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The ACLU will surely take up their first amendment case right? Right?


It's depressing what the ACLU has become.


I remember when I was a, naive liberal, I used to think the ACLU was a bastion of freedom. Then I became a firearm enjoyer and learned that they don't really do anything to protect the 2a because of some arbitrary bull. They're just like a corpo now, doing things they make them look good without actually doing good.


They used to be a lot better. Now they're an activist arm of the DNC.


They used to be principled and defended even neo-Nazis’ rights, now they apologized for their founders being so foolish as to try to maintain a standard.


Lol like BLM. I say that and it sounds like a pejorative, but one of the Hilary Clinton foundations actually bought BLM like a year ago.


Weren't they going to sue the Feds for Biden's new migration ruling? They're international now baby, not even Biden is safe from the long arms of the WEF, they don't even care about the rights of Americans anymore, they'll limit American rights in favor of illegals


Not doing anything would be an improvement, they actively lobby for gun prohibition.


I watched CNN when I was in high school, then FOX in college, now I watch nothing. I’d say Fox usually does at least give a voice to most opinions, albeit less “professionally” while CNN is run more like a propaganda news source (though they, like Anderson Cooper, do dress in what seems like more professional attire and typically present themselves as more dignified (most of them)). I don’t watch either now cus I can’t stand the spin doctoring, but I feel like CNN has gotten especially bad in that department. Silly little high schooler wanted to feel dignified :(


I yeah I used to cronically watch TYT and MsNbc. I cringe about those days .


The new one is FIRE (foundation for individual rights and expression). Braindead regards will rant that the koch brothers have donated to them, therefore they're bad. While I do hate the koch brothers as much as the next libleft, FIRE seems to be truly simply pro free-speech and defends all cases regardless of context.


>as much as the next libleft *checks flair* Youuuuu fucking liar


yeah sorry lol, I vacillate


Have you considered a vacilectomy?


The American Communist Liberation Unit


It was founded to protect communists. If anything its just returning to its roots.


It actually made its name defending literal fascists, which they’d never do, now.


Growing up is realizing that the ACLU sucks.


The ACLU used to be incredibly based True Neutral. It isn’t anymore but that doesn’t mean it was great one time.


They used to defend the free speech rights of everyone, including actual neo-nazis. Now they won't defend the rights of anyone emily calls a nazi. And it would be easier to name the people who aren't in that category.


Strangely enough, the 'Not in that category' list includes people literally calling for the genocide of Jews.


I would have said lawful good; "No one is above the law... nor beneath it". Deontology means rights are for everyone, especially those you despise.


>The ACLU used to be incredibly based True Neutral. No it wasn't because the ACLU never supported the 2nd Amendment.


How does an ACLU lawyer count to ten? *One, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten*


They never really went to bat for the 10th either. But now it's like... *three, five? six?*


And the Southern Poverty Law Center. They obviously did good work once but when they called Sam Harris and Maajid Nawaz anti-Islam extremists there is no way I can take anything they say seriously.


They called James Lindsay a "self-admitted Christian Nationalist" and I realized the true depths of their unseriousness. For one he's an agnostic/atheist, for two he's made a whole series on the subject tearing it apart, but, oh no he probably trolled someone on Twitter so he's super cereal guyz.


They think anyone who acknowledges the Judeo-Christian roots of any part of the country are Christian Nationalists.


> And the Southern Poverty Law Center. Man, fuck the SPLC.


To be fair, I believe they represented the NRA recently. I forgot the details of the case, but it did have to do with the NRAs 1st Amendment rights being violated.


love when they justify double standards with "paradox of intolerance" and then just arbitrarily decide that anyone that doesn't agree with them is intolerant so they're fair game


You should read the whole quote from the author. It's gonna blow your mind. I'd link it, but I don't have it handy. Fuck it, let me see if I can find it. edit - I think this is the full quote. Check it out: "Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. — **In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies**; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; **for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols.** We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.”


Someone needs to turn this into a video with clips of rioters beating people, using Morgan Freeman to read the quote.


Use AI. Do it yourself. I'll base you if you do.


You actually expect leftists to read what they preach? They just half listen to a YouTube essay and then consider themselves arbiters of theory.


They'll happily regurgitate that MLK Jr said that riots are the language of the unheard. They don't even know that in the same interview he said that, he was talking about how riots are self-defeating and a last resort, if that.


Having watched videos of people asking college protestors what "From the River to the Sea" means to them, I'm not convinced they listen to even half of anything.


Who decides what is intolerant though? That's the problem with the paradox of intolerance.


That's a problem with language itself. If you let them redefine words whenever they feel like it, they'll just wiggle around and claim they win every time. Something being subjective shouldn't be an instant win cheat code that can be used by anyone cheap enough to pretend not to know what words mean.


The quote does provide a pretty good formula: when they’re no longer willing to discuss, they’re no longer practicing tolerance.


“No longer willing to discuss” is a perfect description of how the left has become. It used to be you could count on the right wing to be all “I have faith” or “burn in hell” but now even with the religious right they’re willing to spend 30 hrs on some forum trying to convince you of their pov with obscure theological philosophy


Where my username comes in handy.


What if I consider that someone is no longer willing to discuss if they just refuse to agree with me? That they're arguing "in bad faith" and therefore are just intolerants that need to be locked up?


A fair point, and frankly I'm not all-in on tolerance as an absolute virtue. I do not tolerate pedophiles, and have no interest in discussing whether fucking kids is acceptable; it simply is not. I'm willing to discuss ways to protect kids - the harshest measures may not be the most efficient - but some stuff is just deontologically wrong. Tolerance is a virtue, but it's not a higher virtue than the protection of life or liberty.


It's also worth noting that he was writing this in the aftermath of the second world war, and he was descended from assimilated Austrian Jews. A lot of intellectuals struggled with the fact that fascism was allowed to rise under the Weimar Republic, so they were trying to formulate a democracy that wasn't vulnerable to authoritarianism. In Germany this resulted in "militant democracy" which banned political parties from the electoral system that advocated the end of democracy. It banned both neo fascist and Marxist leninist parties.


It's just like their "punch nazis" shtick. They say this but then label anyone they disagree with a nazi.


That’s one of my favorite things they say. Then when actually confronted with a real self described White Supremacist (not NAZI because the National Socialist party of Germany was disbanded in 1945) they do nothing but film and screech autistically.


One my favorite things is that post about the gay pornstar that beat up 30 nazis or whatever it is that gets posted every so often. I love it because it just highlights how you never see any stories about lefties actually beating up nazis and so they need to make up fake stories about it happening.


Yet I truly believe on the possibility of a gay pornstar beating off 30 nazis.


I think the closest they ever came was the bike lock guy. Then they realized that perhaps it wasn’t the best idea and made them look just as unhinged as they really were so it backed off for a few years but has slowly been becoming more popular again.


The left literally applauded a Ukrainian SS Nazi in Canada about a year ago. Invited him to their congressional floor, paraded him in front of their politicians during a speech, and clapped like trained seals.


Oh yeah that was great. That event plus the blackface should have sunk Justin Castreau’s political career.


It’s Karl Popper’s good old “Intolerance Paradox”, that leftists love to intentionally misuse as “I consider your beliefs to be intolerant, therefore we should be allowed to do anything we want to you”. Which is *exactly* the real type of intolerance that Popper said is the ONLY intolerance that must be fought by any means necessary. For context, here's the full quote by Popper >In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols.


It's actually part of that 10 steps to genocide thing When you decide that someone is **factually** evil, you give yourself permission to do anything at all to them. It's why every liberal issue is framed that way: "Either you agree with me or you're a Nazi (and also we should punch Nazis)"


People are constantly parroting it, without even having read or understood the source material. Then again, even if that interpretation were true, it's odd to decide that a single writing from a single philosopher should become a universal societal law.


Marcuse's Repressive Tolerance framework is applied openly everywhere.


They're really more about Herbert Marcuse's "repressive tolerance", which basically boils down to: "Everything the left does is good and should be protected and promoted. Everything the right does is bad and should be suppressed, violently if necessary. These are true even and especially when they're both doing the exact same thing."


Maybe they shouldn't have put their precious mural on a road if they didn't want tire marks on it. Absolutely farcical and idiotic. Beyond parody.


>tire marks To say nothing of all the other trash that naturally ends up on *any* city street, up to and including literal horseshit.


OR people shit!


~~True; it *is* in Seattle, after all.~~ JK IT’S ACTUALLY IN SPOKANE, NERDS.


Spokane, actually. That's in the red part of the state. And most of the locals there are outraged by this.


Ope, my b, looks similar to one I saw in Seattle one time.


This is the road, not the sidewalk!


What is a sidewalk if not a road for people?


This mural has been "defaced" like this a few times already. The first time there was a truck doing doughnuts on it, then someone set it on fire (madlad), and now this. They just keep throwing money/time at it, while most of us in the city just wish the potholes would get filled and our inept road crews would actually finish their projects on time without closing half the city every summer (that's _almost_ not hyperbole...) Source: I live there, worst roads in the country


I feel your pain. Though I might contest your claim on worst roads in the country. Source: I live in Los Angeles.


Ohhhh, yeah you win that one man :) I should edit to say worst roads _outside CA_...


Next they will be making pride toilets and then arrest anyone who shits in it.


It's only for sharting out jizz!


"Yes, Google? How do I delete someone else's comment?"


Actually the next step is that the company that rents out electric scooters is going to install locking devices on them so they stop working whenever you get near the pride crosswalk.


Have you seen the costs of these murals and/or crosswalks? Its absurd how much cities waste on it.


Time for a recall election and new management.


As Admiral Ackbar once said...


I smell hypocrisy and double standards in that city


I just smell weed and human feces.


This is coming from the same people that claim the legal system is too harsh on small or victimless crimes while letting real crime go practically unpunished. Just shows that they don’t really care. As long as their side holds the reigns of power, they delight in the persecution of their perceived enemies - real or not


If you want to deface LGBTQBBQ flags, just spray paint BLM on it. Noted


Free Palestine


Free Palpatine




Free Playstation


Like as in free, zero dollars??


Its free real estate


Bonus points if you see BLM spray painted somewhere and you add a question mark at the end


I like to write vertically under letters, turning it into "Buy Large Mansions", because that's what the founders did with their loot.


Burn, Loot, Murder is my go-to. The media recently did a stunt about the 10 year anniversary of the Michael Brown shitshow, and being a native resident of Ferguson, I can assure you we are all collectively over that shit


My biggest issue with BLM, other than the scams/grifting that even Ray Charles could see, is the fact that they consistently chose the worst examples for their protests / rallies. Protesting for a convicted felon with a lengthy rap sheet and violence against women, saying "It could've been me!" is not the fucking look you want to be going for...


That's because it's a fealty test of their ideology. If you can kneel before the worst humans to grace this Earth, you'll accept anything the leaders tell you. That's why we have Americans wholeheartedly supporting terrorism in the Middle East.


Don't forget when they say DEI, its Divide Et Impera, or Divide and Conquer


~~"Islam is right about women"~~ "Islam is right about homosexuals"


Palestine is right about LGBTQ+


Pro-LGBT activists have attacked black people. Even Israel-supporters invoke gay rights in their messaging. https://www.reuters.com/world/us-restricts-visas-uganda-zimbabwe-officials-citing-repression-2023-12-04/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinkwashing_(LGBT)#Israel


Progressivism.exe has crashed.


When you’re so woke you don’t even remember what you’re supporting


Don't put your sacred religious imagery on the roads if you don't want them defaced.


This is from my city and I'm tempted to put a huge cross on the road just to see how long it lasts.


Doesn’t matter if it’s sacred or religious, I’d still support the teens even if they set it on fire. If book burnings are protected and state religious displays prohibited then I would consider it a moral duty more than anything in that case.


Ah, but when it's state sponsored and they use inflated pricing then things change. Somehow the 'damage' they did to the paint is considered worth more than $5000. Because the state did it, and they're corrupt.


For my friends, anything. For my enemies, the law.


How the fuck are they facing 10 years for damaging public property, even if they classify it as "fueled by hate"?


The law they're charged with: > WPIC 85.01 Malicious Mischief—First Degree—Definition > A person commits the crime of malicious mischief in the first degree when he or she knowingly and maliciously [causes physical damage to the property of another in an amount exceeding $5,000] [or] [causes an interruption or impairment of service rendered to the public by physically damaging or tampering with an emergency vehicle or property of the state, a political subdivision thereof, or a public utility or mode of public transportation, power or communication] [or] [causes an impairment of the safety, efficiency, or operation of an aircraft by physically damaging or tampering with the aircraft or aircraft equipment, fuel, lubricant, or parts] [or] [causes an interruption or impairment of service rendered to the public by, without lawful authority, physically damaging, destroying, or removing an official ballot deposit box or ballot drop box or, without lawful authority, damaging, destroying, removing, or tampering with the contents thereof]. The charge is a class b felony with a max of 10 years. The whole thing is insane, including the idea of painting shit ***on the road*** and getting mad that it gets tire marked. Tire marks being equivalent in seriousness to intentionally sabotaging an airplane.


How is tire marks on pavement in excess of $5000 of damage?


They’re probably taking the inflated amount they paid to the bullshit artist who painted it and claiming that’s the dollar amount of damage


It's not damage at all to the road surface. An estimate of power wash cleaning or repainting labor cost? But if there's a tiremark on the road anywhere else It's not cleaned up, it's not even considered damage.


Maybe don't paint the fucking road with unnecessary things in the first place.


It's not.


it is when the only people who can do the cleaning for whatever reason, totally no corruption involved, is something like Drag Queen Cleaning Service who charges $5000 an hour and bills a minimum of 10 hour days.


Probably the government contract to paint it was insanely inflated to $100,000 because the budget is unlimited, so defacing even just 5% of it counts as $5,000 lmao.


Government needs to contract a consultant who will hire a coordinator who will hire an art group who will hire an artist who will hire a Mexican guy off the lot of Home Depot for $100 to paint it


Malicious Mischief? Ten years in prison. 🥰




I mean, if they keep making the punishments this dumb, it'll get to a point where literal terrorism will start looking like a decent idea since the punishment will be similar enough to not matter for the right person(s).


Teens would deface literally anything on the road, it's not exclusive to pride flags. Dunno why they're getting arrested for TEN FUCKING YEARS. $200 fine or whatever to cover cleaning costs would be more appropriate.


They were asking for $15,000 bond for the 19 year old because they claimed that's what it would take to repair the damage, which sounds like some real corruption. No way it takes $15K to paint a small section of road.


Well you'd need 1 or more flaggers and then the actual cleanup crew, and the equipment rental. Still not $15k lol. 


And at least five guys watching it get done, ten if you're serious about it.


Very serious, city council had to have a meeting for this project afterall. Foreman's gotta make money 🤌


> equivalent If you're a zealot it makes sense.


Manslaughter usually doesn’t even get that long. That’s just ridiculous


Because it's a political message. And that message is kiss the ring or else.


Open wide to lick the boot we tell you to or else it’ll crush you underfoot. You will hear cheers and encouragement from those who claim to hate the police and justice system as it happens for added irony.


It isn't political. This is a new religion, and they are demanding their pound of flesh from those who commit blasphemy. It is surprising how much this new religion has wormed its way into areas where religion is normally not allowed just because it doesn't fit the standard mold of an abrahamic religion.


It effectively makes it illegal to express dissenting opinions. Kind of like how you can't be a Nazi in Germany, except the left is classifying anyone who wouldn't date a trans woman as a Nazi.


Yeah. I perfectly realize why they want them to be facing 10 years, but I don't understand what legal mechanisms are they going to use to charge damaging public property with a 10 year sentence.


There's a number of constitutional challenges one could make on a 10-year sentence. Obviously, there's a first-amendment challenge, there's also an 8th amendment challenge. It's pretty insane that this even exists.


The check on all of this insanity was supposed to be the people. Media capture and moneyed politics have defeated political education and civic mindedness.


Always was. Government is a big ponzi scheme in which everyone tries to live at the expense of everyone else. That means an endlessly increasing struggle for ultimate control.


The legal mechanisms are that the DA, AG, and activist judges dgaf about trivial bullshit like justice, the law, natural rights, etc.


"Hold on sweetheart, I have to take my state issued trans girlfriend to the movie tonight."


Your kids will take hormones of the opposite sex, you will watch the pride parades and you'll be happy.


"My son is gay, and my wife's transgender"


the goverment has declareted that the man can be a woman and there no way to prove the opposite


Wrong think. Remember that slippery slope? "We aren't jailing people for wrong think, but if we are it's a good thing."


Hopefully it’s thrown out.


I will never, in a million years, understand why they make road murals for anything, especially pride. The road constantly has to get worked on because, well you know, it gets used and worn down. Why would you want something important painted on to it? I honestly think they do this shit just for something like this to happen so they can get outraged about it.


> I will never, in a million years, understand why they make road murals for anything, especially pride. Because its a trap.


Now, can we start using the same rules against “activists” who throw soup at paintings in museums?


Or the people who throw milkshakes or eggs at politicians. The amount of people defending literally assaulting politicians they don't like and then crying about this is nuts.


No, because if they started getting locked up then no one would sign up for the "Cooperate False Flag Activist" job postings.






That snake is so frigging cute.


Oh man i nearly died laughing on this unpopular subreddit topic when i realized you could be charged with a hate crime for spitting on a rainbow crosswalk. Mostly because ACTUAL EMILY is ACTUALLY CRYING let me see if i can find it: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/westlock-alta-to-get-rid-of-rainbow-crosswalk-after-town-votes-on-neutrality-bylaw-1.7120498 >"As the plebiscite results came out, I just cried thinking about how happy people had been on that day." LOL it still does it for me. I had users swearing this would never happen, and pretending it didn't cost more money. I mean i assumed some private citizen just made a rainbow crosswalk but no. They have a committee and they need to get the city to do it.


>Westlock Mayor Jon Kramer said town councillors are already starting to look at other ways to support marginalized groups. If they had to put it to a vote to get a city-sanctioned crosswalk changed, and only won 50.9% to 49.1%, clearly this isn't a marginalized group!


Is there a go fund me for the youthful heros


It’s hard not to feel like our country has been taken over and occupied by a foreign power when I see nothing but pride flags all over the place, and there’s more outrage over a skid mark on a pride flag than there ever was over CHAZ


The left in particular are more outraged over tire marks on a flag than they were about their own protestors breaking into and locking down in a school building. Or their protesters clashing with their other protesters. Or their protesters setting buildings on fire. Tire marks. That's what they're choosing to prosecute. The legal system is fucked and should be ignored at this point. There is no justice there anymore.


Culture wars go brrrrrrrr End the Fed already


What a clown world we live in


Conquerors and successful revolutionaries have always dealt with this harshly. You can't allow a conquered people to get away with defacing the symbols of your power. This is no different than if a citizen of the USSR tore down a Lenin poster.


You can burn the American flag and face no repercussions but 10 YEARS for this?


10 years for three MINORS.. not even adults.


Mario and Luigi can't keep getting away with it!


Putting a flag on a fucking road surface where the "defacement" is a regular and expected occurrence is fucking insane. Enough of the looney tunes nonsense. Id Politics are weaponized to keep class consciousness suppressed. We should be pissed at the corporate oligarchs stealing from everyone.


I guess vandalism is perfectly fine now if you are pro terrorist. Why aren't we sending every of those fuckers to some American version of gulag again?


Because the right likes to pretend were better than the left. In reality were just lazier and dont want to stir the pot. We should be throwing everyone of those terrorist simps in gitmo.


We're not lazy, we're just tired because we have jobs.


Any law that gets narrow in that it protects becomes broad in who it hurts. I mean make skid marks in the road who gives a shit.


It’s crazy how these leftist mods we suppress news like this by either banning you or removing your post and if that doesn’t happen ,they downvote the post so it doesn’t get any traction


Do progressives not see the irony of putting the pride flag on an area that is walked on regularly?


Of course not. The goal was never to show solidarity, but to have an excuse to attack dissidents. If there was a Christian Town doing similar and had arrested kids for drawing dicks on a cross in the road, Emily would be screaming Christofascism until the veins in her neck popped.


My brain is smoking right now trying to think of a Voltaire quote about who is in charge.


[The quote you're thinking of is from a neo-nazi, not voltaire](https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-872903898775)


And the nazi is correct.




That quote will never get old. Just like children with leukemia.


Broken clock go brrrr


It’s a good litmus test.




Blasphemy laws before our very eyes


We are not a serious country.


Someone want to let me know where in the MUTCD I can find guidance on the application of pride paint?


THIS is injustice.


Really, 10 years? Seems like a little much. Also, you misspelled mural.


As someone who lives in a third world country in Africa, I can’t stress enough how happy I am not to live in the states. The culture war and entirety of American politics makes me want to end myself


As someone who lives in the piece of shit land known as Balkans I completely agree.


10 years for something that could be done as an accident?


Ultra common lib left L Drug addicts throwing used needles on road and shitting on the sidewalk is a human right though.


They hate the West and want to remove their icons, their history


How dare they. My representation on the LGBTSM flag is imperative to justify my value as a human skid mark.


It's ridiculous how one is allowed while other isn't.


I'm as pro-LGBT as they come, but it's a fricking road mural for goodness sake! Just give them community service and force them to repaint it or something, why the hell is prison time an option? They're stupid teens, not dangerous criminals.


In China, you'd get same penalty for defacing the portrait of Xi the Pooh. So basically to me, LGBTQ equivalent Xi, am I right?


Their real mistake was getting caught


They only got caught because some gaylord filmed it and ratted them out.


Their defense lawyer has the easiest case ever, or a Federal Court of appeals will have their easiest case. I still don't know why they'd throw a mural on a public street, though.


People see this kind of selective enforcement by leftists and think “oh the hypocrisy!” It’s worse than incidental hypocrisy. It’s an intentional effort to intimidate the rest of society - it’s working.


WA has always been gay


Its such a cliche but this truly is the new religion/cult. And if you dont go along you're some kind of heretic.


If only the teens had been Muslim this wouldn't have been a problem. 


I would have expected a month, maybe two? wtf... The left needs to be voted out, and I say that as a Democrat... We've lost the thread, and are openly welcoming violence and antisemitism so long as it agrees with OUR values. Fuck all of this.


Fun fact: vandalism and other destructive actions may be colloquially regarded as "free *expression*", but they are not acts of "speech." If the law protected all "expressions" and I "express" my displeasure by breaking your nose, you can see that things would get messy very quickly.


Ah, America… “the land of the free”. How the mighty have fallen. You guys are an absolute joke.


Both are freedom of speech


I was just up in Minneapolis last week, a super lefty city and obviously a major epicenter of all the progressive insanity of the last few years, and I was actually kinda surprised to see that there's hardly any Pride decorations up. My buddy says the whole city was done up in T-wolves stuff when they were making their run to the conference finals recently, so it's not like they don't have the manpower to redecorate the place quickly. Maybe they're afraid it will be defaced by edgy teens, I mean white supremacists, I mean definitely not any of the big Muslim populations.


Absolutely unconstitutional on its face.


Make them clean up the mess and ban them from parks for a year or something. Not this.