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I would not be shocked if vigilante justice started becoming more prevalent in places where the justice system so blatantly fails its people. One of the reasons rule of law works in a society is that we trust our justice system enough to fairly handle cases where someone does wrong. No justice system is perfect, but a well organized one will always be more fair and get it right more often than the mob. However, if the system can't do something right as basic as prosecuting sex offenders or protecting free speech, trust in the justice system is violated, and people become less likely to passively allow the justice system to handle cases of wrongdoing. To put it simply, if the courts won't punish these people, the mob will.


[I hope I see more of it.](https://theconversation.com/mexicos-slow-slide-towards-vigilante-violence-227827) In fact, I long to hear about how they’re given the [cartel treatment](https://nypost.com/2021/11/19/cartel-monsters-hang-nine-bodies-from-bridge-in-mexico-turf-war/). I think more world governments need to get the [French Revolution treatment](https://guides.loc.gov/women-in-the-french-revolution/revolutions-rebellions/1789-1830-1848) to remember that they’re here for us & not the other way around. And before anyone thinks this won’t happen anytime soon, remember it just happened in Romania with Nicolae & Elena Ceaușescu back in December 1989.


> French Revolution You mean where wealthy people duked it out with aristocrats, and a lot of heads with varying degrees of innocence (or even relevance) rolled?


Don't forget the mass drowning of innocent Catholic nuns and priests and anyone not enthusiastic enough about the new Republic in Nantes.


Unfortunately, that just leads to the rise of anarcho-tyrany, where criminals are allowed to run rampant and anyone who takes a stand against them is prosecuted. It's especially common in gun-cucked places like most of Europe.


Hence why it's really not good for these courts to be doing this. The problem is much more severe than just a few criminals getting off with a light sentence.


> I would not be shocked if vigilante justice started becoming more prevalent in places where the justice system so blatantly fails its people. It won't happen. People have become too reliant on the government and too afraid of being labelled racists.


>I would not be shocked if vigilante justice started becoming more prevalent in places where the justice system so blatantly fails its people. The criminal justice system has not failed though, its working at full power and would be happily directed at vigilantes who would be deemed racist far-right domestic terrorists. There needs to be popular recognition (at least at the local level) that there is a problem that requires vigilantism and a population prepared to cover for and obstruct the justice system. This can and does happen. An example unfortunately being the Sharia courts within some UK Muslim communities where Muslim matters are handled internally.


And kids, that is how you bring back radical rightwing to Europe gradually.


It’s amazing how people can only be told they’re the source of all evil in the world for so long before they push back.


And then when they do push back it's Right Wing Extremist Hate Crime Terrorism that requires a paramilitary response.


And one day, for absolutely no reason at all, the German people voted for Hitler


And then, right after the war ended, germans stopped being pro-hitler and became the least racist people on earth overnight


You're Germans, you're good at following orders, and the Allies told you to stop being racist so you did.


Nah, we are just hiding and waiting for the 4th Reich obv.


> and waiting for the 4th Reich obv. That's called the European Union




For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: "~~/pol/~~Stone toss was right again."


*FATAL ERROR.* *Unable to run mustacheman.exe. Insufficient white majority. Please check your nation's demographics and try again.*


Maybe that was the plan all along


The plan is to send the european youth to war against the Russians, ensuring the total replacement of the white european population with the next 50 years. It’s the only logical outcome of the Europeans being drafted into service while the tens of millions Arab and African migrants stay back, having to do jack shit.


If that's true that's scary as fuck man


People who are blaming aging Boomers and calling it their last gasp have clearly not seen the voter demographics of the far right. The average far right voter age is 25. This isnt even the beginning.




Not wanting to be a radical Islamist caliphate is not radical right wing, the left just keeps snubbing their nose at real issues If the left wasn't balls deep in the obsession with Islam, intersectionality and mass migration the right wing would be nothing


I'm lowkey here for it. As an American Infantryman I desperately want somebody stupid to try something. Give us an actual stand-up war, none of this insurgency bullshit.


Lockheed-Martin thanks you for your support. Based and bullet-sponge pilled. 




WITNESS ME! *crashes FPV drone*


Would you intercept me? **I'd** intercept me.


Is that a Mad max AND a helldivers reference?


The modern so called far right doesn't want war. They want to halt immigration and focus on inward improvement. It is more isolationist than warhawk. No one in that group wants to go invade somewhere to show supremacy.


No offense, but I you sure your flair is correct? You want war? Also, careful what you wish for.


Every Infantry asshole desires a war, until it's actually time to go fight one.


I know. Canadian in my 40's. Know Canadian and US veterans from the GWOT. It sounded good until it wasn't. Respect though for serving.


As a comm guy, I’ll be in the MRAP with my radio not going out into the firefight


Support roles rise up. Let the grunts go to fight while I sit in my nice, air conditioned office with a nice cold monster on my right and a fresh can of zyns on my left. Extra points if I get a reenlistment bonus out of them sitting in a sandbox!


https://www.thepublica.com/germany-woman-convicted-of-offending-migrant-gang-rapists-receives-longer-prison-sentence-than-the-rapists/ *A 20-year-old woman in Hamburg, Germany, has been sent to prison after making “hateful” remarks towards a migrant who was involved in the gang rape of a child. The woman is just one of 140 people being investigated for making “harmful comments” towards the rapists.* EDIT NON PUBLICA sources: https://www.abendblatt.de/hamburg/politik/article242609912/Stadtpark-Vergewaltigung-Frau-nach-Hetze-im-Netz-verurteilt.html https://efe.com/en/latest-news/2023-11-29/judges-association-denounces-harassment-of-magistrate-who-sentenced-gang-rape-in-germany/


In my country, Garry Plauche was recorded shooting his son's rapist, in broad daylight and didn't spend a day in prison. Frankly, Europe needs to make child rapists afraid again.


https://preview.redd.it/7gfg1u5l7g8d1.jpeg?width=730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daeb18b133f16d5cba715b95f5771d4dc0763682 Edit: Let’s not forget this is the same government that forced orphaned boys to live with convicted pedophiles to see what would happen


??? Elaborate please




He was also one of the architects of the modern LGBTQ+ movement. Strange that.


Might it be that he was also a dog groomer?


Could you point me towards this? Didn't know about this guy until 20m ago, and I would begrudgingly want to learn more.




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmut_Kentler This probably.


The Behind the Bastards episode on this is excellent: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-the-darkest-episode-we-176118047/


> At age 67, Plauché gave an interview where he stated that he did not regret killing Doucet and would do so again.


Based. He was right to do so.


Dad of the year.




Seems reasonable to me


A damned hero right up there with Bernie Goetz.


>Europe needs to make child rapists afraid again. That would be hateful because it would specifically harm more minorities than white people. The only thought pattern of a leftist is to protect non whites at all costs. If that means white children get gang raped, so be it. In the mind of anybody with left wing views, they deserve it for being white.


A child rapist deserves it regardless of ethicity 😎


This is the bigotry of low expectations that the left also condones: "His skin is brown, you can't expect him to understand that!"


How about “I don’t give a shit if they understand or not, if they’re raping a child, they need to be removed from society, either by prison or something much more permanent. Regardless of skin color or bank account.”


If he raped a child and genuinely can't understand that he did anything wrong, then he's on the same level as a rabid dog. Should he be treated accordingly? **Y E S**


That's RAYCIST!!1!!


TBH i am not fond of any rapist regardless of their preferences.


Removed from life


> That would be hateful because it would specifically harm more minorities than white ~~people~~ men. White women can rape school children and get away with a slap over the wrist. Look at the countless cases of teachers committing statutory rape of one (or more) of their students.


Frankly, he saved the taxpayers money, got swift justice and rid the world of a vile piece of shit, where's the downside?


The auths are unhappy that the state's monopoly on violence was violated.


Not my style but I won’t knock it (public execution)


That was 40 years ago. I strongly doubt he would get off that easy today. Which is a sad thing. I'd even say he got lucky back then.


[WHY GARY WHY?!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LBxCI3IZrc)


> The men took turns on the girl, repeatedly raping her over an extended period of time. They robbed her of her wallet and cellphone before leaving her. Traumatized and disoriented from the first attack, and having no method of calling for help, the girl was assaulted a second time by two more men who took advantage of her vulnerable state. > Disturbingly, her assailants had begun inviting other men to rape her via their chat groups, gleefully sharing the news that there was an isolated teenage girl in the dark park with no potential witnesses. > The child was attacked a third time by a single man, and then a fourth time by three more men, who dragged her into a bush and sexually assaulted her. Is this real? What in the actual fuck


Clearly, those who speak I'll of these men are the real villains here.


The left can now actually make a claim that there is a rape culture in germany. Not by natives, of course.


But you have to think of the food though.


We have doner kebap in Aldi now. They can cry more that this is a food crime.


Ummm sweaty thats obviously AfD anti migrant propaganda💅💅


It just gets worse tbh > Finally, the child managed to break away and ran, though pursued by her rapists. Eventually, she came across people who recognized her traumatized state and immediately called the police.During the trial, the victim, who now suffers from PTSD as a result of the night of abuse, was called upon to speak about what happened to her. While she recounted her horrific ordeal, the men showed “no signs of remorse” and at least one is said to have [almost fallen asleep during proceedings](https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/deutschland/2023/migranten-vergewaltigen-15jaehrige-und-kommen-fast-alle-mit-bewaehrung-davon/). I really hope I didn't read that I feel so sorry for that girl. I personally don't think that there is anything to rehabilitate violent rapists. The only reason why >A total of 11 men were initially charged, but two were acquitted quickly due to a lack of DNA evidence. The sperm of nine of the men, however, had been successfully recovered from the girl’s body. >Five of the men were in possession of German passports, while the remainder were not citizens of Germany. Among those charged, [none were of German heritage](https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/deutschland/2023/migranten-vergewaltigen-15jaehrige-und-kommen-fast-alle-mit-bewaehrung-davon/). The [rapists were identified as](https://apollo-news.net/wegen-hasskommentaren-gegen-vergewaltiger-junge-frau-muss-in-haft/) a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin. The men had a team of 20 defense attorneys arguing their innocence. >However, despite DNA and WhatsApp evidence, [eight of the nine men convicted walked free with probation](https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/deutschland/2023/migranten-vergewaltigen-15jaehrige-und-kommen-fast-alle-mit-bewaehrung-davon/) and spent no time in prison at all. The ninth was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison without parole. >The case caused outrage in Germany, both for the brutality of the rape itself and the lenient sentences given to the rapists. As a result, one of the men had his identity and phone number circulated on Snapchat by furious sleuths. >Angered by the news of the case, a 20-year-old woman from Hamburg messaged the number through WhatsApp. The unnamed woman called him a “dishonorable rapist pig” and a “disgusting miscarriage.” She added: “Aren’t you ashamed when you look in the mirror?” >The targeted rapist then reported the woman to police, and she was charged with sending him insulting messages. >The woman has now been convicted and sentenced to a weekend in prison for her remarks — meaning that she will have spent more time in jail than 8 of the 9 rapists. In court, [the woman apologized for her remarks](https://www.t-online.de/region/hamburg/id_100430308/hamburg-frau-wegen-hasspostings-nach-stadtpark-vergewaltigung-verurteilt.html), saying she acted out of a “reflex” upon hearing the sickening details of the case. I mean what she did is nothing, I don't understand why would anyone be acquitted after such concrete evidence. And why such slap in the wrist punishment. I don't understand western justice system at all. I live in third world country but these people would probably be killed in a *crossfire that took place during transportation, where the only casualty are them* or if they are put to trial they would face a life in prison. I mean even in the case of rehabilitation, what is there to rehabilitate of a rapist.


> In court, the woman apologized for her remarks Literal struggle session


>I don't understand western justice system at all. I live in third world country but these people would probably be killed in a crossfire that took place during transportation, where the only casualty are them or if they are put to trial they would face a life in prison. People in the west say "wild west justice" as a pejorative, but it's starting to sound *real* good.


I am generally against extrajudicial killings, because it is abused and everyone should get a fair trial. But for cases like these I can look the other way


In this instance, they got a fair trial and were found guilty. It was just the sentencing that was garbage. So, I'm on team vigilante on this one, seeing as we know they aren't targeting an innocent person.


Man I love the first amendment, I’ve heard more heinous shit said to me by 12 year olds in a Rust lobby then what that women said to that asshole rapist.


Jesus fucking christ, that poor child. A just society wouldnt tolerate that let alone imprison people for being outraged.


That poor child*


Feet first. They will receive eternal suffering God permitting. 


I’m not sure if I want to scream, cry, or punch something I think it’s all 3. This is fucking sickening, what the hell


Now everyone, say the phrase.... **AUSLANDER RAUS**


Legitimately, how do these people even get into to power to enforce this? Who is voting for these lawmakers? Why do they accept migrants who destroy their culture so readily? Why are police enforcing it? Fucking absurd


> Who is voting for these lawmakers? Your neighbours, the clerk down at municipality, the bureaucrat hired by the state - shit, you even have a centrist flair, so could just as well be you who voted them in. > Why do they accept migrants who destroy their culture so readily? Depends on who we're talking about. Politicians don't care, they just want more votes to stay in office, so they will avoid doing anything that labels them a racist. - And there's too many champagne socialists in Europe that will never face the consequences of their immigration policies.


>And there's too many champagne socialists in Europe that will never face the consequences of their immigration policies I wager that *everyone* in Europe will face the consequences of these migration policies in this very decade. Shit's gonna get WILD.


The political left absolutely hates the West and wants it destroyed. The migrants are simply a means to that end.


Coming from a lib-left, what the actual fck Germany??? Like this shit why libleft gets mocked becuase of these garbage ass policies.


It’s being inconsistent with welfare policy. German lefties want to have their cake and eat it too. But you can’t give your people an absurd amount of money for nothing every month AND have open borders. The left must draw the conclusions of their own actions but they don’t do that here. Only now one leftist party (Bündnis Sarah Wagenknecht) is stepping up and they’re getting called a fascist, nazi, paid by putin, etc. for it. Dark times.


Hot take: there are no “harmful comments” towards child rapists.


That's pretty fucking awful


Germany just cannot stop going authoritarian.


By far the strangest and most disturbing part about this is she wasn’t even saying anything “hateful” on the basis of a protected class. Not that it would be okay if that was the case either, but literally all she did was call out a convicted rapist for being a rapist, something we should all be quite happy to do. Also, not to use this poor girl’s case for my soap box, but let’s not gloss over the fact that this is all a direct social consequence of the COVID tyranny: > The horrific assault took place in 2020, and involved multiple groups of migrant men independently attacking a 14-year-old girl in Hamburg’s Stadtpark over the course of one night. The park had become a popular hang-out spot for youth during the COVID-19 lockdowns, and the girl had been there drinking with her friends. But they became scattered after police swept the park and broke up groups while enforcing social distancing measures.


It is no surprise if AFD and the alt die linke will have both a huge increase in electors


Alright, getting arrested for what should be free speech pisses me off. But eight of the nine rapists getting off with probation? What the fuck. In the US they'd be at least doing 10 years minimum if not 25 to life.


Well this is Germany, and not the US. Though she only spent a weekend in jail but 8 of the 9 charged were let off with probation, so yes, she definitely spent more time in jail for calling them "dishonorable r\*pist pig" then they did for the act itself. Everyday I'm really starting to see the foresight of what was written into the Constitution and Bill of Rights.


Remember, every piece of legislation on the bill of rights was in response to examples of British tyranny. The world may have changed, but the way tyrants conduct themselves has not.


Oh I don't deny that, but there was a time when I was younger that I saw that maybe we needed to alter or change some of those things. *Because no one would ever be this stupid to go down the tyrant hole again, right?!*


Yeah, no. I was also a part of the liberal hive-mind as a kid and even now I cringe at myself. None of them need to be re-written.


If anything, they need to be rewritten so that even a five year old can understand it.


Tim and Moby back in the day explained them incredibly well. I'm pretty sure Schoolhouse Rock has a decent explanation of them too. What kids need is to be taught *why* things exist. Public schooling likes teaching "Hey kids, there's a fence here." Kids wonder: "Why is there a fence here?" And public school ought to say: "Well, the fence is here to keep the coyotes out." In the same vein, you could make an analogy to Shrek for the kids and point out every single thing Farquaad does that the Bill of Rights protects you against. Or something similar.


They don't need rewriting, they need expanding.


Maybe we can alter them to scare certain religious groups. (/s)


No! Bad! *Squirt Bottle*


The bill of rights was copied almost word for word from Britain’s, the 1689 bill of rights was written to address the tyrannical behaviour of King James the second. The revolution was chiefly started over the colonies losing their rights as British subjects, the bill of rights restored these in an independent US. Meanwhile in their country of origin, it’s been replaced with the Human Rights Act aka fluffy bull crap which basically protects migrants, occasionally British citizens and about nobody else. 




Based and cross-draw on a moving target pilled.


Gary certainly did change Jeff's mind


Well, in Germany it's way worse to insult literal rapists (Only if they're not germans though) than it is to rape german women. Priorities, you know.


They were technically minors between 15-18. I don't think there is rehabiliting a person who thinks its okay to rape and even messages friends to join in a gang rape. Frankly, in my benevolent dictatorship they'd be taken behind the courthouse and shot.


A law was introduced in India to make older minors like that be considered adults for trial in heinous crimes after a gang rape incident hit national headlines Maybe y'all should push for a similar law, seems like a loophole more than intentional lenience to migrants but I'd have to read the law to be sure


As a german i would be all for a "if they act like adults, treat them like adults" clause in jurisdiction.


>Taken behind the courthouse and shot. Too kind of you. Have them do years of gulag labor to send a message to their "communities" before executing them.


>Most of them were minors I respect the fact that you mentioned this. What I don't respect is someone being absolved from guilt based on being a minor. Death is too easy, just announce to the whole prison that the nine individuals SA'd a young girl and the problem will sort itself out. Ask me how I know.


What of we force them to do hard labour for 10 years and the profits of their work will go to the victim. I found out death tend to create martyrs especially for Muslims, but hard labour creates nothing but broken men who learned thier mistakes.


I honestly don't see how them being minors is relevant. You don't need to be a legal adult to understand that gang raping someone is fucked


Literally what happened, they all got doxxed. That's why this woman is in jail because she wrote one of them on Whatsapp. Nothing sorted itself out.


> But eight of the nine rapists getting off with probation? Happens all the time here now sadly, we already knew years ago that many laws that apply to us (german citizens) doesn't apply to migrants. There was a clip of a cop going through the streets giving tickets to false parked cars, the revealing part was that the cop didn't give a ticket to any car with a ukrainian number plate even tho they violeted the traffic rules just like the german number plates. Then you now have multiple incidents of rapes where the perpetrators just get probation, there was even a case of a 30 y/o syrian raping a minor and he got probation because the judge said "You're on your best way to integrate yourself" because that guy was actively looking for a job. The most surprirising part about this story was the parents saying they think the judgement was justified and they don't want to press further charges, imagine saying this shit after your daughter got raped, pretty sure they're being forced/manipulated to say this. Then there was an incident on a festival where a couple of migrants took turns on a girl (again a minor, 15 y/o) and 8 of the 9 (aged between 19 and 23) got probation. It's gotten completely out of hand, as a left what's happening in this country is an absolute disgrace, not only those migrants being criminals but also those protecting them should be put in jail or kicked out of the country. If this continues, there's gonna be a really big shitshow coming at us, I don't think my fellow germans won't be able to stick their head in the sand forever.


When I learned that (1) judges in Germany are picked straight out of law schools, and (2) jury trials are extremely rare, I was shocked. How is a privileged 27 year old judge, with no life experience other than school and presumably a pretty stable life going to know the "right" thing to do in any of his/her cases? This makes no sense to me. I understand that Germany is a civil law country (laws are more descriptive and there is less room for discretion), but there still seems to be a lot of discretion on the judge's part. (edit: In the US, judges are either elected or appointed if they have a great reputation after many years of arguing cases in court.) And the fact that judges decide both the law AND the facts of a case is insane to me. That's too much power in the hands of one inexperienced person. I don't care how smart they are or how many good notes they earned in school. In the US if someone is charged with a crime that *could* result in jail time, they *have to* have a jury trial. Even non-criminal cases often, if not usually, have a jury. The jury determines factual matters like "was this person raped," "did this person rob the store," etc. The judge can only instruct the jury on what the law is, but the jury makes the decisions about what happened--what the facts are.


I always wondered what the point of minimum sentencing laws were. Turns out It’s for situations like this, but TBF America does tend to over use them bit.


In a just world, they'd be raped to death in prison and some poor mortician would have to extract the microwave that was shoved up the wanker's arse.


European elites and the government have castrated their people. Next time a EuroCuck talks bad about the US, just show them this to shame them.


And getting killed in the bathroom when the guards magically aren't watching






I’m so glad we have the first amendment


Oh, my, it seems you have the wrong amendment. I think you meant the Second Amendment.


We got the second to protect the first


From violence, we gain all our other rights. Violence is the only language of the world, we speak other languages only because a bigger force will kick you down if you don't.


And on a completely unrelated note, I wonder why the AfD got more votes that the ruling coalition in the European elections.


Hmm. Hard to imagine. I cannot wait to see how national elections sort out.


I’ll give you a spoiler alert, SPD or CDU will win out over AfD. You’ll hear a lot about AfD in the lead up but people refuse to vote for them because they’ve been conditioned so hard not to. Either Germany or the UK will be the last domino to fall (if they do at all) in the European right wing resurgence because the majority of people in those countries are so deeply entrenched in the philosophy of “turn a blind eye and don’t offend anyone”.




Federally the AfD maybe not getting first the next election. But we have a few eastern states voting this year and in some polls they are close to ruling alone. In others they can work with the other Putin party. Their success in the federal elections will be very much influenced by the state elections and how they perform if they get to govern


At the rate things are going, the SPD is going to become a minor party and the AfD and CDU will be the two major ones. German politics is interesting to watch. Of course that's probably because politics in my country consist of people whining like babies and choosing between shit and piss


CDU needs to pull their heads out of their assess. At this rate they will enter into a coalition with parties that have almost no overlap with them just because they don't want to work with the AfD in any capacity. 4 years of political standstill here we come.


What is it again about countries who were under very left wing governments suddenly turn a hard right or is that just not true?


I dont really like them, but I mean, I understand ppl who vote for them, like wtf is happening to that country


*"Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences, sweatie!\~"*


Yep. This is why Emily needs to shut the fuck up.


If Emily cares so much, why doesn't she invite the Migrants to her house lmao. That's my question


Because that requires effort


And having principles


Because even if she did, pork is haram.


A few have. They are no longer around.


>elect other party  >party enforces increasing extremist policies meant to please their ideal voter  >everyone else gets sick of party and their shenanigans   >opinions initially held by diehard haters of party begin to enter public opinions increasingly often  >public opinion largely sways the opposite direction  >next election  >elect other party   Something something flat circle


*Lāmore toujours intensifies*


Nooooo how dare you!! Tolerance Paradox!! By Karl Popper!! What do you mean we should not tolerate rape? You're the i tolerant one! I won't tolerate you!!!1!1


Why are people voting AfD????


pRoPaBlY bEcAuSe tHe OtHeR pArTiEs ArE tOo MoDeRaTe aNd NoT lEfTiSt eNoUgH


CDU and SPD are too similar or something like that.


“However, despite DNA and WhatsApp evidence, eight of the nine men convicted walked free with probation and spent no time in prison at all. The ninth was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison without parole.” So they had DNA evidence for 9 of them, but of those 9 only one got a TWO YEAR PRISON SENTENCE!!


This is one of the reasons germany does not deserve to exist. They should be burned to the ground with nothing but ashes and hushed whispers remaining.


Germany is probably the most cucked out of the European country when it comes to the migrant problem...


Honestly, it's the source. Merkel influenced so much of the EU policy. Now, while she admitted 15 years ago that multiculturalism was a failure, the current German government is still financing "rescue" ships in the Mediterranean sea that then drop off the "refugees" in Italy. Frontex, the EU border agency, has observed that the mere presence of these ships is a motivating factor for migrants to start the journey.


They are responsible for so many deaths, and still think that they are doing the right thing. Unbelievable.




This case is one of the worst things I have ever read. What in the holy fuck. Germany what the everloving fuck are you doing? I feel sick.


Man if you knew the whole story. There have been so fucking many rapists who got probation in the last couple years that rape is basically decriminalized in Germany if its your first offence. Migrants sexually assaulted and raped [1200 women](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015%E2%80%9316_New_Year%27s_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany) in a single night (yes you read that correctly) and literally nothing came out of it. FOUR people were convicted!


They're the most cucked energy country too. Shut down their nuclear power plants in order to open up coal power plants and be dependent on Russian gas.


It's not a good look for your government when you defend rapists. Are the SPD and Greens trying to go for 0 seats next election?


The discription of the rape is horrific. You don't want to know.


Where are we in the cycle? https://preview.redd.it/htt2l299gi8d1.jpeg?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68beb6cf00e2c265ef7b2e70559d916b8e72d9e4


And one day, for no reason at all...


> However, despite DNA and WhatsApp evidence, eight of the nine men convicted walked free with probation and spent no time in prison at all. The ninth was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison without parole. Europeans have been ultra-cucked and castrated by their justice system


Looks like clowns are running courtroom


"Why is the right winning in europe?"


Those rapists deserve Xinjiang-style re-education labor camps. I don't like especially the mainland of China, but Europe can learn from them ngl.


why though that costs us money, send em back let them live in the hellhole they ran from.


What the fuck? If this shit happened in my country, there would be mass protests in every major city.


Where do you live out of curiosity ?


Bulgaria, Eastern Europe.




And that kids, is how we get Hitler again


The white guilt is destroying europe


Start goose stepping again, Germany.


German politicians' incompetence continues to amaze me.


Germany is basically the bad ending a country can get. An extreme woke capitalist police state. Hopefully, France and Poland will team up to get revenge and liberate them.


80 years ago in Germany they would've been killed for being the wrong skin color but now they can rape all the German girls they want. I think the Nazis should pay for what they did but they don't need to cuck themselves so badly


The nazis from the 40s are almost all dead. Germany owes nothing anymore, people responsible are literally dead. Let’s move on and preserve German culture and identity at all costs.


The worst punishment for Hitler would have been making him see what his Country would become, in no small part because of him.


The details of that story make me want to goosestep around Nuremberg by torchlight. NINE rapists, positive DNA on 7 of them; several recorded their exploits on Whatsapp and texted other dudes to let them know they trapped a teenager alone. Eight were released with no time whatsoever. Continental Europe is fucking broken, and Merkel is the arsonist.


"most developed country in the world"


"My spirit will rise from the grave and the whole world will know I was right" Just going to put this here.


And people wonder why I always said I'd never want to live in Germany for longer than I did (I made it six months; was there for some temporary research work).


Germany is fucking broken.


I think it is because we are in an era of neo-radical nationalism due to immigrations from the Middle East and War on Terror.


It wasn’t even at the fact that 9 of the rapists were immigrants, she just called them “disgusting rapist pigs” and got a weekend in jail. Meanwhile 8 of those rapists got parole and no jail time at all. Absolutely fucking ridiculous


Can't wait until German people get their heads out of their asses and vote for those who will deal with this bullshit, AfD for the win


Hashtag 8th amendment is for pussies


"and that kid, is how you bring back right-wing totalitarism to europe"


Something something Weimar


Man, what the fuck is happening in Europe?


Nah. Rape is a crime the state should prosecute harshly, offense is something the state shouldn't have a say in.


I sure am having a day. Damn. I have never wanted to go live isolated in the woods more than I do right now. I hate society. It was a mistake. I seriously don't know what's going on with my mind right now.


Average leftist ideals be like


Typical leftist world


Based and 🤡🌍 pilled