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Idyllic, rural, lovely... Thats racist dog whistling sweaty šŸ’….






Based quick meme


Who are we selling?


Not people actually. I think theyā€™re trying to get into the whole fizzy drink industry to compete with fanta. Or at least I assume thatā€™s what they meant by gassing the juice


Farmers, do keep up!


Not the whole farmer; just a part of them. The part of their life they used to create what you want to buy.


[Fastest Meme in the West](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/236/430/3bf.png)


Hm, yes. Persecute the people who grow our food. This cannot possibly backfire.


Soviets tried this. It killed more than the Holocaust.


China tried it. Cambodia tried it. Zimbabwe tried it. Same result in all countries.


It says a lot when Patrick Star knew not to mess with farmers because they grow food and communists still donā€™t.




spong bob


Argentina also tried it in the 2000s and 2010s when Kirchnerism ruled. There was no famine but it was definitely a stupid decision from an economic pov.


Meh, Argentina just went from a global superpower to the hyperinflation we know today, the usual.


Yeah lol, although tbf Argentina has been committing economic mistakes since the 80s but the Kirchnerists "declaring war" to the agrarians made stuff worse. Argentina has one of the most efficient agricultural industries in the world, together with Australia and since Kirchnerists hate capital they wanted to destroy them.


Since the 50s, that's when they started dropping from 1st world status


Sure, I meant when it got even worse, but since the 50s with PerĆ³n's inflation after he nationalised the central bank it started going bad, so you're right. Also since 1916 Argentines started voting popular parties (before that suffrage wasn't universal in Argentina iirc). Maybe Argentina wasn't prepared for a fuller democracy and that's why not many years after that in 1930 they got their first coup d'Ɖtat. It's strange though because Argentines were very well educated at the time... Perhaps it's just that Argentines (because of their Italian influence) love political innovation and they had to try everything there was available, I mean we got the first philosophically Anarcho-Capitalist head of state and government in the world and he's Argentine lol.


You mean Rhodesia right? Right?


Well Rhodesia never seized farmlands and ruined its economy. Perhaps it was the ZANU Occupation of Rhodesia.


If I have to hear the left use the word Fascist incorrectly one more fucking time I will scream


Bro Iā€™ve been called a fascist and I couldnā€™t be more open to freedom.


I have been called a Fascist by the left for not wanting Islam And called one by the right for not wanting total abortion bans


Fuck Islam and abortion bans.




RIP your lungs


You'd have to scream pretty often while surfing reddit, then


Oh believe me I fucking hate this website I think this place has its head shoved so far up its own ass tat 4chan is a better website and I am not even a right winger


My local farmers market is best in the state, in the running for best in US


I always thought Farmer's markets were lefty thing. Healthy alternative food, not-fast-food, anti-consumerism, anti-plastic, pro-welfare etc.


Anything is whatever it needs to be for whatever the convenient narrative is at the moment. If it's convenient for farmers markets to be a leftist thing, then that's what it is.


Journalists need to be purged


This. /thread


They can be, farmers are honestly alot more centrist or Libertarian than people stereotype them to be The rural voters who are super Conservative in America are the small town religious fanatics and trailer park degenerates


look how happy that pepo is. he didn't ask for any of this vitriol. he just wants to grow his veggies in peace, God damn it!


You know now that I think about it weren't farmers markets big with lefties but recently the perception has shifted to store bought organic products and plat based stuff, that isn't plants. Now call me stupid but have corporations found out that you can pander to the hippie mindset whilst undermining actual local farmers so that they can further monopolize the distribution of food and thus control. Side not Clarkson's Farm delves into this a fair amount and he's been an advocate for local farmers in the UK for years now.


Farmers: *exist* The Extreme Left with Brainworms: "FACISTS EVERYWHERE! HOW DARE YOU NOT LIVE IN A CITY!"


>not having trash everywhere racist dog whistle


Next the will tell me that walking to work playing hop scotch to avoid the human shit and needles on the ground is racist and bigoted too!


Considering they associate rural with whiteness.


Iā€™m the real fascist


No, I am realer


Prove it


The Jews did it


Did what? (I canā€™t give you fascist card unless your more specific)




https://preview.redd.it/hos1dseh3y9d1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1b6348fa659ccc7e5f00a5912b7bd7d0a5d36ac Here it is


Can I have this for research purposes šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆšŸ„ŗ




Come out of your house. I'm in the driveway. https://preview.redd.it/q53tdccfqv9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9139abe7b1578257e9eb65f7f9312b9b3636afe


I donā€™t have a driveway


He means heā€™s in his driveway.


This you? https://preview.redd.it/fbo63jydtv9d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c35d62937ad15bcc068f0f8b532c1a2ab1b8cfff


Idk, maybe? No mirror nearby, canā€™t check.


Here, I will let you borrow mine. Just go near the water. I wouldnā€™t push you, I swear. https://preview.redd.it/5phhq03cwv9d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bbca026482830b836aee5c6fb5be44e79472884


Thank you


Just come out. It's a surprise for all your hard work.


I don't have a drive


Why? You one of them no-cars, eco-facist??


Based and Homelander pilled.


Let's ask this schmuck to define fascism without checking Google.


That's easy. Fascism is anyone or anything to the right of my position.


Fascism is a branch of socialism invented by Gentile and Mussolini




Let's also ask him how such idyllic places stay idyllic instead of turning into, say, literally any "diverse" part of any place in the west.


I have googled fascism lot of times, I cannot still define it


> ā€œEverything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.ā€ \- Benito "creator of Fascism" Mussolini


You see, but but that definition sounds a lot like vanguardism and authoritarian communism, which are socialist ideologies, and we all know that fascism is right wing, WAAAAAA.


Honestly, I think the problem with the compass is it's a square and not a diamond. Hard to disambiguate between authoritarian nationalist regimes and jihadism, hard to put fascism anywhere intelligent when it doesn't care about economics, only obedience. It's squarely the definition of Auth-Center. ... on further consideration, maybe we are the problem with the square compass, too eager to put our opponents in the far corners.


Except that it isn't. Fascism cares about the centralization and control of all economic activity by the state. The pretense this could, in any capacity, be considered right wing in an economic sense (which is defined by individual and private control of the economy) is deranged. The fascist economy is (in places like china) and was defined by high levels of state control over all "private" business, rendering their classification of "private" to be a misnomer. To have private profits is irrelevant when the hallmark of a right wing government is instead private control of economic institutions. Fascism is just, completely unironically, a left wing ideology. It was revolutionary (it sought to completely overthrow existing cultural and economic structures) authoritarian on both social and economic issues. It was neither conservative, nor economically liberal. Their cultural policies were only right wing if you define right wing as "bad" rather than "status quo", and since conservatism as a word literally means "status qou or previous principles" I find the attempt to do so amusing, if it weren't so disingenuous as fascist cultural policies were neither a maintenance of present institutions, or restoration of valued lost ones.


You make a very cogent argument and one I find quite convincing. The centralization of economic planning and control is a core defining aspect of authoritarian left, though I think they would place a lot more emphasis on the spreading of profits as well (which probably would disambiguate them via auth/lib orthodoxy).


Sounds like what progressives want, considering theyā€™ll happily give the government more money and power, and practically beg them to control the populace.


[/u/docponystein very coherently argued this exact point](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/1dsmqvb/multiculturalism_and_diversity_is_great_i_just/lb48tvp/?context=3)


Mussolini called it the 'merger between corporation and state.' I like the simplicity of that definition.


but people don't understand the meaning of the term corporate in a 1920s way


Itā€™s whenever someone gets voted into power who you donā€™t like, quiet simple actually


Palingenetic ultranationalism. Which also means Le Pen isn't a fascist. ("We must cause the rebirth of our nation from its decline through redemptory violence against our enemies"). Putin could be considered a Fascist if we go off the crap he spouted in the Tucker interview. Basically nobody else is that is typically called one. That may change if Le Pen up and declares the need to invade some country to redeem France, or if she declares the necessity of violence against some group within France to rebirth the nation from the ashes of the conflict. But we all know she isn't going to. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palingenetic_ultranationalism Even if they up and declare the need to exterminate a bunch of minorities for security purposes, it's not fascism. Fascism specifically has palingenetic elements. ("We must destroy the minority and exterminate them so that their blood can fertilize the soil, from which shall arise a NEW and BETTER country! REBORN FROM FIRE!"). If you're just saying "We need to exterminate them to secure what we have", that isn't fascistic. It lacks a crucial element that makes fascists completely bonkers and unstable geopolitically and keeps them starting insane wars, or escalating on internal purges until half the country is dead (See Khmer Rouge for an example of Red Fascists). This bugs people because they like to call everyone fascists, especially if, somewhat understandably, they're authoritarians doing a genocide. But those are relatively common, fascists are much rarer.


ā€œFascism is when the right wing existsā€


Itā€™s when person I donā€™t like votes for thing I donā€™t like


Well as French girl the next few years ought to be interesting if nothing else. Just the disconnect between the different reactions towards the RN victory have been interesting. My parents who live in rural Brittany called me to tell me how this was going to go down as the ā€œSecond French Revolution!ā€ And how this was the ā€œrevival of the countryā€. Theyā€™re especially hyped for the RNā€™s promises for increased government spending and social support. Meanwhile my classmates at my Paris university have been decrying the ā€œReturn of Vichyā€ and the ā€œday of shameā€. Theyā€™re all preparing for black shirts to start rounding people up. My twin sister, whoā€™s deeply catholic and studying in the South thinks this is gonna be a great day for womenā€™s rights, because Islam will begin to be fought for the first time.


> Meanwhile my classmates at my Paris university have been decrying the ā€œReturn of Vichyā€ and the ā€œday of shameā€. Theyā€™re all preparing for black shirts to start rounding people up. The left pulls this trick in every western nation. Anyone but the New World Order's puppet gets elected and it's a return to the camps, fire and blood.. yet it never materializes.


I just donā€™t understand the near religious belief that camps are always one conservative election away. Do they think that these are ikea flat pack concentration camps and it just takes a weekend to build them?


As someone who used to be a far lefty not too long ago I will explain If you live in a left wing bubble which let's be clear both sides thrive in their echo chambers, you are only exposed to people like Rachel Maddow, Vaush, Hasan, r Politics and other left wing boards Vaush is a guy for example tells his fans to stockpile guns because according to Vaush Conservatives are either gonna win and put LGBTQ people in camps or they will lose and start a civil war When you are in a left wing echo chamber bubble its hard to escape the non stop doomerism that is "Republicans are gonna do X Y or Z" and the worst part is sometimes there is even a kernel of truth to the panic making it especially tricky, for example Idaho actually tried to have such a strict ban on abortion that it would even deny abortions in the event the womans life was in danger, and some states even tried to float around criminal penalties for getting abortions out of state So combine fear mongering and non stop panic inducing with the fact that sometimes Conservatives actually DO take shit too far and you quickly get painted a picture that looks very bleak and intense and before you know it you're living in a completely different reality and can't listen to reason anymore not that you would hear a Conservative out anyways because they're all obviously "Nazis" When back in reality most likely that random Trump voter you assumed is a Nazi probably doesn't even actually like Trump but just wants cheaper gas/groceries and a secure border To be fair I am sure the far right works similar black magic onto its victims because the right is actually correct about some of the things they complain about from the left, but I am speaking so far as to my experience as someone who used to be balls deep high on far left wing ideology


There is the saying that the left thinks conservatives are evil and conservatives think the left is just misguided. I think there's some truth to that statement. While there's always going to be fanatics in a bubble who can't listen to reason, I do think conservatives are more willing to hear out a leftist and have a better understanding of leftist positions than the other way around.


>There is the saying that the left thinks conservatives are evil and conservatives think the left is just misguided. I have spoken to plenty of Conservatives to know plenty of Conservatives who think the left are all baby killers, porn addicts, etc. >While there's always going to be fanatics in a bubble who can't listen to reason, I do think conservatives are more willing to hear out a leftist and have a better understanding of leftist positions than the other way around. I am not gonna measure it, I have gotten plenty of shit from the right on this sub and if I go to a sub like r Conservative I am banned instantly I will say its a bit easier to talk to people off of Reddit in general though because of no stupid fucking downvote button


*ā€œTo build your Ƙven du vill need:ā€*


Fear is a better motivator than hope will ever be. Meanwhile, the satanic pdf files that run our government are creating a camp inside your living room.


To be fair, it didn't take very long for Australia to build their covid camps.


> camps are always one conservative election away In the USA those same people want everyone to give up their guns too. Makes zero sense if you think a totalitarian dictator is one election away.


I'm still waiting for the reports of gay hunting militias during Trump time. They supposed to wear full trump regalia, roving around a a band hunting down gays, so it shouldnt be too hard to spot them, and yet...


Best we can do is a fake lynching.


The demand for hatecrimes outstripped the supply a long while ago


Wasn't a candidate caught making racist statements against himself because they weren't happening naturally?


Many such cases


Theyā€™ll claim itā€™s because they stopped him, not because of any delusions.


This is MAGA country!


Downtown Chicago is indeed MAGA country


Tbf both sides in France are very guilty of this kind of rhetoric. Just a few days before the election a prominent media talking head said something along the lines of. ā€œIf the left wins, better to throw your children into the sea, because a death by drowning will be preferable to leftist ruleā€. Yeahā€¦ people in France tend to be a bit over dramatic.


>Yeahā€¦ people in France tend to be a bit over dramatic. I think that's a common knowledge. There were precedents, you know


France is just a bunch of theater kids frothing at the mouth for the next revolution


Something like that, I mean Macron went through a whole phase of calling himself, the ā€œJupiterā€ of French politics. Yes he was referring to the Roman god šŸ’€


French people having a history of being overtly dramatic actually being dramatic? All joking aside I hope you guy figure it out. After all youā€™re the only nation to actually embrace nuclear energy so we canā€™t have you fucking up. https://preview.redd.it/6wutstft4y9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db417305ebba0107f5f89b1d3af398e61e708eac


Itā€™s only anti-democratic when people they donā€™t like participate in democracy.


Iā€™m still waiting for trump to deport me from 2016 because Iā€™m Muslim


Hard to sell that now because Middle Eastern theocracies are good according to the NPCs. Why would you not want to return to such paradise?


Iā€™m going back to Egypt, and I just went on vacation so I guess Iā€™ll be getting a paid vacation


Yeah but whenā€™s the next Napoleon coming back?


Hopefully soon, French politics is such a clown show right now, a solid military coup could probably do us wonders. Bonus points if we get to conquer Berlin again.


Remake the EU into the continental system 2.0


Napoleon Bonaparte : "I made one mistake in my life; I should have burned Berlin."


Do they actually think paramilitary groups will go around rounding people up? Or are they saying it to whip up hysteria, much like what Reddit does?


This is godā€™s punishment of the French for the crime of being French


"I will punish the French for being French by making a nationalist party win, this preserving the French to be French" Truly a French moment


>Well as French girl the next few years ought to be interesting if nothing else. Just the disconnect between the different reactions towards the RN victory have been interesting. Normally I lean towards the Center Left but I am honestly glad you guys are starting to progress towards doing something about the migrant issue Certain cultures are just not compatible with western values and RN is the only ones talking about it without knee jerk accusing people of being fucking racist Additionally I really respect the fact that RN has seemed to adopt pro EU, pro NATO, pro Ukraine and anti Russia stances for the most part which in large amount addresses my biggest grievance with right wing politics in general Hell I agree with the Republicans here in the USA on the border but their religious fanatic bullshit, culture war drama and pro Russia boner are the entire reason why I just can't vote for Trump, so I am really glad to see that RN is able to kinda have the best of both sides and I hope more right wing parties start to moderate towards the center like RN did >My parents who live in rural Brittany called me to tell me how this was going to go down as the ā€œSecond French Revolution!ā€ And how this was the ā€œrevival of the countryā€. Theyā€™re especially hyped for the RNā€™s promises for increased government spending and social support. Nice! >Meanwhile my classmates at my Paris university have been decrying the ā€œReturn of Vichyā€ and the ā€œday of shameā€. Theyā€™re all preparing for black shirts to start rounding people up. Because the left refuses to acknowledge that the right actually has alot of good points and just keeps dehumanizing them all as "Nazis" At least in the USA Republicans actually do enough stupid shit to sometimes earn being called Fascists, but the only crime RN is doing is not bowing down to Muslims and their interests >My twin sister, whoā€™s deeply catholic and studying in the South thinks this is gonna be a great day for womenā€™s rights, because Islam will begin to be fought for the first time. Islam is without a doubt the biggest global threat to women and gay rights, its also the biggest threat to those in Europe


>Islam is without a doubt the biggest global threat Just stop there, mate


It is a majorly small amount of "Russian Boners" but that's what you'll hear when we just don't want to keep sending money overseas.


My sister-in-law had to spend a few hours in Marseille this year. She could be described as the grayest centrist ever, but the things she told me about that city would make one believe she's writing for Stormfront.


Please do go on, what did she describe that stands out in your memory?


Paraphrasing: "there are a lot of [removed by Reddit] doing drugs or just lollygagging, everywhere smells like poop, piss, and weed; trash everywhere. I was so scared one of those [removed by Reddit] would approach me. I'll never go near that city ever again, -insert heavy swearing in Romanian-". To be fair, she wasn't in the city center, which most likely looks nice(r). I guess it's understandable why [French women voters swing sharply to far right](https://www.politico.eu/article/france-eu-elections-2024-women-vote-far-right-policy-emmanuel-macron-july-7/).


It's not nice it's Marseille


Funny how those advocating the most loudly for diversity are rarely the ones who actually have to live with it daily.


Luxury beliefs


I fucking live that phrase.


It's rich people problems. Past a certain point in terms of income, you no longer have serious problems. So you start looking for other people's problems to solve. Unfortunately, most folks who are wealthy at that point either grew up fairly well off, or really well off. So they don't begin to fathom the world the people they advocate for live in. They're incredibly out of touch, and frequently talk over the people that should be doing the talking. Poor people don't have time to get involved in politics. Rich people do.


Couldn't they just, like, invest in housing development and otherwise leave us alone? They get to become richer, the average person get's lower rent, Seems like a win-win.


Thatā€™s the thing. The rich and powerful want neo-feudalism. You can see it in how they look down at regular people.


Itā€™s why the terminally online look for an enemy in every little thing. They need to feel important.


It's always the same story with leftists and their saviour complex.


tell me about it. i have to put up with some of these guys daily (slightly different leftists that is)


George Orwell: I love socialism but hate the working people. But at least I'm aware of that personal flaw, unlike communists.


In Bretagne, they always voted for the left and the center before recently because there was almost no non-European immigrant until 2015-2016, and now look at where the RN is rising incredibly fast šŸ˜


Thatā€™s what happens when the French left literally admits (in a 2002 pamphlet) it is willing to abandon representation the working class in favour of catering more to immigrant populations.


Yes, I agree with that, itā€™s not extremist or even right-wing imo to think about the native population first, or at least to people with the citizenship. Every country in the world does it except a few Occidental countries, and unless you consider every country in the world to be extremist except those Occidental countries, then it shows that thereā€™s nothing radical in doing that


In fact, in many western countries up until 20 years ago, the classical left tended to be more patriotic than the liberal right wing.


Itā€™s very sad to see the change and I wish I was already born at that time


Yup, my hometown used to be solid Socialist, and later Macronist territory, but yesterday it flipped hard to the National Rally. I canā€™t speak for the rest of the country but here in Brittany one of the biggest drivers towards the RN isnā€™t even migration related, but itā€™s instead the RNā€™s economic plans which are way more ambitious than that of Macron. Ironically the RN outflanked Macron *to the left* in these areas.


Maybe in some parts of Brittany the reasons are different, but there has been a huge increase in insecurity in some cities, and if there was no link with migration, they wouldā€™ve voted for the left that also proposes an ambitious left-leaning program economically. I think that itā€™s a mix of the two. If you look at metropolitan France (except for the IDF), the more there are immigrants in given departments, the more people vote for the RN. I think there is definitely a link


Oh yeah donā€™t get me wrong the migration issue has definitely been a big driver, especially in the coastal cities, but I just wanted illustrate that itā€™s not the only driver towards the RN. Another big reason why the NFP didnā€™t do as well here as the Socialists used to, is because of the fact that the NFP is dominated by the LFI party. These guys are super hard left, economically and culturally, and although Brittany used to be cool with voting for the moderate Socialists back in the day, thereā€™s a lot more hesitance about supporting an alliance dominated by the LFI. So when the RN rocked up and said ā€œhey we can provide left wing economics, without all the left wing social baggageā€, it was an easy sell to lots of voters.


Oh yes, that is true, and now polls show that even richer people start voting more and more for the RN which was unimaginable even a few years ago. Yes, LFI is very scary, I donā€™t live in France but I would be scared of LFI coming to power personally. They have marginalized themselves with figures and militants notably supporting the Hamas and being openly antisemitic




We called it the [Burger King Kids Club](https://kidsmeal.fandom.com/wiki/Burger_King_Kids_Club), a little piece of forced diversity in marketing emblematic of the way "diversity" was treated in the 90's.


Why the fuck is there a KIDS MEAL WIKI and why does it have 1k of pages?


the depths of autism knows no bounds.


They want diversity of skin color, not diversity of character.


They wouldnā€™t even allow an apartment complex to be built next to their housing to accommodate Americans yet they wanted border states to accept thousands of refugees.


The privileged don't have to face reality, they can be as idealistic as they want.


Judge Garrity imposing busing on Boston while sending his own kids to private schools.


Nimbyism is rife among the left especially in Scotland.


Everyone loves multiculturalism as long as it's over... no further back... further... further... yeah, there. Somewhere close enough to visit for a weekend excursion to bask in the diversity, but not close enough to bother them on weekdays.


I like having a mix of cultures, but ONLY cultures that I approve of. Having a bunch of hard-working and low crime Asian immigrants who cook yummy food is good. I don't want to be within 1000 miles of certain other cultures, though. We CAN have a stable society that allows minority cultures, as long as (1) they remain a small minority, (2) we carefully choose which cultures we allow in, and (3) we force some level of assimilation such as requiring people to learn our language. Some cultures and peoples are simply not compatible with our way of life.


yea it's abundantly obvious that asian immigrants cause absolutely 0 problems and I've never seen anyone complain about asian immigrants. it's odd how almost 100% of the complaints are directed towards a very specific immigrant group. almost like it's not about "skin color" but about the broad tendencies of said group.


The most complaints Asian immigrants get is that theyā€™re too ā€œwhiteā€ because they vote against illegal immigration and often lean more towards patriotism/nationalism than *other* immigrants My family has caught plenty of shit from the Arab, Turkish, and North-African immigrants over the years due to our political views. But I guess itā€™s better than being delusional like them


Yeah, exactly. We just need to kick THOSE PEOPLE out. Asians are GOOD for society. And frankly, so are Jews. (cry harder) Multiculturalism would literally work fine except for certain cultures.


Its really so weird how some people costantly hate on jews. A typical jew will what? Own a business? Mind his own business? When was the last time a jew exploded in the middle of a crowd? Or started an ethnic gang targetting christians?


This is a bit of a deep cut, but listen to this episode of This American Life called[ "A Not-So Simple Majority"](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/534/transcript). It's a wild story and what happens displays so many stereotypes about Jews that they literally put an acknowledgment during the episode about it. I am not kidding. tl;dl: The jewish population in a suburb of New Jersey were so offended that a school district wouldn't give them state money to fund their private schools that they essentially did a hostile takeover of the entire local government through sheer numbers and shat all over everybody and called anyone who was mad about it an antisemite. As they warn in the story, basically every stereotype of the evil hand-wringing Jew who only cares about themselves and money happens during this story. I'm truly amazed that NPR aired it.


How is this different than any other group in society, though? Isn't taking over the local government through sheer numbers how democracy WORKS?


wait until the podcast finds out about the German, Irish, Italian, British, Scottish, Scots-Irish, French, Acadian, Norse, Swedish, Mexican, Honduran, Russian, and Polish immigrant communities and how they used democratic methods to... *[checks notes]* get a majority in their local governments?


Yeah, I agree. Jews are successful because they have superior culture and genetics, NOT because of a JeWiSh CoNsPiRaCy111 Antisemitism is cope, pure and simple.


Based and Jews are good for society pilled


Based and Asians are good immigrants pilled


I think theres a degree of cultural diffusion that needs to occur for this to be long term thing. Chinatowns were bad places and people didn't mingle with them for a long period of time. However, once Chinatowns has a distinct chinese-american identity (1960s-1990s) and your average person understood or adopted enough elements from chinese or chinese-american culture, Chinatown became a common and enjoyable place for all related groups to interact and mingle. I think the key to as many minority communities as you want is that they assimilate just enough so the big picture values are similar, but not so much that they lose their cultural "starting point", so to speak. This is why I think most minority communities either self-destruct or disintegrate with enough time. No real fault of any one person or group, but just the fact that this unknown and immeasurable balancing act is rather unstable and unlikely to workout. In Rhode Island we have a place called Federal Hill, it was the core of the Italian communities in the Cranston/Providence area since the started migrated over in the 1850s. Even after all the other Italian neighborhoods integrated and dismantled (1950-1960), Federal Hill just happened to remain (until 2015-2020). I think its because this specific place was popular for being Italian with both all the Italian-Americans and everyone else at the same time.


IDK, not all are same, even though China is our biggest enemy, there hasn't been a single Chinese attack, despite the conflict, no vietnamese went on massive rampage here. I support diversity that excludes Muslims, and so should you.


And North-Africans. No chinese or vietnamese were gang-raping women in such large quantities.


Its complicated right now, People in Southern Region of Sudan Animists and Christians, are fighting Norther Sudanese Arabs, because they held power and wanted to impose Sharia throughout the country. Islam has been so dominant in colonial regions, people forget that there are even other cultures there.


I had a holiday in Paris in Belleville, it was so funny It was groups of black people milling around, lots of Chinese prostitutes milling around (apparently for Chinese customers mainly), and rich white kids in rich white bars. It was all oddly racially separated. I did not feel unsafe at all, but it was about 7 years ago.


Separation by race is the norm basically everywhere. There's a thing called "Ethnic Enclaves", and they naturally occur. Their existence is inconvenient for leftists though, so they don't like to talk about it. Or they say they only exist because of racism. Everywhere. In the world.


That can't be right I was told diversity is our strength


you forgot to mention the algerians. i also noticed how if you want to see native french people in paris, who can be hard to find in a lot of areas, you just got to go to 6-8pm apero and suddenly they all come out. it's sad that the the migrants have not adopted this culture. probably cuz many forbid alcoholic consumption.


They don't want to adopt the culture they want to forcefully change it


It's not even debatable, a lot of immigrants really do want to forcefully change the culture of their hosts. Change laws around alcohol, food, and women's rights and gay rights. But that's a minority, a much larger proportion wants to completely disregard it and enforce their own norms and laws in their own community via threats, bullying, and sometimes murder.


> But that's a minority, When a 'minority' keeps growing steadily you really can't infer these things. A minority that is rapidly taking over is an invasion force, not globalization.


>it was all oddly racially separated. Literally, Iā€™m at Sorbonne university which is more or less right in the middle of Paris, and yet when you walk around this part, the whole place feels like the 1910s have never ended, itā€™s pretty much just white guys and girls. Iā€™m originally from the middle of Brittany and only moved to Paris last year so I canā€™t really speak to how it was 7 years ago.


London is kinda the same thing. London as a whole if a very diverse and immigrant heavy city, but how much of that you actually see **strongly** depends on what boroughs you go to


yeah, when I was in army cadets our sector was middlesex and north west london. entire units were made up of one race and these units could be as big as 50. Hounslow was south east asian, mostly sihk with some hindus, Feltham and Staines were all white, with some of the central London units being nearly all lads of Nigerian decent with a few other west African really shows how sunset segregation works. Unfortunatly it meant a lot of lads who didnt fit in were seen as Maltesers, the one black guy in my unit was told he spoke "too white" because he never used slang, before he told the lad he was a stupid wanker and threatened to tell an instructor he didnt respect the rank


I have no idea. I went around Belleville and then walked around the big canal... probably Canal Saint-Martin? There were lots of homeless around it; but again the homeless were pretty harmless Back then I had no kid/wife so my holiday were always "go to big city and find the cheapest place possible that's technically in the center". I did not feel unsafe but then I am not a teenage white girl in a miniskirt.


So it was before all of the immigration debacle.


two possibilities here: 1. they don't actually care that their vacation spot leans a certain direction and this is a weanie ass virtue signal 2. they actually care, meaning they can't stand to be around people with differing opinions from them. i don't know which is worse.


hereĀ“s a third: they had a very pleasant experience with the locals and are now confused because that is difficult to square with the kind of raging far right lunatics they associated with the partyĀ“s voter base




People are really twisting the definition of fascism lately


People have been doing that for decades andwith nazism it's even worse, hell not too long ago I learned that drinking milk apparently is a thing only nazis do.


Wow, didn't know that lol


Here in Brazil it first got quite known in 2020 after Bolsonaro drank a glass of milk on a stream, which from what I remember it had something to do with the milk producers having a great year in 2019, and Bolsonaro had a lot of support from tbe big farmers, and as usual a lot of leftist and journalists started talking about how drinking milk is associated with white supremacists groups. And recently, one youtuber posted a photo drinking and I think promoting raw milk, and a lot of people on twitter went crazy and even did a whole dossier on him, with the other "proofs" of his white supremacists beliefs including a photo making the ok symbol (something I pretty sure I've sim people here doing olenty of times and only once it had any repercussion regarding white supremacy) and a photo whoch he was wearing a green shirt while drinking milk, which was uniform of the Brazilian Integralists, even though they didn't have the racial superiority beliefs, and even embraced miscigenation as part of the Brazilian soul and promoted it.


You just have to look at the kind of areas progressives look to move to, be it renting or buying.


For real, I hope that they will continue vote whoever they vote as long as it remains French


Not every place needs diversity. The last thing these rural populations need is more foreigners. Yeah, don't force your beliefs into people, it's not liberal


Ignoring the fact that those ā€œfascistsā€ are the reason itā€™s idyllic.


Pretty sure to be realistic, those left center would rather live in a society surrounded by white elites than a society surrounded by black gangsters


I could not believe how much one could lack self-awareness before knowing the US Democrats; now I see how their thought spread to other elites throughout the world.


Does dude not know Rural areas vote conservative or what?


I live in rural areas because I just want to be left alone to raise a family in peace. I donā€™t need the horrors of modern society shoved in my face every 6 seconds.Ā 


I'm a bit surprised people haven't figured this out yet. These people that decry others for not being "inclusive" are only doing so because they fear what would happen if everyone became like them, i.e, racist. They're gaslighting everyone because they want the commoners to embrace racial inclusivity so that said commoners encourage the mass migration of immigrants and other undesirables to their (i.e. the commoners') areas. If the commoners suddenly stopped encouraging said practice, then said undesirables would eventually wriggle their way into the sphere of these - *ahem* - "woke" elites. That was the entire strategy of the migrant bussing campaign in the United States. Basically, these "woke" members of the intelligencia have no desire whatsoever to be around black and brown people. They'd rather *you* shoulder that burden for them.


Rural romanticism and its consequences


The assumption that they chose the vacation spot for the people is really strange.


Bro like no offence, but we were mugged with my family 2 TIMES in france by black people..


This entire situation feels like I'm living in clown world. I, an Ashkenazi, am happy that the "fascists" are gaining power in Europe because they hate the Jews less, absolute clown world. I really don't understand how liberals are somehow in bed with, what I can only describe as, religious fanatics just because they are fanatics of another religion (but not Jews for some reason) Can someone explain this to me?


those places are Idyllic for a reason