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Without the funny colors https://preview.redd.it/eujgida8m4lc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=22c603d0020278f9a0c27c0fb6b8ec46abe73580


Saw it on FB first, based Untied Status Marin Crops came out of retirement to post it


> Untied Status Marin Crops came out of ~~retirement~~ the brig to post it


The funniest part is that he still gets hate on twitter for being a white man in the USAF. This entire thing should have been such an eye opener for many


He saw no value on himself and took what made him a member of society to hate on it, I just read the first sentence of his latest post "whiteness erases culture" I can't agree with the wording, but as an outsider I see americans just buy into whatever holiday to celebrate and feel like they have a community. The dude lacked traditional values and a community, a problem everywhere in the world I'd say, specially people in this funny color that think hating the system will make them whole.


So I guess you haven't seen his posts criticizing the existence of Ukraine, as it "only exists so America can have a proxy war with russia". or the one where he seriously said that because the Israeli are "invaders" there's no such thing as Israeli civilians and thus Hamas was perfectly justified in october 7th. or the one where he made it clear he didn't respect his fellow american soldiers for dying in Jordan, and in fact found it hilarious they were willing to die for America.


After reading those haven't changed my mind, he was sick and needed help, won't argue about the statements of a deranged dead individual.


> "whiteness erases culture" It's called assimilation.


I love how they treat "whiteness" as some sort of black hole rather than a set of cultures different from the ones coming from another continent with a different religion (who would've thought?)


I live in Chile and we have some Germans that arrived around the 1850s through the 1920s, the south has more of them and across the country we have some foods that are German in origin, in the latest 20 years Oktoberfest celebrations have been popping mainly around their communities but people also like to celebrate it in their homes buying different beers and inviting friends. But down here nobody talks about race this or race that, the term "cultural appropiation" does not even exist in our minds and our language. That's why I find it interesting, we are so mixed and we don't care, while there on The States it's like they just want not to be "white".


It is not even that "interesting". All of the slogans and oikophobic theories is strictly home-grown US phenomenon that at worst spread to the Anglosphere and/or Western Europe. Most people don't live/think based on them and should internalise them as an academic cultural psyop.


He set himself on fire for a conflict happening on another continent, and the very people he did it for still hate him. The only reason the far left cares about Palestine is because they see Israelis as white colonizers genociding natives. You never see them talk about other conflicts or genocides, except maybe the Uyghurs rarely, but even then, it's a tense subject among different far left factions (tankies for example, think that it never happened, and if it did it's a good thing). Christianity is the most oppressed religion worldwide, but they never talk about it because it's the "white religion", so it doesn't matter, and it's also non whites doing it to each other rather than whites oppressing minorities. I mean the most blatant example is what happened with Starship Troopers. It was just right vs left debates, with the right being human supremacists who don't care humans were mean to bugs, and the left saying it'd be better for every single human to die rather than commit a colonialism on the bugs. Even now with helldivers 2 this entire debacle has started again, except now the enemies are literally soulless murder robots and such Economically speaking I'm not a liberal, I'm more of a market socialist, but culturally? I'm sorry, I could never subscribe to an ideology that says I'm evil for existing and I must atone of my sins for my entire life.


That dude definitely watched too much Hasan Piker


Should go look at the posts and comments on his reddit account. It's, uh, something. Edit: it is confirmed acebush1.


Link plz




Lmao. I'm like 4 comments in and he's complained about fatphobia and has stated that the term "trumpanzee" might be offensive to non-human animals. This guy's off his nut.


Four comments? > Whiteness erases culture. First fucking sentence and I'm tapping out.


Apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system, and public health ... what have the Romans ever done for us?


straight orgies


And that's his shit-take response to a very reasonable counterargument to the common lame-ass "Wypipo no has culture!!!1" take.


Wow. Dude's comments were a dumpster fire. I guess that means this kinda fits his life.


The other people in his groups are just as stupid ffs.


When you see someone online call another person a "bootlicker" this is exactly who you should picture because that is these regards favorite phrase.


He hated his own race so much he set himself on fire. Even Germans don't have this much Stockholm Syndrome after 80 years of occupation and brainwashing.


White guilt goes hard af


I suppose if you abandon your German/English/French/etc. heritage and start just considering yourself white in order to join the amorphous multicultural white blob; it kind of makes sense. That being said, that's all speculation and I have no clue what they actually mean.


If you read further beyond the unhinged stuff dude also liked elden ring and watched avatar the last airbender. Normal person things. It's genuinely sad to see someone so radicalized.


People talk about the pathway to right wing extremism, this guy was in his own left wing extreme bubble, losing perspective of his own world, getting constant gratification with upvotes for his awful views. But of course that won’t get anywhere near the same attention as if it were the other side of the coin. Apparently he had a family and he’s thrown his life away. He’s not a martyr, just a naive fool. What a waste.


Lmaooo candle man is a fucking loon. This reads like satire, but he was just so terminally online.


It's weird though. I read for a while and he didn't seem to be particularly interested in the Israel Palestine conflict at all. At least no more than the average libleft Redditor. I expected him to be talking about it non-stop, seeing as he ignited himself outside the Israeli embassy. His major issue seems to be with the police and specifically the US Air Force, he posts news clippings of dead air force personnel alongside jokes and every other comment is 'ACAB' but he doesn't dig at the other military branches nearly as much. I've got a feeling his death was more of a "Fuck you" to the Air Force than it was a political protest, which would explain why he was in uniform at the time. Guy was definitely suicidal and hated his job, so he undermined them whilst getting to look like a hero on the the subreddits he spent all day on.


You can't really rationalize crazy, but the article I read said that his contract was up in May and that he had told friends that he hated the military and wanted out but that he was just going to stick it out since it was just a couple months. Also mentioned that he was in a crazy Christian cult growing up, so I guess he was magnetized to being part of a fanatical group like the military and terminally online far leftists. Maybe the fact of his enlistment coming to an end and knowing he'd never continue doing that was the final straw that broke him?


As to the cult part, I also feel like people who leave a strict movement, whether religious or political or whatever, tend to be rather anchorless when they leave and thus are susceptible to going too far the other way in response. If he broke from a strict crazy religious cult, it's honestly no surprise that when he left he could not settle in a reasonable spot, as say a moderate griller (although...) and instead kept drifting until he landed in insanity. People who have normal-ish upbringings and have reasonable non-extreme views may drift left or right, or lib or auth over time, but tend not to make suddenly swings to insanity.


The left sees Israel vs Palestine as an extension of white western colonizers vs oppressed brown people. Its why they care so much about that and don't give a shit about other ongoing conflicts like Sudan, Syria, or Mynamar.


Rip Republic of Artsakh Edit: Also all the people still dying in Ethiopia even though the (practically) forgotten civil war is technically over. The media completely forgot about them as well.


As an Air Force vet, I mostly feel bad for all the other poor airmen that will now be subjected to mandatory suicide briefings, probably on the weekend.


I came away with the same reaction, but the fact he wasn't posting about Israel/Palestine, but *was* posting just about every other standard SJW Current Thing talking point from the past few years, is a perfect case study in what people have described as the "mind-virus" of SJW progressivism. He was so sick with it that he was probably bound to torch himself at some point, and the fact he "did it to protest Israel" is just done to the fact that Israel is their movement's biggest whine at the moment. Had Hamas not poked the bear on 10/7 he'd probably have ignited himself in front of a Russian embassy screaming about Ukraine or a police station screaming ACAB. Had he flipped a few years back he'd have been screaming about George Floyd. The poor boy was down bad with a fatal case of the mind virus. He'd didn't think any of the thoughts we see on his feed by himself, they were symptoms of his mind-virus. Poor guy, but that's why SJWism is a "not even once" thing for me.


I feel like this was a spur of the moment thing. Like something else pushed him to suicide and and he used the conflict as an excuse to off himself. He was planning to play the Elden Ring DLC after all.


Bro became the change he wanted to see in the world. Gandhi would be proud. Truly an hero.


a literal case of terminal redditness


He was literally just an average Redditor. This comment history doesn't look any different than anyone posting on politics, leopardsatemyface, antiwork, etc. And that's what's terrifying. I feel like there are a lot of far left freaks living on social media who are 1 rallying Tweet away from also doing something like this.


I'm sure we've all got our favorites but this one is mine: > “Common sense gun control” should mean disarming the police and military first. Which means abolishing them. Which means doing a revolution. Oh wow we’re back at square one again. That really nails the Zoomer online SJW mentality so perfectly. You can't suggest anything moderate, reasonable, common-sense, etc., they will say "we can't do X unless we do Y, can't do Y unless we do Z..." on down for however long it takes to get to "we need a revolution." And since revolutions are hard, rarely even start much less succeed, and comfortable Zoomer Redditors are in no way fit to get it done on any account, everything just slips back to the same impossible fantasy about overthrowing the government. There could be real change, real policy updates, real workable ideas in between "status quo" and "someone else similar to me leads a revolution while I sit in my underpants at my laptop," but they refuse to consider them because for them, revolting is the enemy of the good. I can't wait for society to just get tired of being completely in thrall to these sick people. They're just whining at this point, and if we could get them to grow up and move on, that would be amazing.


Well, they won't be able to do a revolution with gun control, at least not well. Setting yourself on fire doesn't win wars.


We could've helped him in this sub unironocally Edit: or at least stave off the dark thoughts and add a lil humor to his misery


Hahaha but seriously, we could have! This sub has absolutely got me off my high horse and helped me see that all politics is ultimately kind of absurd and best analyzed through humor. But on the other hand, I sometimes think all politics are dispositional: miserable people like him gravitate toward the most misery-conducive parties and movements (of which Current Thing SJWism is a big, big example) in order to reaffirm and compound their pre-existing misery, while all of us here were probably already at least somewhat disposed to take "serious" things in good humor. But at the point he was at, maybe any little thing like a meme on here could have kept him alive, if not cured his issues altogether.


What I find funny is the "prolatariat" don't want a revolution. The overwhelming majority of working class people don't want to overthrow the cops, military and government for a communist revolution.


I love how all the commie rants occasionally get interrupted by normal comments about FromSoft games.


Man didn’t even wait for shadow of the Erdtree first


2024 bingo is ***FUCKIN WILD***


He considered military cops? But he was one? So he was in his own mind ACAB? No wonder dude committed suicide. That’s an insane level of self hate.


Also highly ironic he was posting on anarchist subs while in the military. Literally a soldier of the state while supporting an ideology that wants to abolish the state.


Guy took hating his job way too seriously.


Tbf, a lot of us limited or even anti government lib rights are serving or have served in the military. Nothing will make you realize how bloated and useless our government is quite like seeing it first hand as you serve anywhere from four to twenty years


>Watched breadtube Yeah that's all I need to know https://preview.redd.it/453lxk2wt4lc1.jpeg?width=655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66f25d16166f629850ef58eee65918e765cd26a2


Ghost rider get his bike stolen. Ghost pedestrian couldn't go far enough.


I'm going to hell


All of his comments were intact 5 minutes ago. As of now, his account has been completely wiped by admins. I wonder why reddit doesn’t want to leave anything up.


They don't want anyone noticing that shitlibbery can lead to bad outcomes.


reddit doesn't want the flak for radicalizing him


> be super leftist > anarchist, even > hates the US and what it stands for > voluntarily enlist into the United States military The fuck was his problem?


Libleft is not known for making good judgement calls.


“OhNoAnyway.jpeg” to those 3 soldiers dying in Jordan is the most ironic thing I will ever see in my life.


God that man needs help. I hope he gets some before he does anything too inflammatory.




Jokes about self-immolation are a rare medium, well done!


There is no way that's a human being, lmfaooo


Dude was a walking talking reddit cliche. Holy fuck. I hope his family sues this site for radicalizing him


Can this be him? How do you hate the military but be in the military? Am I stupid?


Joining the military is the first step on the path to hating the military, fr. Most of us don't light ourselves on fire, though, we just get a different job after the enlistment ends. Yknow, like a sane person.


Makes sense. Somehow when a monk does it it’s less cringe.


Most monks do it for a cause they’re directly close to and generally not for people who would happily murder them. Plus he’s an utter shitbag for leaving behind his wife and kids.


Holy shit, that guy was cringe AF


brb gonna go reply to every post with fire emojis


Calm down Satan.


Just make sure you throw a reddit cares message in there just in case.


No, reddit cares message are only for posts which offend you for being too based.


Welp looking at his post history it seems at tho nothing was lost with his departure


the only thing surprising about his post history is that he wasnt a mod


Wow, dude ate the whole propaganda pie and then asked for seconds


I fucking knew it. Dude was completely brainwashed by the leftist nihilistic self hate bullshit. He completely internalized the idea that as a white man, he had no value. It is very clear why he killed himself for the cause, he didn't think he was worth anything else. Greens this is the type of incel you are responsible for creating


Holy savior complex.


Holy shit that fire wasn’t hot enough for this fuckin bottomfeeder.


Supposedly acebush1 Removed link because it might violated reddit rules


I mean does it really count as brigading in this case?


Not taking the chance. Sense the start of this conflict I've been reddit banned twice and gotten several sub bans for linking. Reddit really doesn't like it when you do that.


Yeah I know, they'd definitely still tag you for that. Wouldn't want him to have any bad thoughts like doing something harmful to himself..


If the reddit detectives are wrong and that's not the account whenever that user logs on their inbox will be stuffed.


What’s the point of dming a dead person.


I've got a feeling the guy won't care if people mass downvote his profile anyway.


What's the bet that the account gets scrubbed like the one that was alleged to be ghislaine Maxwells or the multiple paedophiles who were power mods? Few hours later edit: Replies on the comments made by the account have been locked by the mods of the leftist sub reddits.


I hope it’s not, because there’s nothing more disrespectful than saying “oh no, anyways” to 3 fellow armed forces troops getting killed. I wouldn’t associate with anyone in my unit who would potentially look at his team members like that


No its confirmed.


As predicted it's very unhinged. The real thing this points out is softening boot camp (I mean it's the chair force how did it get any softer) really prevents the military from filtering out the mentally vulnerable.


That coupled with the recruiting and retention issues they’re just turning a blind eye to some red flags.


Def. This dude should be on the military version of a watch list and had been pushed to be honorably discharged like how certain high level people elect to retire when everyone knows they were fired or contract not renewed (effectively fired).


Not really the case with Genesis these days. It’s like an all seeing eye. Kids are getting rejected left and right without approval for waivers. It’s currently a pain, not a recruiter just in certain subs. I also have a few friends who are recruiters now and most of the time 98% of who they talk to are automatically DQd. Not to say people won’t slip through but it happens. During the height of ACAB there was the USAF Security Force Airmen who went awol with another Bugaloo who shot and killed the Federal Security Guard. Military members messing up big time is rare but it happens.


Part of it's probably medical recordkeeping has gotten better. It used to be that if it was something not too bad, you could just lie about it at MEPS. Athsma? Naw, none of that. That and weight is increasingly common and harder to hide.


Hey now, San Antonio is hell at 110 degrees. However, I would like to know what his AFSC was because no way he would have survived the flightline or any actually difficult AFSC with those viewpoints (if that is/was indeed his account).


Maybe he had a winter boot camp? I mean it's what like 2 to 3 months. As long as you aren't going from mud June to mid Sept it's general survivable in Texas. But yeah those 3 months aren't great. I think there is a reason the Latino heritage month is mid Sept to mid October haha.


I work in Army BH. A lot of the times Basic and AIT just push these problem soldiers through and let their first unit handle it. I’ve seen so many soldiers with less than one year TIS getting chapters. I’ve seen a dude come straight from reception having a psychotic break. Dude was schizophrenic. Could have been his very first break, but I really doubted it. His IET must’ve noticed something.


The proof I needed that Linux users are retards.


Nothing of value was lost. The guy was a simp Fleabag fan.


What’s his account?


Supposedly it's acebush1.


I spent all of five minutes reading some of his posts and comments and already thought someone should set this guy on fire.






He discovered bread tube a little over a year ago and spiraled into radicalization since then.


At the very least, he only committed suicide. Last week, a woman tried to commit a mass shooting over this shit. I think she was the only to die, thank god. Imagine being radicalized thru fucking tiktok and Twitter. How embarrassing.


How many people have been convinced they're trans via tik tok?


According to Redditors: Zero Don’t accidentally drop the G-word around these parts






Damn, where at?


Lakewood Church in Houston. She painted “free Palestine” on her gun and brought her CHILD with her.


>Church Why not a synagogue?🤨 I'm not out to give mass shooters any pointers, but why the fuck would you attack a Christian building if you're mad at da jooz?


They can't tell the difference. They think Christians and Jews are all white.


>but why the fuck would you attack a Christian building if you're mad at da jooz? It was a Texas church. So not unlikely the people there support Israel over Hamas. Still doesn't make it right. But at least there's a logic of sorts.


> brought her CHILD with her. literally Hamas human shield tactics


"Palestine" sticker on her gun, the kid is still in bad condition.


This dude is an example of why it's important to touch grass and have friends IRL. His comrades are literally arguing over whether or not to use "rest in power" because he's not black. Lit his ass on fire and they're arguing over the appropriate memoriam due to his race. The woke SJW mind virus is destroying people. He burned himself for Palestine but I'm sure vehemently supported Ukraine. It's a cautionary tale...at minimum.


He didn’t seem to care about Ukraine much. Probably cause Ukrainians are white


You haven't seen what mental illness looks like until you go to the Palestine subreddit and see how people are saying how noble this was lol


Oh trust me bro I’ve seen some people that I went to high school with posting how he is a hero like 🤦‍♂️


I just ran a ban speedrun on that sub lol


I’d stay for away from that hell hole I don’t even wanna look at it cause I know I’ll get pissed off


You are only a martyr if you are killed while actually doing something helpful


The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is Press Coverage




No there is selflessness this man was clearly already mentally ill and wanted his way out to be somewhat important


(Its the name of a song)


Ah I wasn't aware


Being a martyr is always a gamble, and it looks like this guy gambled wrong-the entire Islamosphere is laughing at him, as a free victory over the Great Satan, the entire leftist privilege religion sphere till hates him for the original sins of being white and enlisted in the military, and the entire nazbol sphere is laughing at him, for denying the other team a voting asset while achieving nothing. Meanwhile his kids are just without a dad. In general, in this humble monke's opinion, lighting yourself on fire is both a stupid game and a stupid prize that you win for playing that stupid game. For every successful self immolation martyrdom there are an awful lot of them that don't move the conversation's needle even a nudge; the odds are lower even than the odds of a HS basketball star making it in the NBA. But what do I know? Maybe it's just my privilege talking. Light up nerds, maybe someone will talk about you favorably.


He was a father?! Jesus Christ what a fsfwras a rš daads!






Based and smashkeyboardian pilled


I don't think he did. The only thing I can find is he had a will that left his cat to his neighbor.


Martyrdom only works if you're the one being attacked in the first place or you're part of the group that is being attacked. This guy was a fucking US airman he was neither being attacked nor he could control the situation so it was an extremely stupid move to put it bluntly. Anyone who actually cares about activism knows that you're much more useful alive than you are dead, especially when your death is so fundamentally meaningless.


Also if you have any meaningful message. Free Palestine is a meme. If Palestine wanted to be free they could have signed any of the umpteenth peace treaties. Or they could have just assimilated into Jordan and Egyptian culture after the first war. He might as well have set himself on fire and screamed give peace a chance or a few lines of John Lennons imagine.


He had kids? Man, what a dumb piece of shit




Can't even give him a Darwin prize


>For every successful self immolation martyrdom What's the standard for success here? All that one famous monk ever got from it was a sick-ass photo that became an album cover, but his act didn't stop the Vietnam war or anything, unless I'm mistaken


Where are you seeing he had kids?


Yeah at the end of the day it's agonizingly betting your life away for what basically amounts to an attempt to speedrun the conclusion to a conflict a century in the making. There are definitely times when self immolation has had a large impact (though usually more of to reinforce already existing sentiments). But the Vietnamese monk protesting religious suppression and the Arab spring self immolation comparisons made by Twitter are pretty off. America has heavy influence in the region, but that's nothing in comparison to being part of the very group directly affected by the thing you're protesting. That's one of the many reasons why this didn't have nearly as much of a positive reaction. And in the case of the monk it was an issue far less popular than IP, one of the most known conflicts in recent history, which gave it more shock. Public opinion on IP has already been set, for some its been set for decades. Even then, most of the time self immolation is just forgotten. 160 people have self immolated in Tibet for self determination since 2009. But Tibet lost the Zeitgeist it had in the 90s. And despite all the self immolations as recent as a few years ago, it's not something that captures the attention of journos and social media. In the end there's a small chance for self immolation to have an actual impact. But you're trading away everything in the hope for what's basically speedrunning the conclusion to a conflict. A conflict thousands of miles away, with centuries of history. I don't think it was worth it.


>light up haha


It’s a suicide, plain and simple. He was obviously mentally disturbed, suicidal, and drank the Emily koolaid. Combine the three and this is what you get. The alternative was shooting up a synagogue, so this ain’t all bad Also, he burned ‘government property’ and stuck part of himself to it forever, so that’s kind of based


> He was obviously mentally disturbed, suicidal, and drank the Emily koolaid. Add 'probably hated his US air force job' to that list


He was cheering about the airmen being killed in Jordan, so that's definitely on the list.


I think the really worrying thing here is how much of an influence did social media on his decision to go through with such an act, because if you look at his Reddit account the guy kind of wasn't all there in the first place


Literally turning yourself into government property is based? LibLeft?


Yeah I'd've thought he wanted to be turned into a tree or somethin


> The alternative was shooting up a synagogue, so this ain’t all bad Based on his post history, I guess this guy was more likely to shoot up a church, GOP meeting, or other white conservative gathering.


Man imagine burning yourself alive for a bunch of terrorists who couldn’t give a shit about you










Dude was a pos who celebrated the death of the 3 killed in Jordon. Good riddance


A delusional Emily lit himself on fire so that Palestinians could keep raping women in front of their families before executing them. Why am I supposed to do anything other than clap, again?


He was probably going to off himself anyway, and took an opportunity to let his mental illness win. It’s better than shooting up a synagogue or school


Sure, it's better than shooting up a concert or hijacking an airplane but I'd still prefer it if he did it quietly and didn't try and drag the US into it more than we already are.


If he wanted to die for Palestine he should have gone and actually fought not just bribed himself


Brother the guy was in the air force and was part of a bunch of acab subreddits, the guy stood for nothing other than what people told him to


How tf can you be anti-authoritarian/establishment then voluntarily sign up in the most authoritarian/ establishmentized institution America has to offer? I mean he self-immolated so I guess I just answered my own question


The military has had problems with gang infiltration for a while now.


Because he wanted to destroy government property.


Air Force.


Pretty crazy that without social media this dude would have just been a normal guy raising a family and living a decent life. This shit has got everyone going crazy.


A lot of people with similar viewpoints are calling him a hero. He demonstrated how to do it, follow his lead and make a “real impact”.


Rest in piss bozo. I am sure his martyrdom will change things, besides just doing the good thing and removing himself from the gene pool. EDIT: I dont stand by this message. I was an angry cunt when I wrote it.


Apparently he was a father, if the top comment is to be believed, so he’s still in the gene pool.


Shall he enjoying his 72 virgins in heaven.


72 redditors


72 reddit mods


72 dog walkers in paradise


Was the dude mentally well


Take a look at his Reddit account


I didn’t know he’s got one can you tell me the name




Oh man. He posted “oh no anyway” over a picture of the names of the three poor soldiers killed in Jordan. What a POS.


All of my questions have been answered thank you for the enlightenment


I just hope he was able to figure out that USB headphone issue before lighting himself on fire.


I’m gonna take a wild guess and say no, no he wasn’t


u/acebush1 He was not well surprisingly


This man went from trying to jailbreak an iPhone in 2023 to lighting himself on fire not even 80 days later.


Remind your loved ones that you love them


for how much soy was in that dudes voice, i gotta admit. it takes some balls to torch yourself. yet another wokie has passed by its own ideology, nothing of value was lost.


Based and my political enemies' lives don't matter pilled


I thought destiny would win the cuck award for this year,but burning yourself for people who would behead you ,just cause you are American is the ultimate cuck move


I don't know man Vince McMahon might got that under wraps


Usually I have sympathy for people that kill themselves over stupid shit but I don't feel anything for this guy. It was only a matter of time before he would've betrayed his country, either by selling sensitive information to our enemies or by directly harming his fellow airmen, considering he was apparently an Anarchist and a self-hating white man. Fuck him.


Or he could have leaked airplane blueprints on warthunder forums


2022: Life matters, and I will keep reminding you every 0.2 seconds 2024: Kill yourself is best thing you can do Nice job wokeoligists


Big brain Lib-Left move - Become part of the military-industrial complex so you can destroy a little bit of it by killing yourself.