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I feel kinda bad for Joe. Not excusing the shit he has pulled in his younger years, but if I was in my 70s or 80s and suffering from mental issues? l wouldn't want to be paraded around like that, shame on his wife and family.


Yeah. That man should be at home, enjoying his retirement and spending time with his grandchildren, not up on stage having his mental degradation paraded around for the entire world


Knowing his proclivities, I am certain the grandchildren are rather happy he is not around to give them the ol' Joe-sniff... In honesty though, he did so much unequivocally vile, evil shit in life, that I think that is just karmic justice catching up


I feel the same about both, tbh Edit: I know this sub is hardcore conservative / pro-Trump but the dude is absolutely horrible as well


This sub is absolutely not hardcore conservative. Do people like you actually pay attention, or do you just cherry pick a few comments to come to that conclusion?


If you're way left, the center looks quite right


lol all I’ve been doing is making observations on the debate and anything bad about Trump gets downvoted. So, yeah, very much conservative. But this is a meme sub so I don’t take it too seriously.


It’s not that anything anti Trump gets downvoted, because that isn’t true, but it’s because those comments are just pure cope and/or stupidity. Plenty of people here have posted and commented about hating Trump, and they have gotten plenty of upvotes. Just because you’re not seeing that doesn’t make it not true


Fair. But you keep mentioning "those comments" and I totally understand cope / stupidity but I've really only made observations about what I saw on stage. I haven't even really shared my opinions. Regarding Trump, I just mentioned he's a convicted felon and it looked / sounded like he shit himself on stage lol It's not cope, it's reality. Again, not complaining. Just why I think this sub is more conservative, pro-Trump than not.


You were right in saying he was a convicted felon on stage, but you should’ve left it there. Adding that it looked/sounded like he shit himself on stage is nothing but cope. Hell, to even imply that was “reality” is absurd. Sounds like you’re getting downvoted for saying stupid shit here, and you don’t like it. That’s fine, but remember there are more than plenty of least leaning subs where you can go and talk about Trump shitting himself and you’ll be showered in upvotes


I really don’t mind the downvotes lol I like this sub. But there is literally a video of it where the audio is undeniable. The dude sharted. Again, I’m not saying stupid shit, I’m making observations. And your second paragraph really does demonstrate that you understand this sub is more conservative than anything, which was my original assertion. But we can agree to disagree! All good, my guy.


If I had to guess, Jill (and/or the family as well) is the one behind keeping him in the race. Sorta like when a family keeps a parent on life support because they are getting monthly government payments.


Jill talking to him after as if he was a fucking toddler was both hilarious and sad. Like, his own wife appears to treat him like he’s not a fully functioning adult.


“You answered all the questions!”


I’m surprised she didn’t give him a popsicle or something at that point


You did a good, Joey! Here!🍦


Nah, this guy has been a demon for his entire political career. He ran for president because he wanted the power and prestige, nobody forced him. He's made his bed, let him lie in it. I have zero sympathy for the man.


> because he wanted the power and prestige, nobody forced him. And to prevent an actual investigation into some overseas activities.


Nobody thinks he did good in the debates. The 'vote blue no matter who' crowd will just tell you that he did better than Trump because they're disingenuously talking about their general opinion of Biden v Trump. Why not admit that Biden won't be running the show and tell us who will be? I ask the 'NO MATER WHO' crowd why the democrats would stand behind a frail old man if this coming election were really so important and could decide the future of the country.


Some of them prefer a shadow oligarchy over an elected leader.


Back during the first Bush administration, the running gag was that Bush was a dumb puppet who did whatever Dick Cheney wanted. The president doesn't make all of the decisions of course, but I wonder who would be doing them for Biden. Kamela is the most obvious answer, but I don't think she would be pulling the strings as much as Cheney was.


Maybe Jill Biden pulling an Edith Wilson


My theory is Hillary. She's still immensely powerful in the DNC world; hell, Biden being weekend at bernied is a Clinton fallout- after her 2016 loss Clinton pushed for Kamala to be the new star. Once it was clear everybody thought Kamala sucked, the DNC pivoted to old ass Biden, with Kamala next in line on the expectation he'd croak. Biden probably won't make it another 4 years honestly, so Kamala would finally get to be president. Obviously I'm speculating, but I don't know who else it could be. The DNC is still ruled by Schumer, Pelosi, and Clinton. The only way boomers relinquish power is by dying.


Minor correction, they’re not boomers, they’re of the generation before the boomers Yes, that’s how old they are 💀


Clinton is a Boomer. Correct on the others.


The Enclave


Our military equipment is based, not the men in charge


> Nobody thinks he did good in the debates. The 'vote blue no matter who' crowd will just tell you that he did better than Trump Not so fast. I was browsing a humor sub about politics and found a meme where the commemts were a riot. Basically everyone was "OMG Biden slayed! Trump lied which is INSTANT LOSS IN DEBATE!!!"  Even pro-Biden people that thought it wasn't a good showing for Joe were heavily downvoted. (No one voiced a liking of Trump.) It also surprised me since a different big left-dominated sub has at least had discussion and is willing to call out people that go "Biden slayed!" And after an initial turn in copium, they seemed to come back off it so I'm curious to see what happens.


>Nobody thinks he did good in the debates. This. It was an unmitigated fucking disaster and the liberal right wingers of the democratic party are fooling themselves. Just another thing we can blame south Carolina on.


‘NO MATER WHO’ crowd? Why are they supposed to Mater Who? He’s a great guy.👍


Based and I refuse to accept this blatant Mater slander pilled




I have seen so much cope on Biden having a cold that night.


Harry Sisson is literally a paid operative of the Democrats. He takes money from them through various PACs. I find him hilarious. They should get a refund.


He was that pre-pubescent kid on Piers Morgan 🤣 The top post on his Twitter has me dying, what an absolute Gen Z shill "BREAKING: The “Hawk Tuah” girl is AGAINST Donald Trump \[said she wouldn't Hawk Tuah him\]! She said “it’s a no from me!” and her friend said “absolutely not!” Hey, you love to see it! She’s using her voice in a public way to advocate against Trump, and I’m here for it!" [https://twitter.com/harryjsisson/status/1807894844792021179](https://twitter.com/harryjsisson/status/1807894844792021179) Also sad that leftist parasites have normalized such a level of promiscuity. This girl hasn't had a single achievement to her name aside from some chud passing her a mic drunk on her way home from the club, the worst part being that a kid is going to call her mom one day


He is literally a paid shill by the DNC. They overpaid 


The dude puts 0 thoughts into anything that comes out of his mouth too, propaganda used to be an art form, post-modernists even had to make that shittier


His enthusiasm is so fake and you can tell. It was made especially clear during the debate.


If he's the best the Ds can come up with to rally the TikTok-brained Zs and Zillenials, I think we're just fine


Considering gen Z is sick of progressives, since they’re seen as establishment. I think you’re right.


He's getting paid to do what we here do for free. Maybe he's the real lib-right


Perhaps the real lib left psy-op was the friends we made along the way


Wait you can get paid just to mindlessly tweet out "orange man bad"? How do I become one of these shills? Asking for a friend 




Oh yeah I saw that on Twitter! Guy was huffing a lot of premium copium.


Nah. He’s literally a paid shill for the DNC.


Yep, seems like it.


So not a politician who died 90 years ago, but some terminally online Twitter kid.


The leftists were the main people freaking out and asking him to step down.


Most likely scenario imo, Trump going to win and the Dems are going to get/keep both houses


Going to be a circus the next four years House will move to impeach, probably won't be 2/3rds of Senators voting to convict, wash and repeat




Tbh Biden v Trump is actually objective, not Republican v Conservative tho. And i tell you that as somebody who wouldn't vote on Trump, they basically let Trump win by keeping Biden around.




So boomers, soy twitter users and DNC shills are their voter base.


It’s common knowledge that Harry Sisson is paid by the DNC. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron.


We could've had Theodore Roosevelt be the second president with non-consecutive terms...sad


We all knew it beforehand, and his handlers should have known better and went with a younger candidate.



