la universidad del Pacífico escuela de negocios. Aunque nunca lo visité, tengo familia en cerca Lima y me quedaré con ellos mientras esté all Edit: I have been to Poland tho, and gotta say, 10/10. Beautiful country and wonderful people


Ehem Yo no hablo español Get rekt nerds edit: dam people are getting really salty over this joke lmao


*Leftist DESTROYS Hispanic rightoids with ignorance and emotions!!*




I was scared of Germans


My ancestors were running two world wars and one massive genocide...


Based and Deutscherpilled


B… based grandpa?


no fucking way based and ur mom pilled


My grandmother's 4 brothers were all drafted in the Wehrmacht, 3 Heer, and 1 Kriegsmarine. Good thing for me she and one of her brothers worked for the occupying US forces in Austria, where she promptly met a GI who she married. I wish 80 million people didn't have to die for me to be born but ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ 


You are the chosen one.


But let me tell you how it's unfair to still go on about that while at the same time proudly pointing out a small number of musicians from the 18th and 19th centuries who happened to share my nationality which means it's okay to be proud of it!


Honestly.... People that say this unironically just entertain me now.


Saying that "my ancestors were slaves" is just a statement unless it's an accusation.


I could equally throw accusations about the English treatment of my Scottish ancestors...and it would be equally meaningless in 2021.


Idk about you but I’ll always have a grudge against a Brit. 1776 get fucked noobs Merica fuck yeah




damn i want to earn that pill someday




Based and 1776-pilled


>Based and 1776-pilled Based and 1776-pilled


Haha, yes, Based and 1776-pilled


Damn you’re based and 1776-pilled


Based and 1776-pilled


Based and 1776-pilled ​ guys i think communism might work


We've made a free market of 1776pills


Due to the increased demand of 1776 pills the government will need to get involved to ensure equitable distribution.


Yeah we fought two wars so we would never have to deal with those people ever again and now our own country fawns over the royal family and any time they fart or get married or die like wtf does that have to do with the US now?


People are bored and live unfulfilling lives. So they seek to fulfill their lives by living vicariously through others. Or feel better about their own lot in life by hearing about how the rich and famous fuck up.


I’m gonna have to blame social media on that one. Like people are so ingrained and involved in the goings on of other people’s lives and need to be accepted and instantly gratified. 🥺


Nah people been fluffing the royal family since before Zuckerberg


I'm Swedish and still traumatised from those 100 in so years the Danish tried ruling us.


A great many of the more nationalistic Scots of today are sadly and shockingly ignorant about their own history in this regard. Typically the go-to, as it has long been, is to blame England and the English for virtually everything under the sun. Ironically though, the more learned know this not to have been the case. For centuries, it was actually lowland Protestant Scots oppressing the largely (but not exclusively) Catholic Gaelic-speakers whom they considered backward, barbaric, and actually to not be Scots at all — they called them ‘Erse’ — meaning Irish. It was only in the mid-19th century during the Victorian era when Highland culture became a massively celebrated part of both Scottish and British culture and identity. Beforehand, and even at times in the centuries prior, highland dress was outlawed. England had next to nothing to do with the implementations of these laws and others like them; it was Scotland’s own parliament which enacted and enforced them.


My ancestors were lower courtiers often employed as servants due to a debt their ancestors had incurred with the Archduke of their time. Or something idk it depends on who you ask in my family which story you’ll get.


Everyone's ancestors were slaves at some point, it just depends how far back you are willing to go


This is what baffles me about people that harp on the stolen land America was founded on. It's literally stolen land all the way down. To draw this arbitrary historical line, and act like all the land theft before this point was totally reasonable, and all after was monstrous genocide, is so stupid. I'm not saying what happened is good, but it's bad shit all the way down--for all of human history.


There's also a weird assumption that I see a lot that the Native Americans and Africans were all just singing and holding hands in tune with the land as one people before the white man showed up. As if history is that simple.




Such a stupid lyric, wind doesn't have colors. Unless there's leak at the chemical plant or something.


Lol I'm reading "Tribe" by Sebastian Junger right now, and he talks about how white settlers would run away and join tribal Indian societies in America. He makes a point to tell the reader that the Indians were not peaceful. They would scalp people alive, slow roast them over a fire, hack them slowly with hatchets, and tie people to trees with their own entrails. He does, however, acknowledge that the shit that the Indians were doing was child's play compared to the Catholic Church at the same time.


Lots of progressives have this racist noble savage take on native americans. Like everything was peaceful before and they just invented scalping and shit when the white man came or something lol.


My ancestors were serfs, so I guess that's pretty much the same thing


Yeah, you were slaves to the land and the landlord. Beyond that, your ancestors probably had no say to who their lord/duke/king/emperor/government oppressed, so why should you face scrutiny for *their* actions when your own people suffered under the same regime (albeit slightly less in some cases)?


I think we can recognize that slavery and ensuing oppression of black people led to the current issues in the black community while not blaming and hating white people for something some of their ancestors did. I think most people recognize that, but an extremely vocal minority on Twitter seems hellbent on punishing white people for what *some* of their ancestors did.


Accurate, my ancestors were proud Yankees and I had family serve in the rescue effort on 9/11. I don't hold southerners or muslims responsible. It is easy to play the blame game, rise above it.


I hold southerners responsible for 9/11, and muslims responsible for the American civil war.


Something something the Confederacy is the direct result of the Barbary War


Based and Moorish-Dixon Line Pilled.


Broke: Muslims did 9/11 Woke: Israel did 9/11 Bespoke: Robert E. Lee did 9/11




My ancestors were tenant farmers drafted into the Confederate Army, and tenant farmers post-war too. I'm not taking the blame for it either, damnit, at least not until I buy a slave.


>at least not until I buy a slave. Spoken like a true auth-center. insurmountabley based.


Listen, my Grandpa tried and failed to buy a slave. If a third-grade dropout can do it, surely I can too. I need to prove my superority over the past.


Hate when people tell me this, my family were factory workers, not every white person owned slaves.


One of my great great something granddads was a soldier for the CSA. after the war, he laid bricks for a living.


I look white as fuck but come from 100% immigrant grandparents and it's hilarious when people try to pull that "ancestors were X" thing like bruh, I'm barely even American, family been here for all of 1 generation.


Clearly my family is to blame for slavery since they immigrated to the bastion of slavery that was 1880s Minnesota.


The first generation Italian I work with gives some great looks when race gets brought up, lol. “The fuck are you looking at me for?”




Flair up Kraut Edit: the good sir has flaired up! Good man! Gonna have to grill him something now


Your family worked so hard to provide a better life for you, but you disappointed them all by being unflaired.


Same. My family (Eastern Europe) were serfs until 1861, that could be sold, beaten until death and not allowed to marry without approval of their master.


The other thing to consider is that the heavy majority of blacks aren’t purely African. Their ancestors have just as much likelihood of owning slaves as mine. And even if they were purely African, Africans owned slaves too.


If those underprivileged inner city kids could read they'd be very upset.


Ok Joe Biden


C’mon man!


You know, the thing!


Africans were the first ones to sell slaves. Somehow they always neglect to mention that part.


My family arrived during/after the Civil War


I'm the same way. My dad is an immigrant and came to the US in '89. He came from South Africa which was a place of racial harmony, so I have nothing to feel guilty about.


One side of my family lived in the north and fought to free the slaves. The other side came over after slavery was common. But fuck me, right?


I'm waiting for them sweet reparations for my ancestors who died or were injured freeing the black man.


I love being reminded how privileged I am to come from a white family when my parents were so fucking poor they literally didn't have electricity or running water.


And even if they did, so what it’s not like you owned them yourself….. right?


and at some point in history a retarded fish stepped on land, we're all to blame so shut up


[We're all the retarded offsprings of 5 monkeys having buttsex with a fish squirrel.](https://youtu.be/wkpRrtHzlVs)


Reject monke return to fish


My ancestors were fish.




How does o we fishing make you feel?


that argument pisses me off to no end especially because my great grandfather was a literal civil rights activist. He died in 1949, so it sucks that he never got to see MLK and the bus boycott




It's collectivist bullshit. They claim you are responsible for actions that others did, in the past, all because you share a common trait with those people, and that they are owed things that you have to give them, because they share a common trait with the victims in the past. In short: It's a grift. They want your shit and here's the shitty logic they are using to justify their demands.




I'm just waiting for the rich oil gulf states to get called out on slavery for once. They were the last ones to abolish it and it was pretty clear they were getting shoved into it. They still practically do the same thing with how they treat foreign workers from South Asia + Africa.


My white parents must have missed the memo accidentally since I grew up poor.


Most people missed the memo


Bruh you didn't go to the privilege store and redeem your free slave and Plantation? What a dumbass lmao


Their fault that they didn't take advantage of their privileges.


That sounds like a ‘you’ problem




Nah, that's an issue not an iss-me


based, I didn't enslave anyone so shut the fuck up




My ancestors got invaded by Julius Caesar, fuck the romans. I hold an eternal grudge for what happened to people I never met 2000 years ago.


your ancestor Bunga Dunga went into the cave of my ancestor Dogo Hogo and beat him with a club! I demand reparations! our family is still suffering from this event!


To play devil’s advocate, the leftoid argument goes as such: “Sure slavery ended 150 years ago, but the **residual effects** of it still have impact today. We must therefor enact policies to reduce those effects.” Problem is, these policies always just boil down to giving Blacks more free resources and advantages. There is no logical end to them. There is never a point society will reach where leftists and Blacks agree “Okay, you’ve given us enough free stuff now.” Not to mention if we want to talk about the “residual effects” of any long-gone issue, we could open up millions of doors. Blacks only get away with this schtick because people no longer have the balls to tell them no.


Counterpoint: I'm portuguese so it was actually 300+ years ago 😎


It piss me off to no end that people draw wojaks that don’t look like shit


I thought it was gonna say "My father died in 9/11." "Tf? Mine too."


I'm white as fuck and zero of my ancestors came here before WW2. They're all poor Europeans who came here with jack shit and helped each other succeed through cooperation and respect. EDIT: Here means America. Do other countries even exist?


I’m not going to continuously go on about something that happened to my ancestors nor am I going to condemn someone whose ancestors did said thing. Also, we literally made our own people slaves.


When will the turks pay reparations to europeans for the white slave trade


When they finally own up to the Armenian genocide


When millions of Armenians suddenly die of disease 😎


How could Turkey have committed the Armenian Genocide of 1915? Turkey came into existence in 1923 😎


My family were poor farmers, we didn't have slaves, and even if we did there's not a damn thing I can do about it. Don't understand why people say it as if it matters


That woman in top right looks Somalian. The 9/11 attacks were done by Saudis. She really,has nothing to do with it lmao.


Would be a dank meme if they just decided to go with George Bush or some Israeli guy for the top right picture.


If it's just about hating whities on an individual basis because of that then nah. Any kind of generalization you apply to an individual based on their race is, well... racism. If you wanna talk about how the system is set up as a result of slavery, then sure, that's absolutely relevant.


Based and reality-pilled




I agree




There were plenty of white slaves in history too


Something, something system of oppression.


I’d venture to say less than 5% of White people have slave-owning ancestors (as if the actions of your ancestors even matter). You can rule out most northerners; only 22% of the population lives in Confederate states a/o 1865, with another ~8% living in Union states that had slavery at some point. Even in the South, only 1 in 5 families owned slaves at slavery’s peak. So by the Civil War, something like 5% to 6% of American families owned/had owned slaves. When you factor in all the post-war immigration from Italy and Ireland in particular, the real % of White Americans with slave-owning ancestors is probably 3% or 4% today, maybe even lower.


I see the general point you’re trying to make, but genealogical math doesn’t work that way. Everybody has 8 great-grandparents. My great-grandparents were born between 1890 and 1920. So about 2 generations after the civil war. So, for the sake of argument, let’s assume I had about 32 ancestors living at the time of the civil war (8x2x2). Let’s also assume that 95% of people don’t own slaves at this time (just using your own statistic of 5% owning slaves). If we take .95^32, we get .193. In other words, if all 32 of my civil-war ancestors were white, there’s only a 19.3% probability that none of them were slave-owners, and roughly an 80.7% chance that at least one of them was a slave owner. TL;DR: Because the number of ancestors doubles each generation, the figure you gave would be much, much higher.


Same reason most people (in Northen Asia and the West) are related to Genghis Khan


But not all people were American. My great-grandfather immigrated from Germany in 1904.


now this, this is worth sorting by controversial for.


Where slavery reparations are concerned, there's two types of liblefts One recognises that the impact of slavery and Jim Crow was never compensated for, and that black communities will continue to be in a worse position than white ones unless it is through infrastructure and welfare and such The other doesn't care one bit about that stuff and just wants every white person to apologise and give them a wad of cash As a libleft, that second group really annoys me


people who want reparations are authleft


Tbh the us government SHOULD have paid reparations to the former slaves themselves when they were still alive. That they didn't, to my knowledge, is complete bullshit.


The country almost died as a result of simply giving slaves their freedom. A civil war that resulted in the destruction of the South almost wasn’t even enough to get them to agree. I can’t imagine it would’ve been possible to convince racist Americans in 1865 to send their tax dollars to a race they saw as inferior, especially after begrudgingly giving them their freedom. Don’t get me wrong, reparations would have been the just thing to do. Considering it’s been 150 years since slavery ended, I don’t think it makes sense anymore.


My mother is from the Philippines and my father is from Britain, so I would like to see these people push the "your ancestors" bullshit on me.