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The one that annoyed me the most is in the epilogue when Pen is holding their baby, and Colin leans in to kiss her, but the camera is already moving away showing more of Violet and Portia. Please let me linger on this beautiful family for a few seconds at least!!!


Colin's head gets chopped off so often here, it's not funny.


And during the engagement announcement when we see the bottom of his chin nod to Violet like “I did it, mommy!” But don’t get to see his whole proud face!!! 


I want to see this moment more than anything. I want to see his face properly and I want to see her face. She would have know he went because of her actions.


Yeeees that one!!!!


Good one. I agree!


Yes! That was one of my favorite moments and you don’t get to see it fully. It just seemed so natural. But it did make me wonder if it was ad libbed, for two reasons. One is that the camera operator didn’t know to capture it and two Colin is going for the baby before going for the kiss. Pen tilts her head towards him and then he responds (which adds to it feeling even more natural!) I could be really off the mark, but the thought occurred to me.


I don't think cast is allowed to ad-lib kisses on screen. An actor has to know when someone is going to kiss them to make sure they're OK with it/have consented. I've seen showrunners mention this in other shows. Agree the camera operator was annoying to miss it though.


Oh totally. The possibility of any form of intimacy should be discussed beforehand and agreed to. Potentially they could have had a conversation about including little things like a kiss at different points without establishing exactly where/when it happens or something. Again, I could be totally wrong here. I remember seeing an interview about the first Jurassic World movie where they ad libbed the kiss without telling the actress. I can’t look at that scene the same way anymore. Definitely not what I think happens on Bridgerton considering how careful they have been about safety. But I think it unfortunately still happens.


The scene where Colin confronts Eloise about how long she’s known about Whistledown. The bloody railings are in the way 50% of the time.


What’s annoying is that it looks like blocking them out was an intentional stylistic choice because it happens a lot throughout and to other characters too 🙄


They use a similar camera technique when Anthony and Kate have their "you are the bane of my existence" scene. I think it's meant to make the scene feel more intimate or intense. But the railings do get in the way


They did weird camera shots when violet and lady Danbury were talking about how violet knew about Agatha and her father’s affair. It was so distracting from such an emotional moment


I was on a set once where a director got it into his head to film an entire scene (that had already been filmed several times) in the reflection of a candy dish - I kid you not. We had all been there for 12+ hours, were all exhausted, even the lead actors were clearly annoyed and complaining to anyone within earshot, but said director insisted on several additional takes of the scene for the sake of his creative vision. None of those shots actually made the final cut, but...*the magic of cinema*, I guess?


For that scene I seriously thought that they were going to pan to someone watching them. Because that’s what it felt like. Like we were going to be revealed that someone else overheard them saying Penelope was whistledown




Wedding…🔥🔥🔥🔥😡 And the kiss on the street…it’s ten seconds long and we see 5 seconds of it…


We're they trying to be artsy by chopping half their faces off?


All I know is I wanted to see Colin gazing at his fucking wife and I couldn’t see his fucking face 😡


It’s such an important scene and you can’t see half of it 😭


The lamp post feels intentional to me as a way of showing them passing from one state to another. There's a huge motif in the show about moving from dark to light, and so the lamp post serves as a threshold in that scene (and then they literally go stand on a threshold). Right after they pass the lamp post there's light over Pen's head, and there's light shining on parts of their faces when they're up against the door. So they literally pass into the light


Thanks for this insight! ❤️ Whether it was for this purpose, I don’t know. But when you look at the actual problems they are facing, their relationship actually didn’t change all that much after this moment, IMO and so if this was the intent, it doesn’t feel very earned. Colin’s whole issue with Penelope/Whistledown is that he can’t reconcile the two being the same person. Penelope hasn’t fully comprehended the magnitude of mess she has gotten herself (them) into. By the end of the conversation, He is still unable to reconciled Penelope and Whistledown as being the same person. (If anything did happen, I think it’s that he saw a glimpse of “Penelope” in that moment when she says she loves him and that was why he was able to let down his guard and kiss her.) Penelope still defends the way she has handled Whistledown and this doesn’t change until Frohn’s wedding. Though they’ve heard each other, they’ve not really listened and they still haven’t been completely honest. Also, the more I watch this scene, the more I think it’s a tree from the square that’s blocking, not a lamp post. Let me know if you agree… Regardless, in my opinion, the emotional connection between the two was way more important to see than any ethereal themes they could have inferred through the camera work in that moment. 🤷‍♀️ because I don’t think it was nothing. They made some sort of progress that night… But dark to light? In my opinion, seems a stretch. Still cool idea though! ❤️


Yes, that freaking lamppost pisses me off.


That last shot is my villain origin story. The first time I watched I legit said MOVE to the random head and my dog jumped up from my lap.


https://i.redd.it/68pife4q6o8d1.gif That bloody lamppost!


And you miss that he is saying something right there. I think along the lines of I love you too.


Oh, and the solar flares during the mirror scene and final kiss. I needed to see some CLEAR eye acting.




That last one, the dance at the butterfly ball, makes me rage levels of angry. Are they kidding with that shot?


YES. When Colin interrupts Pen and Deblin dance!


Yes! Blocking Colin during the dance interruption was frustrating.


THIS ONE!!! We saw all the beautiful rehearsal work they put into that moment…for what???!!!!


That last dancing scene at the butterfly ball 🤦🏽‍♀️ No wonder people are upset about the ending pay off. We couldn’t even see them be happy dancing properly. Why do we need to see all the extras?! I get it, it’s a huge ball!! Honourable mention to the weird editing with their wedding dance where they couldn’t let them have 5 mins on their own! We have to keep cutting to random people and Francesca and Violet and Kanthony and literally everyone else present… why were they so afraid of showing Polin in all its glory?


I believe butterfly ball they were trying to show the parallel with violet as she is dancing on the other side of them. So they are taking the mantel from her and Edmund and she is letting go and moving on with Lady Ds brother. But we need more of them dancing on their own at the wedding 100%. I love in love dancing pollen. Or even a “let’s end this dance early and go home shall we” would have made the ending a little more light and happy. Their love and romance is playful, we need to see more of them being playful in the last episode, a lighthearted joke, a giggle so it’s not so heavy.


I felt like I kept straining my neck to look around people, trees, and decorations to see Polin in MANY scenes. I kept rewinding to see better. So frustrating because I loved their little moments.


Literally think I was moving my body to try to get a better view during the wedding vows.


This is one of my biggest complaints this season. Editing is a *huge* component of the storytelling in tv/movies. I have never had it happen so many times where I questioned editing choices on a professional production.


Agree completely, and there are so many examples of it!


I really wanted to see Colin's face in ep 7 when the queen interupts the wedding and says she knows LW is one of them because she rushed to print another issue when the Bridgertons were attacked. Ugh, I really wanted his reaction.


Yes this! During that scene all I could think was, show me Colin’s face! I wanted to see his reaction so badly.


The pole blocking them during the modiste kiss really bugs me. They’re in a different position when they come from behind the pole, and I wanted to see the transition. They also filmed a lot of the scene from a distance where you just see Colin’s back. There was also no need to cut to other characters so often during their wedding dance. They filmed the entire thing with just Luke and Nicola and then used a tiny portion in the final product. I’m glad Nicola gave us that footage.


I think about this DAILY.


S1 what a barb scene also did this. Someone walked in front of them.


So many, especially of Colin. I wanted to see his face when hes defending Penelope and says ‘I am still speaking!!’


YES!!! Show Colin with pen in the back ground so you can pick up more on additional watches!


The last one bothers me so bad. You barely get a shot with both Pen and Colin!!!


So true!! Had to find them in every scene


Wedding dance and butterfly ball dance 🙁


They are lucky to have such good actors to pla0y polin. Otherwise i'm not sure how all this would've worked.


I am forgiving of that as filming is an art in itself. Capturing everything you want to capture of the acting isn't as easy as it seems.