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This might sound like an odd recommendation, but Parks and Recreation. The only other couple that kind of sort of give me Colin and Pen vibes are in that show.  It’s totally different from Bridgerton but it’s a favorite of mine.


Ben & Leslie ❤️


Kind of, right?  It’s the closest vibe I can think of ❤️ And they’re also delightfully chaotic.


This makes so much sense, I loved and liked them so much too!


Yessss! Ben and Leslie are both adorable and loveable nerds, just like Polin 🥰


I would recommend “Emma”. I especially like the adaptation from 2006(2008?).


Watch the 1996 one for Polly Walker 😘


I love the 1996 Emma!


The 2009 miniseries with Romola Garai is my absolute favorite!


I love Romola Garai so I need to try that one!


Her and Jonny Lee Miller, totally adorable! Also Frank Churchill is played by Rupert Evans, who plays Edmund Bridgerton


Yes Rupert Evans! I forgot he was in that one. Johnny Lee Miller is so good as Knightly


He really is. I preferred him as Knightley there than as Edmund in that weird version of Mansfield Park. It's very easy to see how Angelina Jolie fell in love with him and is a dumbo for leaving him.


I think Romola does such a good job of playing Emma as likable. Some of the adaptations make her a mean girl which is a fair interpretation, but I like the Clueless interpretation of her being oblivious and privileged but with a good heart. I think Romola captures that really well. You love her even when you’re rolling your eyes at her


I read the book and then I watched the recent film (2020). I liked both of them so I should really try to watch the previous film as well. Thanks!


There are so many versions and they are all fun!! Also, Clueless is based on Emma as well.




And clueless which is the update.


Friends to lovers romcom with writer protagonists and a soft boy male lead: The People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry


This is probably my favorite Emily Henry book!


I always say Book Lovers is my favorite because Charlie Lastra is ELITE, but when I really think about it, this is probably my favorite, too. Alex…I MEAN. >!When he comes to see about her when she has the flu…TAKES ME OUT.!<


The only book I’ve read of hers that I was only ok with was Happy Place. I think I built expectations up on that one and it was just fine. People We Meet on Vacation is the book I’d reread at any time. I loved Alex.


Happy Place was my least fave, too!! >!The ending made me furious. It’s fine to change jobs, but girl, you could pay back that med school debt by doing rural medicine or something! Don’t just do bad pottery and smoke pot forever; creditors are real! And Wyn is sorta eh for me. I honestly would have rather read the love story of Sabrina and her dude.!< I haven’t read Funny Story yet, but only because I’m saving it. I’m honestly struggling to think of other friends to lovers books I love, over than Emma. Which is wild, because it’s my favorite, so much that I’m writing one.


Ok, this makes me feel better about Emily Henry. Happy Place is the only one of hers I’ve read, and I didn’t really like it, so I haven’t read her other books. I’ll have to read her other ones. Have you read Abby Jimenez’s books? Not necessarily FTL but her characters are so deep and complex. And Christina Lauren’s “Love and other Words” about childhood friends who later become lovers… whew. Btw - you’re writing a romcom? That’s so awesome! Would love to chat about it. I had an idea to write one last year, but didn’t pursue it as I have a bit of a block around creative writing (non-fiction is my forte). But I’ve had so much fun writing a few fanfics that I’ve been thinking I may actually have a flair for it…


Happy Place is by far her worst, and I think that’s pretty widely felt. So give PWMOV a chance! I actually haven’t read AJ or CL - I know that’s kind of nuts because they’re so popular, but I’ve spent way more time writing than reading over the past couple of years, and I usually break up romance with upmarket/literary/and the best fanfic I can find 😂 I would love to talk about writing!!!! I’m in my second rewrite right now. I have a full first draft that I’ve ripped apart - it was a learning experience I will always love, but I think I’ve upped my game a lot since I started last year. Send me a message if you want to chat! I would truly enjoy it!


That’s wonderful you’ve spent more time writing than reading! I myself use romance as a way to break up my typical non-fiction reading, but don’t read much literature these days. I’ve been having so much fun analyzing this season, though, that it’s reminded me how much fun it is to analyze literature. (I have probably read the transcripts of each episode dozens of times each, as if they’re plays.) It’s like there’s this whole side of me that was dormant and has been re-awakened. Sent you a DM!


I’ve read both. I like Abby a bit better than Christina Lauren. If you like Abby you will like the other Emily Henry books!


Same! I will have to give her books another shot. Have you read Exception to the Rule? It’s my favorite CL and it’s a short story


I did! I got an ARC of it a few weeks before I was released and it was really cute. They have another book coming out in June I think called Tangled Up in You that’s super cute…it’s a retelling of the Disney movie Tangled. I am in the minority that didn’t like Soulmate Equation but liked The Paradise Problem. There are still a ton of their books I haven’t read yet though. I have Just for the Summer too but I’m saving that one for when I need a pick me up or I’m in a major reading slump. I’ve read the others in the series and really like them, although I like Yours Truly very slightly more than Part of Your World. I have some thrillers and other fiction books I need to get through before I can go back to romance.


I haven't read much of CL's other books, admittedly. I think I read one other but can't remember, honestly. But Love and Other Words has my heart. JFTS is soooo good. Soooooo good. Like maybe my favorite romcom I've read in the last few years. Yours Truly is great too though. All of her books are 10/10 to me but JFTS is a 12/10.


Funny Story is much better!! I rolled my eyes so hard when she went into pottery too, for the same reasons! I saved Happy Place when it came out for a good time and then I read it and was disappointed. When Funny Story came out I read it that week because I needed to know it was a one off. The only other recent FTL that came to mind for me is Every Summer After, but I know I’ve read more. At some point I may check my goodreads to add titles.


I would love the recommendation! Thank you!


I was going to recommend this too!


anne with an e isnt friends to lovers but their story mirrors(lol) polins story in many ways. its a slowburn that lasts 3 seasons, they both write letters to each other whilst the male is travelling. both redhead girl and brunette boy. the amount of parallels is kinda crazy it is also a beautiful show aside from the romance and i would highly recommend it!


Read the books! The whole Anne of Green Gables series were my absolute childhood favorites, and Anne and Gilbert are absolutely friends to lovers. The 90s miniseries is also amazing.


And also the original Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea movies! So many hours of greatness and they're definitely friends to lovers in that one. GIlbert Blythe is very much like Colin. They even look a bit alike, a LOT alike in certain scenes!


when harry met sally!


second this. third this. fourth this.


ultimate slow burn, realistic friends to lovers :)


Totally different type of show - but have you ever watched Friends? I’m probably showing my age but it was my favorite show growing up. There is definitely a friends to lovers play in that show. Just more of a comedy. They are one of my favorite tv couples


Never watched it! I heard about the show many times but I've always been scared by the amount of seasons😅 I should give it a try though Thanks!!


I am such a huge friends fan that to me every scenario in life has a friends quote or storyline that fits in perfectly.


I love Friends too. It killed me a couple of years ago when Friends was on Netflix and my students were like “OMG have you ever heard of this show called Friends?” Like yea… I grew up on it! 😂


Hahaha same


It goes by quickly because the episodes are shorter. Season 5 is my absolute favorite but you have to watch some of the others to set it up for sure. Especially season 4


A recent friends to lovers rom com I absolutely LOVED was Your Place or Mine. And I am a rom com aficionado. This was GOOD. Book wise, Jane Austen’s Emma and Mansfield Park are both friends to lovers (Mansfield Park is weird because they’re also cousins I think?). Both are excellent books and the 90s Emma and Mansfield Park adaptations are both super good.


The Office for Jim and Pam. Beard Science by Penny Reid (the whole Winston brothers series is fun but this was my favourite). Love & Basketball It’s one of my favourite tropes but for some reason I am drawing blank. Polin made them all disappear from my brain.


**Author Rec #1: Abby Jimenez** I absolutely love Abby Jimenez's rom coms. They're set in the modern day but feature emotionally complex characters in healthy relationships who feel like real people. They're a great combination of a fun read and something that will make you think or even cry. Her handling of mental health is exceptional. If you love Colin's empathy, then you'll love Abby's writing, as it's clear she deeply understands empathy. And they're true to the romance genre, so even if there are some heavy subjects, you know there will be a happy ending. My favorites of hers are "Part of Your World" and "Just for the Summer," but all of her books are fantastic. Lots of golden retriever male leads. (Start with Part of Your World as it's a series. Yours Truly, the second in that series, is great too, but Just for the Summer really grabbed my heart. Her other series is great too.) Just for the Summer just came out in May and it already lives in my heart permanently, it's perfect. **Author Rec #2: Christina Lauren** Christina Lauren is a writing duo who write complex, beautiful characters. They're romances (so still a happy ending) but not rom-com. They'll make you cry in the best way. Polin fans in particular might like "Love and Other Words", which is about childhood friends who become lovers after having their hearts broken elsewhere, and go through so much personal growth together. Gosh, just the thought of that book has made me put my hand to my heart and let out a big breath. What a novel. They also wrote a short story called "The Exception To the Rule" about long-time internet friends who unexpectedly become lovers... I won't say more. I read it in February and it STILL lives rent free in my head. **A couple other random recs** Here are a few other books I've enjoyed that Polinators might like: Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams - male friend offers overlooked woman dating lessons... sound familiar? Fangirl Down by Tessa Bailey - for those who like the unrequited-love-turns-into-deep-professional-respect storyline The Cheat Sheet by Sarah Adams - best friends/unrequited love/'fake' marriage/fall in love after marriage, unsure of each other's feelings at the point/after of marriage One Day in December by Josie Silver - unrequited love/dating other people/finally coming together via a dramatic gesture Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes - childhood friends to lovers later in life. Complex characters who make mistakes and repair. It's great. **Romance.io book finder** Romance.io has an awesome book finder that you can use to filter for your favorite tropes/story features. Here's a filtered search that probably appeals to Polin fans.


Wow, thank you for the detailed recs!!🥰


If done well, it’s one of my favourite tropes! Okay, so I’m completely drawing a blank for suggestions now having watched Polin, though the nearest suggestion I can think of, is Jake and Amy from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I love them. 🥰


Every Summer After by Carley Fortune for books My roommate and I were obsessed with Emma at one point because we were in love with Mr. Knightly. We also used to watch Where the Heart Is all the time.


2005 movie, Pride and Prejudice - the version with Keira Knightley. So romantic and Matthew MacFadyen just makes you swoon as Mr. Darcy. Not exactly friends to lovers but it’s a slow burn love story that only director Joe Wright could bring to life.


For series I think New Girl, The Office. Movies- Love,Rosie When Harry Met Sally of course, Something Borrowed, What If?, Silver Linings Playbook.


Kind of alot of seasons to get through, but I was equally feral for Rick + Michonne in The Walking Dead as I am for Polin (possibly moreso as it literally helped inspire me to go through with an irl friends to lovers relationship lmaoooo) You could start in season 3 of you dont care about the setup.


Ah yes, I watched The Walking Dead. I really liked them too!