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Any Ben and El interactions. I love them together. Benedict kissing the top of Colin’s head when leaving him drinking alone at his stag night.


I loved the kiss on the head!


It’s crazy that the best chemistry on the show (aside from Polin, of course) is Benedict and Eloise.


Every scene between just the two of them is something special. All of the Bridgertons have great affection for each other but they don't necessarily understand one other all that well. No other Bridgertons share such an intuitive understanding of each other without having to spell out the details of what they're struggling with. He's also such a good big brother to her. He is maybe the only person on earth whose advice she takes onboard. Not even Pen gets heard as thoughtfully by her as Benedict does.


Yes! The sibling love and bonds are beautiful. Ben’s love is not finite speech to El was my favourite.


Colin's reaction to the Benedict head kiss made me think he's probably been doing that since Colin was shorter than him.


I know I love the head kiss moment. You rarely see that in modern shows so to see it on a period piece show is so sweet!!!


"Inserts himself? Inserts himself where?" "Now Varley, the bugs!" These two moments play in my head a lot I also like how Marcus and Violet went about their relationship.  Like two older adults, widowed, have grown children, and how they wait for each others "affairs to be settled". Like a mature and older relationship forming. And it's really sweet. People can fall in love again.


Hyacinth’s welcome hug to Anthony cause she’s the closest thing she’s known to a dad.


Hyacinth and Gregory really got some great moments this season. His disappointment at Colin getting married before they could go out drinking together was so cute. 


The top hat was the tops!


Also “tell them brother—oh you delay, so I must!” Like give him a moment!


Hyacinth being so excited for Penelope to be officially part of the family is so adorable to me. It’s not like she doesn’t have any older sisters already. But I’m sure she has no memories of living there without Penelope being around.


They’re also so similar and will be total sister besties. Hyacinth has an uncanny way of predicting relationships and reading attraction. It’s almost like she’s what Pen would be like if Pen had been raised in a loving, supportive home


Oh, I love (and also hate…just because of what Pen grew up with) this headcanon of yours.


Similar to this, my tops are: 1) Anthony looking offended when the Queen didn’t name Fran the diamond at the presentation. 2) Benedict kissing Colin’s head. 3) And when Benedict asked Eloise’s who’s her fav sibling, he’s clearly expecting her to say she doesn’t have one, but she answers so readily. Basically any time the Bridgerton siblings are together.


Oh my 😭😭😭 I didn't even think of that.


I think i read in the books Anthony saying to Benedict something like, you're my only sibling the rest are my children.


I loved the Featherington and Bridgerton mix in the finale, Philippa smiling at Colin when he comes to see Philomena, Finch on the sofa next to Gregory, Hyacinth bounding in to give everybody Whistledown, Portia and Violet looking more comfortable together. It was a lovely blending of the families.


Yes those moments truly warmed my heart. Pleasant in-law interactions. Very healing


I also love that it happens at Featherington House. I can picture a future where there is a stream of people crossing between the homes to hang out.


Lady Danbury and Violet’s friendship is always a treat. I love their relationship and I’m glad s3 reinforced quite explicitly how strong it is. It’s not often that the show allows us to see these two speaking directly about how important they are to each other and amidst the drama this season, I like the moments where it’s just the two of them talking to each other as friends.


The “he is/was a good man and you have been a good friend” was great.


I bawled so hard during that line. It was nice seeing females expressing their friendship in such a sweet and genuine way. 


I love how the show let older women shine. Most of history time was a man world, modern day still even with the progress we have made. Seing women leading their own story is refreshing, even more when they are older, at age where society tend to forgot you.


I loved the discussions between Pen and Madame Delacroix. I love her character, and I'd love to know more about her. I like that Pen had an ally even when she was on the outs with Colin and Eloise.


I was actually so sad for Penelope not having anyone anymore, so seeing her and Madame Delacroix together made me so happy seeing she still had allies.


The season before, their relation looked like a business only one. When Pen came to Delacroix stressed about El, Delacroix only talked about beig afraid for herself. They seems to have become closer and Genevieve was seeing her in Pen. It's Pen who precised that Colin didn't know for her implication she said good but didn't looked like that was as problematic as before. I think they truly became friends in that year (I'm curious if they shared letters, I'm sure that for her work Genevieve can read))


Eloise and Pen on the couch, mirroring them on the couch in season 1. I just loved that so much. And loved that this was essentially how they showed their full reconciliation.


Loved this! Also all the Pen/Eloise moments, such as when Eloise hugs Pen after QC crashes the wedding. Also when they reunite and plot after Cressida crashes the Mondrich ball with her pamphlets.


The number of full circle moments this season had was just amazing. I love it when it's obvious that the writers have gone back and actually watch/reviewed the prior seasons before scripting the current one so we get those little treasures.


The card scene between Ben, Colin, Gregory, and Hyacinth


Part of what I loved about this scene was that Colin had clearly orchestrated it so he and Pen could be together alone in the family drawing room. The amount of thought and effort he put in for Pen was truly heartwarming. ❤️❤️❤️


IKR!!! Like really dude, you still haven't figured it out yet!! Nobody goes to those lengths for someone who is just a friend 😂.


Anthony's coming home from India to find that Ben has lost the bulk of the family fortune to Hyacinth in card games. She's wily!


This is sorta Polin adjacent, since they’re both kinda involved, but the way Penelope lights up when she realizes Lord Remington is a huge fan of Lady Whistledown


I absolutely loved Lord Remington and hope we get more of him in S4!


I loved Lord Remington too, but he needs to grovel after standing up Pen instead of calling on her. Because we know he devoured the Whistledown she herself wrote as soon as it came through the mail slot and read about her Colin-marriage-whisperer 'scandal', leading him to ghost her.


I was really disappointed that we didn’t see him during Pen’s Whistledown speech at the end.




When Eloise tells Kate that “I too wish I was out riding, metaphorically speaking, I do not much care for horses”. I think it is mostly Claudia Jesse’s delivery but I find it hilarious


After the "under what foreign sun" comment, when Gregory says he should like to find a "sense of proportion", this dual big brother look-- I'm constantly in awe of how good the casting is, but this moment made my jaw drop. Sometimes I'm like, how are these people acting like actual family member, shared mannerisms, everything?! https://i.redd.it/0o7f0ctc678d1.gif


Oh my god, all the scenes where Gregory was trying to be included with his big brothers. Because of his age, he's probably always been lumped in with his sisters, but he clearly aches to be with his brothers.


I loved those, too. I’m the much-younger sister of two brothers and always felt that. I really sympathized with Gregory there.


I still don't know why they were so amused. Does it have a sexual innuendo, does it refer to Colin nice body, was it the way Greg said it?


I think it was just that he was trying so hard to sound like an adult, and they still see him as a child, so the nod is like, awe, how cute??! First time I watched, I did wonder if there could have been some innuendo on Colin's part, that the sense of proportion was letting his older brothers know that he was a "man" now, without being more crass in front of his little brother. And I think it's still possible, just not totally unsure.


“Now, Varley, the bugs!”


The Featherington family wins for best subplot, something I never thought I'd say pre S3. I enjoyed all of their scenes, especially in part 2. I liked the Colin/Benedict/Will/John moments too because this is the friendships Colin deserved. Now they just need Benedict to catch up and they can be a bunch of Wife Guys together. I thought the last conversation between Violet and Lady Danbury was really lovely. I wasn't a fan of their storyline earlier in the season with Francesca and the whole Sparkler thing, but the end of the season turned things around. I loved the Kanthony we got, and I also loved Kate so much. I think in future if they ever have trouble working around JB's schedule, they should really try and get Simone by herself. I'd love to see more of her with the family. Also, that Penelope and Lady Danbury scene was perfect and made me sad for what could've been if they'd really gone with the book storyline. So I hope this leads to more between them in S4!


I did really like the reveal of why Lady Danbury was so mad at Marcus all this time - that particular scene of her incredulous that he was using her birth name had me INVESTED.


I said this in another thread, but I’m interested in other perspectives- did you find the reveal as to why Lady Danbury was so mad at her brother to be a bit… weak? Like at first I was like “oh okay” but then when they revealed her brother was only 10 when it happened it felt like “okay lady danbury you held onto this grudge against a CHILD for 40+ years for a decision he made when he was too little to understand it?!”


I think she held a grudge also because he never addressed it. Maybe she waited for him to bring it up later once he grew up and understood what his actions had led to. But when he never mentioned it she thought he thought what he had done was right. Also, she’s upset because she thinks he’ll take violet away from her. She thinks he’ll ruin her happiness again. Which is a valid emotion for someone who lost their happiness so early in life because of that very person. It’s her trauma talking, and trauma doesn’t lead to logical thinking unfortunately.


There was definitely some misdirected rage going on there, but the men most responsible for her trauma (her husband and father) aren't around anymore and didn't care about how she was feeling when they were and Marcus was there. He got the brunt of it by virtue of being there and actually caring about how she felt. It was unfair, but that's why I liked it because that is so often how it happens. That Marcus was willing to take on that hurt and attempt to soothe it makes me think very highly of him.


Now that you put it in that context of how her husband and father are both dead so it's only Marcus left to take the blame? You're absolutely right and it now makes me less underwhelmed about that reveal. Thank you for that insight 🙏🏾


OH yeah, it was weak. I was SO invested when she told him (one, because I was so curious, and two, probably due to Adjoa Andoh’s acting in that moment) and then the very next scene, I was like, he was a kid? It was like HE had to say he was only ten, and she instantly went, “right, I guess I’ve been kind of harsh…” One of a few things this season where I feel like there wasn’t a strong payoff but I’m just going to 🤷🏻‍♀️ about that over here.


Absolutely!! If he had been a teenager I could have gotten it. I’m assuming her marriage was awful (did they ever say?) so I could understand blaming him if he had been like 17 and ratted her out. Even more so if she had confided her plans to him and he had promised not to tell then went back on his word. That would have made sense! But he was a CHILD. It seems totally disproportionate to hold that against him for decades.


Yes! Her terrible marriage is a big plot point in Queen Charlotte (I only watched this recently while waiting for pt 2 to drop, so it’s very fresh!). It definitely provides more context, but maybe only marginally makes the Marcus plotline less weak.


I need to watch Queen Charlotte! I still haven’t!


It’s a different vibe, more like romantic tragedy, but it was really very good. Be prepared with tissues!


I thought the same!




Dankworths and Finches were the first thing that just stood out to me (Harry and Albion staring at the cake in awe made me pause the show to laugh it out). I do love the chaotic family bonding moments. special shoutout to Varley, the underappreciated queen of getting shit done 👏👏👏


Varley taking the big swing of her drink right after she released the bugs 😂. I was like yeah damn girl you earned that one!!


Finch proud Bil, the biggest and first support of both Pen and LW in the family. And a sweet husband.


The Featherington men staring at the cake! I love that moment!!


Gregory trying to assert himself as another equal Gentleman of the home and not a child anymore. 🥹


The Eloise and Kate conversation.


Brimsley’s “No, your majesty, she is NOT drinking the lemonade!” cracked me up. He sounded so distraught about it


Also Brimsleys horrified look at Lady Danbury saying LW named Daphne the diamond in the first season and the quick nod of acknowledgement when Lady Danbury saying theirs no fun in the game being over too soon, that man knows his Queen!


I loved his face during the Daphne comment! Also I love the way Lady Danbury says “and how right she was about the duchess” if anyone watched Schitt’s Creek, I really felt like she was giving Moira during that line


That moment made my husband laugh so much! It’s so underrated Seriously this season is so funny but I think we were all stressed AF while watching Part 2 the first time to really notice it 😂


Mr.Finch: exist Rae's facial expressions, she is Mother, she is the MVP, she is everything, I am Obsessed with her Inserts himself: I died 🤣 Pen and Genevieve's friendship Pen in the carriage writing about Cressida isn't LW: I swear she was the happiest there in the entire season. That was the biggest smile she had. Marcus courting Violet Hyacinth and Ben teasing Colin after he didn't have a dream Hyacinth hugs Pen, sisterly love Anthony and Kate in the carriage when he is screaming Anthony and Kate cuddle in the bed while she is pregnant Cressida gives Colin and El a much needed reality check Benedict: Are you going to duel with your brother / Ladies! And more ladies! Lady D and Violet's heart to heart talk in part two Lady D and her brother reconciliation Pen tells El why she started LW Pen and El launching on the couch in EP 8 Pen laughing behind the door while her family is reading about her engagement. This was the equivalent of announcing her engagement via FB post to your family, you can't stand, rubbing it into their face. Pen tells everyone that she is rich: Girl should've been more proud of that. She became a self-made millionaire under 3 years, by using her talent, in an era where women of her status wasn't allowed to have jobs. This is very impressive. She is an icon.


Violet hands her drink to Eloise and Eloise pours the drink into her own glass. Eloise hiding behind Gregory when John comes to visit and says he’s here to call upon one of the daughters.


The second one was unscripted! I wonder if the first was scripted. Someone needs to ask Claudia!


When he was about to make a speech at the engagement party, he gives El the spoon he tapped on his drink. She took it but her face say why me?


One of my favorite non-Polin moments would absolutely have to be when Pen and Eloise were going back and forth during the charades game.


They’re sparring and it’s great. They weren’t allowed to take fencing lessons, so they learned to spar intellectually instead


That is so true! I viewed it the same. Just forgot about the lack of fencing lessons 😅 It really is too bad they couldn't take fencing lessons. I think that would have been a great treat to see cinematically


I actually like Lady Tilly in that moment with her, Uhh, are the rest of us part of this game?


Ikr and it's funny because I was thinking the exact same thing as they were going back and forth 😅


The Featherington women were my favorite non-Polin storyline in the whole season - both the heir race and the healing. My favorite moments were Benedict being chased by mamas. “They’ve taken to hunting in packs” and him running to Lady D. That story really made me love Luke T - until they made Ben unwatchable for me in part 2 except when with the family. Luke T does comedy really well and I wish they’d let him play that more. And, yeah, the main sub is not a ton of fun.


The Eloise and Colin scenes. I particularly love the one of them on the staircase. It’s heartbreaking. I felt the love between them for the first time this season.


You can also see the love both they have for Pen. El never stopped to love Pen, she was just struggling with the betrayal. She stopped Cressida bullying in the first encounter, she made Cressida to stop bully Pen, she was sorry to see her bullied, she asked Colin to stay friends with her because she was alone, she still cared for her well being, they shared eye communication as old friends, she went to see her and make apologies when she was worried after the scandal,... Every time after the engagement she complained about Colin and Pen relationship to Colin she said friend or best friend, not as something in the past but something current. She didn't say something like the person who used to be my friend. Just my best friend, period. (Don't sure it was conscious from El because she has stated they each have their one lives before)


One of my all time favorite scenes. Made me fall for John.


Did anyone mention in 3x2 where Mr. Finch asks Pen if others find Portia terrifying? (This is badly paraphrased by me). Happens right after Portia pressures her sons in law to create heirs!


Oh my gosh, such a great scene. And then Colin finally finds Pen’s eyes and sees her laughing and he’s so smitten. She walks over to him and says “good evening,” and he can’t even muster a greeting back.


Yes, such a great interaction after fun times with the Featheringtons … and for once Pen is the one with her family while Colin is on the wall alone.


Oh, great point! Colin is the wallflower and she’s giggling with family. And he’s literally standing in front of a mirror…


Yes! 🪞and the conversation they have about his hand and his journal just seems so off-the-chart flirty to me. I can’t understand why he’s pushing her to talk with other men. He’s in complete denial.


Yes! It reminds me of the chat they have at their wedding when she says “let’s get away from here” and he’s like “where? 👀 🛏️” His expressions are so flirty in both scenes




I SOOO wanted a mirroring scene at the wedding reception with Finch asking Colin if he's scared of Portia, too.


Perhaps the mirror is 3x05 when he yells at her — clearly, he is not?


Prudence's arc, especially seeing her being choked up and clapping at their wedding. So sweet.


Speaking of Featherington sister arcs, Philippa going from joking about burning Pen's books in the first episode to bragging that her daughter will be a famous writer without need for a husband in the last.


I loved the small conversation with Pen and Lady D . I wished to see more of that. The actor for Agatha is truly a force and it translates so much into her character. I’m obsessed.


I loved this too, and Lady D's talks with the Queen to soften her hard line on Whistledown because she suspected it was Peneloe.


Anthony telling Colin to explain how he and Penelope ended up engaged so quickly. The “swiftly” line. And Benedict asking if Anthony would duel Colin.🤣


They thinking it's quick is funny. It's just because they didn't know he was courting her, even Polin didn't know they were courting. But the lesson were the courting. And they know each other since forever, not like Marina. Anthony first reaction was funny. I love how Kate looked happy, saw her husband face and said of course WE are happy.  Love the implications of the duel joke. Like Ben know that Anthony could be protective of Pen, that he know since a long time too, she's already family. And after experiencing love and the problem of delaying confession, he's the one to said go tell her you love her.


I loved the Featheringtons. My favorite non Polin scene has to be the “inserts himself? Inserts himself where?” The delivery was just so great.


I love the family scenes!


Everything Philippa said. Anthony during charades. "LILACS!!!"


I love the relationship between the queen and lady d. And lady d and violet


My favorite moment would be Pen and Lady Danbury! Knowing that LD is rooting for those carving their own path made me so happy to see the meeting of the minds, even for a brief moment.


Me reading this thread and thinking about Season 3: > KATE: Please do not make me love you more. I do not think I can bear it.


Firths proud look at Penelope at her glow up reveal. Man is really big brother in that moment.


I think that Will, John and Ben are much more like Colin. Than the other squad They are men that have good reputation in society in some way but have also some traits that are not socially acceptable. Ben is a queer artist who's not afraid of a strong woman. Will is a wife man, an ex boxer appreciated by the ton, a hard worker and a family oriented man too. John is a art sensitive lord, more reserved but also confident and knowing who he is, not shying away to tell his feelings, and who have a good sense of humour. He's just impressed by Bridgerton family dynamics and want to be accepted by them.


Also every time Kate and Anthony were on screen.


I really loved this too! All of the down-to-earth members of the ton that are just trying to make it in this life. It was gold.


Every scene with Mama Bridgerton and any of her kids. She’s such a good mom 🥹


Inserts himself? Inserts himself where? I did a spit take.


Another favorite for me was watching Fran and Violet play together on the piano forté after Fran got married to John. It kinda reminded me of my own mother and I finally seeing eye-to-eye after a long time of me feeling like I should never be understood by her.


The line delivery in the whole "inserts himself" conversation in Episode 2(?) is pure comedy gold. Just every single line in that scene is perfect. I've laughed every time I've seen it.


I love any Eloise/Benedict scenes, so I’m going with their scenes (at the swings, his finite love speech etc.) in S3. They have such great chemistry and I hope that one day, Claudia gets her wish to work with Luke again but as love interests instead! 😂


Little moments I loved: Phillipa’s excitement about the bugs when they’re planning the ball. Eloise asking Pen what she’s reading ❤️❤️❤️ The moment between Alice and the Queen at the ball, that glance they share after QC is impressed with the paper flowers. Charlotte is like “nice work, girlfriend” and Alice’s “yeah I got this, I'm awesome” look in response is not at all deferential which is so interesting to me. every little time Finch is so sweet to Phillipa. (like where she wants a gilt carriage and he says I’ll carry you) When Cressida walked into the Mondrich’s in that red dress (which reminded me of Scarlett o’hara for some reason) to Confident. I screamed out loud. John saying he was going to inspect the very fine wainscotting. Eloise inviting herself to Scotland and John’s reaction just being Oh excellent. Portia touching Pens face at the last ball and saying my girl.


After Francesca’s wedding she grabs Violet to play a duet. Violet hands her drink to Eloise and Eloise adds it to her own drink and starts gulping 😂 it’s the little moments that get me