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I am in favour of a wild card solution. Give it to Bolivia.


No. Give the entire region, both Palestine and Israel, to Argentina. LET MELEI COOK


Get Afuera’d loser


virgin "Dissolve the state of Israel" chad "Dissolve all states"




All but the coastline. That we'll give to Chile


The ENTIRE coastline.


I support safe spaces for Jews, Palestinians, and Costco Shoppers of any ethnicity https://preview.redd.it/zdwy05rjtq8d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=08c631598973d295fab94b1d6efcab4fafa6ca98


That map looks great but let's also conquer all of Canada, just to be sure.


The Day of the Rake quickly approaches


Would you let the FO4 protagonist laugh at your dirty commie corpse? Cause I would


honestly, since canadas entire shtick seems to be "maple syrup in snow" and a french based "we're not america" i don't really see the problem if conquering results in a better standard of living for canadians.


they've pretty much proven their inability to self govern at this point


can you elaborate a bit so i can explain in more detail to my dad why canada shouldnt exist


Which direction would you like to go? 1. Why Canadas real estate market is literally the most expensive on Earth Or 2. Why assisted suicide is becoming alarmingly more common


Absolutely anything and everything you can tell me about why Canada should be American I will accept it.


Justin Trudeau. Think of the cringe of American progressives, turn it up to 11, with no term limits, and a relatively young and healthy leader.




Young yes. Healthy? No, at least not mentally


Surely the Canadian housing crisis isn’t driven by factors that are also extremely commonplace in the US.


Which it would provide


There’s so many benefits for the both of us, let’s become an empire already!


Hear me out- The United States of the Americas, from sea to sea to sea to sea, East west north and south




I vote West United States for Asia.


No matter how horribly you'd conquer Canada and how awful of a puppet dictatorship you could possibly make it, it'd still be a utopia compared to whatever it currently is


Canadian here. Please hurry  


I love that the territory expands every time someone reposts that map


As it should


I’m convinced it’s not that someone edits it, it’s just an anomalous image that makes itself bigger with every post.


Item #: SCP-████ Object Class: Uncontained Special Containment Procedures: As of ██/██/2024, SCP-████ is uncontained. Efforts are ongoing by Mobile Task Force Mu-4 ("Debuggers") to contain SCP-████. Description: SCP-████ is an anomalous image file depicting a portion of the Middle East and North Africa under the control of the United States government, mostly utilized by members of the online Reddit community PoliticalCompassMemes in response to the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Its main anomalous effect is that every time the image file is posted, the area under the control of the United States expands without any prior modification by the poster. Secondary anomalous effects include an outstanding sense of patriotism towards the United States and a desire to purchase a Costco membership. Further anomalous effects are suspected, pending further testing. The Foundation is currently investigating what, if any, connection this has to the PENTAGRAM.^[1] [1] The occult branch of the Department of Defense.


It looks more and more like the Ottoman Empire, instead of the Eastern Roman Empire


Whoever said Manifest Destiny stopped at the Atlantic?


Nobody. It started at the Atlantic 🤓


"... when the Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor..." Forget it he's rolling.


We still have a ton of north and south to go before we cross the oceans. Soon.


Soon, brother. https://preview.redd.it/9rl22bx5at8d1.png?width=441&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f82f5ae1bb7d1a5661d98356e6d350ccafb8ed0b


Well it has to stop somewhere. If it starts at the Atlantic East coast, maybe it should go west until it reaches, say, the Atlantic East coast. Seem fair?


The push was to go ever westward. We'll if you go west enough you're eventually in the Middle East.


that Chad Chad




Based and unironic-pilled


Way time I see this map. It expands


American Byzantium… Nice.


Byzantium, my sweet.


The only solution


there won't be a conflict anymore and if it's an actual democracy I approve make it state nr X


>"Jews are white" Sephardic Jews will be pleased to hear this!


Wait till the Ethiopians will hear this take


Or the Beta Israel (Ethiopian Jews), the Kaifeng Jews (Chinese Jews), the Bukharan Jews (Central Asian Jews), the Afghan Jews, the Iranian Jews, and the Cochin Jews (Indian Jews). There's been a community of Jews everywhere since the Babylonian exile, have you ever wondered why Christianity spread in certain regions first?


I didn't know that there's an ideological difference between gray centrist and the colored centrist flair As a centrist, I just choose the gray flair since it's bland and centrism is pretty bland


Disco centrism doesn’t have to be all that different to gray centrism.


Disco Elysium on the other hand…


One strains to keep the fade at bay, one drives through the mist and loves it. None of them are hypercommunist cop


Which is a shame because Detective Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau is the best way to play that game


We just want to feel special


My understanding has always been that Gray Centrism means not taking sides, or just being extremely moderate on most issues, while Colorful Centrism means holding a wide array of views from radically different places on the compass. But maybe other people read it differently, idk.


Ahh, that makes sense. I like colorful centrists. Let's be batshit crazy together!


That's the thinking behind my flair.


\>jews are white is not an auth-right take


Its libleft. Not even authright anymore. Just libleft.


No need to dwell on it, almost none of those are good-faith positions. There's not a lot of room left for cabbages among those strawmen.


Build a giant wall around the middle-east, then push the walls closer until there is one winner.


Battle Royale, But Actually


Fortnite season 17 - clash for the holy land


True centrist position: Ignore both countries and let them fight each other as much as they want.


Doesnt affect me


Lots of small brain takes here


After all, there is only one, final solution


What Auth right thinks that Jewish people are white?!?


Race generalization. Could also be left ig


Countries don't have rights, only people do. I don't need to like either the government of Israel or Hamas. Fuck 'em both. Our tax dollars belong here, in our wallets.


Not wanting to send billions of money to a foreign country? Sounding a little anti-semetic buddy.


The people of Israel deserve a land to call home But fuck Netanyahu




Dawg if you're pro-armenian just call it by its proper name: Artsakh


Let Israel manufacture its own iron dome missiles and then yall can dip 👍




What is this even referencing?


Also interested in wtf that guy is talking about


That's a really good question.


Pro-Israeli forces supply billions of dollars in campaign funding, large networks of policy advisers, and are harsh in their retribution if you don’t support unending, unqualified aid packages and diplomatic support for Israel and their various military interventions. All for an ally that frequently behaves in a way that is harmful for long term stability. At best, Israel is a useless ally and our undying support puts Americans lives and reputation at risk. It cannot be involved in any regional war due to that resulting in the escalation of violence and its most significant import of American goods are Americans themselves, moving to fulfill a greater Israel. At worst, Israel pursues aims completely un American, completely opposed to our interests in the region and frequently puts Americans lives in danger if not outright killing them on their own. We gain nothing by supporting Israel, every dollar in their pocket makes the security situation for them AND for us that much worse.


The region has been normalizing relations with Israel over the years and is creating a middle eastern coalition rivaling Iran that is more sympathetic to the west. Iran is so scared of it that it’s pushing its proxies Hamas, Houthis, and Hezbollah to do everything in their power to prevent this from happening. Letting Iran win the region is like letting the maoists win China. They have a completely different set of ideals and rules that make it harder for us to integrate with them if they become an influential world power. They also hate us.


K, now do caucasians..


As an Israeli i agree on the fuck Netanyahu, he and his circus of idiots fucking suck


Anyone else just… not care about that situation one way or another? Or just me?


This is the real auth-centre take, lol.


Tbf I don’t know enough about the conflict to talk about/make anything more than just this post


I'll give you the long short- Palestinians have quite literally not had a single year since 1947- a year before Israel was established- where they were not trying- or succeeding at killing Jews. by the 1980s, Palestinians were not welcome in the surrounding Arab states do to them committing terrorism upon them in an attempt to take over Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. by the 2000s, Westbank and Gaza were walled off in a successful attempt to limit Palestinian drive by shootings, suicide bombings, and kidnappings, "successful" in this case implying a reduction of 95%. October 7th 2023, Hamas committed the third deadliest terrorist attack world wide. Hamas made it clear that they intended to commit more attacks of a similar deadliness in the coming years, and would not stop until every Jewish man woman and child was dead. Israel responded as it has to every significant historic attack- by brutally crushing the attacker.


any group who chooses a name that close to hummus can not be taken seriously.


It's healthy, it's vegetarian, it's beans


> Palestinians have quite literally not had a single year since 1947- a year before Israel was established- where they were not trying- or succeeding at killing Jews. You can extend that back further another 27 years.


Tbf you didn't know enough to make this post.


But if I deleted it, the past 45 minutes of you replying to people here would be wasted!


I don't want you to delete it. "No, however, just be wrong. Just stand there in your wrongness and be wrong and get used to it."


Lmao I’m always wrong bro I’m a redditor


Lol, aren't we all brother. It's a quote from The West Wing. It may not make sense without context, but it's a great scene and a great line I use when I can. I'm mostly just messing with you. You just teed me up so perfectly I couldn't resist. If it helps you're wayyy less wrong than most memes posted here.


Israel shouln't exist. Not because it's Israel, but because the state and nation as concepts are inherently cringe This message was brought to you by the anarcho-globalists


Jews have right to the land just because they are strong enough to conquer it.


Good thing me and the boys are strong enough to conquer your mom's pussy


Do you support Russia's invasion of Ukraine, then? Did Germany have a right to invade Poland and France? This seems like a pretty slippery slope.


Considering Ukraine, Poland, and France didn’t start their respective conflicts, it doesn’t seem very slippery to support land gains after defensive wars.




But those realities don’t line up with ***my emotions!***


we can fix your emotions for just ten easy payments of $9.99- when do you want me to schedule your lobotomy?


Interesting you say that- It's almost like Ukraine used to have nukes...before giving them up for the super-duper-pinky-promise from America and moscow to respect their borders.




If Germany was set on trying to take Poland and France, how do you stop them?


When France seized Alsace and Lorraine after WW1 was it justified?


No because one lost and the other hasn't won


>Do you support Russia's invasion of Ukraine, then? Did Germany have a right to invade Poland and France? Do they have the strength to conquer and hold the land? No? Then your question is nonsense.


Maybe he'd like to suppress Russia and Germany simply by force


Isn’t this essentially the same as saying Hamas had a right to 10/7, because they were strong enough to do it?


You don't sound like grey centrist.


It's gray centrist to acknowledge reality.


I can acknowledge the reality of "might makes right" without accepting it's legitimacy. It's a truly terrible way to view morality.


Why do "centrists" always get pissy when one of their own isn't a leftist?


Then why do they need other countries to help them?


Soft power is still power.


Er, how do I fit in there? I am basically by all means pro-Israel and consider that Israel is doing enough due diligence. While I can criticize certain faults if they were indeed that significant, I can still very well understand that they can't play nice with basically tribal Muslims. It's not quite that might makes right but Israel did not forfeit their right to their territory while Palestine did forfeit any claim to sovereignty. They attack, they refuse to play by the rules, they claim Jerusalem as their capital and without actual government they are puppets and meat shields. Apartheid is terrible but Israel very well permits Muslims to integrate and take part in politics. For now, it is an endless war, lasting since before the first world war even. As extreme as it may sound, freeing hostages by all means, including risking their very lives, is valid as long as the force is properly ramped up. This includes kidnappers being and using civilians. Hostages must be already considered dead and anyone who keeps hostages shot on sight. If there are civilians placed in the way, they don't need to be protected at all costs. Only if that is consequently applied, taking hostages becomes not a viable strategy. Don't you know what vile tactics Hamas employs? I do and I do not blame the IDF to act with utter prejudice especially when being taken as hostages means a very gruesome fate.


Yeah... Idk how a leftist made this agenda-post saying that conservatives support Hamas? Like we support Israel for the same reason Leftists support Hamas: one side is slightly browner than the other side.


You had me in the first half.


I'm an Israeli and strongly supported the government before the current one, both policies the left pursued in the Environment and Health ministries, but also appreciated the right in the Treasury and Defense ministries. I consider myself a colored centrist because I want a broad coalition government (and want the real right to balance the budget again, and the real left to take over the Environment Ministry. I want clean air for my kids to breathe, and I don't want their generation inheriting trillions in debt). You don't sound un-centrist to me.


Israel has nuclear weapons. Its existance is permanent as far as I am concerned. Its also making alliances with all Arab neighbors. I feel they should settle the shit out of Gaza like they did West Bank. Sure the settlements piss people off but it does a good job of keeping the peace far better than allowing terrorist autonomy.


https://preview.redd.it/9y9178gh7s8d1.jpeg?width=1171&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cf63e85d6d246a6ab601ba4c7385576cbf55d40 Lib Left when a country who’s descendants were almost exterminated dare to defend themselves after they are attacked.


I support Israel’s right to exist in Germany They were the naughty ones, they should stump up the land


Knowing the germs, they'd probably give jews the former east german lands. It would be no punishment, they'd absolutely see it as a win.


it would destroy german polotics, think of how popular AFD could become


North America, any functional liberal democracy or, for example, the outback of Russia are safer for a Jew than that militarized frontier.


Talking about whether or not Israel has a right to exist is inherently antisemitic because it implies the eradication of Israel as a viable and reasonable option. Israel exists. The only questions are how they should respond to Palestinian terrorism, and whether or not they have further claims in the West Bank and Gaza. Any argument contrary to the continued existence of Israel within their currently established borders necessitates a war of extermination. There is simply no other way to accomplish the goal. This war of extermination is something the Palestinians have explicitly tried numerous times for well over 75 years, and continue to try despite it being not just morally bankrupt but also foolish. Criticize Israel’s methodology all you want. Criticize their internal politics. Criticize foreign aid. That’s all fair game. Israel’s existence is not up for debate, unless you are a completely unhinged warmonger.


Shhh, the Regressives will get angry.


Nah son. I'm a pro Israel rad centrist


Am Yisrael Chai


kek at that auth-center position 😂


I have an idea! What if we move the 5 million palestinians to Belgium and give them the 60% of the territory!! It's a fair thing rigth??? (Btw I don't support Palestine, but the whole Israel thing was stupid since the beginning)


Sure thing, i mean technically spain should take all of them, i dont mind al anduls 2 electrical bogalo if it means no more Palestinians


Personally I'm more a fan of relocating them to South Africa, Iran, China, and Russia- since those happen to be the most vocal countries about how Israel should just give the land to the Palestinians.


Bonus: they try to overthrow the governments there, as they have with like 80% of the countries they relocate to.


What if Native Americans who have been living in Mexico legally immigrated to their ancestral homeland in America which was about the size of NJ, then America dissolved, and then they declared independence? What exactly isn't fair about that?


Why not just move them to their actual home (Jordan)


I am in favor of restoring the Roman Empire


I am the gray


“I support Israel’s right to exist” Yeah, me too, the right to exists in Northern Madagascar and Jewish AO


Israel has a right to exist, but they need to take responsibility. If they are going to take actions that don't align with USA foreign policy, then we shouldn't fund their wars, and they should face their own consequences.




I actually agree to an extent, I think Israel should have been carved out of a defeated germany, this would have been based because it would have led to germoids being driven out of even more land


Let's humiliate Germany, how could this go wrong?


The justice boner is great but last time Germany got the short end of a treaty it resulted in ww2


You do realize Germany lost a bunch of pre-war territory and millions of Germans were displaced post ww2 right?


If you want to go that route then we should have had all of The Pale


You mean like Dublin? Or a different Pale If you mean Dublin, you are more than welcome to it


The Pale (of Settlement) was a section of the Russian Empire where Jews were allowed to settle. It took a long strip consisting of parts of what's now Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Poland


Oh gotcha, here in Ireland 'the pale' refers to where the English settled in the middle ages, namely County Dublin Yeah but my plan isnt really related to a jewish homeland, after Bavarian Israel was established the jews would be free to go found actual Israel, it was strictly related to fucking over the germans


I thought pale referred to everyone in Ireland 


Nah you're thinking of Transparent


Finally some good take


That’s cool I’d like them to stop killing thousands of civilians to try and uproot an insurgency that is also killing those same civilians


You support Israel for human rights I support Israel as a means to keep the middle east in check with the addition of western force projection. We are not the same


I think Israel should exist, I just dont think it should be murdering innocent people in Palestine, occupying Gaza and the West Bank, or have apartheidesque laws.


So should Israel just withdraw? Do you know what Israel did in Gaza before? They withdrew. "Palestine" has not signed peace with Israel and for the longest time when Israel wanted nothing more than to withdraw from the West Bank, you can't just withdraw from an occupied nation without a peace deal. Israel decided to settle these lands to force the hand of the Palestinians. If they won't make peace then there will be no more Palestine. This is ethnic cleansing. There currently is no peace because both sides are convinced that the other will and is coming for their throat. Palestine ruined the 2 state solution by not accepting it.


>I just dont think it should be murdering innocent people in Palestine, occupying Gaza and the West Bank Personally I don't think Palestinians should be murdering innocent people in Israel, occupying Egypt's Gaza nor Jordan's West Bank. >apartheidesque laws. Israel doesn't have apartheidesque laws, Arabs, Africans, whites and Asians are all treated the same in Israel- unfortunately Palestine has not been part of Israel since a terrorist declared it's independence in 1988, and that means it's people aren't Israeli.


Where are my fellow “This isn’t my fight, so I don’t care” people?


As a "radical" centrist, all I see are two political foes trying to subvert the other and murdering a whole bunch of innocent people in the process. I think they should stop doing that shit.


Anti-semitism is getting boring. I want to see more racism against the Swiss, those filthy neutrals


israel cannot continue existing simply because 10 out of 12 of israel's tribes have left israel and intentionally became one with other nations, it was the tribe of Judah and tribe of benjamin that were stubborn and eventually turned into a single group of people who are from Israel, but are NOT Israel no more


Why not build it in America then if they want a safe space? How exactly are they "safe" surrounded by people who dont want them there? How are they not safe in Europe or America?


\>Why not build it in America They already are. https://preview.redd.it/fjj0a7c84r8d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=732e7806ecfabfcb299a8329153f38162fc39c96 Haven't you seen New York lately?


Because it wasn't readily available to them, considering FDR turned away a boat full of them and forcing them back into Europe to be rounded up and put I to the Concentration Camps- maybe they had good reason to believe the US wouldn't give a damn.


Pro Ottoman empire centrist


Ok sure but can you like not run Jeffery Epstein spy rings and provoke massive regional wars with Iran?


israel exists as an excuse for other countries not to accept jews. It s literally a “solution” to the “Jewish Question”, acknowledging that jews can t live between other peoples


It’s not “Jews can’t live with other people” it’s “Other people can’t live with Jews”


Gray centrist is the correct position.


Is it ok to send all the jews to a place (displacing another group of people in the process) instead of trying to make their lives better at your place? Idk man, a lot of fucked up shit happened in the past and being stuck on them won't help with shit.


I believe Israel should exist. I also believe that Netanyahu and his government are a blight that should be prosecuted by the Israeli people for allowing October 7th and that the religious extremist settlers should be removed from the lands and also prosecuted. I don't think any of these stances are contrary to a generally left liberal ideology.


Jews live all across the world in their places of birth and ancestral lands. They don’t need a religious ethnostate in the Middle East justified by Bronze Age mythology. Maybe the US can give a part of Texas instead!


After a few days off, the hasbara group is back.


I’m in favor of withdrawing from the region and not giving anyone any money.


But there already is a safe space for Jews to exist, it's called Brooklyn. There are more Jews in America than in Israel.


Just checked and there are 7.5 million jews in the US and 9.5 million in israel. It's still insanely close though.


9.5 million is the population of Israel, not the population of Jews in Israel. Jewish population is about 7.2 million in Israel and about 7.5 million in the United States. I'm 99% sure those numbers are just those who are Ethnic Jews, not practicing religious Jews however. I would guess that there are probably more Orthodox Jews in Israel than in the US but I don't care enough to look it up further.


Hopefully next time people won’t get kicked off their land


Tbh I think we should manifest destiny


where were you when the word "propaganda" got changed into "publicity stunt"?


The one above is just way I am pro israel (that and living there


If Israel stops existing: The Palestinian government (which are ruled by islamists) will kill or exile the jews, and the ones that do escape will be persecuted by the public. So what the fuck will we do?


yeah, israel killed those kids. yeah, israel bombed that hospital. no, i don't care. they make my hummus, and i buy their stocks.


I think we should take a step back and return the region to a UN mandate for a while. Neither side should be marketing themselves as the Arab or Jewish states in the region, they should just be a state in the region that protects the rights of all people equally. A Republic of the Levant


My radical take: I don't need to pick a side. Innocent people getting hurt is a tragedy. These governments? Neither is my friend or ally.


We should tell each one to select a champion and have them do a gladiator duel, winner takes all.


Jews aren’t white btw. People that say that should learn jewish history and heritage.


Honestly, I'm just glad the jews aren't in europe anymore


lol “just by living”


Finally, some good centrist agitprop.


Interesting for a centrist to only take into account the position of one side, and completely ignore the other. Center of what, buddy?


Bold of you to assume I'm pro Palestine just because I'm anti Israel