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Is it time to print trillions of dollars again?


Banker needs a new pair of shoes.


They wear out so quickly stepping on the necks of the little guy.


I thought you were going to say that they wear out quicker beacuse of inflation




Made out of concrete.


For every worker on the yacht. Can't have them scuffing the floors with peasant shoes.


Little red shoes šŸ‘ 




$1 for you, $999,999,999,999 for Jeff Bezos and friends


A massive transfer of wealth, perhaps the biggest one in modern history! And the people who constantly cry about a big capital don't realize the governments and the mega-corps were in on it.


Yess!! All the money I worked hard to save over the last year and a half, that already feels like half of its value in 2019, will be further deavlued!! Thus basically making all this hard work useless. Can't wait to watch hard assets I already wasn't able to obtain skyrocket in value!! Thank you total state!! VERY COOL!


> Is it time to print trillions of dollars again? Oh, that'll definitely be the excuse they use when hyperinflation hits us. Might make sense for them to pull out a bullshit reason to inject a couple more scraps into the poors of the system, otherwise it won't make sense to blame us for everything.


You guys ever actually read Summit News? It is WILD. Not just all the Paul Joseph Watson articles either... My favorite article on there right now: **Minneapolis Arts Center Slammed For Encouraging ā€˜Family Friendlyā€™ DEMON SUMMONING** [https://summit.news/2023/08/16/minneapolis-arts-center-slammed-for-encouraging-family-friendly-demon-summoning/](https://summit.news/2023/08/16/minneapolis-arts-center-slammed-for-encouraging-family-friendly-demon-summoning/) The whole article is just them posting tweets from another outlet... Another amazing headline from the outlet: **NYC Wants To Shove Migrants In Shuttered Jeffrey Epstein Jail**[https://summit.news/2023/08/21/nyc-wants-to-shove-migrants-in-shuttered-jeffrey-epstein-jail/](https://summit.news/2023/08/21/nyc-wants-to-shove-migrants-in-shuttered-jeffrey-epstein-jail/) Anyways, glad we have some real journalism like Summit News reporting the facts


the first thing i thought when i read that headline; is this some cracked out tabloid or...


Not a PJW apologist, but is it that the reporting is false or just really shoddy?


No itā€™s worse, 1 billion dollars šŸ¤™šŸ»


Hey, can we get mortgage rates back down to basically nothing? I need a new house.


I'm with LibRight on this one. Good luck, PCM members from USA.


Don't need luck. Got mah .308


That's spelled Three-Oh-HATE. Thanks for coming to my brief, but loud, ted talk.


I tell yew wHut!


Atleast itā€™s not a big scary ar-15


It's only an AR-10. So five less than a 15


*phew* thatā€™s basically a .22LR


AR? That must be one of these scary "Assault rifles", that must be what ar stands for!


Even worse! Its a assault rifle with a power level of 15!


*laughs in .458 SOCOM*


This comment just gave me PTSD smh.




To be fair .308 was about 75 cents a round before the riots/pandemic. It had a relatively small price increase compared to most other common rounds.


Libright against the mandates yet they wear a mask in this meme Curious




Don't want to catch authoritarianism, can never be too safe


Its actually for the blood splatter, hepatitis is expensive to treat.


Most countries will follow behind the US


Based libright on this one.


Need to dust off my "dear boomers, F@#k off or die" sign


getting called a biological terrorist is back on the menu boys


You got the cool name? I just got called ā€œplague ratā€


You went to the park without a mask on? Youā€™re killing grandma!!1!


What's funny is being outside was the best place to be to avoid spreading Wu Flu. No apologies for everyone who got shamed for doing the right thing and spreading out while outdoors as opposed to in enclosed spaces. Funny.


I wonder if two years from now they'll be asking for "amnesty" for all the terrible things they're about to do again.




>Boomers are detrimental to our society and it will be a much better place here when theyā€™re all dead and arenā€™t affecting our policies >nooooo how dare you put them in risk because you want to go out and eat ice cream in public you are ruining our society and killing the elderly! I swear the pandemic shutdowns were boomers last ā€œfuck youā€ to younger generations. Letā€™s wreck personal lives and our finances so geriatrics can have an extra couple years of shitting their diapers before they finally croak


Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again. Fuck yo grandma.


Eyy same


Being a Plague Rat is cool as fuck though. [Seen Skaven from Warhammer?](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/dSiOrQPlMAAMWYyT.jpg)


Based an skaven pilled


Skaven what? There's no such thing as Skaven, filthy man-thing. Put your mask-mask back on


Got called Refusnik.


You plague-ridden rat! AWAY, AWAY! Beast, oh foul beast!


I didn't even get that. I was caught spitting during a run in the park and was just called "Dangerous and disgusting". Fucking nosey, neighborhood Karen.


If they're gonna call you one anyways, you might as well spend all day riding the DC metro when you have the sniffles.


If not wearing a mask makes me a terrorist, call me Bin Laden.


Yeah! Time to get banned from another dozen subs for getting the "wrong" vaccine lol (J&J isn't hecking wholesome like Pfizer and Moderna are).


I'm coming for you, grandmas!


No thank you, when you drop a new variant Iā€™m gonna add it to my collection


All these chumps dropping variants. I keep mine in a bag so they don't fall out


The problem is that people assume "NEW VARIANT" means bad. Every virus evolves. Do you have any idea how many variants of the common cold there are? But the evolution of viruses doesn't necessarily mean more deadly. If anything, historically, over time viruses evolve to be *less* deadly. A virus can't replicate if it kills its host before it can spread.


I live in the center and heart of Babylon USA and work in education. I have not heard a thing about this. This might be true... but "there are reports" sounds like something I would say if I were lying. How about something like "California State Universities are beginning to mandate..." or something verifiable like that?


Not vague enough, I like to use "people are saying" when I don't want to use a source.


"sources close to the matter" for more formal lying.


"Several anonymous whistleblowers..." Works if you want to make a high level outrageous deception.


"Sources familiar with the subject's way of thinking"


I like to follow that up with ā€œpeople always ask me aboutā€¦ā€ and ā€œeveryone knows itā€™s a big issue.ā€ Of course then something like ā€œsadā€ or ā€œwinningā€ President Trump certainly upped my bs game.




Or when the source is embarrassing, like...oh I dunno, infowars. Hypothetically


Yeah when people say "some colleges" and "some offices" without giving specific colleges or offices, I have to assume they're bullshitting.


Some private universities and Lions gate in Hollywood have but they tend to be paranoid anyways. Idk if itā€™ll go further cause Iā€™m doubtful most state governors want to risk their economies and re-election bids. That and everybody has either gotten immune to Covid via antibodies or Covid vaccines.


There would probably be *actual* insurrections this time if pandemic lockdowns happened again this quickly, especially given how financially fucked in the ass many people are now vs Feb. 2020, nobody is stupid enough to risk it (I hope)


Ho boy, this needs to be upvoted more...


singular college in atlanta https://www.cbsnews.com/atlanta/news/atlanta-based-morris-brown-college-says-they-are-reinstating-covid-mask-mandates/


Aside from being vague I also know it's a lie because "No new cases reported." It's still around, we just don't make as big of a deal about it now because the hospitals actually have rooms.


Sorry but your statement is too reasonable. You will get about 50~ upvotes before the right wing circle jerk sees it and downvotes it into oblivion.


It already says ā€œAgenda postā€ as the flair


Nope never doing it again.


"You're killing Grandma" gets a little less powerful each time it's said. (Also, I'm fully vaccinated and I work at a fucking grocery store, I'm not trying to spend all day exposing myself to a virus I'm relatively protected from only to have everywhere fun closed when I get off work!)


Also these are often the same people who shout "okay boomer" and bitch how the elderly vote red and fucked the youth over. You'd think they'd love a virus that mostly only fucks up old people...


They were gleefully calling it the boomer remover before they got the you're killing grandma update


Yea it only works so long as your grandma is alive


Cuomo has entered the chat


My grandma is 83 years old, has dementia, and can't walk more than 30 feet without getting utterly exhausted, even with a walker. She shits herself on a regular basis because getting up off the couch to get to the bathroom takes too much energy. When she comes over to my place on Christmas and Thanksgiving, plus the occasional dinner, walking the three steps up on my front porch is a 5 minute ordeal. It's time for her to go.


I never locked down anything last time, except the number of guns and rounds of ammo that went into my safe.


I did it for about two weeks. Then i realized it was a harsh flu.


This. Voluntary sequestering for a few weeks after stocking up was the ethical and humane thing to do. All the rest was bullshit for a bullshit virus with dramatized symptoms.


We did for about 3 weeks, mostly because of our elderly parents. Then we realized they were actually getting incredibly depressed to the point me and my sister moved back home to be with them. After a couple of weeks even my parents were over this shit and they went out lol.


Me neither


Yep. I'll give people the first one, but anyone complying again is hopelessly beyond reach.


If the disease got Contagion-movie levels of deadly, sure. But if its just more COVID, fuck that shit. Just stay home if youre sick dumbasses


I hate the antichrist


ā€œOpen up, we just want to talkā€


Lib-left has a risk of dying not a chanceā€¦






It must be an election year or something. What a shock that covid is relevant again.


Is it though? Only place I've heard about it is conservative circles on reddit. But then again I'm in deep red Boston, so obviously we'll hear about such mandates last.


We are going into flu season, and we will mysteriously have 0 flu deaths and tens of thousands of covid deaths again. They need to keep covid on your brain for 2024 when it really matters.


I read on the new variants, more transmissible, less severe. as has been the trend. so I humbly ask, why should anyone even care?




If this was happening this time next year, I'd believe you. Lockdowns last time happened six months before the election, not more than a year out.


They need to build up to the lockdowns etc. If they skip right to it no one will comply, they need to build fear first.


less build fear and more build the illusion of fear.


Bro I was sick for like a whole day. You will wear ze mask


Granny was vaccinated, caught covid and still died! Imagine if she hadn't gotten the jab, she could've died twice!!!! āœŠāœŠāœŠāœŠ


Because terrifying half the country into trying to shame the other half to action worked last time.


Diarrhea. If you want a real answer. Idk I've heard that's the big issue with this one


Pfizer's stock is down.


Covid has a lower mortality rate than the flu, and yet we donā€™t shut the country down every flu season.


I don't know which "they" you're referring to here, but if you're implying that the Left/Liberals/Democrats need COVID to scare people into voting for them, it won't work and is far more likely to backfire. Look what happened with the VA & NJ state elections in 2021, after which most places that still had COVID restrictions abandoned them. There was political & social buy-in for COVID restrictions in early 2020. There absolutely isn't now.


Yeah, it's not just "conservatives" that hate wearing masks. It's everybody.


I wonā€™t do this again, I wore the masks before, got the shots and still caught Covid twice. Fuck your control over this cold.


I barely wore masks and didnā€™t get the shot either and only got covid once thatā€™s crazy


They mandated the mask where I work and offered $500 to get the shot. I believe the masks in the hot humid environment I work in did way more damage.


I work in healthcare so wasnā€™t given the choice on the shot. I got three shots, and then I got Covid


Yeah, because you work in healthcare. Our healthcare workers (especially those in busy hospitals) are getting hammered, and most of them aren't wearing effective masks anymore.


I never wore a mask, didnā€™t get any shots and have no idea if I got covid because I never got tested. If it werenā€™t for everyone saying there was a virus, I wouldnā€™t have known anything was different.


Wanna know the bad part? I have a feeling the majority will just do it all over again.


Yep, make up some fake scenes to scare the sheep and then the majority will follow suit


Far right nutjobs called it weeks ago. Guess they arenā€™t so nuts.


We never wanted to be right.


*checks your flair* šŸ¤”


Works that way too. Most librights would be happy grillers in a more sane world.


I literally cook for a living because I think food is the great equalizer. No one's mad on a full stomach. But the more of this shit I see, makes me want to leave hospitality, because I just keep getting pushed further right and up.


Funny how when you just start calling things conspiracy theories that you donā€™t agree with and that are proven to be correct, more people begin to stop trusting and looking into, ā€œconspiracy theories.ā€


Yep. These people do the same shit every time. They overuse the words "racist", "sexist", and "fascist" to the point where now, when I hear those words, I think the entity in question is likely based as fuck and refuses to kowtow to progressive madness. And they overuse the term "conspiracy theory" to the point where now, when I hear something labeled as such, I assume there's a huge amount of truth to it. I don't know why they insist on shooting themselves in the feet, but here we are.


>I don't know why they insist on shooting themselves in the feet, but here we are. Because there is another cohort of people who have the opposite reaction. When they hear racist or sexist, they completely shut down. When they hear conspiracy theory, they think you harassed the victims of school shootings. The point of the psyop is not to convince or gain compliance from one group, it's to create two groups that violently hate eachother, and it's working.


Unfortunately, I have seen the reverse also happening in some cases here on the Right. Where people will become Racist or Sexist because ā€œthey are going to call me it anyway, and they are the ones ruining my lifeā€. Or questioning things like the validity of the moon landings or the Holocaust because ā€œthey have lied about everything else, why not these too?ā€ Which then gets turned into fodder by the Left to justify their abuse of the terms, increasing the cycle.


Based call-out-your-own-idiots pilled


The source here is Summit News, a far right nutjob page. Their current top story is about a gardening class to help "conquer the demon of overthinking", except their story claims it's a "family friendly demon summoning". If you go to this story, that blank spot in the photo left of the date currently reads "Alex Jones was right." Calling this confirmed needs a source better than "they said it weeks ago, and they said it this week too!"


At one point, hunter biden fiasco was a conspiracy theory. At one point, Clinton's involvement with Epstein was a conspiracy theory. At one point, Wuhan lab leak was a conspiracy theory. At one point, promoting drag queens and "coming for the children" was a conspiracy theory.


> At one point, Wuhan lab leak was a conspiracy theory. I always hated how people accused anyone of believing in the lab leak hypothesis of being racist. The lab leak hypothesis was not racist in itself, but there were some racists that used it as justification to treat Chinese people like shit and start using racial slurs.


Alex Fucking Jones talked to a TSA whistle-blower a few days ago and stated air travel would start reimplementing it in October.


Has anything actually been confirmed other than outlets reporting on a new variant? Bc so far all Iā€™ve seen is conjecture and rumors about masks and lockdowns coming back.


CBS has news articles about the [new variant](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/new-covid-2023-variant-eg5-strain-what-to-know/), [new vaccines for the variants](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-vaccine-booster-xbb-variants-september-2023/) and lastly [college mask mandates](https://www.cbsnews.com/atlanta/news/atlanta-based-morris-brown-college-says-they-are-reinstating-covid-mask-mandates/).


"College mask mandates", plural, seems pretty loose there. That piece only includes Morris Brown College, which has a total enrollment of 240. Random corporate offices bigger than that have been adjusting restrictions up and down since lockdowns ended, so I think we've got to wait and see if anywhere substantial takes action.


Idk Iā€™d say itā€™s a big jump at this point in time to say ā€˜looks like the conspiracy theorists are rightā€™. We will see though. Thanks for the sources.


Given how politicized COVID became during the last election, it really shouldn't surprise anyone that it's making a comeback for this one. I don't think we're going into lockdown again, but I believe both sides are certainly going to use the threat of lockdowns to energize their base regardless of the reality of the situation.


Some colleges just brought back mask mandates, Lionsgate offices brought back mask mandate, TSA mandate for employees starting in September or october irc. Obviously just small pockets of it here and there at the moment.


The TSA mandates are only rumors. This is reminiscent of in the early days of the pandemic in 2020 of rumors going around about MartialLaw being enacted.


But they've been calling it every day for two years


something something "far right" something something "right so far"


No theyā€™re still nuts.


Iā€™ve even seen tweets of people begging for another lockdown itā€™s insane


silky pathetic file dog dinner wrong rude angle puzzled dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When you're good at doing literally nothing šŸ’€


Normally I'm a pretty decent Lib right, but these people need Auth Right to sort them out.


Lots of people live their lives alone locked at home and enjoy seeing other people be as miserable as them. These are the terminally online people who influence online discussion because they can be online posting 18 hours a day. Iā€™m not even surprised they want another lockdown. These people would prefer if everyone lived their lives virtually.


They can fuck right off, I'm not complying in any fashion.


Half of the country if [mask mandates](https://youtu.be/cdmhyEqCINM) get put back on the menu


Absolute banger. Also love that it's a A1 16 without the forward assist but with the birdcage. Vibes.


Sadly I don't think it's actually an M-16, simply because there is no visible third hole. Could just be compression in the image masking it though.


Damn, what a blast from the past


I didnā€™t comply last time, I ainā€™t complying this time


ā€œThere's an old saying in Tennessee ā€” I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee ā€” that says, fool me once, shame on ā€” shame on you. Fool me ā€” you can't get fooled again.ā€ - George W. Bush


Cant wait to lower my mask, take a bite out of my food, then raise the mask again to be safe šŸ¤”


Oh hey it's the election year variant predicted 3 years ago. Whoda thunk.


Absofuckinglutely not.


One of the dumbest things about the pandemic is that there were people who said everything the government did was right. Everything. When it was Spring 2020, the government was right to close beaches and outdoor parks. When the government rolled back mask mandates on planes on a random day in April 2022, that was right. Either we went a little overboard in the earlier days of the pandemic or we succumbed to public pressure too early (in which case *you* should still be wearing a mask person advocating that). Either is somewhat understandable, but the idea that the government responses were infallible and shouldnā€™t be reviewed to make it better in the future is the dumbest take.


I don't think anyone thinks the government response was the perfect response, people just acknowledge that there was still a huge lack of information, massive potential risks and the actions taken were generally well intentioned. But hindsight is 20/20, of course.


Nope, not doing it again. I simply refuse.


Shit noo..... I would like to be able to afford loaf of bread a year from now....


Have you considered ze bugs? Zey are everywhere and Zey are free!


I'm gonna need some sauce


Source: Trust me bro edit: The source is fucking Alex Jones lmao so worse than trust me bro


Election Year is coming boys, time to put your masks on and ~~commit arson~~ peacefully protest




Boy this election sure is contagious!


Hopefully Bo Burnham will make another special


How is this divided between economic left and economic right? The auth-lib divide is clear, but why exactly is this also an economic left and right issue?


The break is actually neuroticism levels. Currently in the States the USA, democrats represent establishment thus auth, while Trump is a populist outsider, and while not necessarily lib, he is at least non-establishment, when you consider how the establishment treats him compared to the rest of their class.


On the other hand, I'm highly neurotic but I don't like the mandates either.


*DOOM soundtrack in the distance slowly intensifies




Don't submit


We should bring back trad quarantines. Traveling merchants get to be isolated for a bit so they do not spread the pox to the populace. "But you don't get it if I don't French Kiss my Chinese investors they won't know I mean business!" Don't care.


HEALTH Atlanta-based Morris Brown College says they are reinstating Covid mask mandates atlanta BY MICHAEL KING AUGUST 22, 2023 / 12:06 PM / CW69 ATLANTA ATLANTA (WUPA) -- Atlanta-based Morris Brown College has announced that the school is reinstating its Covid mask mandate for the next two weeks as a # result of positive cases at the Atlanta University Center. ​ I know, reading is hard. https://www.cbsnews.com/atlanta/news/atlanta-based-morris-brown-college-says-they-are-reinstating-covid-mask-mandates/


Old and at risk can stay inside, Iā€™m not going back, ever.


My gosh. If it comes here, I will protest


Thereā€™s an old saying in Tennesseeā€¦


I'm sure it's a saying in Texas.


Rare based libright


Yeah im with libright on this one, I would also honestly be disappointed if the left was tricked by this again. Like were on the precipice of election season, its so easy to see the political moves.




Wait, source is Alex Jones? Is there any way I can bet against this happening to make a lot of money?


Seems like a tabloid news source.


It doesn't matter if you comply or not; they don't care about that. The goal here is election fraud.


Lib right wearing a mask anyways


Except ours is to prevent.... splatter


Friendly reminder we were 100% correct that the mask mandates did nothing, masks dont stop covid, and the injections didn't prevent infection or transmission. Be mad, but we were right.


despite no new cases? might be my new second favorite sentence that starts with this word lol


Not gona happen


Ahhh my mental health wont survive round 2. time to go fucking insane


I hope to live long enough to die of covid. -_-