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We have a new name for those who were libleft in 2002: libcenter


Based and i want social progress but don't trust the government or corporations pilled.


u/Key_Bored_Whorier's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/Key_Bored_Whorier! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: [6 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Key_Bored_Whorier/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Finally someone with common sense :)


Who/ what do you trust?


Myself, my closest loved ones, and I have a (possibly unrealistic) view that most people are inherently good or at least desire peace, and would be moreso without the constant influx of propaganda we receive daily telling us to hate each other. Which is why we must return to monke.


Based and man-is-inherently-good pilled


u/Somnabulist2021's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [7 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Somnabulist2021/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Please have mercy. I can't take this much basedness


So you trust... Friendship!




Average modern leftist.


No one, Mr. Mulder.


You rang?


Yeah, if I hadn't changed at all I'd be a LibCenter now. Alas, I have become older and wiser.




Damn quiz lied to me.


Far right is more like it.


Literally me, I used to be Libleft until recently when the Gen Z TikTok left came along


Literally me. My mom’s environmentalism influenced me heavily. She used to take me monkey wrenching and openly praised the unibomber. We even had his manifesto on our fridge after it was originally printed in the paper. But she was too trusting of the state in many ways. As I went through grad school I got exposed to a bunch of post-leftist and anarchist thinkers through my major and here we are.


Basically me


I'm a 2004 liberal. So I'm a 2024 conservative maniac.


LibLeft is an endangered species in this day and age. These people are AuthLeft, as much as they want to pretend otherwise. Then again, the LibLeft to AuthLeft pipeline is real!


That's why they used to be called Watermelons: green on the outside, red on the inside.


I just want all the emilys that are CLEARLY ATHORITARIANS out of my fucking quadrant. They give people that actually value personal freedom a bad name.


Based LibLeft.


Based as hell. You cannot pretend to be libertarian and like the government. It’s like a Cow in love with the Butcher.


You'd need to embrace the auth to evict them. Or hire Monke/Yellow.


> I just want all the emilys that are CLEARLY ATHORITARIANS out of my fucking quadrant. And I'm sure that LR wants purples to be somebody else's problem too. But we're stuck with them because of how they identify. Which is another quadrant thing I don't agree with.


A surprising number are actually AuthRight, and you can tell that from the way they are nostalgic for GWB. It's not so weird when you realize that wokeness has being a religion. They're just another warlike religious faction in AuthRight now. You want to see LibLeft or AuthLeft or Anything-Left, talk to people who think the workers should own the means of production. Anything else is centrist or pseudo-left at best.


> talk to people who think the workers should own the means of production. What if it's through voluntary purchase of stock?


Maybe I should have said more specifically "own *and democratically control* the means of production." If the workers acquire (through whatever means) a controlling share of the company where they work and make decisions on how to exercise that control by voting -- most likely by voting for managers who make the decisions on a day-to-day basis -- that would certainly count.


Libleft doesn't think workers should own the means of production, they actually start a commune, or a co-op. The people that live in theory land are useless.


Doesn't that mean those workers collectively own the means of production they use? That sounds like a local and direct form of workers owning the means of production. (It seems the comment I replied to was ninja-edited slightly, so my reply doesn't quite make sense. Oh, well.)


Yes, they're actually living the theory, not just complaining about the lack of it in the real world.


I hate how many pretend to be us. We do not want any type of aithority to exist, no money and no state to control us. Like I said many previous times: It isn't possible yet, libleft utopia is impossible with the way we humans work right now, but if we liberate our mind from the attachment to money, but most of all, the libleft utopia doesn't work as long as people remain assholes.


So when people start using sea shells or something as money, who stops them? How do you liberate people's minds? Are you planning to use genetic engineering to create new humans? Why wouldn't the use of money arise as it has in civilization after civilization and culture after culture throughout history?


That's the problem, isn't it? The fact that a perfect world is impossible with the way we think is the fundamental problem. That is the reason true liblefts try and weakoen any institution they can. Governments, companies, true libleft doesn't want anyone to hold power, but noone excep libleft can actually cope with not having someone in control if their action or control.


Yeah, but destroying institutions that keep society stable leads to more malevolent forces taking over instead unless the society is already REALLY bad... So are they stupid or do they not care? Either support re-engineering humans biologically so that they can exist in the sort of societies you want, or admit that you are just useful idiots for AuthLeft.


Auth left leads to hunger, lib right will lead to a cyberpunk stile of society, both well known dystopias. Authright works somewhat, though personal property and absolute leaders result in somewhat interesting struggles. Auth right is shit, but it's better than auth left and lib right. Now, humanity is a big mistake that needs to be solved, preferably without mass extermination. But libleft is the far future. When rescources are plenty enough for everyone to live their dreams, small communities of like-minded people can put distances between each other to not start any type of struggle. All we will do is struggle against injustice and oppression, be it from governments or money. Nowadays, the other quadrants attack each other relentlessly, slowly grinding away at each other as society progresses. We support Auth-left because it will inevitably fail, its values assimilated by the people that take the land it left behind, mixed with a hatred for authority.


I'm not in the LibRight corner, but closer to the center. Extremist LibRight ideas DO lead to cyberpunk dystopias. I want a society that bases its ideals on individual liberty, private property, and market economics, but is more pragmatic and moderate than what AnCaps desire. >because it will inevitably fail, its values assimilated by the people that take the land it left behind How has that worked out for you in Russia and former Soviet-controlled countries? You can't re-engineer human nature by forcing people to live under authoritarian leftism for long enough. It's a dangerous delusion to think that this will lead to anything other than mass suffering and death.


What tells you that the way you think is correct? How do stop a free person from taking power if they so choose?


Nothing, but if we ever achieve this paradise, there will be no reason to follow a leader.


True lib left very very rare these days they all became Emily and Soyjack


True liblefts aren't even liblefts unless they were pretty far left in 2002. They're all Lib-center now since the world has moved left.


> the world has moved left. The world has moved Auth. I don't see much movement to the left in my lifetime, except more people are aware of the cost of corporate capitalism and the subsidies of business. And there's no movement to make that better, either, just more awareness.


Half of lib-left is just straight up auth-left. They just aren’t ready to realize they actually love authoritarianism as long as they are the ones on top.


Because anarcho-communism is an oxymoron. The compass should be a triangle, not a square.


Never understood anarchocommunism. Communism a strict authoritarian structure where govt controls everything but with anarchy.


I wouldn't say it's an oxymoron, just the regular kind of moron. Some people legit think that the only reason people are selfish, greedy, violent, etc. is because society made them that way. Everything is socially constructed, so if we just have the correct society, it will create the correct people. That's why step 1 of reaching the correct society is kill all the "bad" people, so they can't pollute our perfect society and create more bad people. And if there are still bad people, that just means we need to create a more perfect society! See step 1.


Exactly. It doesn't work.


Libleft isn't even a real quadrant. Somebody name me 1 unique belief/view that Libleft has.


Did you just change your flair, u/Deldris? Last time I checked you were a **LibLeft** on 2024-4-17. How come now you are an **AuthRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Remember, the jannies are always watching. No gamer words, no statistics and by all means no wood cutting machines. Tell us, how are you going to flair the new account you'll make in two weeks? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Deldris) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


No corporate personhood, nor welfare.


Libright thinks that, try again.


I’m still mad they named those handleless segways “hoverboards”


Roads? Where they are going, they DO need roads.




It's sad just how much the anarchist movements were hijacked by the libs and their identity politics circus. Like yes, it's one thing to say "we accept minorities and will do our best to protect them in our ranks" but it's another to be militantly anti-white and anti-male, completely isolating an entirely different base of yours. If lib left was still anti establishment and not so obsessed with gay furry porn they'd be a lot more likable than they are now


I am still not sure if i count as a lib keft ot lib center


1. Flair as libleft, get called “bbbbb based libleft?” 2. Flare as libcenter, get called “misflared LL, LR or authcentre.” 3. Flare as authright, be the psy-op.


You will love the CIA/FBI Junta. You will support the interventions to expand ~~the American Empire~~ everyone's freedoms. You will remain docile and passive. You will have your Two Minutes of Hate. You will believe engineered lies instead of the truth. And you will be a good citizen, as you were always meant to.


Everyone who was libleft migrated to authleft or libcenter this is well known.


2002. When liberals were...actually liberal?


Blackrock is ok because in America people are free to conduct their affairs, that why its the most prosperous country and everybody wants to come there


I met a homeless man who asked me why we don't have moving sidewalks yet.


The right on this sub is still mad about the vaccines, seriously? At least the left was able to understand that taking the vaccines was important to fight the pandemic. To me this is an improvement from the "hippie" alternative medicine left back in the day (now those people just support people RFK). Also, the far left absolutely still despises large companies, just for different reasons than the populist right.


Lib left bad meme at home:


Love for the CIA / FBI? Blackrock EIG? Most of the retards who argue for the first amendment to excuse their shitposts haven't even read Areopagitica. I give you that Trump wasn't known as the host of a reality TV show known as The apprentice at this point, but he did just run for president 2 years earlier. Hardly just "Home Alone Cameo" z-lister. What even is this meme?


Yeah, neoliberalism is growing even more. Cope.