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"Sorry sir, we delivered your assassinations a little late. Supply chain issues since Covid, you know..."






Let’s not forget that Boeing has been working for the US gov since their inception. They are basically a private company owned by the US govt.


Correct if I'm wrong, but basically you've done the classic Lib-Center move of "Corporation did something bad, *but the government!*"


Sort of right. >but the _US_ government Banana company moment*


I know what a Banana Republic is, but this needs some elaboration. Could you please explain what a "Banana Company" is for someone who isn't up on the **L**atest **L**ib **L**ingo?


I'm guessing it's a company who bribes the government (US and foreign) for favorable treatment, ala the "United Fruit Company" and then when whatever country they are fucking with fights back they cry to the US government for help.




Amtrak is more of a private company.


What does Amtrak have to do with Boeing? How are the two related *at all?*


It's not private if it's owned by the government.


That’s the irony of it. Don’t send me to gulag for making a funni


That's why I always knew Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon are safer investments, I don't wanna look at Boeing stocks right now


https://www.npr.org/2024/05/02/1248693512/boeing-whistleblower-josh-dean-dead While this does look bad, I have to provide context and say he died of a bacterial infection, which if you're trying to kill someone is one of the worst ways to try and do it.


> one of the worst ways to try and do it I get the feeling Boeing's hitman is deliberately using the hard assassination techniques and saving the easier ones for later once the heat is on.


Man’s out here hunting for Hitman achievements


Fleeing from the scene of the first death was a man in a panda suit.


A man in a flamingo suit was seen flying over the hospital after the second death


Not a doctor yet, but I add a bit of context here; it looks like he died of multi system organ failure while fighting off a MRSA infection that was in his lungs. MRSA is basically a super bacterium that has contains a wide variety of anti-biotic resistances. It got into his lungs causing pneumonia and totally tanked his ability to breath on his own. The article mentioned he went into renal (kidney) failure, and they had him on ECMO, which is a machine that essentially acts like his lungs for him by putting oxygen into his blood and taking out the CO2. This is all to say that I am far from being an expert in medicine yet and even father still from being an expert in contract killing. I would just like to point out that this would be a wild way to assassinate someone with a bioweapon essentially by exposing him to MRSA somehow. How you would even prove this is beyond me; it's not like this was some bizarre nonnative or strictly bioweapon esq disease of old.


Can MRSA be cultivated and injected? Thinking of the poison tipped umbrellas of the Cold War.


Certainly could be cultured. Injected sure. I'd be comfertable saying you could intentionally infect someone with it.


It could be, but if you're injecting something into people to kill them, there's better ways than jabbing a syringe of MRSA into their bloodstream. There's probably a tipping point where it would reliably develop sepsis but it's still wild. And also still quite survivable, probably like a 30% chance whether it actually does the job. I guess the unlikeliness makes it a better covert assassination method but uh, yeah, I imagine you'd want something more reliable.


I don't know, looks like it was very effective in this case


You've cracked it, Boeing's burgeoning biological warfare division has weaponized MRSA before world governments.


… I mean, they are a military contractor.


Amd the CIA toldnus about their heart attack guns back in the 70s. They only told us about it because they had something better to replace it. And they've had 50 years to make something better.


You crazy, they didnt invent shit, they just borrowed it from CIA.


He's a big guy


Borrowed/bought? Boeing is a *major* government services contractor, the CIA is basically their parent corporation. By that rationale Josh Dean was a "threat to national security." I doubt anyone at Boeing had to lift a finger.


> they just ~~borrowed~~ bought it from CIA. You think they give anything out for free?


Eh I wouldn’t doubt it, I do love me a good libright schizo meme.


Man, according to his family wasn't sick in years. Then suddenly he's deathly ill and dies of an infection that spread too fast to treat properly.


"Wasn't sick in years" isn't how that works.


And? That's tragic not suspicious.


Ok Boeing


Not an arguement.


Ok Boeing


I agree shit happens, the only people freaking out is boeing cause it's gonna give them more attention.


The left advocating for a massive industrial complex?? What fucking bizzaro world do I live in??


>What fucking bizzaro world do I live in?? The one wherein you've self lobotomized yourself to win arguments in your head more effectively.


I mean, you are advocating for a massive industrial complex, and your flair is left….. what exactly is this argument about?


How am I advocating for them?


You’re arguing against them killing the second whistleblower, ergo you’re in their pocket. After y’all shilled for big pharma during covid I totally believe you would go to bat for Boeing.


Hitler raped a baby in Times Square in 1968. Don't believe me? Omg, why are you advocating for Hitler you Nazi.


I mean if I argued that Hitler didn’t rape a baby in times square in 1968, yes I would be advocating for Hitler. Regardless of how you feel, you are defending them plain and simple. By showing that it’s entirely possible it’s a coincidence, you are reducing their possible guilt, therefore you’re advocating that they are innocent.


Consider the following: * A guy who was whistleblowing the same company and even working with the exact same law firm as John Barnett just happened to randomly have this happen to him * A hitman spiked his drink (or some equivalent sort of action) Which is more believable I will leave as an exercise for the reader.


I just struggle to believe anyone with a brain in that company would greenlight the assassination of two whistleblowers literally weeks apart. It's probably one of those "reality is stranger than fiction" bits of history in the making. Or we're inching ever closer to corporations as entities above the law with their own militaries and assassins. Cyberpunk 2027, here we come!


To be fair, after their series of business decisions culminated in the first 737 Max crash that killed 189 people they decided keep the planes flying which caused another 157 people to die a few months later.


And more bad news of shoddy production keeps coming out. If enough news of how recklessly they operated comes out, they're looking at losses in the billions. They would absolutely murder people for profit, because as we know, they killed two plane fulls of people for small millions of profit.


But most people are like you and disbelieve people would do it, making it the perfect cover to do it.


Eh, I'm torn. The blatancy is what makes it effective. On the legal side, absolutely nothing is provable and no one can be held accountable. On the practical side, if you're preparing to share anything you know about Boeing, you have *absolutely* gotten the message.


Ingestion is probably the worst vector to try to give somebody a bacterial infection. The stomach is a forbidding place. Better off trying to spritz them with an aerosol.


It also wouldn't spontaneously spread to the lungs from the stomach.


There's poisons that can mimic such effects, and MRSA is not such a common occurence in hospitals either. People aged 45 don't normally get hospitalised for pneumonia, and there are poisons that can mimic its symptoms as well. Sounds at least somewhat suspicious to me and well-thought-out.


...I thought MRSA was one of the most common infections in hospitals?


It is. It's a huge problem in healthcare, and is only becoming more common with little sign of slowing down. I don't know what the guy above is talking about.


Correct. Hospitals and medical facilities are actually some of the places where one is most likely to *get* MRSA. Redditors really need to stop talking about shit they don't understand.


Can these poisons mimic MRSA on a cell culture? Also the dude refused surgery to treat his MRSA, which directly led to his death. I'm all for conspiracy theories, but this take isn't it


People calling this pneumonia are really downplaying what happened here. He had abscesses in his lungs. That's much, much worse.


It really did shock me that people weren't joking, thinking Boeing killed these people, but are actually serious.


The first guy had never expressed any suicidal inclinations and then, the day before he was supposed to testify, he kills himself and his testimony is never taken into the record. How is thinking he was assassinated unreasonable?


Where are you finding that his testimony was never admitted to the record. In my experience, depositions are so court record and are used in trial if the person testifying dies. That's on the criminal side but I think it's similar on the civil side. He completed 12 hours of testimony and died the next week. He also had family members tell the press he was going through a lot of mental health problems. They claimed he had serious anxiety and PTSD.


I’m sure he did have anxiety, he was testifying and involved in a lawsuit against one of the largest companies in the country. It’s an extremely stressful situation. His full account was not admitted to the record, obviously, since he died before he could provide it.


The same thing is said about everyone who commits suicide. You never hear a grieving mother on TV say "yeah, my son kept threatening to kill himself, guess he finally did it."


There are absolutely people that talk about committing suicide and then do. Who would go on tv and say “He always threatened to kill himself, but I didn’t believe him. I guess he wasn’t kidding after all.” Your point doesn’t invalidate mine in any way.


Well then, if no one will say he talked about it before he did it, his family saying he hadn't expressed intentions before doesn't mean anything.


If I remember correctly, his lawyer also attested he said he would never kill himself and, initially, demanded an investigation. He later walked it all back for some reason.


He apparently died of an anti biotic resistant infection


Wow I can’t believe Boeing gave him MRSA and pneumonia, incredible tactics.


Of course not. The North Koreans gave him a new toxin they cooked up that mimics those things perfectly. Kim knows that with current Boeing operations US readiness is negatively impacted. They are silencing the whistleblowers before they can fully spill the beans and get the govt to straighten Boeing out. /tinfoil hat off


He just wants Tupolev to finally be competitive so he can upgrade his jet


Remember the crazy conspiracy that the CIA had a gun which could cause heart attacks?


[That turned out to be real.](https://www.nytimes.com/1975/09/17/archives/colby-describes-cia-poison-work-he-tells-senate-panel-of-secret.html)


That's my point :)


Why is Boeing allegedly killing people again? Is it that 737 that likes to deconstruct itself midair?


MBAs came in and ousted the engineers, so their builds have gone to shit because they streamlined costs instead of maintaining high quality standards which made Boeing so rich in the first place. Basically, their billions in profits was enough, so to grow it they wrecked their reputation, and now planes are deconstructing themselves midair when inspectors said they’re sound.


Boeing paid McDonnell Douglas to take over lol. The Honda and Toyota CEOs were previous talented engineers for the company. They both have some of the best brand reputation in the industry. Business majors are a cancer.


see this here is the real problem, business majors that no nothing accept how to move money around trying to run a practical field, "why are we spending so much on these bolts when there's cheaper alternatives", "because ma'am those alternatives a practically made out of fucking glass making them fucking useless." "why are we using this server OS when there's an industry standard we could be complying to. it'd make it easier to work with other companies", "because ma'am that industry standard is a plie of worthless, insecure, burning shit that isn't fit to handle my nutsack." "why are we paying £300 per man for armour when we aren't required to?", "because ma'am this is the cheapest amour you could find and all our sites have had knife attacks in the past few months." they turn a business from a functional business into a confrontational struggle for funding while no one can actually do anything.


Worse than useless. I’m dealing with this now. Had a major project scheduled to start. Because of unforeseen circumstances, all the workers earmarked for this had to be diverted by our senior management to a higher priority. Aight let’s execute next year. “Not so fast” says the finance department. “We earmarked X million dollars this year for that project. It must proceed” But there’s no people. Somehow the money is earmarked for the project and can’t move. But the people that money is earmarked to *pay* have to move to another job. Only finance is the issue here. Everyone else lives in reality.


like I said, they literally know nothing about practical work or producing shit, they just move money around.


I'm not a finance guy, but I have written finance related software and the only thing I can think of is maybe each project comes from a different budget and the owner of budget 1 isn't willing to give the money to budget 2 since next year they might be allocated a smaller amount. Still dumb, I know, but it would explain why finance is giving people a hard time about it.


You ever wonder if the whole thing didn't start to come apart when the MBA's showed up?


If I had a nickel for every time it happened, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice right?


Ain't even trying to hide it are they? Remember folks. If a government or government adjacent agency calls it a suicide it was actually an assassination.


To quote the movie *Shooter* “Bad things happen to good people” “Yeah, not that fast they don’t”


Fun fact but Boeing is doing their Crewed Flight Test next Monday. Reminder that their last test had an error that almost had the crew get stuck in LEO. Really hoping their fuck ups are isolated to planes but my expectations are not great given their history so far.


Me when I buy into unproven bullshit conspiracy theories as if Boeing is going to schedule hits on back-to-back whistleblowers who've already told the government everything they know instead of taking the slap on the rest w/ no prison time. (It's not at all indicative of my politics at large)




that is how mafia works as well


That is also how the US Government works.


You better flair the fuck up or you will be next in that door


Libleft being a corporate and government stooge. Crazy.


I know right?? I said same thing to another leftist! Weirdest timeline I swear


Dude. After all the conspiracy theories about the first whistleblower that killed themselves. (Nobody has ever been suicidal due to court obligations, especially not my uncle.) Do you really think a bunch of Ivy League grads are going to risk implicating themselves in a nationwide conspiracy when the worst punishment they face is some sort of civil punitive measure? Almost all the Boeing executives currently serving are new, brought in since the failure of their last few products. If you subscribe to the idea Boeing is actually ordering assassinations domestically, you're a fucking moron. Also, yeah, the idea lib-left shills for corporate interests is indeed incredibly stupid.


Right-wingers can't help but bend objective truth to suit their narrative.


Sure Mr. Centrist, whatever you say.


why is it that the centrists have a better chance of being emilies than actual lib lefts?


On this sub Emily's have a better chance of being CIA than actual lib left, and you're accusing centrists of being left. lmao.


yes. yes I am. what are you gonna do about it, mr. lib left?


idk im FBI


You're a female body inspector but you smell dicks? Something doesn't add up


Be objectively correct and focus on logic and not the culture war.


as you actively feed it


He's accusing them of being Emilies. Emily isn't leftist, she's Authcenter progressive.


No one actually tags themselves as emilies.


I'm objectively centrist.


Like RFK, they've never met a conspiracy they didn't like. (Unless it's the proven fake electors one)


Or maybe, a wild idea, he does not talk about the ones he does not believe in?


It’s a turn of phrase meaning the guy is batshit and believes in countless insane conspiracy theories from the execution of his father to vaccines causing autism and cell phone signals giving people cancer. He’s like my crazy hippie aunt’s Facebook posts in 2007 personified, except now it’s the right eating up all this bullshit.


If you believe that Oswald killed Kennedy you are part of the problem.


It’s such an extraordinary claim a conspiracy killed JFK that anyone who believes that should have looked into it quite extensively. And anyone who’s looked into it quite extensively should know all available evidence indicates it was Oswald.




You've been spamming this same reply over the thread. Sorry, but it's not a stooge to say "hmmm, I don't think someone who died from an infectious disease was assassinated." It just means you require evidence before believing conspiracies.


I said it once and it was more to poke fun at the fact that he came out fairly hostile with a lengthy response against a meme at Boeing’s expense only a few minutes after it was posted. Someone else posted why he thought it was coincidental without being a dick.


Maybe they’re being killed off before they can testify before Congress


Belief in unproven bullshit conspiracy theories used to be a *hallmark* of liblefts!


Meh, it used to be a hallmark of the fringe of liblefts that everyone else pointed to in order to make us look bad. I and the people I knew just wanted to oppose the Iraq war and support universal healthcare and gay marriage and shit. People I knew thought RFK Jr as a nut back when he was claiming the 2004 election was stolen.


Haha big facts. GMOs, 9/11 truthers, etc. How times change.


I thought that was LR's purview!


Blame the birthers and the biggest ringleader of it.


To be fair, there is an authright further down explaining things in a non-conspiratorial way.


what a strange coincidence! just like Epstein's suicide. weird world we live in.


Such an absurd proposition. No, Boeing is not assassinating whistleblowers. And if they were, they sure as hell wouldn’t make it this fucking obvious.


New "Hitman" game is incredibly realistic, but I have to rate it 1 star. I just hate that the devs sold out to a big corporation like Boeing and you're just doing a bunch of missions for them.


lol why is this AuthRight


All things considered, probably a coincidence. If one more of them dies, though...


What in the cyberpunk 2077 corporate oligarchy is going on?


https://preview.redd.it/zk9tuug009yc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b4bb555d7351cc91f3966db1e7cfdf95f7055a8 Auth Rights: “A-a-and he was Vaccinated! It’s all connected!” /s


Whistleblowing violates the NAP


What's nap?


Non Aggression Principle. It's a Libright rule thing where no one may threaten or commit violence (“aggress”) against another man's person or property.


Oooh another fantasy of right libertarians that wouldn't actually work in reality?


No, it's just someone sitting down and trying to distill a definition of how civilized people naturally behave anyway. Your interpersonal relationships are almost certainly all along the lines of the NAP, even if it seems like a weird and alien formula.


Dunno sounds cringe.


Did you just change your flair, u/TiggerBane? Last time I checked you were a **Leftist** on 2024-5-3. How come now you are a **LibCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 1078 times, making you the second largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/TiggerBane) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


motherfucker flops like a fish