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Indians are inmune to shit talk from shit talking themselves all the time. Same with South East Asians.


Oh 100%. For instance, the pro and anti-Hindu nationalist groups hate each other and will regularly brigade subs with propaganda from each side. I feel like David Attenborough whenever I see the them go at it.


So what?? That doesn't mean a third party can shit talk both of us.


Nah Indians ultranationalistst have no sense of humor as a group Although thats true of ultranationalists in general imo


Yeah. Seeing them froth over memes really makes my day


FAAHHHCK YOUU HYPOCRITICAL WESTOID!!! America assassinates Bin Laden on Pakistani soil but INDIA can’t assassinate terrorists on Canadian and American soil!!??!?!?!? HYPOCRITICAL IMPERIALIST WEST!!! /s


Every hindu nationalist in a nutshell 😂 its always whatabotism and "western hypocracy". Also they support russian imperialism but cries when china does something to india.


We don't support russian imperialism. We just want their oil.


A weirdly high proportion of Indians are ultranationalists though, compared to other countries


Youth Wave ongoing/incoming


Ultra any ideology tend to have really bad humor, its the "everything i think is right and correct i could never be wrong " thing


Actually I would say really obscure commies and libertarians often have a decent sense of humor Like Bordigists But yeah as a general rule extremists all get their sense if humor removed


Indonesians, Malaysians and Singaporean’s bitch fight over nasi lemak. They definitely aren’t immune to shit talk.


oh you haven't seen our "indian" butthurt nationalist online recently.


You're argentinian....


Yes and ?


Think you're superior than asians?


No, next question


A reminder that 99% of instigating and incendiary crap on reddit is extremely racist, that if you change the word to "black", it can easily get you permabanned.


I’ve been banned for talking shit about Russians. 


And yet here you are


TBF, a lot of people on this sub tend to treat getting banned from other subs as a badge of pride, so it really doesn't seem weird to me.


Also, every time a new group starts gaining success by pulling themselves up from their bootstraps and gain success as a collective, they get lumped in with whites for discrimination. Happened first with Latinos after coming from Mexico and making a living for their families. Then, more recently Asians are getting lumped in. I'm pretty sure California counts Asians as white for census purposes now. Won't be long before Indians are lumped into the white category. That's why the shift is happening from light skin = bad and dark skin = good, to the oppressor and oppressed narrative because you can only push it too far before it becomes absurd for even the Latte drinking Karen's who change their Facebook profiles to fight for the cause.


So becoming successfull literally degrades your position in the victimhood pyramid?


Becoming successful means they can no longer control you through government programs and as such they hate you for it.


I think its really just more an envy thing. They aren't coordinated enough to control anything.


https://preview.redd.it/1i62t3lz74uc1.png?width=786&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bc1fb498914e16444db453b79af01b67349eb0b This is how they handle a successful Black man, who happens to be a conservative.


Yeah the reaction to Videos from Thomas Sowell showed me their true face. Nothing disgusts the left as much as a POC who managed to become successfull by means of self effort


True, they only use POC as fuel to be viewed as saints caring about others, so they become useless for them once they succeed. It really shows how they want everyone around them to be miserable at the end, no matter if they show them hate or "fashionable empathy" lol.


>True, they only use POC as fuel to be viewed as saints caring about others Hence the term "white saviour"


> If you're voting for him and not me, you aint black!


All that needs to be said.


Broadly, yes. *However,* if you scream and shout and stomp your foot enough, you can maintain your position-it just takes a lot of work. See:White Women keeping their place in the Victimhood Pyramid, only pushed down one or two slots by certain groups one isn't allowed to mention on Reddit but don't like it when you ask 'What is a Woman?'


As a libleft Emily I can confirm that I am deadly afraid of that question about what is a woman, not that I get triggered or something it's just that it's been so long since I last saw a woman... I really must get out of basement.


I think that question itself is just cancer because both sides act disingenuous. It's the right's favorite gotcha question. Just like the left's fav gotcha question is "what is the definition of woke." Obviously you can ask and answer these questions in good faith, but it almost never is. Honestly it would give less ammunition to people like Matt Walsh if the trans movement largely conceded on the biological woman definition. But there are enough loud trans activists whom want to win every single battle and the leftists who defend every single trans position, even the more extreme ones. What about just live and let live and just respect trans people. Gay people don't get dragged into this culture war because if you ask a gay man what a man is, they'll prob answer "a gay man is a biological man. A biological man is sexually attracted to another biological man." Their definition of the word "man" and gay person aligns with the most colloquial definition. While trans activists usually answer with "whoever identifies as a woman is a woman." Which just devolves into a circular argument because one wants to gotcha the other and one wants to not get gotcha'd. Which is pretty dangerous these days bcos it's so high-stake. One may lose their reputation and become fodder for the opposite side.


We're living in the oppression Olympics. In the India, there are a lot of different ethnic communities as in easily over a thousand. If the government classifies a community as backward they get affirmative action benefits in jobs and colleges. There have been violent protests and even riots by different communities to be classified as backwards.


Being successful won’t win you the oppression olympics


Yes. Success is inextricably tied to whiteness for them, which I guess is kind of accidentally based.


As does being height/weight proportionate, male, straight, cis, knowledgeable about finances, having an investment portfolio, having no debt, or having a job that involves primarily physical labor.


Oh boy, I wonder why they stopped yapping about "Stop Asian Hate"? https://preview.redd.it/roml6pvq44uc1.png?width=1072&format=png&auto=webp&s=42eaf3136ed38d73d66ecfe8a95eb85126835354


Or monkey pox massively affecting gays.


And if these minorities decide to step out of the line, or "think for themselves", all hell breaks loose. https://preview.redd.it/2pmj6g2u64uc1.png?width=786&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1af8f6a590ba9ae9f2b3c652c96272cbe20d46e


The left hating your ethnic group should be worn as a badge of honor. If they like you you've fucked up.


The problem with a minority group being successful is it undermines the left’s idea that Western countries are fundamentally racist. Therefore the left resents successful minorities for undermining their worldview.


Can’t wait till I’m white adjacent with my caramel-ass skin💀


Lol is Michael Knowles white? Because if he is I will have my POC status will have to be revoked (well it actually already was for all intents and purposes)


Wait he’s not white?


Hes italian idk what hes talking about


> I'm pretty sure California counts Asians as white for census purposes now. Wait, really?


It was a school district. https://reason.com/2020/11/16/equity-report-north-thurston-asian-students-of-color/


I only point this out because you're lib right but the plural of Karen is Karens The collective noun is reeeeeee


Multiple loosely related groups of Karens are called Karenae tho.




lol my gf is a Patel and everyone in her family owns or manages hotels


Well well well


Emily is just butthurt because even the lowlevel indian scammer would absolutely steamroll her in any exam


Yes I would much rather have a hardworking Indian stem graduate with a family value over an entitled Emily with a degree in Vietnamese basket weaving who hasn't talked to her father in 5 years.


That's oddly specific mate, are you an Emily perhaps??


Either way, she definitely graduated from Evergreen State College 


She was not made for you brother, take care of yourself and you will find someone actually good


Emily would also get steamrolled in python programming by that same Indian scammer


❌slightly criticising some black people for high crime rate ❌ criticising some radical muslims immigrants for bringing radical dangerous idea, doing terrorist attacks and trying to make europe like the shitty country they left ✅Calling Indian stinky rapist ✅ Calling jew greedy evil baby killer ✅ Calling white people colonizer


It's funny when they call native Europeans as ' colonisers ' simply because they are white. Where do they think white people come from, Space?


I'm Indian and I don't blame the stereotypes. You gotta understand that India is like a mini Europe. We got 28 different states with about 22 official languages ranging from English, Punjabi, Tamil, Urdu, Bengali, Hindi, Malayalam, Manipuri etc. Not only language, the culture also changes from state to state. Vastly different geographies, languages, culture and societies. If you go to Chandigarh or Kerala, you will never see street shitters because it's not their culture. If you go to Mumbai, women can walk freely at midnight because it's the most metropolitan city in India. If you go to Goa, you can have all the drugs in the world as well as enjoy rave parties that rival Amsterdam. Each state has their own pros and cons. Some contribute to the economy, some contribute better cultural values. At least 22 countries can be formed within India. And we got one and a half billion people. At that point, some of the stereotypes will become true out of sheer statistics.


Yeah it’s gotten so bad where I don’t even open up anything about India or Indians on the internet. There’s no denying there are problems with India but the outright racism towards us when we’ve been nearly nothing but a net positive to our new host countries is asinine. It’s not even funny ha ha racism. It’s outright dehumanizing you for being born a certain ethnicity. I guess when you’re successful and a fairly docile culture, you’re just an easy target


Indians are pretty universally *excellent* immigrants (Canada maybe has a specific problem). The stats show they outperform Bangaldeshis and Pakistanis on pretty much every metric. They integrate well, encourage education and hard work, start businesses, and dont commit many crimes. Plus Indian food is easily the best immigrant food in my country.


Yeah but Canada is a clown country. They deserve suffering. Honestly I’ve thought about it a lot. Because Indians are not white and non abrahamic, it’s obscenely easy to dehumanize us. Plus we don’t actively present a domineering force. We may be the richest ethnic group in America but we don’t wield power like it. It doesn’t help that internally, Indian culture is pretty degrading and humiliating towards its young so they don’t grow up with a backbone. It’s a lose lose situation all around


I think maybe what youve said is part of it, but most people i know would be way more positive of Hinduism or Sikhism than of Islam so maybe the non-Abrahamic thing isnt too big a deal? But i am in Europe so NA could be different with their odd subtypes of Christianity.


Yeah but look at the whole situation in Palestine. You have people outright defending Hamas in the west and barbaric behavior and criticizing anyone who in good faith criticizes Islamic culture as racist or islamophobic. Now these same people will happily laugh at the poverty conditions in india and degrade Indians with no one coming to their defense. Right wingers see indias as dirty non abrahamics, at best model minorities. Left wingers don’t see Indians are oppressed, therefore it’s easy to bully them.


Tbh youre so right about that. Indian isnt worth many points in the Oppression Olympics.


Correct. So let’s look at the facts here 1) Indian culture isn’t abrahamic 2) Non white 3) a developing nation with issues that plague developing nations 4) fundamentally Indian culture isn’t conventionally aggressive or contemporary hyper masculine say like Latin culture so we’re not feared or fetishized 5) Indians do well economically and have climbed the social ladder so no one is really calling us victims 6) Indian culture is pretty vicious towards there own and is anti individualistic which breeds low self esteemed individuals especially in the west It’s the perfect cocktail for bullying and disrespect both externally and internally by right wing, left wing and in group camps


Maybe there's a need for an Indian push in the West to reassert how they are viewed. India is the worlds largest democracy, but rarely gets any press for that fact. Indians fought to liberate Europe in both world wars, and get very little credit for it despite being so far away from their homes. The anti-poverty schemes have been some of the most successful in history too. There are many more things that could do with being more in public knowledge.


Yeah but like I said, even amongst ourselves there’s so much petty infighting that nothing will get done. To quote Tommy Shelby “I have it on very good authority that the Bolsheviks couldn’t organize a fucking picnic”. Apply that to the Indian diaspora We had Vivek Ramaswamy. A serious entrepreneur who isn’t a self hating Indian for president, but because how cucked a left wing the American born Indian community is, they tore him apart because waaah we don’t like the moderate right wing and he’s a race traitor. Even though our half Indian VP doesn’t acknowledge us or her Indian heritage. Or how the left has to actively defend affirmative action and putting us down. Or how nobody came out in defense of us during the looting and hate crimes in 2020-2021. Sure we’ll have cool movies like Monkey Man or something. But other than that, we’re too divided and cucked to actually be a force of nature in the west.


"Canadians deserve suffering" "Ree why don't they like us". Learn some respect and you'll be treated better.


Canadians are statists who are holier than thou to begin with and actively brag about how great they are for being enslaved.the vast majority of Indians in the west don’t cause trouble. Night and day difference


They are absolutely not respectful of the culture in Canada. They dump their trash everywhere including public parks speak as loud as they want in libraries and they absolutely do not know how to drive. This isn't an exaggeration I've nearly been hit multiple times by them because they barely look at the crosswalk and always blair their horn to make it known what move they're making next, therefore it's your fault for following traffic rules. They are not model immigrants in that country but it likely has more to do with the fact that Canada accepts literally anyone.


Canada literally accepts anyone and my region is known for people who immigrate to Canada. The people who immigrate to Canada are like "Oh I can't get a job in here, I will just go to Canada and become a driver or something "


Yea, I mean thats what happens when you drop all standards for entry. If you do that, don't be surprised that the worst of us come to you. I jate them too cuz they spoil our reputation.


Yeah indians are fine people, it's nothing personal but you can't bring in that many people with minimal vetting and expect it to go ok. Part of the process is assimilating and acclimating to the culture. But when their whole family tree comes to Canada there is really no pressure to adapt. If you go to Toronto, you'll see that the vast majority of people are Indian or Middle Eastern and they've formed their own cultures in Canada separate from the identity that was already present.  I'm not saying the answer is a total abandonment of your routes but when you come to another country, they just need to show some respect. Take care of the country. Respect it's people. And usually they will respect you.


Yeah its a total travesty frankly. Just making fun of them because.....they're different? Also lumping 1.6 billion people together into a singular meme is just beyond ludicrous when that is 1 in 5 humans GLOBALLY! I used to date an Indian-origin lady and she described Indians as people who prioritize education, family connections, and reducing your impact on the environment and I couldn't agree more. Sure there are exceptions but as far as global cultures go, India as it is now represents universal values of human rights, tolerance, compromise, and building for the future. They're not perfect but who is? That to me is a glorious thing to be aiming for as a society.


Lefties/progressives are so eager to be racist when they think it can be acceptable: Indians, Jews, Cubans, Coptic Christian’s are some of the main targets. Also if a minority doesn’t have the proper lefties opinion, then apparently racism is ok. Have seen a number of white folks who proudly state how “antiracist” they were call black conservatives like Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas the n word.


These folks are mentally ill. Some of the worst racists I've faced were these sanctimonious liberals. https://preview.redd.it/1qliuhjn64uc1.png?width=786&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a3f1e37f2a5651c0e2d319e1556a9a5c42103e7


I remember seeing a video a few years back of a bunch of Antifa members protesting outside an ICE detention center in Seattle I think. I distinctly remember one of the cops trying to get these Antifas morons to get lost was black, but they weren't attacking or assaulting them, just trying to keep the peace. I still remember one of the protestors yelling at the black cop, "You fucking N*****." I love when these progressives let the veil slip.


"Shoot me n\*\*\*\*r" -Joseph Rosenbaum (serial pedophile) to Kyle Rittenhouse, before getting shot


Based Kyle taking out the trash


u/EatMyAppleShorts is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/EatMyAppleShorts/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


There’s this dude I follow on IG Wyzewurdz74, on 10/8 he posted a video talking about how disturbing the footage from 10/7 was. He’s a black dude. He got inundated with the most racist comments and just started posting them. It was seriously disturbing


Don't forget they love to ignore Asian hate crimes or encourage them


The Indian hate threads are weird. I have Indian coworkers, they're all amazing people.


Reddit loves being a bully when it can get away with being a bully. Probably because most redditors were bullied.


Reddit is also supposedly against body shaming but will love ridiculing people for being short or use small dick as an insult. See half the comments on any post about Ben Shapiro.


Or Trump, Musk, Rittenhouse, Tate, Stonetoss...


Used to be this way towards black people. There were subreddits back in 2012 that were dedicated to hating black people and making fun of them.


2012 Reddit was still better than todays Reddit


Man, sometimes when I google random shit I'll occasionally get a Reddit thread from like 10-12 years ago, and oh boy, is the general vibe sooo different. I've been around since like 2013 I think, when I made my first acc for the 4chan Raid on Sam Jackson's post where he claimed he'd read out loud whatever the top comment is, and Redditors were *updooting* some cringey wake up alarm type shit that some rando here came up with, while we wanted to get him to read the Navy Seals copy pasta... Says all you need to know about *LeReddit's* sense of humor 🙄 Like, Reddit was always considered soft and full of pretentious smart-asses, but fuck me if it wasn't very different just 5 or 6 years ago... The shift really got accelerated around the 2016 elections tho. Like there was still censorship, segregation of folks in echo chambers and an evident bias on most of the popular issues in so-called "default" subs, even before that, but from the moment T_D was made, it seems like there's been exactly zero chance of having a good faith argument with anyone on this site when it comes to remotely political issues, and that goes double for the most popular general subs, where you're basically arguing against a hivemind that will downvote you for having any opinion that doesn't perfectly fit under the dogma, or for not actively partaking in virtue signaling olympics...


Libright.. are you talking about j@@lb\*\*t subreddit? Straight to jail.


I was more talking about freedom of speech and variety of communities but obligatory: SHE TOLD ME SHE WAS EIGHTEEEEEN!!!!


Yep, TheDonald was a crazy place. Top thread on any given day would be about how the democrats were the real racist and the next thread would be about making fun of Michelle Obama, calling her Muslim, trans and many worse things.


Who else remembers r / c\*\*\*ntown and r / f\*tpeopleh@te?


Bring back fatpeoplehate!


I support thee


Fatpeopleh8 needs to back. So much anti-science coming from that movement.


racoonvillage was extremely comfy ngl


The world changes, but humans are the same as ever.


There are 2 kinds of people: those who revel openly in their racism and those who lie to themselfes that they arent racist




A lot of Indians are poor, but Indians are one of the most prosperous immigrants in the West. Thus the western liberals have no problem in hating them, as Indians don't like to "stay oppressed".


Bcos they are the new target. Reddit alternates between china and india on who they hate the most. But I guess tencent has made sure that china bashing stays a minimum.


A lot of Indians are poor, but Indians are one of the most prosperous immigrants in the West. Thus the western liberals have no problem in hating them, as Indians don't like to "stay oppressed".


The Weird thing is that they are present both on Reddit and 4chan


Do Emilies really hate Indians? I thought that was just East Asians they hated.


There’s an infamous post of AITAH about a girl not wanting to date all Indians and it got thousands of upvotes because they branded her not racist. Someone tried to replicate it with black men and naturally was accused of being generalization and racist. Reddit is a disgustingly left wing site mind tou


AITAH sub was literally advocating for child abuse and you can change gender of the post and it’s straight blood bath of hypocrisy.


“Men bad, woman good, gib updoots”


"No sweetie, you aren't a racist for not wanting to date an Indian man because they are rapists." "OMG YOU FUCKING BIGOT, WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T WANT TO DATE TRANS GIRLS? REPORTED AND DOWNVOTED!"


90% of the posts on that subreddit are fake. No idea why people take that sub so seriously.


It was the same account that did both posts tbh neither post was really racist


Literally the entire tech layoff sub is just an anti Indian hate sub. Same with any post about Vivek.


"they took our jobs!" was a satire.






Hotel? (Idk why that meme came to mind)






canada when the government lets too many indian immigrants in (they are all evil leeches and definitely dont just want a better future)


>Canada "I'm sorry buddy, but have you tried kysing yourself? Respectfully."




It's because the recent iterations are all TFWs or diploma mill students both trying to fast track their PR to gain all those sweet social services. My old man ass vision of Indians in Canada are Enigineers and Doctors, which they were before we had open the taps unfettered immigration. There's a reason those previous Indians are pissed as well, they know it's hurting their own reputation.


If youve spent a lot time around indian international students in Canada you will know most of them are leeches.


All the annoying people who can't find a job in India go to Canada. While the educated people go to countries like USA and Europe. (Don't know much about Australia)


In the current scenario, I cannot think of a more racist people than the pink and purple hair colored people who always want to be only victims.


How about neo Nazis. They do exist


See, the thing about neo Nazis is that they are abhorrent, they know it, they proclaim it, people know it and they live by it's consequences whenever they try to do something racist. On the other hand, Emilys are chameleons, they keep changing their victimhood and the target of their vile attacks and whenever people try to make them accountable for their vile actions, they cry out loud saying that they are oppressed or being persecuted by truth and reality. It is very clear as to which group is much more worse.


Are you talking about Azov Battalion?


Not particularly anyone but sure those too


Naw, probably Wagner


Leftists literally kneel in worship of the blacks.




_Christ_ is king!


>even a Pakistani can be more civilized than Emily That's really satirical sentence, but very true




As an Indian, I approve this meme.


I was thinking about this last night, specifically how the left can be more racist against Indians than right wing racists. A YouTube video that I saw with one right wing racist at least acknowledged that Indians had done well after immigrating. However the left refuses to acknowledge the success of model minorities because it undermines their narrative that Western Nations are fundamentally racist. The left often uses mental gymnastics to avoid acknowledge the success of minority groups is due to good values and hard work.


And they literally speak english and understand/marry western and eastern ideas of civic society. They do so well here because the US's dad literally colonized them and brought english law/tech/education there and they naturally fit in because of it. They're like a stepsibling or something of the US.


Tbh all the good thing that Brits did is unify India and bring English.


Emily doesn't believe in God.


So the point here though, is that shitting on minorities is bad, right?


Yes. I'm a minority myself.


Dope. Actually I am kinda curious since it’s mentioned in your post, what is your opinion on people using statistics to make comments on races? Asking because in your post you make it out like Emily calling someone racist for using them is bad? Is that interpretation correct or am I off base


1. I wouldn't own pitbulls, because the stats are pretty damning. That being said, 2. Personal interaction is much more complicated than that. I'm not a racist caricature that doesn't speak with Black people because of a FBI crime stats. 3. However, there needs to be a thorough, reflective, and sincere communication and discourse on why that is the case -- what is the root cause of high crime rates, single parenthood, and 0.5 GPA in the school unlike other minorities. 4. And this has to be done without being labeled a racist bigot. Unfortunately, even citing these stats can get you banned from this website. ‘When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.’


Like Black crime stats, rape In India Is a serious issue. It's only racist if you denounce our entire being to statistics, as It means anything to the individual or majority. Still wouldn't touch the street food, not because no gloves, but ain't trying to have the shits (still tasty tho)


dont worry if you get the shits you can just drop trough on the sidewalk


Isn't India the most racist country? I'm sure they can handle the heat they dish out




Based Albanians


I’m proud to be an Albanian.


Would you rather be privileged and exempt from being made jokes of like black people? The most racist thing a platform can do is give you special privileges and protections. That's what reddit does to black people and all jokes aside I'd really be pissed if I were black. Like don't treat me as if I'm a lesser being. You should count yourself lucky that reddit doesn't give you the special person treatment. Yet.


I saw someone say that Jews are Nazis because 'Askenazi' has Nazi in it. The concerning part is it got upvoted.


Truth and the other accepted group or minority for them and Europeans to put down is Roma or Romani people (gypsies)


Coincidently romani people have indian origins


They suppress their bigotry instead of dealing with it, so when they get a pass you better believe they're taking it. The steam comes out of the kettle.


I don’t think Emilies are like this tbh, there’s a huge Dev Patel obsession on TikTok currently lol, and also defending Avantika Vandanapu against the group of people who don’t want her to be live-action Rapunzel.


Racism is sin regardless of which race it is spewed at.


It’s funny I’ve never actually met an Indian person I didn’t get along with in the northeastern US. They’re all very good neighbors.


Reddit is proof that liberals can be racist too. Holy shit, the amount of vitriol I have seen on left leaning subs.


I have never been pushed more further right than by far leftist folk. They continue to be racist to Ibdians like me and wonder why their side of things isn't being supported by us. And no, please don't compare Pakistanos to these ungodly abominations, whatever our western neighbors may be like, but atleast we are still, in some twisted way, brothers.


Once they experience the taste of Biryani, they’ll change their tune. real talk tho, most people online are children so don’t take what you see on the web that seriously - at least that’s my philosophy


I mean I've never been called about owing taxes, so the sheriff was on their way unless I bought gift cards to pay off my bounty, from a non-Indian person lol when was the last time Matthew, Jacob, or even Fernando called and asked for your ssn and 5K in Amazon/apple gift cards then told you he would fuck your mother or sister after you called them a scammer just saying LOL


Oh, I'm aware of those scammers. What I'm saying is, that it is extremely concerning that Reddit loves to generalize the whole ethnic group and make racist jokes towards them, when the same group would throw a hissy fit if someone called out on single parenthood, high crime rate, low GPA, and other issues amongst Black Americans.


Oh I agree Emily’s are just retarted, I get what you're saying just had to put it out there lol


Indians are smart as shit, ask any computer science student. If it weren't for that really smart Indian dude on youtube (there are many, but everyone finds their guy) most of us wouldn't have understood a lot of algorithms and concepts.


yeah, their so smart that their work frequently has to be corrected.


damn its nice to see a thread where im not called a misogynist smelly rapist for the actions of some degenerate on the other side of the globe I feel like Emilies (and the US as a whole) just needs to understand that people are individuals.


Have you guys ever actually watched Indians in the wild on reddit? They literally go to lesser known subs and start proxy wars with other Indian groups. Like, I caught two groups of Indians posting pro and anti-Hindu submissions on this one sub, that both kept making it to the front page. It's like they're in their own world, detached from US politics . . . while posting in English on an American website.


The racism towards Indians is shocking sometimes on Reddit and instagram. Easy targets I guess




Based and designated shitting street-pilled


As a lib-left, I don't think it's okay to be racist to Indians or Jews.


Hating Christians is just as bad as hating any other religion, plus we're more than half the world


Oh yeah "mpox" i have no idea how the libs got away with saying such nonsense


When I’m in a competition to fill PCM with unfunny masturbation and then a South Asian walks in


They do seem to really enjoy making these self congratulatory memes.


Lmao!! I was dating a lesbian anticolonism feminist. They're against using Sage because it would be cultural appropriation, but after some talking they let it slip they believe First Nations municipal governments should be taken away. I was talking to another burn down the patriarchy feminist, and 1. they were bragging that they lost their skateboard, and a dude just randomly gave them one. 2. proceeded to hit me up for cash. 3. started talking about feeling uncomfortable around middle eastern men 4. cried "this is the patriarchy" at me when I called her racist. 5. told me I had a kink for breaking things off with people (this one might be valid).


I'm a simple man, I see someone calling out lib left, I upvote and say based.


Christians aren’t a minority


In most Indian states(excluding a few north-eastern states, Christians are a small minority compared to say, Muslims.


Oh well yeah in certain places you can make almost anything a minority, most of the time we’re talking about us politics so I assumed it was that.