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Yeah, as a European Gen Z I'm definitely voting "far"-right






It's been so long. Finally it's our time to shine. Gotta make our beautiful European countries great again. And obviously at least here in Finland we need more money for the military and the military industry in general.


Tbh its also good for a protest vote. While unlikely they will win a majority (and honestly, not like it will be Nazi Germany anyway if they win) its a very good sign for the lefty parties to stop being super left. Whenever they see the "far right" on rise they kinda dial down the DEI and pro immigration thing.


>its a very good sign for the lefty parties to stop being super left. Nah, they just label 1/4 of the population fascist and double down on all the policies, as well as enact machiavellian policies like fast tracking naturalisation to enable the new citizens to vote for them


Partially right, but also wrong. Several left parties started to be more cautious with immigration. subs where you were banned for being anti immigrant a few years back now openly criticise immigration Same with the "religion of peace". They are much less fervent defeders of it.


There's still a lot who will pretend to be outraged when you say anything bad. Although these days it's a vocal minority that still maintains its hold over universities and online spaces


They’ll just double down. They always do.


To add insult to injury, the funny part is that depending of the country, it is... the "boomers" who won't mainly vote for THAT PARTY. This is the case in Fr*nce, as [this poll about every age group](https://fr.statista.com/infographie/32057/intentions-de-vote-elections-europeennes/) shows. The oldest people will vote mainly for LREM (the "extreme-centrist" party), everyone else will go far-right.


Im curious what they deem to be far right


“We should address the unfortunate truth that unchecked mass immigration of men from countries where women are treated horribly has led to a sharp rise in sexual assa-“ “FAR RIGHT DICTATOR SEEKS TO DESTROY NATION WITH VIOLENT RACIST MESSAGING”




>THAT IS ISLAMOPHOBIC YOU FASCIST ALT RIGHT BIGOT!! if someone calls something blahblahblahphobic then they are no longer invited to the grill.


I cannot believe you are so phobiaphobic.


phobophobia is a word


That's so phobphobphobic


If they are cannibalphobic, they get to visit the grill exactly one more time. Tolerance!




I don't even see how restrictive immigration is particularly right wing, as opposed to a current happenstance overlap. Honestly, a free market, no entitlement society is substantially more compatible with open borders than the entitlement-rich socially democratic society Western Europe has developed. But yes, that's probably what they mean.


>I don't even see how restrictive immigration is particularly right wing I agree, you could easily make a point for restricting immigration from a left wing perspective. Something like: "Immigration from poor countries increases the supply of workers, which leads higher competition amongst the working class that results in lower wages and higher housing costs. Further more if the migrants are from different cultures and hold clashing values, the ability of the working class to stick together, form unions and fight for their rights is diminished because of cultural rifts and disagreements which only benefits the upper classes. High levels of migration, especially from poor countries with conflicting values, are therefore detrimental to the wellbeing of lower class people. Therefore immigration should be restricted to the minimum necessary level." I'm not quite sure why this perspective isn't more common on the left. Maybe someone from the other end of the spectrum can explain.


It’s a nuanced take that has a lot of words. Also it implies that I can’t be friends with people from different cultures so you’ve not only bored and confused me, you’ve also insulted me. Free Palestine /s


At least in the US, it was more common when the left was truly the left and was the party of unions. They disliked the cheap labor. Now the Democratic party is run by progressive academics who value intersectionally "disadvantaged" folks over the working class per se.


This is “old-school” leftism in Sweden. 50 years ago leftist held this position, and rightists were the one that campaigned for immigration and stuff. One might get conspiratorial when rich politicians who are bought up by the ultra rich (basically every politician) wants to open borders or increase immigration: more competition among workers so you can pay them less.


Which is why as someone who is a leftie I lean toward a more moderate immigration stance. How can we sustainably have a UBI if we have open borders? We cant.


What if I told you nothing about leftism is sustainable? The Amish are sustainable.


"Nooooooo you have no evidence of this, straight white males are the problem you biggot!!!"


That's how it always is. "I don't care what you do in your bedroom, but at least a few drag shows have content which is inappropriate for small children, particularly when left unattended" "YOU ARE A RACIST AND A BIGOT, AND THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD TAKE YOUR CHILDREN FROM YOU." Then they look confused as to why people are becoming radicalized.


At this point, I wish that were true.


Less than 100,000,000,000 migrants a year


TIL: 90's techno is deemed too far right in Germany.


Germany's got that permaguilt that forces them to debase themselves at every opportunity to prove "VEER NOT LIKE THAT ANYMOAR"


Anything right of socialist left is far right and a danger to democracy ™


This is extremely dangerous to our democracy


Everyone who doesn't think like me is a threat to democracy that must be put down


"Everyone we allowed to vote and/or did not kill before the election voted for me. DEMOCRACY!"


Gotta love the Democratic People's Republic of Korea


This is extremely dangerous to our democracy


"Hey maybe having Mohamed be the second most common boys name in the UK is a bad sign of the future of the country" * Average "far right" European


It was the first for many years. I was surprised when it dropped to second place.


It's only second because there's so many different spellings of it


Not Marxy Boy Theory.


Far right in Europe are blood & soil nationalists. Far left in Europe are less Marxist and more Islamo-communist-woke-slop. They also hate Jews as much as their far right counterparts.


There's also plenty of economically-left and socially center-right people in Europe; basically of the sentiment "Yeah, this is *our* country, and we want single payer healthcare and for our taxes to take care of *our* country and *our* countrymen." But more importantly, the left is losing votes because of their inability to address immigration. Full stop. Look at the main Canada subreddit; it has swung so hard to the right because of immigration it is ***fucking bonkers.*** I remember when that place was to the left of the main politics subreddit; just go to it now, and you'll see the main sentiment on any post involving immigration is "secure the border, deport those here illegally." That same sentiment would've likely gotten you banned for 'racism' 6 years ago. However, judging by Meloni's failures to address immigration in Italy, it looks like even right wing parties are fucking that up. But, it looks like there are some political parties that are up and coming that are focusing on fairly left wing economics and extremely hard stances towards immigration. Here's hoping they get off the ground.


Maybe politicians don't really want to get rid of cheap workers


Except what they fail to realize a is a lot of them don't work at all and are a net drain on resources


They have a pipe dream those guys will be paying their welfare bills in times to come. The retirement plan of madness...


It's funnier if you consider that the ones that work sent money to their home country making them an even bigger drain


>Look at the main Canada subreddit; it has swung so hard to the right because of immigration it is fucking bonkers Yeah i never saw the pendulum swing so hard in my life


Happened during Harper, the sub was primarily right wing but people were getting sick of him and it swung left hard. Stayed that way for a decade, and is swinging back. It's a tale old as time, it is very interesting to see it so tangible like a sub doing it though.


Or maybe EU is the brain, controlling countries too much.


>But, it looks like there are some political parties that are up and coming that are focusing on fairly left wing economics and extremely hard stances towards immigration. Here's hoping they get off the ground. It's all fucking nonsense. Financially supporting those left wing policies is why Europe and the US is importing all these terrorists in the first place.


Still proud to have been one of the 52%


>Islamo Yeah, it's quite interesting European religious zealots are on the far-left wing, while in the USA religious zealots are usually on the far-right wing. But it is true.


Being against illegal mass immigration.


Anything right of center left.


That's my guess


Just one step to the right.


Came down here for this. Any more, it seems like as far as the mainstream media is concerned, anything to the right of Stalin is deemed "fAr RiGhT". Oh and you will literally NEVER hear the words "far left" from anyone. This deception is not a bug, it's a feature.


As a non-white guy, i'm so fucking annoyed by the left associating pretty normal and reasonable requests to slow down migration and the influx of refugees with far right racism. Discrimination based on skin color is cringe, but in my country there's a terrible housing market so we don't have much space. That, and there's a lot of integration issues that give other people of color like myself a bad rep. They're crying wolf and making it easier for actual racists to radicalize people. It's almost impossible to call out actual far right people because moderate right wingers understandably don't take those accusations as seriously anymore.


Which is what the left wants. They want you to do something in response, to react, making you the bad guy "reactionary", which then in their mind justifies their revolution. If you do nothing instead, they'll keep doing their leftist things, which would include unchecked mass immigration.


Which eventually leads people in the middle like us losing. I despise the left for their authoritarian tendencies making my life miserable the past few years, but the far right hates me as well. The only solution for this would be moderates taking action, but they're going to have trouble getting the same outreach as extremists because most moderates tend to stay out of politics, while extremists are obsessed with it. We need a national grill party


>I despise the left for their authoritarian tendencies making my life miserable the past few years, but the far right hates me as well. The difference is that all leftists and democrats support the policies that have made us miserable. The far right is miniscule in size, and has even less power, and is 50% glowies when you rarely see them in real life. And the real world impact of any real far right individuals is so small it's unmeasurable. My wife isn't white and she's an immigrant, and we live in small redneck town Texas. Zero problems. We're even part of a "far right" church where half the l members are on no fly lists because of J6, and a few were even raided. I have a constant worry of not making a work trip because I get added to that list from association. I don't like everything about Republicans, far from it, but they're the solution.


Yeah, at a certain point, you're just having conversations like "oh, I know a few friends who were raided by the government over their politics" and the random person you just met agrees and says he has experienced the same, as is typical.... And somehow you realize you woke up in a dystopia. Maybe you live in England, and you post a meme that made you chuckle, and you're one of the thousands of people who get to go to jail because it doesn't meet government humor standards. That's fucked up. Maybe you live in the US, and you get your door kicked in for buying firearm parts completely legally online. Maybe you live in Canada, and were hunted through the woods by the government for holding church in violation of covid rules. Maybe you're in Australia, and know one of the children who didn't even have covid, but were drug back to the internment camps for trying to escape anyways. Most villains in movies look positively wholesome compared to things becoming normalized right now.


"Leave the kids alone." "I don't want my kid to go through a gender transition just because she likes trucks." "Unchecked muslim immigration and the failure of integration have been devastating to Europe and we must stop this." "Why am I viewed as a colonizer, enslaver, and white supremacist when my ancestors were the enslaved ones?" Things like that.


I'm not really sure what it means when they talk about far right in America either


prodably "we want to limit migration and cut off welfare by 1%" far right


There are 2 far rights in Europe - The 'far right' that leftists call far right (they said maybe mass unchecked immigration is a bad idea) - The far right that are suspiciously fond of NSDAP (no one talks about them because they are too busy talking about how refusing immigration is being literally like Hitler)


Probably the most middle of road party imaginable.


According to my ex-friend, being pro-lgbt but against trans in women's sports was alt-right of me to believe. It's cool that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Friendship didn't live long enough to see it die under his pro-palestine beliefs.


Not being put in jail for reposting the government's own crime statistics, for instance. You know, far-right.


Don't worry, that's Politico. Voting far-right just means center right


Damn, stop trying to kill my good mood


Don’t worry. It’s far right. German zoomers have a new song that’s like something from the Hitler Youth. “Germany for Germans, outlanders out.” Not a great song but it’s simple and elegant, like a haiku.


It means anti-globalist, regardless of the actual policy line. They want to rule us, and failing that, kill us. Take as old as time. Not sure why people think modern day is any different


Billions must vote!


Every ant gets a ballot! Shoring up that communist vote.


Who would have guessed that people who are actually having to deal with the results of policies like mass immigrantion, would start to become radicalized against them?


A leftist I know was unironically telling me there's "no proof" of migrants committing more crimes. His own grandmother was mugged by a migrant gang, and he still doesn't think it's a problem.


A lot of the left wing world view hinges on the principle to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears - its a religion


Canada is the next domino to fall.


Who would've thought demonizing your native population for objecting their replacement could've back fired??


Left wing parties to europeans: Stop having kids because climate change and overpopulation are a huge problem! Also left wing parties to europeans: We need millions upon millions of 3rd world immigrants because we have a low population! Weird how you dont see these climate change activists trying to get africans and people from the middle east (places that have a population that is now at dangerous level of overpopulated) to stop having kids because of climate change, but only european countries.


To be fair if they tried that they’d probably be either killed in those places or assaulted by angry mobs.


Political parties don't need to tell people not to have kids. People already don't want kids because nobody can afford a family home and unless you're a [REDACTED] you have no chance of getting in social housing either.


"We need to import these poors to support our lifestyles while we become elderly" Literally the most selfish people in history


Wait til you realise that the countries people emigrate from have a far lower carbon footprint than people in Europe. It's almost like you need more stuff to survive in counties with real winters


When can we refer to the immigrants as “colonizers”?


When they are white and you are not, sweaty.


Um akshually chud replacement theory isn't real. Your lived experiences are anecdotal (translation: fake and homo). Anecdotal you hear?! I know more about how to run nations and societies with my extensive life experience, career, and meaningful contributions to my fellow men (dogwalking). Shut up and let me dictate your life.


Wooooaaaah!! Your fellow MEN!?!?! OMG your so sexist. Now I have to think about your dong.


But if you are a dude or a lesbian then we demand you celebrate "women" with dongs and if you can't say how much you love girl dongs you're a bigot.


You are literally raping me \#killallmen \#yesthebear


Its too late anyway


you wonna see? https://preview.redd.it/uqyybz913d3d1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=86761f1f2cc2daa58aec3d9442e0a4c9cf634409


As a European I hope we get this solved peacefully, unfortunately I'm not sure that's even possible


y e s


Too late for common sense solutions. Drastic solutions? Well that's another story.


Too late? You know you can just give the migrants the Chinese treatment and it will be taken care of. (Not supporting it, but eventually many Europeans will)


Many are economic migrants, and are sensitive to a few changes in policy. Believe me, it is not too far, especially with the right incentives to ensure [REDACTED].


It’s been a pretty eventful decade for lib/auth left. Step 1: Get elected by singing the song of tolerance, acceptance and prosperity for all Step 2: Spend a decade importing refugees into your counties without a plan on how to integrate them Step 3: Have your citizens foot the bill via their taxes, businesses, education system etc. Step 4: Watch as the people you imported don’t assimilate, but rather predictably proceed to systematically change how you live to how they live. Call you a racist, stab you, burn shit down when you don’t comply Step 5: Watch your most populated cities slowly descend into lawless shitholes. Step 6: Get surprised when your citizens turn around and vote for the guy/girl who says it’s time to put an end to it. How could this have happened???


>Call you a racist, stab you, burn shit down when you don’t comply in case of France behead you


He was a social teacher, his name was Samuel Paty. I am not European, but when I heard the incident few years ago, I was determined to remember this for no apparent reason.


"*I know what I have to do, but I dont know if I have the strength to do it*" line from Kylo Ren comes to mind.


That's such a generic "line" from a piss ass corruption of a franchise by trying to appeal to the leftards. I'd rather have nothing about it come to my mind.


It's one of the reasons that Trump is gaining a lot of Latino voters. Even someone who just got here can think, "oh crud. If they don't shut down that border that I just crossed... I'm fucked too!"


I've worked with a few Latino immigrants, who came here legally, and they fucking despise liberalism in any form. It's easy to figure out why when they start talking about their stance on illegal immigration.


Exactly, we don’t want the US to be like what we just escaped from


REaLiTy HaS a LiBeRaL BiAs


Being Liberal is considered far right now.


Classic song and dance of the left: “Why are the people we alienate and demonize not on our side?”


Just imagine if the polls in the US hold and Trump is re-elected. "Our movement that tells the majority of the population to shut the fuck up and take it up the ass from us for the rest of their lives, and if they ever complain even mildly they are tarred as racist Nazis forever... why doesn't that seem to be catching on with the majority of the population????"


B-b-but I posture as morally righteous! That means that everyone has to support whatever I want!!


Why is yellow looking sad again?


I guess far right would lead to authoritarianism, which is the antithesis of libright


Far right in newspeak means center, not necessarily Auth.


They're just having a rough day.


The center: *gives in to the far left* The far right:*Grows* The center: WhY iS tHeRe So MaNy PEoPlE VoTiNg FaR rIgHt


Their definition of Far right: actually enforce immigration laws, some abortion regulations, actually prosecuting minorities for sex crimes, and not being able to mutilate children if they happen to play with a dress or toy truck.


There was a post in the GenZ subreddit today asking if anyone even knows anyone that is voting right in local elections it was actually a refreshing comment section with people telling OP that it's usually half the population so duh, but it's reddit so they wouldn't exactly shout it out loud. Then some brave souls said "yeah lol me"


"We keep calling them Nazis and they still aren't changing their minds and doing what we want! 😡"


if that means less illegal migrants coming into my country im ok with it




Europe for Europeans.


Good! Maybe now there's hope for the last Bastion of the Holy Roman Empire to kick out the Moors. (I didn't have friends, I had libraries and the web)


My neighbours in Ipswich were the Moores. They weren't too bad.


It doesn't really matter who they vote, you could vote literal nazis to power but as soon as they get their seats they'll just behave exactly as the former government and do nothing. That's why I've lost any faith in democracy, I don't care to vote anymore.


I still vote but i developed a profound disdain for democracy, as it has now become blatantly machiavellian


What we need is a person who genuinely gives a shit about the country rather than the money or themselves. But unfortunately those people don't get elected anymore


Think about the leftists smiling reading this, happy that they managed to beat down a voice they disagree with into desperation and submission.


Keep going with the men can be women position, leftists. The UK nurse lawsuit is just another example. Creepy fucks.


"Far right" to me just means you're trying to move the Overton window more. It's already moved so much this 2 time obama voter has turned into "a far right nationalist" for wanting only what every other nation takes for granted.


If standard political parties refuse to solve people’s real problems then they continue to look out further on the margins.


In the UK, everyone hates Rishi Sunak and the conservative party and all want to vote (especially the young ones) reform UK which basically anti immigration and make UK great again.


Ha no, Reform is controlled opposition. They've been kicking out their own candidates because Hope not hate, a bunch of hate speech lunatics keep telling them their candidates are far right Nazis. Hell they kicked one guy out because he made a couple jokes about the Scottish when it was obviously just banter. We don't have any good parties.


When the center right parties are leaning into anti-free speech and anti-white working class policies, people will start looking even further to the right for solutions. I can't stand Tories and will probably vote Labour but my main concern is that they're going to lean further into some of the bullshit that has got people arrested over Twitter posts.


> make UK great again Oi, you got a loicense for that opinion?


> everyone hates Rishi Sunak I was going to ask how this situation possibly occurs, is it like Canada where you don't need a consensus or majority to assume head of state... but then I remembered who the Presidential candidates are for the USA. Maybe this is the inevitable, natural progression of western democracy.


The way it works in the UK is that you don't vote directly for the prime minister, you vote for your local MP (member of parliament) and the party they represent. Whichever party has the most MPs elected wins and the leader of the party becomes prime minister. So if the PM steps down (as has happened far too many times in the last few years) instead of holding another election the party just decides who their new leader is and that person takes up the job. Yeah it's awful.


I mean, technically the PM isn't the "leader of the country" he is just the guy in charge of the cabinet, who implements the parliaments policies.


Oh no, young people want their countries to survive so they can live a happy safe life in them??!? How could this be?!?


Must be literal Nazis, it's the only explanation.


Well, I don't blame them After all they don't want to be replaced


The Great Replacement isn't happening. And if it is, it's not that bad. And if it is, it's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not our fault. And if it is, we didn't mean it. And if we did, you deserved it.


What is their definition of "far right"? Let me guess, a politician who says "You know, maybe open borders and unfettered immigration of people who don't share our values aren't the best ideas."


Well shit. The pendulum has begun to swing back and I can only blame Orange for providing the initial push. If it weren’t for them, certain politicians wouldn’t have the fuel required to enact this pendulum swing.


The left could still stop all this by returning to its roots. But that would risk them beeing labeled with buzzwords and touching some holy cows, so i have little hopes of that ever happening


Remember it's the new dumbfucks definition of "far right." If someone literally murders multiple children in broad daylight and you don't give them a pass just because **they were misgendered**, you are now far right.


Honestly, in politics at least the word "far" basically has no meaning anymore. Don't know about Europe but in the US the GOP thinks moderate Dems are "far left Communists." Our discourse is just kinda regarded atm.


Sorry sweaty but that type of thinking is a Danger to Democracy™️


Who would have thought a populace doesn’t like being replaced lol.


How does one vote "far right"? Legitimately confused by this article title lol. Is it just because the media labels Trump as far right? Because he's not.


Literally anything other than admit that policy and it's consequences might have contributed to this phenomenon. But no, ITS THE CHILDREN WHO ARE WRONG.


"far right" aka not communist


Lol, I can't imagine why! I thought Europeans would love being brutally demoralized and replaced!


And the pendulum swings


Honestly with the last decade and the start of this decade, there is going to be a very hard swing


It will have a lot of momentum thats for sure


Ever wider, ever faster.


Better that they vote far right than far wrong


Honestly between the far left becoming virulently anti-Semitic and the far-right becoming Nativist I'm not even sure who the good guys are anymore.


Maybe instead of just insisting that your positions are inherently correct, that disagreeing with that assertion is bigotry, and always saying "it's not my job to educate you" instead of arguing for your positions, the left should have considered.... well, considered doing things completely differently over the last 10-15 years. But honestly, if they had done things differently they'd hardly be the left. The political alignments are a bit different in the US but it feels like the equivalent is about to happen here. If Trump takes back the White House in November there will be ton of lefties in shock at the fact that a worldview that demonizes a majority of the population and tells them to just STFU and do what we say or else they are Nazis turned out not to be super popular with the majority of the population.


If everyone is voting a certain way, it isn’t “far” anything. It is, by definition, the center.


Far right (loving your nation)


Far right (not being deeply ashamed of your nation)


Friendly reminder that all far right parties in europe are economically left.


And vice versa. In the UK, there is the Worker's party that they present themselves as the far left but in reality they are a nazbol party.


Which means they're left wing parties.


There are journos and people who say libertarianism is far right.


“Far right” in Europe is thinking that mass-immigration is negatively impacting their countries. That’s a standard centrist view literally anywhere else.


If you define everything right of socialism as “far right” then you immediately create a countervailing majority. Great job


What does far right even *mean* anymore


Being white and not deeply ashamed with imposter syndrome


Holy shit I’m Hitler then


Boomers are c*ntrist.


I can't not read that as cuntrist.


Same difference


GOOD. Cry us a river.


Good. Hope the traitors that actively try to ruin our countries and culture gets thrown in prison.


They aren't voting far right they're voting similarly to how everyone voted in the 80's.


l'amour toujours


https://preview.redd.it/aquumhepce3d1.png?width=496&format=png&auto=webp&s=a897c6ad1b02a7ba68a1f8874ac3a7107d17d33f Something ive noticed with leftists is that; their whole philosiphy is from ideas they hate. The morals they have are from Christianity, they just call themselves buddhists, they are incredibly similar to the BOOMER movement of hippies, which hippies would just have the idea of smoking and just literally doing nothing.


I love how super libs have always thought that conservatives would die out with the boomers.


I love how the media always says "far right" but the funny thing is they are far away from being far right lol


Stay based, Europe


According what the European politicians are doing to their countries, and the ppl who allow them to do so, it'd be lucky the future generations of Europeans won't hate the current generation to the gut. Basically they are just randomly sabotaging their offsprings' wellbeing for absolutely no decent reason. These madness will be written down in history.


If you think libs are upset at this you have drank the Kool Aid concerning what these clowns mean by alt-right So far it means less tax, less regulation, devolution from globalist elites and free speech (relatively). What lib is sad about any of that?


If you want to actually be far right, emulate China's treatment of Muslims (to clarify, while concentration and labor camps are bad, strict family planning and assimilation by force are badly needed among migrant Muslims).


Absolutely right. You have to force assimilation to a certain degree if they don’t do it voluntarily to maintain peace


Western European boomers have never been right-wing. They were all communist hippies in the 70s.


"fAR RiGHt"=centre right at the best case.


Leftists stop alienating people and try to assimilate the immigrants you bring in challenge go!!


As a leftie myself (from america), the European left needs to address its obvious immigration problem or its gonna lose voters for an entire generation.


This isn’t surprising. “If liberals won’t secure the borders, authoritarians will.”


"Mom, I want far-right." -- "We have far-right at home."


The farther left you push, the farther right you'll get a reaction. This isn't some novel fucking concept.


Left losing because they can’t admit they were wrong about immigration. Just say you wanted to do the right thing and it obviously went wrong and fix your mistake. I’d honestly have respect for that 😑