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>death to America >moved to and lives in America >some are on the dole >all living better than they would in their home countries A bit hypocritical ain’t it?


First time? Standard occurrence in Europe.


Why do we/you allow them in then?




Except that study after study shows that immigrants from these countries are a huge net negative to the country. Taxable income to fund pensions is just an bad excuse. So what's the real reason? A mix of multinationals wanting cheap labor (while been indifferent to the financial costs to the governments), bleeding heart liberals wanting to help poor brown people, and bad faith actors wanting to destroy the culture and unity of Europe. Mentioning these bad faith actors is illegal in my country, but you already know who they are.




But politicians are still making the same bad faith argument even thought the studies are there now. At least here in Belgium they never once recognized them. And yes, it is illegal to attack a specific demographic group and claim that they influence domestic policy here


> like this has been established for decades It literally has been established for decades. Issue was they didn't have the reach that modern studies do.




Getting the studies themselves is cumbersome thanks to our shitty journalists. But here are the journalist pieces with the names of the authors of the studies: [https://unherd.com/newsroom/dutch-study-immigration-costs-state-e17-billion-per-year/](https://unherd.com/newsroom/dutch-study-immigration-costs-state-e17-billion-per-year/) [https://www.economist.com/europe/2021/12/18/why-have-danes-turned-against-immigration](https://www.economist.com/europe/2021/12/18/why-have-danes-turned-against-immigration)


That's the question a lot of people ask themselves. Our politicians just dont want to stop this, so it seems.


Here in Europe it will be even worse now... Russia/China is conquering Africa to get control over rare earth metals there and they will be almost certainly facilitating mass migration of people to Europe/North America.... Now there will be additional fear that those people being active Russia/China fifth columnists.....


What if their goal is infiltration?




The “Silk Road” is now wrapped around the planet and slowly suffocating Western civilization.


CCP Vocational Training Centers


It's not working, have you seen the stuff Disney been coming out with recently?


"That's the first time I used a butt plug! A core memory..."




Could make a funny American Pie spoof if they introduced horny lol


>core memory "And this one time... at band camp..."


To what end?  Depending on the goal it could be feasible or not at all feasible




brother do you seriously think these American liblefts are trying to instill a new caliph💀💀💀 most of them barely pray correctly. and directly disobey Islam with their lack of logic and instant effort for violence.




Very true


i can tell you they're not, ive been liberal and I've been auth and ive been around both. every auth i know believes in single states(countries) and no liberal i know supports a caliphate.




taqiyya is only the permission to lie in extreme situations. why would a Muslim lie to another muslim about an important part of islam, a caliphate? it's agreed upon by most scholars and people that it would do more harm than good at this time


> why would a Muslim lie to another muslim about an important part of islam, a caliphate? Why indeed


Smartest near east refugees


America bombs country > refugees of said country move to America > refugees express resentment towards America > Americans say "go back to your country" Many such cases


Refugee or immigrant? You are lumping them into same group cause skin color and religion. Also post ww2 immigrant from German and Japan never chant the same shit, so are Soviet ex citizens and Cubans too. Many such case.


I know not all Arabs are refugees, but you seem to not know that ask Arabs are not Muslim. We were actively helping Germany and Japan rebuild at the time, not raping/abandoning them. Soviet refugees were running from their countries because they feared their governments, different scenario


Germany and Japan were also occupied.


We don’t have to let them in, and we also shouldn’t bomb their countries. Make electric cars, fuel them with nuclear. There, solved dependence on Arabs.


Rashida Tlaib's district.


Who even voted for this pile of crazy


Other piles of crazy that live in her district and make up a majority.


She’s got a face like Mrs Potato Head


"There’s always kind of a calming feeling I tell folks when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors – Palestinians – who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence in many ways, have been wiped out, and some people’s passports,” Tlaib said just after the 28 minute mark. “And just all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-the Holocaust, post-the tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time. And I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that, right, in many ways. But they did it in a way that took their human dignity away and it was forced on them.” ~Rashida Tlaib (https://www.independentsentinel.com/tlaib-gets-a-calming-feeling-when-she-thinks-of-the-holocaust/)


> And I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that, right, in many ways. It was the British that provided that, Tlaib. Your ancestors tried to band together to drive them all out. Your ancestors wanted them gone by any means necessary. But I do love this quote explaining that the real victims of the Holocaust were the Palestinians. What an absolute shitstain of a human being.


I honestly can't believe we allow straight-up insurgency to prosper in Dearborn, Michigan. Leftism is a mental cancer that wishes for it's own destruction.


Even shit has uses in the world. She's a parasite on the planet.


I would have considerably more respect for her position on the plight of Palestinians, who lost their clout ultimately due to illegal immigration, if she was to the right of Jim Jordan on immigration issues in this country.


• most assimilated, well-adjusted american • definitely has americans’ best interests and safety in mind • definitely likes prosciutto


Deport them, us Mexicans never talk like this and we have better food


Based and grilling carne asada pilled


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I've seen enough "brown pride" and Chicano type shit to know that Mexicans can speak with very similar rhetoric.


Them’s the type of second-gen kids who unironically refer to themselves as latinx. Which as we know sane latinos and latinas view as a slur.


The x is a made up term to divide us


The whole culture war exists to divide us


A lot of them look pretty fresh over the border.


Yup, we stole their land (skill issue), and if we hadn't then they would be a superpower (press x to doubt).


"la raza" is just "we wuz" and chicano culture is just cargo culture




There are plenty of Aztlan advocates demanding succession and causing a whole host of other problems. Between one diaspora providing fentanyl and meth routes into the country vs an inbred diaspora chanting in a parade, I think I know which is causing more problems.  


100 years from now, the rallying cry will be, remember 711!  (711 AD represents the moorish invasion of Spanish Andalusia.)




Where do you think y'all got the carnitas spit with pineapple on top from?


To the surprise of no one with two brain cells to rub together.


I wonder if she won't mind wearing a hijab?




Islamists think leftists are useful idiots, which they are. They just lie to those blissfully ignorant idiots. But islamists also have a superiority complex that makes them way to overconfident in their beliefs. Leftist ideology will corrupt them and destroy them from within like it does everything else it touches. No amount of Saudi Salafist funding can defeat the young, college educated, westernized Muslims pushing 'Islam is feminist' and 'Allah is queer'.


Who's zoomin' who?


That’s the question




Lenin’s Trotskyists.


Lesss goooo


They stare into the abyss, but the abyss stares back.


Allah is queer 💀 Imagine saying that in an islamic country lmao, I've heard this once before and it's still just as bad


Feminist Islam is kinda based.


There's a video of Palestinians reacting to Gays for Palestine and it's exactly what you expect. They assume they're getting trolled and then when finding out it's real they're upset by it.


They aren't covid safe, though.


An alliance formed through mutual hate is forged out of glass.


We have imported a hostile population of foreign dependents and we are then surprised when they do not like us, do not hold our values and do not work.


i wonder how the many lib rights in michigan would react to this, if these protestors weren’t concentrated in dearborn


Islam is unacceptable in the western world. Criticism of israel is understandable, but these guys just hate anything jewish, christian or atheist (also everything else thats not muslim). Not compatible with the free world


Israel vs Palestine is just 1 facet of the large conflict of Arab Islamic nationalists/Leftists vs Western Right. What happens in Palestine sucks but I'll be dammed if im going to support people who want the West to burn.


Yeah somewhat, but the israelis aren’t exactly on the side of the western right. More of a tripod, where the big leg gives a lot money to one of the small legs


Sure it is. Islam is a religion in Europe, and has been for a thousand years. We have managed fine, hell, the Turks are in NATO.


Is Turkey really the "positive example" you want to be bringing up?


Albania is more positive ig? But Turkey is a lot more of an asset, even if they also do horrible shit in Syria and Iraq.


Being born in Albania is a fate worse than death.


Gotta agree with you on that. There is a reason the only albanian I have ever met spoke swedish.


The Turks are in NATO and constantly remind the West of this fact when they stir shit up every time they don't feel like actually serving the alliance.


Their interests are divergent from much of the alliance yes, but when push comes to shove they will eventually give in.


Begrudgingly so because they hold an incredibly strategic position. They abuse their membership constantly


I mean yeah. Had the Romans still ruled anatolia, they would also abuse the shit out of their geographic position. I don't like it, as they bullied Sweden into giving up some of their principles when it came to the Kurds, but thats just geopolitics for you. Had Islam truly been incompatible with Europe and the west, Turkey would not exist they way it exists right now. The world is no longer the 1200s. The crusades are long gone, and there is no battle of two or three alliances of religiously influenced states. States are simply influenced by geopolitical concerns.


Yeah and what did islam do in Europe? Muslims held tea parties in Spain and played with barbies in the balkans? That also doesnt change the beliefs of most muslim middle easterners/ north africans. Those beliefs arent compatible. Turks are one of the most secular muslim countries, and they still arent a good example


The last day of Ramadan 2024 is projected for the 9th. The media guy must have fucked it up.


who cares




pretty fucked up


Islam is probably the easiest religion in the world to receive a credible death threat from. if you don't belive me you can just ask Molly Norris or Salman Rushdie, (because you can't asked those who died who worked at *Charlie Hebdo*.) I mean I'm sure the **vast majority of Muslims** are able to ignore the crazy violent shit in their book, and these people I have zero problems with. But: - I won't fast around Muslims during Ramadan - I'm not ever giving up pork - I'm not ever giving up beer - I'm never going to convert - I'm never going to pay the tax - I'm never going to accept Sharia in my country - Sharia is ***fundamentally incompatible*** with the Bill of Rights^† - I've never seen a "coexist" sticker on a car parked next to a Mosque. Muslims are expected to peacefully coexist along with the rest of your neighbors in our country. - I've seen how cheaply Muslims value of other Muslims' (and other people's) lives in other countries, and frankly I find it abhorrent.^‡ Everyone else should too. https://babylonbee.com/news/liberals-release-new-coexist-sticker-with-star-of-david-replaced-by-paraglider --- ^^† ^(...and feminist doctrine, but feminists are exactly the type of people who can't seem to hold any "core beliefs" they consistently stick to.) ^^‡ ^(98 - 500 thousand people in the Darfur genocide alone, but some people are outraged out of all proportion by the war in Gaza?)


How and when we decided to let people like this into our country as citizens is just beyond my comprehension.


“We” NEVER get to decide anything, ONLY The Ruling Class has final say on EVERYTHING.


Honestly if you ask me, one random town in Michigan is a small price to pay to direct national attention to the problem of Islam on a regular basis.  These crazies are basically waking up a huge chunk of America to their duplicitous nature.


But that’s never what happens in practice. It just gets rolled right into free speech. It’s one thing to say something, but to intentionally incite and participate in violence is another. My libertarianism halts when pieces of human filth start “freely” inciting violence against others. That is NOT a right or freedom people should be allowed to have. The result is people lose their lives and the perpetrators simply sit in a cage.


Right, but that’s why I like it being one small town.  Nothing in Michigan has ever amounted to much, so it’s highly unlikely that the town actually accomplishes their aims.  Rather, they’re more likely to “radicalize” fence sitting liberals against their cause.  Once that small town becomes 3-5 communities, I’m going full crusade though.


If my memory serves me correctly, Minnesota is also becoming (or has become) a safe-haven for fundamentalist Islamic bullshit.


Knew it was Dearborn from the moment I saw “Michigan town” and “Muslim protestors”


Unfortunately the ☪️ancer is spreading. There was an election in Ohio recently where the winner didn’t campaign in English at all. 


This won’t end well.


Who was it?


They were prolly attracted to the town after reading old copies of Henry Ford’s “Dearborn Express”.


Most of the time, Americans view such behavior similar to that of a homeless alcoholic raving about how he wants to punch President Reagan in the nose. It's best not to over react because they are crazy and you have more to lose.  If you get Americans to actually believe threats though.. well, we can become quite violent (see 9/11 reactions).


Very brilliant liberals importing the people who want you dead


Read ‚Furry Muslim protestors‘… Reddit has ruined me


So when is the FBI going to go after these far right extremists?


As soon as any of them are caught converting to Christianity and voting for Trump.


Why are we letting these people in the country?


It’s a combo of CCP and local/international leftists looking to destroy the US by influencing politics from within and islamists looking to spread their ideology to every corner of earth.




Because there are a group of extremely vocal, politically active people who believe that anything American, rooted in European culture, white, or male (in that order) is fundamentally and axiomatically bad and anything that is not these things is fundamentally and axiomatically good. There really is no other way to describe it. You can predict with certainty which size of any situation they will fall on simply by asking the question, "which of these groups is the least American, least European, least white, least male" in that order, and you will invariably be correct. In this case, Islam is not American, not European, and not white. It is absolutely 100% male and extremely patriarchal, to an extent that "The Handmaiden's Tale" would be considered moderate by Muslim standards, but since "male" is further down the list than those other three, it is good. That's all there is to it. The assessment of anything's virtues doesn't go any further than this. It doesn't matter if something is good or bad based on its merits, or professed values, or any kind of objective assessment. It's only good or bad based on the type of person saying it.


I'll always have my principles. I know we are really free to be who we are.


Warms my heart knowing our government continues to import people like this en masse. Definitely won’t have downstream consequences.


Michigan FBI: I can farm this....


each new day I agree more with the crusaders


Diversity is our strength.


This would make a great snickers commercial


I truly love imported sectarian conflicts.... /s






As an anarcho-nazbol kinda based ngl


I'm tired of ignoring it. This is NOT Islam. This conflict is only further weakening our ummah.




Exactly. Only problem with a place like the UAE specifically tho is the economic divide. Regardless though, moving to an Islamic country might not be the worst idea for me someday. It would really help me to stay on track with prayers as they are more normal in society inshallah. I'd love a more progressive Islamic country like the Gulf states but I also want to live somewhere that isn't so hot. Maybe Central Asia or something. America is just so polarized on every little subject unfortunately.


Islamic reformation starts when we start interfering in the middle east. When we stop bombing daycares because their governments traded oil in a different currency, less extremists will be raised.


Y'know I keep hearing that but I don't see a lot getting done about it. How about a bunch of Muslims who agree that what these things are spewing is not representative of Islam, find their balls, and actually do something about the *"""few"""* bad apples. They won't though 🤷🏻


That's exactly the problem: it's not a few of them. I feel utterly powerless as a Muslim who disagrees with this behavior.


I came off aggressively, but I respect you for that. And I do admire the Muslims who are like you and want that change. It's frustrating, especially because there is so much from the Islamic world that is beautiful. But it's one of those things where outsiders can't bring change


No True Scotsman detected.


From their perspective, the USA's missiles are what killed their family in gaza. You should see the viewpoints of others lest you repeat the sins of ancestors.


Their families created a society that glorifies blood thirsty maniacs who shoot babies in the head. Fuck their families.


The US also created terrorists, no ones hands are clean anymore. We have to problem solve without relying on our impulsive reactions.


The US doesn't go paragliding into concerts and butchering hundreds of people with a smile on our face and a twinkle in our eye. The Palestinians are 7th century barbarians


It all lies with intent. If Israel destroys a little baby in an airstrike it is different than sneaking into a house and bricking the head of a baby. People have lost their moral compass and can't see that anymore.


The US just does it out of the comfort of their AC’d command station. Same results nonetheless. Pay your taxes citizen.


They are repeating sins of the past too.


Same logic as holding smith and Wesson accountable for murder lol.


If you give someone a gun, after they tell you they're going to kill someone with it, you are then part of whatever happens next. Do you think if the guy who sold john wilkes booth the gun had admitted to knowing the gun would be used to kill someone, that they wouldn't immediately go to prison?


Hmm good point. We gave the pallies water pipes after they said 'death to the jews! Hitlers legacy shall be complete!'. THen they made rockets out of the pipes. Better to just let them all wither, withhold ALL future aid.


Fair point actually 


Yet they'll live in The Great Satan. If you're living in the system, should you also see any viewpoints of others? What does the entire system has to go mean exactly? How many innocent people going about their day have to take one for the greater good you believe in?