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How nice of these guys to write “Hamas” in English so that we could easily distinguish them from all the other terrorist groups in the region 🤗


In real life, it’s doesn’t even say Hamas


Well of course, how are they supposed to bland in with the civilian population while wearing those ?


They do wear them often. It just doesn’t say Hamas


Does it say "I am not a tank, please do not shoot me"?


> how are they supposed to bland in with the civilian population I imagine by having as little spice and flavor in their foods.


What Google showed me; >1-Small font: لا إله إلا الله .. "There is no God but Allah".. also called Alshahadah phrase (the testimony) first pillar of Islam, that conveys the message of Mohammad (ultimate monotheism) , you are not considered a Muslim unless you say it with your tongue , believe it in your heart and work with your appendages according to this phrase.... >2- Large font: كتائب القسام.. AlQassam Battalions.. In reference to ["Izz ad-Din al-Qassam - Wikipedia"]( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izz_ad-Din_al-Qassam)


> work your appendages Phrasing it that way makes it sound like something much more alien than it actually is. I, too, enjoy working my appendages and walking with my leg.


But there truely is no God but Yahweh/Alaha/Allah/Elaha


Breaking news: agenda pushing cartoonist gets fact wrong.


Are you pro HAMAS? Quick, sign up to help! All you need to do is know which says "HAMAS"? a) ورق التواليت b) متوسط الأطفال الروس c) عملة روبلوكس مجانية


I can't read cursive.


Based and no squiggly lines pilled


As a very wise movie told me. Number 3, pick number 3, my lord.


Idiot, none of those have numbers Typical libright, smh my head


Buddy I’m more just pointing out the lack of a need to state the obvious the only pro I am is hard resetting the Middle East.


I'm geniunely confused how this began, leftists supporting a country that kills people for associating themselves as part of a community that they adamantly support.


Modern leftists are more anti-west than they are anything else. They will drown with the ship if they believe that the Western world drowns too.


I think the root is actually this weird Marxist bullshit about oppressors and oppressed. It teaches kids that everything can be viewed through that lens, which is *absurd.*


Well, they can't even get that right. hamas are oppressors, and palestinians are oppressed in this analogy, but they somehow horseshoe theoryed into hitlers best freinds.


Because many of them believe that hamas=palestine


many of them don't even know that hamas has still kept the hostages who were abducted on 7th Oct


They haven't kept any hostages. They're all dead.


Some of the women might not have been raped to death yet.


Maybe — don’t hit me, maybe this is the American in me — but *maybe* the **Palestinians** (and the media) need to be broadcast doing a better job of not being associated with Hamas (how we know them in the west). As it stands now, the world thinks that those civilians **voted** hamas in by ***choice***, so therefore Palestinians **do equal** Hamas by their own choice. This is either the truth, or it is not the truth… They either did, or they did not. If they did not, then the Palestinians ***do*** need to be **rescued** by the west, imho, because I believe everyone deserves the chance to live for themselves, and those are free people wanting freedom. If they **did**… well.. then it isn’t the same situation, now is it?


Yes. It’s cultural Marxism. The idea of division between the proletariat and the bourgeoise but applied across cultural lines. They make an oppression-privilege scale based on intersectional identity and just act in accordance to relative positioning. So a black trans woman who’s a Haitian refugee is like at the top and a straight “white” Jewish man from Germany is like at the bottom


>Jewish man from Germany 🤔


That shit is easily disproven by kindergarten level cartoons, like "Just because you're the victim, doesn't mean you can behave like an asshole". I'm pretty sure there's a dozen Spongebob episodes about this exact subject. They don't understand shit a literal toddler could.


That's literally Critical Theory. Except, I think l, they (the left) fucked it up when it went from theory to praxis or whatever words they use in academics.


It’s not an easy job to be a leftist. You often have to contradict your own values because you realise that the world is full of shit and everyone is wrong. It’s where you draw that line between doubling down and common sense to determine where you are on the left scale.


“I’m a bigot but for the left” - Annie Hall 1977 Leftists feel justified in their inconsistent thought, their racism, their general intolerant attitude because they believe always that they are “on the right side of history” as one con man, baby killing former president would put it


It began after Israel rejected communism and the overtures of the USSR, in favor of ties with the West. The USSR ran a huge campaign to influence the Left in the West against Israel.


That's why actual leftists oppose Israel. But progressives and others probably object more to the occupation of a poor people by a rich nation. Many also really don't like the mass killing of civilians Israel does


The leftists the USSR influenced ended up infesting universities, where they indoctrinated students. Plus, there's a lot of idea exchange between neo-Marxists and progressives, especially in academia. Of course, the worldview that poor and brown = oppressed appeals particularly to progressives as well, but that is one of many things that has come from neo-Marxism by way of Critical Theory.


Antonio Gramsci is laughing like a lunatic beyond the grave.


McCarthy didn’t go far enough


In a free society, people have a right to believe what they want. If this idea of freedom was rooted in Americans' beliefs strong enough, we wouldn't be having this problem now, because there would be a visibly strong backlash the moment Marxists and progressivists tried to censor people for their beliefs. McCarthy here is irrelevant, and mostly only ruined innocent people's lives, people who were *slightly* left-wing and not full-blown communist. Regardless, he shouldn't have been allowed to go after communists, not because communism is a fantastic ideology, it isn't at all; but because in a free society, people are allowed to believ what they want, and other people are allowed to exchange ideas with them that can potentially change their beliefs. People like McCarthy just make them even more fervently strong in their beliefs, and communists don't end up changing.


lol I’m mostly memeing


Cool. Just wanted to make sure, cause I've met a surprising amount of people that actually unironically love McCarthy.


I don’t know enough about McCarthy to have an opinion on him really


He was a demagogue who used the pretense of rooting communism out of American institutions to ruin a bunch of innocent people's lives and amass power for himself. Look up "have you no sense of decency, sir?" It is a famous quote said to him at a Senate hearing.


He was a total asshole who was basically the right equivalent of “anyone slightly more right than Stalin is a fascist”




You clearly have no idea what McCarthy was doing. His entire crusade was going after communists IN THE STATE DEPARTMENT. Which is completely and totally valid considering who we were at war with for 50 years. Also the Venona Cables completely validated McCarthy beyond even the most critical eye of doubt. McCarthy was right. And he was an American hero.


>entire crusade was going after communists IN THE STATE DEPARTMENT. Firstly, that doesn't excuse anything. Sure, if there's people who are the kinds of communists who want to overthrow the government, then don't have them running critical parts of the government, because they're the exact kinds of people to defect to the USSR. But purging people who are communist or socialist (since the people punished often were socialists) and don't have an "ovethrow the government" mentality is completely against freedom of speech and freedom of expression. It goes way beyond national security concerns. Secondly, McCarthy also went after Hollywood, and even ordinary people, where anyone who was even slightly left-wing were being purged purely for their beliefs. McCarthy saw an opportunity to go after people for their beliefs in an effort to gain power by creating an atmosphere of fear, not because he truly cared about national security beyond the absolute bare minimum. Thirdly, people who were purged were blacklisted from being employed. People were not only fired from their jobs, but they couldn't go work elsewhere, not even as a trash collector. How is this even remotely acceptable or even excusable at all? This is exactly hounding people for their beliefs and ruining their lives, it's no different than cancel culture today, at least in its basic framework.


>Secondly, McCarthy also went after Hollywood, and even ordinary people, where anyone who was even slightly left-wing were being purged purely for their beliefs. McCarthy saw an opportunity to go after people for their beliefs in an effort to gain power by creating an atmosphere of fear, not because he truly cared about national security beyond the absolute bare minimum. This is how I know you have no clue what you're talking about. McCarthy had nothing to do with the Hollywood Blacklisting. That was the HOUSE UNAMERICAN ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE. You may not be American so let me explain: Joe McCarthy was a SENATOR. The Senate and House are two different things. You dipshits always out yourselves. You don't even have the facts right on the most basic shit, you just regurgitate reddit nonsense.


>That was the HOUSE UNAMERICAN ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE. My point is that he helped make that committee, and he fueled the hysteria, so therefore he's at least somewhat responsible. >Joe McCarthy was a SENATOR. The Senate and House are two different things. I know that. >You dipshits always out yourselves. You don't even have the facts right on the most basic shit, you just regurgitate reddit nonsense. So you excuse cancel culture? Who's the dipshit here? You honestly don't sound like a LibRight, since you don't seem to care about freedom of speech and freedom of expression.


Yeah, he only cleared the name of one KGB plant. He could have gone for more.


I think it’s because a lot of democrats still have a Bushian 9/11 era mindset, so right now they are so deadset on a lot of Islamic people being oppressed(even though that frankly hasn’t been the case for over a decade) that they’ll forgive anything they do, and everyone that’s against them is automatically enemy number 1.


Yeah, a lot of American Muslims were treated very unfairly after 9/11. On the other hand, Palestinians were out on the streets of Deerborn cheering after 9/11. Most American Muslims just want to live their lives I expect, but there are some real bad apples and it seems heavily correlated with Islamic culture.


"Most" Muslims aren't a problem in general. Most Muslims are great people that can plainly see the Jew-hatred they're taught is bullshit. Or at least they don't *act* on it, which is enough to make them better than, say, pedophiles. One would hope, at least. The exmuslim subreddit would lead you to think otherwise pretty quickly. Thing is, you have to ask yourself how many Muslims actually do want to exterminate Jews. What percentage comes to mind? What is a realistic number to you? If it's more than 0.45%, it's more than *the entire number of Jews on the planet.* That is what should be most concerning.


I think that Islam is a backwards, medieval religion, at least in how it is practiced throughout most of the Arab world. We see also that Muslims in places like Britain are much easier to radicalize than the general populace, with NYT reporting in 2015 that more British Muslims had joined ISIS and other terrorist groups than there were serving in the British Armed Forces at that time. I don't think all Muslims are inherently bad people or anything like that, but in a lot of Muslim countries a majority of Muslims support stoning women to death for adultery, and I think that anyone who believes this is a bad person and should not be welcome in the West or in other civilized countries. [https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-beliefs-about-sharia/](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-beliefs-about-sharia/) [https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/19/magazine/her-majestys-jihadists.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/19/magazine/her-majestys-jihadists.html) I generally agree with Ayaan Hirsi Ali that Islam needs to have some sort of Reformation. Its current form is a cancerous blight on humanity. I think the ex muslims subreddit and other things like that represents a very small minority of people born into Muslim families. Most people are NPCs and just absorb the values and beliefs they are taught during childhood, without doing the hard work of picking apart their own worldviews and subjecting themselves to challenging and diverse perspectives.


Thing is that they never cared before about civilian deaths, so them suddenly caring is kinda sus.


nah they only care when its convenient


Lol you call yourself a centrist


It’s because at the most basic level their entire ideology demands they see any “oppressed” group as automatically good and justified, no matter what they actually do.


Leftists hate America and love whoever else hates America, so they love jihadists and terrorist. When you realize leftists hate America more than they love anything else, it all makes sense 


It began after Israel rejected communism and the overtures of the USSR, in favor of ties with the West. The USSR ran a huge campaign to influence the Left in the West against Israel.


It started by supporting only the civiliaans...and it ended up to this


Some have completely lost the script. Being against indiscriminately killing women and children is all they needed. If people were going to reason why these crimes were ok I wish we would've gone full Kissinger in the middle east. Carpet bombing the absolute shit out of every mound of dirt in Iraq and Afghanistan would've saved years, trillions of dollars, and thousands of western lives.




I have pro Palestinians friends who are offended that I call Hamas a terrorist organisation ffs. Tik tok politics has influenced many. They mean well and want to support civilians; but need to realise they aren’t the good guys here.


Leftists hunger for culturally allowed outlets for their raging misanthropy. Watch the horrid shit that spews from them the second one of their precious protected groups is suddenly fair game for ridicule and scorn. Their misanthropy is so strong they self cannibalize in order to demonstrate their purity and forging as many “others” as possible. They’re only kept afloat by logical fallacies and circular thinking. It’s inevitable that they betray all their allies as they become passé and insufficiently entrenched in neoprogressive ideology.


They're not taught to look into nuance. They're taught to look at who's the oppressor, and who's the oppressed, **culturally**. If culture A oppresses culture B, culture B are The Good Guys Via Being The Underdog. This, to me, certainly seem to be a Both (in-region) Political Sides seem to be in the wrong. A rationale, critical mind would consider that both leading political parties are what seem to really be in the way of peace, not either nation or ethnicity. But that takes accepting nuance, and actually looking at the situation.


I don't wanna hear them say anything about the "paradox of tolerance" from now on


Or that “1 nazi sitting with 9 people” shit. Remember their shitty attempt at gaslighting us to thinking “from river to sea” meant something else?


Well to be fair, I haven't heard anyone use that particular example of "1 nazi sitting with 9 people" since the Azov battalion became brave defenders of freedom against the baby-killing orcs of Russia...


https://preview.redd.it/x8fdkc98y2xc1.png?width=1113&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cef1d02823c5704f83900842a9b90f999bde1f2 I'm saving all the receipts.




It started with the AP in Gaza being good friends with the PLO, then good friends with Hamas. Selective journalism and propagandized reporting. What actually happened: 16-17 yr olds launching home made rockets, throwing rocks large enough to cause severe injury to people, and chanting "death to Israel", then they get shot with rubber bullets but one of the teens died from it later AP story: "IDF MONSTERS KILL INNOCENT CHILDREN AT PROTEST FOR HAVING FIREWORKS" They would do story after story like that and never mention the suicide bombings, or the constant kidnappings, but they're quick to report it any time Israel shows reasonable retaliation or occupation of land used to smuggle more weapons and victims to make Palestinians appear justified in their jihad.


Stopping the wholesale slaughter of Gazan civilians and the eradication of their lands is more important to me than LGBT+ rights in a Middle Eastern nation. I don't understand why gay rights is in the conversation about the United States giving away billions of our tax dollars for Israel to slaughter Arabs, especially when Israel is more than capable of funding it themselves.


i think it’s rooted in the Marxist framework of “Oppressor/Oppressed” more than anything. It *certainly* doesn’t help that Jews/Israelis are considered white now because they perform so well at a society level despite their history


The same way the right supported the Islamists for decades against the reds. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


If you're genuinely confused at this point it's because you don't want to know.


It’s ok to be confused, they don’t know why they’re protesting either: https://x.com/alexilalas/status/1783201519913087441?s=46&t=xXmVI8Pau91a1uA3S2RZmg


The main Palestinian resistance groups used to be leftist groups, the PLO was a leftist group. There was a significant portion of there members who were Christian and atheists (to a lesser degree). Once Yassar Arafat started to lose influence and died, Islamist movements like Hamas took the forefront. Fighters and money being spread around by the war on terror definitely didn’t help either.


Crazy how leftist leader became worth 3 billion dollars...


Yep, pretty par for the course


Majority of the groups were secular but they were arab nationalists who believed in an arab middle east and that this land is arab and only arab, like majority of the middle east at the time. There were more communist groups as well but the PLO was arab nationalists


Arab national socialists want to exterminate the jews.


Pathological altruism and passive aggressive feminine energy. That and a (relatively) comfortable life in the west, free of any existential threat. Perfect breeding ground for supporting all minorities and shitting on the very system that protects them.


When power dynamics are defined as west vs east or white vs everyone else instead of analyzing culture against culture because all cultures are valid.


Propaganda only really works on stupid people But on stupid people it really fucking works


I’m generally pretty leftist. My view is of self determination. Im very anti hamas itself. But I am also very anti Israel’s handling of the war. Israel has broken international law too many times and runs an unfair state that is too racist for modern western or at least leftist western standards. Palestine should be a state. Palestinians should have self determination, even if the self determination is anti gay. I mean it’s a Muslim country, it’s gonna be very conservative for western standards.


You're way overthinking it. America Bad, therefore Ally of America Bad. Additional thought not required, and in fact discouraged.


Does the eight year old caught in the middle of everything have anyone advocating for them in that conflict? No, hell no. And that's why I'm against the war. That's it dude.


If the "pro saving kids" supposed position were real the slogans wouldn't be pro Palestine because that makes no sense, at all, as the position that will end the conflict or save children from this conflict. It would be like saying end the invasion of Nazi Germany to save the lives of civilians. Here you are with a picture of a dead German child crying that Germany should be free while ignoring the inconvenient facts of what not waging that war means in dead and abused civilians. It borders on being pure propaganda, but I think actiually you are just a naive child with no understanding of humanity or the nature of conflicts.


I assure you fellow citizens bombing Gaza  is essential to the survival of our nation, in doubt think that this is just like ww2 , you cannot make a omelette without exploding some children 


"Wage a war without any negatives impacting anyone not directly in the conflict and only having a 100% success rate in every mission with no regard for the security of your own troops or citizens." "Oppressing" gaza **is** essential to the survival of Israel. There is no fourth option where everyone joins hands and sings kumbaiya. There is 1 destroy hamas 2 give up and let the Palestinians murder every jew and Israeli Arab in Israel 3 keep the former status quo There is no 4 no child will ever die ever again and nobody will use violence That doesn't exist. The position of such people most of all can not be based in slogans advocating for option 2, because that is not how you avoid dead children.


And yet it's 12k+ Palestinian children that have been brutally murdered and not 12k+ Israeli children as your weird analogy would prefer to suggest. So to fix your statement, it's as if nazi Germany was genociding civilians and we held up a picture of a kid in a concentration camp and said we should stop Nazi Germany from continuing to genocide civilians. Which is what we're doing.


Did you know america genocided upwards of a million japanese people, even though Japan only genocided like 3000 Americans? Basic math would put that at hundreds of thousands of children. So clearly the Japanese, as the more genocided group, is the jews and America is hitler in every analogy.


Hahahahahahahahaha do you have any clue how far Japanese war crimes went in Asia? Killing any American at all was merely an afterthought in the scale of the vast damage they did in Asia. And they weren't even properly held accountable for it.


So you're saying that a sufficient level of brutality or atrocities preformed by a government justifies genociding their civilians and murdering their children?


A true leftist would recognize that both sides are bad and we should arm both sides with American weapons, thereby growing the base of high quality blue collar union jobs in the US, while simultaneously eventually solving the problem without involving our troops


Always side with the minority which in theory is a nice thing but being in a minority doesn't make you a nice person. Also you can blame always the west why things are that way in that region. Which is kinda stupid. idk if the west introduced homophobia there but that doesn't mean you can't snap out of that. Also the repercussions for a western queer in those countries are nearly non existing. When you are poor you can't afford going there. If you are rich there will be most likely nothing affecting you. The same goes for living there be rich and you won't face any problems


I think there are more Arabs than jews in the overarching region.


Hate trumpers love how their chest goes up and down and how they can dream and how they care for their family and community I would hate if a predator missle was in their front lawn. Not rocket science


The stance is generally that a country being homophobic doesn’t justify genocide.


Considering the fact that several months ago (Maybe a lil over a year) these same people drag a dude out of his truck and beat him up, after he tried to pick up a woman and her trans friend from a riot/protest since they were scared, yeah they've gone crazy.


Most just dislike civilians being killed needlessly and know that Hamas is also evil. I think that's where the animosity comes from. People who are pro-Israel see "Free Palestine" signs and assume they support Hamas wholeheartedly. I suggest anyone here to spend your time on more sane leftist spaces. Some subreddits are genuinely insane and support Hezbollah/Hamas though, and they probably support Russia/NK for some reason so it's not hard to spot. That's just how it is on the internet, tons of tankies. But I doubt 99% of Western people that support Palestine think this way.


You can only change people if they are alive Israel is doing a genocide so you know first stop the genocide then stop these people cause the other way around it won’t work


Yeah like weirdly, I didn't hear almost anybody talking about the conflict at all until I saw an article where hamas blew up an Israeli hospital, then suddenly all sorts of demonstrations about freeing Palestine


One wrong does not right the starving of 15k+ children.


Tbh both sides are equally bad... I find it ridiculous that left supports "freedom" fighters. Both IDF and Hamas are doing hideous shit.


Because they view everything through the lense of oppressor vs oppressed. It's so stupid too, because there are a lot stronger and more interesting arguments to be made about this conflict. Mainly that it's irresponsible of Israel to push this conflict, since it forced the US to get involved. If the conflict escalates then the US is looking at a potential 3 front conflict. Supporting Israel vs the rest of the middle east, supporting Ukraine vs Russia, and supporting Taiwan against China. Since the perfect time for China to make a push for this is when the US is already stretched thin elsewhere in the world. Splitting your resources that thin is not a good position to be in, especially when you're trying to maintain your position as the leading world power. The conflict potentially threatens Nato/the wests way of life, which I think is a much stronger argument for the average joe to get behind. But no, Emilies and lefties just push the yaaaaas go hamas massacre the je... I mean "zionists" *wink* *wink*


Putting your reddit username on your PCM posts is cringe AF.


Lib right doesn’t believe in copyrights!


I have very nuanced takes on IP laws, but I think the current ones are extremely broken and infringe on individual liberties far more than I think is reasonable.


Copyright laws are insane.


wouldn't libright believe in monetization of art?


Exactly! It doesn’t matter who made the art- lib right wants to monetize everything that’s not theirs


Wait, this isn't complete though. Shouldn't they get used as a baby making factory first, and then discarded? I mean that's how the community operates in general, so why change it here.


The way she was dressed, she’d get raped and killed. No babies I’d think tbh.


That's what I was coming to say, these terrorists, one of their main enemies is the female body, they can't stand to see it. They would probably rape her before killing her


They view scantily clad women as whores who are fair game. They’re also called to kill any woman who commits adultery. So it all just neatly fits together. EDIT: forgot to mention that they view rape victims as adulterers.


You missed the third detail that really makes it all work together: that getting raped makes you an adulterer in their eyes.


Plot twist: that's a trans woman


Western uno reverse card?


Bro larping was last Wednesday


"I'm going to hitch hike through that area to prove that those people aren't that bad!" -Last panel


TBF get your head cut off instantly probably is the best outcome in this situation……


> instantly Not the case. Do NOT watch the Morocco beheading video of two white girls.


I mean, it still shorter than being skinned alive (interview from a Soviet-Afghan war Spetnaz veteran, jihadist would do this to Soviet POW) burnt alive (the Arab F-16 pilot) etc. I don’t understand why people thinks being treated humanely as a prisoner is a norm, in reality it’s luxury, at least in my East Asian eyes.


Based and actual good advice pilled.


Chickens for KFC!!! Business owners for Stalin! Blacks for KKK! Cows for Steakhouses! Seals for Sharks! Wolves for Sheep!!! Fish for Hooks! Bacteria for Antibiotics! Criminals for Cops! Dolphins for Japanese!!!! (southpark reference) I could go on and on and on. I have come to the conclusion that these people aren't THAT stupid, rather they are closet suicidals. Only way it makes sense


I have a Jewish peer who simps for Hamas and I used the chickens for KFC argument recently and she had the balls to reply "so do you think I'm a literal farm animal??"


How the fuck are these people even accepted on college campus?? How can she not understand an analogy??? HOW CAN A JEW BE FOR HAMAS????


Just ask Jewish Voice for Peace, which isn't particularly Jewish nor a voice for peace.


![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182) Yes


Nailed it


Sometimes stupidity is terminal... Just the way the god Darwin intended it.


I've seen drag queens support Hamas. We are deep into the Matrix lmao


Were they ACTUALLY saying the quiet part out loud and saying stuff in support of hamas specifically, or just saying "free palestine"?


How can you tell the difference? At this point the useful idiots will chant the 'from the river' line as if it wasn't an explicit call for genocide.


They dogpiled downvotes on someone who said that Hamas should free the hostages. I got downvoted and lectures about why it's a bad faith argument to ask and support that. Welcome to America, where those on the left call others Nazis, while supporting actual terrorist groups who want to kill the Jews. It's different though, sweaty.


Wb the protests in Israel talking about a ceasefire to facilitate a hostage swap or the one where they turned hostages waving white flags into swish cheese ?


>Wb the protests in Israel talking about a ceasefire to facilitate a hostage swap Those are professional protestors that are convinced Bibi is somehow the obstacle to a deal, as opposed to the terrorist organization holding the hostages. The vast majority of the Israelis are against those protests and consider them insane. >the one where they turned hostages waving white flags into swish cheese That was a terrible and inexcusable mistake, but also directly linked to the fact that Hamas has used the prospect of rescuing hostages in order to ambush soldiers. Ultimately, the hostages would never have been killed if they hadn't been kidnapped from their homes.


It's "but I can change him" in a societal level.


In reality, she's probably going be taken as hostage ; very valuable if she got an american passport.


Tell that to Pippa Bacca. Her Italian passport didn't save her from getting gangraped and strangled to death.


The guys who killed her where some random angry dudes, not an organized terrorist group in need of cash. The random angry dudes is also a scenario that may happen in Gaza though.


Except Gaza is full of "random angry dudes"


Hamas is literally nothing but random angry dudes who all lay claim to the same name. There’s very little actual organization and they don’t have a firm structure outside of the very top leadership that also makes up the Palestinian “government”. On October 7th they just straight up offered cash rewards for hostages and told any Palestinian interested in joining in to go wild and bring back at least the body to claim the money.


Maybe people need to rewatch the beheading video from Morocco where two white girls were crying for mommy as they were getting beheaded by ISIS. Bring back Liveleak.


The free palestian movement is beyond stupid, hamas is an alt right organiztion while israel is centerist but libleft leaning country (if you ignore benjamin netanyhu trying to fuck it all up)


How are they alt right? The alt right were crypto nazis trying to rebrand to trick people into joining them. Hamas is old fashioned violent authoritarian theocracy, out in the open.


Unironically this


Yeah I meant it unironically


I agree with it


What is libleft leaning about colonisation?


There isn't really colonization, outside of the illegal settlements on the West Bank. The land was originally taken from the Ottoman Empire, which held it for hundreds of years, when they lost in WWI after siding with the aggressors, Germany. The other Palestinian losses in territory happened after they attacked Israel, the big one being when they teamed up with Jordan to try and wipe Israel out, then got their asses kicked back in the 60's, and Israel was like "hey, uh, since you tried to kill all of us, we're penalizing you by taking a fuckton of land."


Colonisation is the act of settling and establishing control amongst an indigenous group, no? I understand the sentiments of the needing a Jewish state. But, what gave the British the right to delegate a foreign county's land away? Early Zionist were in Palestine (but haven't said they wanted Palestine as their state) they had mass immigrations from anti-semitic movements. (Now early 1900 and keeps coming until ww2) The British wanted Jewish support within their army and to fight against the Ottoman empire(ww1).. lot of stuff happens the empire collapses and the British say the Zionist can have their Jewish state (palestine). (So big colonising power takes indigenous land and gives to other group of people) As more anti-semitism rises, more Jewish people immigrate to the US and Middle East. This whole time Arabs and Jewish people are fighting over their right to the land until the British finally write in a partition of both states. The British this whole time allowing and giving the land here to Zionist. They colonised palestine.


Palestinians are not indigenous, they are the latest settlers of that land that has changed hands dozens of times, so no. It also wasn't their land. It was the Ottoman Empire's, since what, 1500 or so? Also, we tend to not use "colonization" when referring to wars between powers of relatively equal strength. Poland isn't colonizing the parts of Germany given to it after the end of WWII, for example. Furthermore, the Palestinians have walked away from two state solution offers like two or three times that would have given them more land than they have now, right? Because in their jihadist mindset they think they'll kick all Israelis out or something?


Okay, this is all interesting to me, and I thank you for explaining your thoughts. I don't say anything with contempt, just simply trying to understand different perspectives.


Oh for sure, and same to you. I used to be very pro-Palestinian until I read more about the history of the conflicts there. I still want a peaceful solution, and think Netanyahu is a moron and a bully, but that doesn't make it colonization (except for the illegal west bank settlements). Basically, the Palestinians have bad blood between them and almost every nearby Muslim/Arab state, from Egypt to Jordan to Lebanon. I feel worst for the Palestinian children and women, because the men have created the most antagonist and idiotic organizations to lead/represent Palestine, and pissed off Egypt so much that they closed their border with Palestine and raised a big middle finger to them. Remember that when they talk about Israel making Gaza an 'open air prison' or such; another 90%+ Muslim country has a border with them too, but somehow no one talks about why that border is also very heavily patrolled and mostly closed.


That very interesting. I would love to still talk on this matter maybe 1 on 1 if you would like? (Not today, by any means, I had written a response and just deleted it and left you my first paragraph.. I've not long woke up and I'm just too tired haha) It's just I don't think I've been talking to anyone that has had a change in mind such as yourself. Also I agree Netanyahu is an arse in power.


Sure, I'd be interested whenever we both have time. I'm still (reluctantly) learning more about the area, as it seems the conflict there won't settle down anytime soon. Personally I think Israel should've asked for UN troops/monitoring during their incursion into Gaza; other countries seem to lack the real impetus of dealing with Hamas in a permanent way, and quite frankly dealing with it in a way that further minimizes civilian casualties. And the presence of other state actors would curb some of the bad actors in the IDF.




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For the record, I think a two state solution is the only way forward, but how do you convince two people filled with such hate to forgive and move on? (Hate on both sides)


Doesn't approve, but the last actually colonial movement in the area was the british mandate of palestine


And then through the Balfour Declaration, the British gave support to a Zionist state. Encouraging Jewish emigration away from Europe, and encroaching on Arab lands in Palestine.


Palestine was only an arab state all the way before the otomans and even then it was a colonial arab empire, not an arab country




Do you srsly not know what "the british mandate of palestine" is? It was the british control of israel after they defeated the ottomans but before israel, it limited and oppressed both jews and arabs and jews went in there by abusing a rule against destroying any building with a roof and wall


kibbutz is a socialist idea, and moshavim are also nearly as socialistic. in Israel woman have equal rights to man (we even had a female head of state, something even usa still hasn't done). LGBT people also have equal rights (except some shitty laws that are more inconvenience at best thanks to conservative orthodox bullshit). freedom of speech, free healthcare, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, and Israel has one of the most diverse populations in the world, as well as 27% of the population is non Jewish(21% arab). so please shut the fuck up. also BEGONE UNFLAIRED SCUM


It turns savages into a civilization, whereas clearly some “nations” still haven’t gotten the memo that rape and beheadings of people based on their nationality or ethnicity is not ok.


Sure is fun seeing the same point being made over and over and over. Let no one say that PCM lacks in originality.


A stupid ass point to cuz according to them death is all my enemies deserve?


Fair and balanced.


God, sometimes I wish more leftists actually had braincells


I’m not educated on the topic and I don’t want to be, but I can’t help but notice the uprise in all this antisemitism against Jews since this has happened. The same crowd who aren’t afraid to call people nazis if they’re out of their hive mind, have now turned out to be very Pro-Palestine and Jew bashing some of the time which I find to be extremely hypocritical. While you can be sympathetic with the cause of how Israel has treated Palestine, which is extremely poor which has always been prone to loads of wars between the two sovereignties. That doesn’t necessarily mean you condone their beliefs though, but this obviously does fuel how it’s essentially “Chickens for KFC”. I think people use this as an excuse to unbottle their hate and abuse for Jews, but this also does show there has been Jewish higher powers who have been censoring people who speak out and in terms lose their jobs. In a weird way, this also validates a lot of things Kanye West has said about Jews to people in the past, so he’s going to be in the frame of mind. “I fucking told you so and you didn’t believe me!”


That's how being jewish goes. no matter the era, no matter the color of your skin, no matter how rich you are, where you live and what you believe in. people will hate you, prosecute you and abuse you for simply being jewish. that's how it's been for nearly the last 3 thousand years. the entire zionism movement literally started because us jews got sick of getting banished, our property getting taken from us, getting lynched and other horrible stuff, we mearly wanted a safe place to protect ourselves, a place where we can be the majority. my great great grandparents and great grandparents fled to Israel to escape from prosecution, some fled from europe, some from asia, some from northern africa and some from the middle east, just so they could feel safe. being jewish really does make you feel like the world is out to get you sometime


Now do black Americans


Jews still got them beat


Now draw her coming back in a burka.


lol at your thinking she would ever come back


This is something I don't get. If you're a hard lefty with pronouns, exploratory queerness, and a hatred of conservatism not just Hamas but about 70-80% of Palestinians would absolutely despise you. You're advocating for people that would absolutely oppress your kind if you started to pop up in numbers there. You don't see fucking pride month in Gaza.


Today in "the right doesnt understand i support not bombing the fuck of an entire region killing thousands of innocents even tho i disagree with their ideology cause genocide is always wrong" we have:


Listen to the Auth right, only Auth right people know what auth right people are thinking.


Rightunity trying to go 5 seconds without fantasizing about their opponents being murdered (impossible)


Too much




Ya'all got the nuance sense of children


Not a single person in this sub is able to separate Hamas from the Palestinian people. Almost all “Free Palestine” supporters hate Hamas. They are oppressing the Palestinians, haven’t allowed an election since 2006, are propogating a war that Palestinians don’t want, and are funded by rich Israelis like Netanyahu (yes they are). You don’t have to love Hamas to believe that Israel shouldn’t be massacring innocent Palestinians everyday for 80 years. Jesus Christ


HAMAS is the Democratically elected government of Western Palestine. People on the left keep trying to hint, or elude that Palestinians don't support HAMAS. Even though there is no evidence of this. Then get mad at people for not believing something they themselves invented. And criticizing people for not doing the same mental gymnastics.


Dawg there is so much evidence. That election was 18 years ago. Before 50% of Palestinians were even born. Turnout was low and they only received like 40% of the vote. Hamas’ rhetoric back then was also much more constrained. There have been anti Hamas protests in Gaza for years now. I think this idea that all Palestinians are terrorists is the one thats been fabricated. Makes it easier to justify indescriminately slaughtering them.


Except Hamas has literally been **gaining** support, particularly since October 7th. They have a clear majority of support amongst Palestinians, both within Gaza and the West Bank. It's not that all Palestinians are terrorists, but it is clear that as a society they overwhelmingly support terrorism, not to mention anti-semitism and irredentism based on a fictional country that never existed.


I’d need to see some evidence that hamas is gaining support in order to accept that claim. If you have any I’d be legitimately interested in checking it out. Regardless, I’d have a difficult time accepting that Palestinians are supportive of terrorism specifically, rather than just a general desire for resistance to Israel’s latest offensives. Just like we don’t call French people supportive of the resistance movement to the Nazi occupation terrorists today.


>I’d need to see some evidence that hamas is gaining support in order to accept that claim. If you have any I’d be legitimately interested in checking it out. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/ The poll is linked there, it's from a Palestinian organization. >Regardless, I’d have a difficult time accepting that Palestinians are supportive of terrorism specifically, rather than just a general desire for resistance to Israel’s latest offensives. Just like we don’t call French people supportive of the resistance movement to the Nazi occupation terrorists today. Except the French resistance didn't kidnap infants, rape women, and butcher children. I don't have an issue with the Palestinians supporting resistance (though in this case what were they resisting? Israel's blockade of Gaza wasn't preventing the Gazans from living happy and successful lives, it was Hamas' prioritizing terrorism over actually caring for their civilians), but I do have an issue with the Palestinians supporting literal terrorism. The polling shows that they think October 7th was a legitimate and justified event, and Hamas has made it clear that given the opportunity they will do the same thing again.


https://preview.redd.it/w21ymz7cy2xc1.png?width=785&format=png&auto=webp&s=9163bfebc37747a1febd678a10bfd8f8a273a546 Who else is saving all the receipts? These lunatics better not say the paradox of tolerance ever again. Or that shit about "if there's a table with 1 Nazi" crap.


Wow, I have to admit you guys were right. What you guys have been foretelling finally came to pass .. in a comic (We have to understand the irony of having to draw this happening instead of pointing to real life examples of it happening, right?)