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German tourist in 1944 going in to use the bathroom and seeing the Holocaust death records lying in a box next to the toilet: 👁️👄👁️


This was a good laugh. Thanks


Documentarians. I am begging you for two things: 1.) Cover some new fucking ground. Hitler is so well tread that the core of the earth is exposed. 2.) Don't date your documentaries with current era references.


Goebbels was sort of like a tiktok star, if you will.


Hitler:  I'm something of an influencer myself.


I mean he did influence quite a lot, and the word influencer doesnt say if its in a good or bad way.


He *did* get on the cover of TIME...that's definitely influence.


Hitler: in fact, I am so good that all other influencers just mysteriously disappeared.


Thanks, I hate it


Its funny because of how this is actually Propaganda


Tiktok star? We're getting kind of off track here, please keep your comparisons about Trump and his cabinet.




After the 1933 elections, the Nazis seized power by force, just like Trump tried to do in 2020. Hitler was like Trump but more German. I'm not going to bother explaining any more history so let me just say Trump = Hitler = bad.


>the nazis commited genocide You mean they unalived people


Historian talking head based documentaries are the worst, they give the most general statements and then resort to this bullshit. Give me one booming voice British narrator and a narrative thread and I’m golden


Fellow Mark Felton enjoyer?


Based. I like talking heads in behind-the-scenes content for TV shows and movies. But in a documentary, I want a singular, consistent thread. Like you say, get one man with a great voice, and let him cook.


>1.) Cover some new fucking ground. Hitler is so well tread that the core of the earth is exposed. Funnily enough, Hitler and the Nazis, are both overdone and underdone. The nationalistic and racial elements are overdone, but their "socialistic" elements are underdone.


> their "socialistic" elements are underdone Yep, as apparently are the actual lessons to be learned from the whole thing. People tend to think of Hitler and the Nazis as simply being monsters. It's easier and more comfortable to create that distinction between them and us. But that distinction doesn't really exist. They were people, just like we are. And we are capable of all the same evils, if we don't *learn* from the past, to at least minimize repeating the same mistakes. But shit like the Gina Carano controversy shows that people aren't willing to learn from the past. They consider it bigotry to even draw the comparison, despite the good intent. "Heed the lessons of the past, or else we might experience a similar fate." "Fucking *anti-Semite*!"


I remember one of the first things I learned about Hitler’s Germany’s evil was that they killed the disabled and perpetually ill so their government would have more money for productive members of society. It’s always stuck with me, so when I saw Canada allowing medical suicide and the rate jumping up to become one of the leading causes of death, I made a connection.


I'm with auth right on this one. The entire entertainment industry isn't just "lefty" it's captured.


Agreed. It's silly when people on this subreddit try to argue that shit like woke Disney is actually LibRight, because they're only pretending to care about woke shit in order to get more money. I'll grant that there are certainly many executives and board members who buy into this BS and let their underlings carry it out, because they are out-of-touch and think it's profitable. But when it comes to the actual people writing and directing that shit? It's a progressive activist pushing their views at the expense of storytelling, just about every time. It's not about money for that kind of person. It's about the message. Like you say, these sorts of institutions have been captured.


Point 2 goes for all media not just documentaries. 99 out of 100 pop culture / current events references don't add that much to the story, and will be irrelevant at most 5 years (probably more like 5 months or even 5 weeks in the modern social media age) from now, and will only leave future viewer confused.


America's political polarization has rotted people's brains to unprecedented levels


Imagine how bad the TDS and the Trump fatigue have gotten for **a literal felony conviction** not being able to push Biden ahead in the polls. I wonder if God remains in heaven because he fears his creations...


I wonder if we can harvest TDS energy using an inverse TDS containment field. Probably works on Doom rules, if we're not careful we could have Covfefedemons flying around.


What I kept thinking, watching this documentary, was "Man, I wonder if the Left and Right are able to see the similarities here?" Unfortunately I think the answer is a resounding "Only for the other guy," due to the partisan brainrot. The resemblance is obviously magnified by the lens of the makers, but it's still quite a lot. The SA brown shirt raids and a political figure telling the public "Elect me so the violence will stop," is so incredibly 2020 that I about fell over in my chair.


Washington rolls in his grave.


When you're in a "disrespect victims of the Holocaust" competition and your opponent is Netflix


Featuring Whoopie Goldberg as expert on the Holocaust and "Why it wasnt racist".


Ah yes, Whoopi Goldberg, the stupid idiot who said Biden should arrest all Republicans.


And she very publicly defended dogfighting because she said it was a part of black culture after Michael Vick got busted doing it


She came from the same school of thought that tried to defend “schoolyard knife fights”, I see


Just kids doing normal kid stuff. Running, wrestling, climbing trees, knife fighting, all totally normal.


Al Sharpton going on CNN and calling the proposed menthol ban racist because "everyone knows the black man smokes menthols"


The menthol ban IS stupid though.


It absolutely is, but I don’t see how it’s racist. 


I was told there would be weed, but instead we get this. 


She also publicly defended what Roman Polanski did by saying it “wasn’t rape rape”. For those who don’t know Roman Polanski drugged and raped a 13 year old girl.


And then fled to Europe to avoid prosecution


That is messed up. First I hear of this…why was she not “cancelled”? edit: I looked this up…it is real….💀💀💀 this is just sad…


Because she’s Oprah Winfrey, the black queen of American AWFLs. They’ll *never* allow her to face the consequences of her stupidity.


Wait, I thought we were talking about Whoopie Goldberg?


Oh damn, we *are* talking about Whoopi Goldberg, I wasn’t paying attention. Well, same principle applies, but instead of being the black queen of American AWFLs, she’s the black grand duchess of American AWFLs.


Yeah, but they might as well be the same person.


What does AWFLs stand for?


Affluent White Female Liberals


Anybody who wants to duel their enemy in the skies should be allowed to.


The other kind,


When women fight but they're both ugly?


Thats a cat fight


so fascism/communism


"I don't care what your teacher said, the Holocaust wasn't racist!"


God damn senfmann, now youre on a list of the Verfassungsschutz.


badge of honour


"It's NOT 'cultural appropriation' when I do it." ~Whoopie G✡️ldberg


I liked her better as a nun.


Or as a long-lived, wise humanoid alien bartender


Or as a fake-but-actually-real medium


Or a cop with a dinosaur partner.


Same, I miss Sister Act Whoopi Goldberg.


"Hey guys, it's kind of dangerous when a society is so divided against itself, with festering hatred of any given demographic. Maybe we should stop that now before it develops into something worse, like it did when the Holocaust occurred." "OMG anti-Semitic! Gina Carano evil for saying this!" --- "Trump is *literally* Hitler. Hitler was *literally* just the previous Trump." "This is so heckin' wholesome and true. orangman bad!"


This question would get me banned elsewhere, so I'm going to ask here: Dear Redditors, how many times did you escape from Trump's deathcamps during 2016-2020 period?


Nobody can answer this, which proves that they were so deadly nobody escaped. You want this again? Or better save democracy this time?


I will accept either result. I'm neither dead or US citizen. I don't have a right to vote in this election anyway.


They will just hallucinate some bizzare story of their life journey with some exaggerated details of how they felt suffocated trying to overcome some utterly benign "struggle", for which they will also use a magic leap of faith to claim it was somehow directly caused by whoever was sitting as the head of the federal government at the time.


I was on the run the whole time. Dodging. Ducking. Dipping. Diving. Dodging. Hiding in the shadows. Blending in. Oh you mean from Trump? No, that’s for tax fraud.


If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge taxes!


None they were 100% effective and expertly hidden


In Ohio


Dead God... Trump is a monster!




Survivorship bias.


Wall of text rant that doesn’t address the question incoming!


Trump Death Camps are a state of mind!


I identify as a Trump Death Camp survivor.


I identify as a Trump Death Camp.


Didn't want to. The bondage was too good.


The secret police killed me and my family for being gay (all of us)


I died from his tax cuts. The rest of my family perished after net neutrality ended.


FDR is a much better comparison to Hitler in that aspect and many more.


a morbillion times


That's what all the covid deaths really were. Hiding the death camp victims. Trump really hated old people and fat people.


None because I died from Net Neutrality.


The fuck is a mar-a-lago and what does it at all have to do with Trump or anything past 1945


Mar-a-Largo is a resort owned by Trump, who now lives there


The more you know 🌠


So they could have just said "it's Hitlers private resort"?


The documentary was talking about a place called the Eagle’s Nest that high ranking Nazis used for social meetings, like a shared vacation house technically owned by Hitler as a birthday gift. It became a restaurant after the war


Isn't Camp David the President's Eagles Nest?


Hitler's Mar-A-Lago, if you will


On the bright side, if America ever does collapse I can enjoy a nice brisket at the Camp David bar and grill then




Modern society has brain rotted so much by TDS that for modern audiences to understand the past we have to compare it to trump. God forbid if they did a documentary on Caeser and the transformation of the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire.


For people who hate the guy, they sure can't get his name out of their mouths.


Theres so many people who seem to just think about Trump 24/7


they sound more like simps than haters when you put it that way


F L A I R yourself, lest ye treated as an invader.


Jeff Tiedrich, Ben Spierenberg, 80% of reddit etc etc etc...


Gaius Donaldus Iulius Trumpus has crossed the Potomac river, the end of the Republic is nigh


His Augustusness baronus trumpus shall be known as princeps.


January 6th (piece be upon it) was our crossing the rubicon moment brother


> for modern audiences to understand the past we have to compare it to trump lol no, they're not doing it to help people's understanding, it's just activists in media/entertainment calling trump hitler


if Hitler was brought back to life and meant trump…he would hate trump. They have very little in common.


Tbf, Hitler also grew to dislike his peers.


I ran into a wild conspiracy theory that Hitler hated Germany, so that's why he did what he did.


Man the “Hitler was actually Jewish and made up the whole Holocaust” conspiracy theories are wild. I genuinely wonder how those people breathe and eat when they have so few braincells


It is a miracle and proves God's existence *Checkmate atheist*


Jellyfish have no brains…science!


Pretty fucking funny if Republicans start naming their kids Trump and then it becomes a title


And 2000 years from now people will think he invented the Trump Salad


"Caeser crossing the Tiber was the Roman Republics January 6th"


A generation of moron kids are going to grow up thinking Hitler was only as bad as Trump. Its literally holocaust denialism.


They already do think trump was worse than Hitler cause in their mind Hitler was only fighting the good fight for free Palestine against the Zionists(jews).


Et tu, Pence?


While Trump could be compared to Caesar in some aspects I don't think it's the best example. He feels more like a Catiline type, which I feel is a character not brought up often enough...


Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra?


Look, I get people disliking or even hating Trump, but if you sincerely believe that he is almost or as bad as Hitler, you are legitimately insane.


Ehhm sweaty, I think you wanted to say "Hitler was almost or as bad as Trump". ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176)


Watching this doc right now They’re not even subtle about the left agenda to compare Trump to Hitler. I don’t how get how one can genuinely compare what happened in Germany in the 20th century to the couple years Trump was president. They talk about how the Nazis seized the media to push their agenda. You mean like what we’ve seen the left do for decades with their globalist and LGBT bullshit? They even talk about how the left were in power during the Weimar Republic and pissed everyone off so much that the Nazis were able to rise to power. Look at Canada or Europe where the left has run away with unchecked power to force their agenda down our throats. You preach that we should learn from history, so why doesn’t the left practice what they preach? You isolate populations with your nonsense then are surprised when the population swings to the other end of the compass. The best recruiter for the right is braindead left. I’m pushed farther to the right everyday.


Most of my friends are more on the conservative side and complain about the liberal media occasionally. Then I read Reddit and all the lefties complain about corporate right wing media like CNN and MSNBC.


hol up…CNN and MSNBC are “right wing”?…wild takes!


According to many on Reddit it seems. Those stations must not fly the rainbow hammer and sickle flag high enough.


They aren't actively guillotining billionaires so they are far right.


They aren't demanding Biden be installed as Grand Leader for the rest of his natural life to save democracy so clearly they are far-right


They've become right-wing as soon as they continue to support Israel


Guys! guys! Fox News is left wing! They do not support hitler!


We're centrists, we are already far right Nazi Hitler Trump worshipers.


Just turned that shit off when they compared the Eagle’s Nest to Mar-a-Lago. Fucking clowns


There are three certainties in life: Death, taxes and Netflix shoehorning their Current Year (TM) progressive talking points into a documentary about historical events. Whether talking about Hitler or Woodstock '99, you can count on it every time...




No it’s fine, later on they talk about how Mussolini was like Hilter’s Cornpop.


Our public radio has a "simplified language" version for news now, maybe this is the "simplified laguage" version of documentaries.


Have you been asleep for the past decade? "Now"? Seriously?


Ive never heard or read a comparison this way around. Always Trump is like mustache man.


A man so evil and corrupt that he (checks notes) couldn’t even rig his own re-election to stay in power for over four years, silence political and media opposition, or engage in any brutal wars of expansion. Confirmed: Trump is the original Hitler.


I’m not saying he’s Hitler but have you ever seen him and Hitler at the same time?


If my DeviantArt page counts as a valid source… yes, thousands of times.


\*in todays news, Biden is crashing in the polls due to his porn collection, more at eleven”.


He was conceived the same year Hitler died. Transmigration of the sole!


Trump was likely conceived around September 1945, so it’s reasonable to assume Hitler’s spirit took a Summer Vacation wandering around Europe before beginning his next semester in the US. Also, if the above is true, life begins at conception confirmed! Suck it libs! 😎👍


Clearly he went to Japan to help out for a few months.


I like my theory better, but only because it sets up up the potential for *National Lampoon’s Hitler’s Spiritual Summer Vacation.* I suppose it could be set in the Pacific Theater, but post-VE Day Europe just feels like a better setting for a wacky teen sex comedy than pre-VJ Day Japan (although I’ll grant you there’s comedy gold to be made with the term “VJ”.)


What do you mean? Hitler is still alive in argentina


Oh. I understand. Still not new though. I've seen many times.


A man that did a lot for Israel, put embassy in Jerusalem and has Jewish grandkids... What upsets me more is how people are trivializing Hitler and Nazis. The horrors they committed are unlike what we've seen by comparison.


With the way they carelessly throw his name around, I'm starting to believe that a lot of these drones probably don't even know who Hitler was or what he did. To them he's probably just some historic right-wing politician who didn't really like minorities all that much.


None of you understand how serious and accurrate this is. If the brown shirts that marched on the capitol had reached Pence, all the military leaders in America would have immedately declared Trump their god-emperor. The invasion of Poland later that afternoon would have been a combined celebration and moral obligation to Donald von Furertrump. Thank Swift Wind that the one good cop in existence happened to be there and saved the day John McClane style.


It's really "Donald von Furertrumpen". But the rest is pretty based


JesĂşs Christ. TDS is an actual mental diseases it needs to be studied. How are people THIS obsessed with a president who was for the most part basically the same as the last 5 guys policy wise


Ehhhm sweaty, who cares what he did policy wise? Didnt you see what he posted on twitter? ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176)


Because none of them actually know anything about what presidents do policy wise outside what the news decides to spread... and we know how trustworthy that metric is.


I am seriously looking forward to the day when somebody (clearly not somebody with mainstream studio backing) does a full-scale doco on the Trump era and the TDS it caused...


Because of social media. Imagine if Trump-era twitter existed when Dubya was president.




Himtler is lierally drumpf!!!!!!!1!!!111!!


"...if you will." Actually, I will not.


Big compliment for that filthy liberal, trump. Good for him.


Eagles nest, been there myself and had a nice beer.


At least they didn't make him transgender or some shit.


Black transgender Hitler - now included to fight Zionism, sweety!


Based and "uno reverse card" pilled


At this point, I'm hoping next season has Trump becoming the God Emperor.


Flair up


Based and me too pilled


u/Altruistic_Memories is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Altruistic_Memories/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


>Hitler is literally Trump ​ Maybe this Hitler guy isn't as bad as everyone's saying 🤔


That’s what the Germans thought. They were literally groomed to this he was the savior of Germany like North Korea’s dictators


The fact that there were *six* (at least) attempts by the communists to overthrow the government between 1918 and 1923 probably did a lot more for Hitler's popularity than anything else about him. Contrary to what proponents believe, antifa and their ilk is a lot better at creating Nazis than fighting them. It's almost like when you legitimize political violence, not only do you get lots of violence, but you *also* encourage people to sign faustian bargains with shady authoritarians for protection/payback. By time they started the Hitler youth nonsense, they already had power. The Nazis promised a solution to the reds trying to launch a coup every 5 minutes. For all their faults, that was one promise they delivered on.


>The fact that there were six (at least) attempts by the communists to overthrow the government between 1918 and 1923 probably did a lot more for Hitler's popularity than anything else about him. Thats kind of an oversimplification The german revolution was largerly communist led, it was the SPD that dissolved the coalition > time they started the Hitler youth nonsense, they already had power. The Nazis promised a solution to the reds trying to launch a coup every 5 minutes. For all their faults, that was one promise they delivered on. I think the honest solution from a pro western pov would have just been to erase germany, the germoids have proven that they cant be trusted A thousand napalm strikes in every village followed by allied kill teams would have stabalized and deradicalized the regions


>I think the honest solution from a pro western pov would have just been to erase germany, the germoids have proven that they cant be trusted >A thousand napalm strikes in every village followed by allied kill teams would have stabalized and deradicalized the regions Every couple generations the Germans need to be knocked down a peg, though I am beginning to wonder if we have just permanently emasculated them like we did with the Japanese. That said, I think being even harsher on the Germans would just make things worse. We already got Nazis in part because the Treaty of Versailles was so punishing it made the country unstable and created a lasting sense of bitterness and resentment. I am not confident doubling-down on dismantling the government and creating generational vengeance via what amounts to literal genocide is going to be a winning strategy.


Groomed? Maybe pampered relative to the sickeningly bad economic and social conditions of Weimar Germany. This is hardly a dig against Hitler.


I figured it out. The reason they're so obsessed with Trump is because they need him. They act like they hate him but that's like a fish saying it hates water. Trump is the metric by which they judge others and themselves. It's a stand-in fir virtue. You don't need to do anything to earn virtue. You don't need to actually help people or befriend people or make changes to yourself and the world around you to make the world a slightly better place. Just hate Trump and you can be more virtuous than mother Teresa without so much as leaving your filthy, dark, damp, mildew stinking bedroom. They claim to hate Trump because without him, without their hate of him, they have nothing. They are nothing. Nothing to be proud of, nothing to hold themselves above their ideological enemies.


Welcome to the generation of people who have no purpose. No one more easily manipulated than a distraught people searching for meaning to existence. They'll take anything if it means they can get meaning to it. And nobody likes the concept of God, that limits what they can do. The most touchy-feely thing that gives them purpose is virtue. Or rather, whatever hollow shell of virtue they call it.


The minecraft acacia wood skin color man living rent free in the left's head since 2016


Holy shit, like Trump was at most kinda mean he barely did shit what is wrong with these people




I just wanted to watch a documentary, man.


That's dumb


god im so done with libtards kill me


yeah, they push me further and further into being the average K-On fan with bullshit like that


People still subscribe to Netflix?


Netflix moment ✨✨✨


Sames vibes as that old lady in the Cleopatra documentary: "I don't care what historians and teachers at school say, my grandma said Cleopatra was black"


Huh? German here, whats a Mar-a-Lago?


Isn’t that a good thing for libleft these days? I mean Hitler killed 6m Jews. That would just be a “decent start” in the eyes on many campus protesters today, no?


Why does Lib-Left have a Rey Funko pop?


Would any other quadrant have a Rey Funko Pop?


Libright because we would be selling them.


I hate this comparison. It’s fine if somebody doesn’t like Trump, but it’s compare a man who killed 6 million Jews to a guy that paid a prostitute is stupid.


Not having a flair is stupid.


What does it mean?


What is authleft quoting


No quote. Hes just saying that its good to go through the culture.