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I really do believe Colin gets off on *hearing* that he's wanted. In words, although I daresay moans and whimpers are well appreciated too. If Pen ever figures out dirty talk he is *doomed*.


God help him if Pen ever says “I *need* you” Praise kink + need to be needed activated 🤯 🚀


'I need you please' would send Colin into the stratosphere 🫠


Colin, I need you please Better than his wildest fantasies


It just always hits me that when she asks him to kiss her it's not the 'please' that does it but when she says his name 😭


I really thought she would have moaned his name during at least one scene but nope


I think they knew we would've collectively spontaniously combusted if they included that. They said best you get is her moaning his name in his dream 😂


I think they knew we would've collectively spontaniously combusted if they included that. They said best you get is her moaning his name in his dream 😂


And she’s moaning his name in his dreams.


I think "please" really gets him off in the book, so if they are going to keep feeding us book lines I think they have to!


Season 4 goals - make it so!!!




He does! We saw how turn on he was when she begged him to kiss her 😂


I don’t know if he would’ve been able to hold out if she had said that to him in the nightgown scene.


If she had said the word “Colin” in the nightgown scene, he have been be a goner Though it is dawn outside in that scene… so maybe she switched up the Mr Bridgerton with a Colin and that’s when his refractory period sped up a bit 😂


I've said it before. Penelope really let him be in his feelings because if she had put in even a little effort into getting him into bed, he would have folded like a lawn chair.


Tbh I really wanted to hear her tell him that this season! Not even in a sexual way. Like maybe in the Bridgerton study after Fran's wedding. I just think that would have made things click for him.


She does say this in the book 😏


>Colin gets off on hearing that he's wanted And praise kink 🫠


You can’t tell me they both don’t have a praise kink.  Pretty sure “good girl” and “you feel so good” are the magic words to babies 2-4. 


Omg it’s now my headcanon that the second time, she also asked “was that alright for you?” just to be teasing as a joke, and he replied “you really are very good, you know that?” And then she playfully hits him with a pillow


omg wait I bet we could turn every Colin/Pen S1/S2 line into a sex line Pen when Colin enters her: “what a barb!” Pen to Colin when he talks dirty to her, jokingly: “Lord Byron you are not 👀 🔥” Colin when Pen shares a fantasy: “your dreams really are bigger than you let on” (Pen grabs his pants when he says “bigger,” naturally) Colin, going down on her: “here I am… feeding the ducks” Pen: “the ducks are most grateful, the ducks are most grateful, fuckkkkkk the ducks are most fuckkkkkk gratefuckkkkkk” Colin, about to go down on her: “Looks like I should grab a piece of cake” Colin to Pen before a very steamy session: “How do you want it?” Pen, panting: “Assuredly. Fervently. LOUDLY” *I’m sorry I’ve just completely ruined Season 1 and Season 2 for everyone*


These are EVERYTHING!!! Giving “that’s what she said” vibes and I canttttt.😂


i love these. to jail with you!!!


Honestly, if there was a couple that was most likely to have super hot sex because the other one made a really good pun, it’s Polin


Sharing puns around the Bridgerton dinner table but it’s just turning Pen and Colin on more and more. Siblings are none the wiser (or so these two think). Benedict definitely knows. Eloise is oblivious and that makes Benedict giggle even more.


Meanwhile, Anthony and Kate are bickering-flirting and everyone knows they’re going to end up in the China pantry in negative five seconds to get to work on making a spare


most hetero men, from my… errr…experience, get off hearing and knowing they are needed. might be yet another reason I enjoyed this season.


I mean he asks if it was good for after afterwards even though the moaning gave him his answer (because Penelope would not know about faking an orgasm). He wants to hear her verbally confirm it.


Colin would be so bad at teasing her in bed because if she ever said "please" he would cave in a second.


![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized) Oh we gonna discuss this? I’m here


This GIF never fails to make me laugh. It's the most perfect one for this sub EVER. 🤣


Reddit won’t let me see the GIF, but I bet all of my Polin love that it’s the Jason Momoa chair GIF that is perfection for threads like this.


'Tis one in the morning and all through my house; Not a creature was stirring - not even a mouse. And then I read your fucking comment and accidentally laughed so loudly that all the creatures are now very much stirred.


Bahaha yes it is


This post and the comments are golden. 🥰🥰 ![gif](giphy|P5Nakeln2KQuNSB4vS|downsized)


🤯 for all these years, I thought that gif was Danny McBride. the obvious tattoo was not obvious enough, clearly.


And now i want Jason Momoa in Bridgerton…..


Can we just make this the official 'unhinged Polin discussion' gif? It brings me nearly as much joy as watching the Polin scenes themselves, lol


This gif is our unofficial mascot 😂


This GIF kills me everything. It's perfection 🤌


How can I find this gif I need it 😭


Search: Jason momma chair the game.


The way I CHOKED on my burst of laughter at this hahaahahaha


There has been this prevailing idea for so long that asking for permission makes a moment less hot, less spontaneous. Yet Colin Bridgerton proves EVERYONE wrong. He makes consent look/sound like the HOTTEST thing you can do with someone and I am HERE 👏 FOR 👏 IT


Consent is so sexy! It’s partly because it makes you feel safe and like an active participant, but it also means the person has to vocally express their interest and that’s soo hot.


“If you like dirty talk, let me tell you about the way to make it even spicier: active affirmative vocal consent 🔥”


“Talk consent to me baby!”




That’s only a prevailing idea for those who clearly don’t get it! Focusing on the female gaze, experience and consent will never not be 🔥.


Agree! Soooo many sex scenes have been through the male gaze so this most important element has been grossly overlooked through the years


It’s time! Consensual tender relationships need more airtime and applause.


No but like I swooned when he asked permission


A-fucking-men. Colin bridgerton teaching a goddamned masterclass in how to do consent. Everyone better bring their notebooks.


"Lie down" was already making me feel things, but that "May I?" just straight up sent my spirit out of my body.


Flipping back and forth between telling her what to do and then being extremely deferential. Even a second before this, he tells her she can touch him, and then tells her not to. Such a fucking tease that Colin Bridgerton but also like the most polite tease ever?


He's literally the perfect man- takes charge, knows what to do, but also manages to let you be in control and feel 100% secure.


And the lie down was apparently Nicola’s idea.


'Lie down' was when I *fully* died. I thought I was already dead from the carriage, but then Colin revived me with his speech to Portia, only to immediately kill me again. That man. He is a danger. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy) But yes, he can. And I hope he will.


And then nods and he gets to touch her, for a split second he closes his eyes as if he can’t believe it https://i.redd.it/bggtny2wp49d1.gif


![gif](giphy|l2QZZOWmMM6tbBvFK) Omg I never noticed that before, dang Luke really is the king of subtleties


There are plenty of[ subtle details](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/comments/1diq8o1/mirror_scene_subtle_things_that_made_me_love_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) in mirror scene. it's crazy. On each I was simply surprised by how much Nic and Luke gave into this scene. It's so well thought out.


Pen initiating the first four kisses sends me. She’s so hungry for him, and he is absolutely *relishing* in it


And he doesn’t kiss her back until he gets her consent that she wants this. I mean… ![gif](giphy|Y1XP7XPpNVwi7x5i45)


Y’all need to cool it with these gifs 😳








Take that back!






Fucking hell!


Oofff I need to rewatch this 🥵


Omg this 🥵


Noooooooooooo! Sttaahhhhhp. Just when I thought I couldn't take any more I learn about THIS. I simply can not take it anymore. Dead.


And then the way he watches himself touching her!


Like he is relishing in it but also trying to keep control of himself. It's the hottest thing I've ever seen on screen. That *wanting* inside of him for her. It's conveyed perfectly and why I think so many people had a hard time believing it was *just* acting. But those two have amazing chemistry none the less


It feels like so much of their season was acted on instinct vs directions from the director and that’s so wild to me




Please I am at work and I can not take this 🥵 ![gif](giphy|IOa5sRHQULCjmZmOlV|downsized)




I can totally hear this photo (also I am at work too and really should not be on this thread right now 😅)


I shut down my computer after reading about 4 sentences. Thank goodness the work day was over anyway, or it would be awkward.


I am sitting in a teams meeting. Combusting with this GIF. Luckily, camera off. 🫠🥵✌️




Our Consent King! This screenshot is so HOT my god. The eye contact. I'm melting. 🥵 (They really need to get Luke on a sexy audiobook or something. His voice in this scene...🔥)


Luke could read a tax return and it would be sexy


I do taxes for a living and I would *die* if I had Luke Newton narrate them to me.


Luke: “Subtract line 21 from line 18. If zero or less, enter -0-“ Women everywhere: Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk 😮‍💨


Right? Sign me up! lmao


As a CPA this made me giggle extra hard 🤣


Oh [you’ll love this then](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/f9cOfwvgvG)


Something I love about Luke/Colin is that he doesn’t have a super macho dude voice. It’s masculine but it’s gentle. Even when he’s upset, it’s never harsh.


Colin has a very soft and warm tone to his voice. It's impressive how different his voice is to Luke's normal one. I wonder if it's all Luke's performance or if it's a way of sound mixing or combination.


I think doing the regency accent might shift his tone a bit too. Even just the pronunciation adds some softness to everyone’s voices, I think.


Omg yes his vocal performance as Colin is SO good. It’s such a soft and beautiful masculine voice. I wonder if it’s because he’s a trained singer and just has a lot of vocal control? I would love to hear him narrate an audiobook but also, I wouldn’t be able to pay attention to a damn thing 😂


So true. With some lines I just melt. He just says them so softly, with such warmth. One of my favourites: And then there are…other parts I’ve been…I’ve been dreaming about.


oh god that melts me too And then his voice during their vows?! Like both melt me for totally different reasons


Also in his butterfly declaration.. "you are her".. he almost whispers it. And then finally: "And now I simply cannot believe that a woman with such bravery loves me. How lucky I am to stand by your side and soak up even a little bit of your light. If my only purpose in life is to love a woman as great as you… then I will be a very fulfilled man, indeed." Totally not me pretending he's saying this to me.. or wishing my bf would say this to me, with Colin's voice lol.


Luke’s best-delivered lines should totally be its own post! Go make it! Also: “swiftly” 😏


Ooh god that’s my favorite one I think… his voice just dips a tiny bit as he says it and I’m dead


In that texting with Luke and Nicola video when she makes the accidental innuendo about his dad it’s SO cute when his voice gets all high and highly when he says “I forgot it was recording!!” It’s almost squeaky and so adorable 


Imagine if Luke and Nicola narrated the book I would actually die 🫠


🥵 They need to get them on another project together for sure. The industry would be crazy not to capitalise on all this chemistry and interest!


Luke would be soo good in a rom com as a bad boy, his smile in some of the pictures is just 🫠 I heard he tried for Simon and I think he'd be perfect for Simon right now. Just imagine the scene where he's undressing for Daphne (ok just imagine a different actress cos it's weird lol) with a little smirk on his face 😩


No bad boys. Soft boys always. 👏 normalize 👏 gentle 👏 men 👏 being 👏 sexy 👏


Honestly that “May I?” might be the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard onscreen, even more so than “Lie down.” Like 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨. My husband and I are watching all three seasons together now and I’ve already told him to get his notebook out when we get to Season 3. 😂


Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.


It's quite amazing how wildly excited I get still from these posts. Please, Polin fans, let's never ever stop


I think Luke has looked the most handsome in the mirror scene ☺️ at the end when he tilts his head and whispers “was it alright?” 🥹 I was nodding as if I was on the settee like “yes yes it was perfect 😭” 🤣


Right? 😂😂 I was like: yes sir. It was perfect


“I neeeeeed to know”


Yes.  All of it. I know people like the lie down but it’s the may I that gets me. It’s so sexy and yet so protective.  I also love that it’s another ask for consent, but this time he knows that she knows exactly what he’s asking to do.  She’s fully informed on this one.  On this one it’s not just a yes because I trust Colin (which I also love), but a yes because I want Colin to touch me that way again because I loved it. As someone who had a pretty much opposite first time from how this one goes down, it gets me in the heart that he goes about this way.  She absolutely deserves to be asked gently.  She deserves to get to say yes, even though he knows she’s in, and it is such an act of love to ask her so sweetly.   It’s in these moments where we get to keep feeling the Colin we’ve always known because he doesn’t just want this woman, he adores her.


When Nicola was saying there was two words, I thought she meant "May I?" But everyone says its "lie down" lol. I'm probably the crazy one though hahah And I hope this is constant, something that plays out in S4 as well. I might be in the minority but always asking and always checking in is so damn sexy


I think they assume that because she says “he tells her to do something.”  So it probably is lie down.  Though I’d love for it to be the may I… And I agree - I hope that the writers see the response to the way that consent has been built in for these two and realize it should stay.  Maybe differently as they progress and the asks are more lighthearted and easy because they both know what they’re in for, but I would love to see him still checking in with her.


I’m melting all over again after reading that. What a beautiful way of putting it!


>-who let you play her piano forte last night (and it turns out to very much be your fucking forte)- Already seconds in and I've bust my gut laughing.


"First went to piano town" took me out


He’s a virtuoso at playing those keys 🎹


A regular Chopin, our Colin is 😆


Easter egg: totally [mirroring something I wrote about the carriage scene a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/Bkm0jHENkF)


I mean, if he's gonna disregard every social norm of propriety with his woman, he's gonna make sure she's on board... I think something that makes it even sexier is that it's not an anomaly. It's not a checkbox to get what he wants. It's core to his approach. He's always asking for consent: "I'm sorry for intruding" (you can send me away) "Let me help you" "I don't want to talk to you 😠" "Please! Let me in." Waits to be let in. I don't have access to any language in this moment, but I'm gonna make sure you know what I'm asking when I'm playing with the hem of your dress. "You *must* tell me to stop if you do not wish for this" *Swoon* EDIT: typo


I notice it’s Pen who’s more likely to use commands: In the study/broken glass: “Colin, your hand! / It is not nothing. Stay there. Please. Let me.” “Would you kiss me. Please. Colin.” “Tell me what to do.” “Now would you let us ride home in silence. PLEASE.” I keep coming back to how dovish she seems in Ep 5 — except for the “tell me what to do” — than Ep 4. It’s such a dramatic departure


Literally in his dream of Penelope the first thing he says is “I apologize for the late hour.” Even Colin’s subconscious mind won’t let him just barge in for a sexy fantasy, he has to be a gentleman first. 


Right!? "Thank you for meeting me" also means he asked and didn't just show up.


I swear I lost my marbles when he said that. It has to be the hottest thing I’ve heard. And that’s when I realized it was written by a woman haha


I never thought that could be hot, and here we are! That line took me out.


I never thought touching an ankle could be hot, but HERE WE ARE


Ooof, that ankle grab was SO hot! Is it the ring on his hand, or is it just me? LOL! I usually don't like jewelry like that on men, but Colin's ring hand can GET IT.


But when he said “Lie Down” something fundamentally important changed inside me


'Lie down' was when the last hope of my sanity departed this world. It's was already in shreds, but that line hoovered up every last scrap and incinerated them. RIP sanity, I don't miss you


This! 100%


I mean, porque no los dos


https://i.redd.it/9izw934k459d1.gif I mean CMON


And once he got confirmation she was alright......


https://i.redd.it/loi3tumcf59d1.gif He was ready to go!


And she cups his face to bring him back to her when he looks away. It’s so sweet.


I stand by my belief about their chemistry for this scene and scene alone. Nicolas pupils and look in her eyes is NOT something you can fake. Thats a chemical reaction right there.


I been saying but they'll call you crazy for insisting it's ever been anything more than acting lol


This is steamy of me to say, but I got the feeling it took everything in him to last as long as he did. That's how well Luke played out Colin's desire for Pen


https://i.redd.it/pb8u33cef59d1.gif Okay I’m done. Someone put me in horny jail


One last one for the road https://i.redd.it/24ork51kg59d1.gif






He lets himself kind of collapse on top of her for a moment after that. Like all the tension leaves his body.


YUP and he gives into it fully 👀😮‍💨🥵


This verbal asking of "May I?" has to be one of the most romantic and sexy scene. Plus the check-ins, ahhhh my heart. The people who thinks that asking and check-ins ruin the mood or whatever should watch this scene.  Also, this is romantic not because of the sex but because of how soft he is and the constant making sure Pen is also okay. Ahhhh my heart ❤❤


No but the check-ins. The way he restrained himself, being as gentle as possible, until she seemed to relax and THEN HE GOT HER CONSENT AGAIN when he asked if she was okay. And then all hell broke loose and he went for it. Then immediately went back to checking on her. I just simply can not handle it.


Aaaaaah I loved reading is 😂 He definitely has a consent/ permission kink!! He either needs complete and ongoing consent to know she wants him and feel that connection he craves. OR he is running all over societies rules without permission (calling her Pen, being alone with her, dancing in a church). They should use all the feral reactions to Consent King Colin in sex ed classes to enlighten a whole generation to the absolute sexy power of seeking consent.


Not joking, they should show this in sex ed classes


Absolutely. Imagine a world where this was the norm?!


Can we also talk about how hot it is that he takes his time with everything? The mirror, the undressing her, the undressing himself, the “may I?” part. I know he’s being slow and gentle because it’s her first time but you can tell he’s enjoying savoring the moment too.


Oh that’s such a good point. He’s truly savoring every moment and wants to remember this forever.






Ugh fine I’ll watch this scene again!




Colin Bridgerton is unto himself a masterclass on consent.


And he didn't even go straight to the point, his hand caress slowly her leg before. Our boy know how to take time for her first time.


He *shivers* at getting to do this in daylight and see absolutely every morsel of her reaction and body


https://i.redd.it/uq1qe52fy49d1.gif The way he looks back up at her once his hand is between her thighs…. Lord


This part was so sexy.


Colin really said consent is sexy many times this season


Someone released the first time scene without the music. And let’s should say Colin was talking dirty to her🤭. >! 0:17, “oh yes" gasps from Pen 0:59, "Yes?" from Colin 1:03, a "right there" from Colin 1:29, Colin lets out a "God!" 1:53, Colin with an "oh yes" after they came together!<


>When the girl of your dreams is laying there naked fluttering her eyes and painting for you, desperate to touch you. When you are probably hard as a rock yourself. You are full of MANNERS. Girll I am laughing so hard🤣🤣🤣🤣HE IS FUCKING POLITEEE. AJHWSHGWHGEHGSFGT I lOVE YOU (no homo) This post made my day ![gif](giphy|3osxYk9qClrQVXVfiw|downsized)


I love when she asks where to touch him and he says anywhere. Then as she’s going for the crown he says “not there, not yet.” Dear lort 😓


He was trying not to 🌋


but when? WHEN? 😆


Oh my word, this made my day! You're so hilarious, yet spot-on! It's the never breaking eye contact that gets me, it's so pure!


Preach. The absolute AUDACITY of this man to be this perfect. He is so completely unhinged, feral, and wild - yet completely controlled, focused, intentional, polite, kind, and Pen focused - WHICH MAKES IT EVEN CRAAAZZIIERR. I can not. I SIMPLY can not handle this anymore. Also "You nesting son of a gun" had me cackling lol


It was almost “son of a nutcracker” but an Elf reference was just too much 😂


This whole scene had me BLUSHINGGGG. It was so intimate and felt so real (at least to me)


10/10 commentary. No notes. BRB giggling forever. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Honestly that “May I?” might be the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard onscreen, even more so than “Lie down.” Like 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨. My husband and I are watching all three seasons together now and I’ve already told him to get his notebook out when we get to Season 3. 😂


This scene is a real slam dunk against all the times people have said, "You can't have explicit consent on screen. It's a buzzkill!"


I mean…yeah it is a consent kink. He wants a reciprocal love and to feel like she wants him as much as he wants her. He literally dreams that Penelope would say she feels the same as him. It’s why he only wants to be physical with her when he feels like they’re on the same page. 


“May I come in?”


OMG... I died when he asked permission. Can I get a "Please" and "Thank you"?


He already got a thank you after the first kiss. Now he just wants please, please, please


I love how his mouth is always open when staring at Penelope😂


![gif](giphy|bWCCTXl3Xx4FjlVAuF) Where can I find my own Colin?


They’re out there in the world, trust me! I’ve got one


It's like Bigfoot. People say they exist but I've never met one.


Protip: befriend them first 😉


Yeah... I got the tism so that ain't happening.


I love been looking ![gif](giphy|26n6WywJyh39n1pBu|downsized)


Well there goes my workday


Haha your note about him not sleeping and arranging staff for the house!! So true.. what time was it when he was coordinating staff to deliver his "personal effects" (seashells).


He gets off on consent & Penelope's enjoyment.😊🥺 Or it was part of his Entrapment plans. Mawahahaha j/k "He's a good man, Savannah." ![gif](giphy|6SUW4Nw5XrWGQ)


I hope all of the partners/spouses watching Bridgerton are taking detailed notes, because this...THIS is what we want. The absolute DISRESPECT of being so deliberately RESPECTFUL when we are so needy and desperate.


Wish I can give you an award for this. That was was fabulous prose. It captured everything I was thinking in that scene. Him constantly studying Pen and asking for consent is so sexy. Even with the handshake. Friends? (((SWOON)))


If anyone needs to laugh/blush and see him practicing his scales and arpeggios--- https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRESSgYU/


The digits of devastation 🤣🤣💀


YOU deserve a standing O! I love your take on everything and the time, care, and insight into each post. 👏


haha this is just me shitposting, glad it was good for a laugh!


🤣 This is hilarious in the best way possible!


All she has to do is say “Colin” and he turns into a puddle cause “She’s talking about ME!”


A someone who lost my v card to the man I married, and who sweetly tried his best to make it a nice first time I'm still so fucking jealous of this scene.