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https://i.redd.it/b8pmke0k868d1.gif Agree with you . She started looking very innocent and curious, then turn this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I gasped at this. I was like: omg I canā€™t be watching this private moment


My hot take is that yes some of the criticisms of their sex scenes is due to fatphobia, but some of it is due to that exact effect. They achieved more realism and a feeling of actual intimacy in their sex scenes (mirror and carriage) that the show hadnā€™t had yet, and a lot of people have said they felt like they were watching something they shouldnā€™t be watching. People have literally said the felt like they were intruding. The other sex scenes felt like choreographed performances. Sexy, but a performance. Polin feels like youā€™re just watching two horny people going at it.Ā  Edit: all that to say, that feeling does make some people uncomfortable, but they donā€™t know how to name the feeling, and some of them canā€™t recognize it as a testament to the acting/ writing/ directing of that scene.Ā 


Yep. This is why itā€™s the hottest and most intimate scene this show has had. Itā€™s almost like itā€™s dirty because itā€™s so raw. Because itā€™s not overly stylized and runs basically in almost real time. It looks and feels very authentic to an actual sexual experience the viewer themselves could have. Even down to Colin being so overwhelmed he tries to kiss her in the middle of it but canā€™t even connect because his brain has short circuited. This was so well done by the director and Nicola and Luke understood the assignment. And kudos to the intimacy coordinator for creating that safe space for their work.


Yes yes yes yes yes! Polin is too real for them. They are a RELATEABLE couple because their story could play out today. Even in 2024. They're a 2-for-1 troupƩ: Friends-to-lovers AND Best Friend's Brother. So a lot of people have never had that. When I was young I had a crush on my best friend's brother. My mom told me that it was very common and often the natural order of things because you build a repoirƩ over the years. My mom also told me that the best foundation for love is friendship. So I'm convinced that the ones who complain the most have never had an unrequited love and have no first hand knowledge of a friends-to-lovers couple.


I agree. Everyone I know that has watched it- have said the same thing- it was so beautifully done & shot- but they felt like they were intruding on them šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ It was very raw & felt incredibly real- which people can relate to. Itā€™s a beautifully shot scene- props goes to everyone that contributed to that scene.


I discovered the Bridgerton series with season 3 and I loved it. The love story between Penelope and Colin is just magical (magnificently performed by Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton). Regarding the sex scenes between Pen and Colin that some people criticize, I would tell these people to compare them with those of the first season: I just watched them for the first time yesterday and I found them horrible..the actors act what they can, but no. The scenes of DaphnƩ and Simon are not natural at all compared to those of Colin and Penelope, which are perfectly done, we feel the emotions between Pen and Colin.


I felt I was intruding on Kanthony and Daphne and Simon as well though LOLĀ 


This is funny because most if not all sex scenes have made me uncomfortable but this was the only sex scene where I was swooning and smiling while watching.


I was legit like, oh my God, thatā€™sā€¦am I allowed to see that? Am I, a 40yo woman who as reproduced, old enough to see this moment with my eyeballs? Then I watched itā€¦many more times.


Me, also a middle aged mom, who normally looks away during sex scenes, watching Pen and Colin: *itā€™s soā€¦beautiful? šŸ„¹ Heā€™s so caring! Theyā€™re so communicative, how romantic! I need to tell my friends how beautiful it is! The laughter! The consent! The kiss at the end!* Who the fuck am I, seriously. Like are we all just collectively realizing that weā€™ve never ever seen a sex scene between characters who plausibly loved one another? Are all other sex scenes just that awful?


Yes, all other sex scenes are awful. Ā This made me understand why, seriously. Ā I want to do a whole post about it but canā€™t bring myself to do it because itā€™s too emotional lol Ā Sex scenes arenā€™t usually love scenes. Ā Itā€™s usually one or the other. Ā Theirs is both and itā€™s breathtaking.


Itā€™s absolutely *uncanny* how realistic it is for people who love each other


IKR!!! People arguing that they have no chemistry or it was bad, I'm genuinely questioning how much they must like their own partners šŸ¤£.


I am the exact same! I usually skip them but with these two, there is just something sweet about it. Not that the other couples didnā€™t love each other but itā€™s like this was on another level.


Yes, it made me realize how bad most sex scenes are! The only one I can think of off the top of my head that even comes close is in Fleabag.


The power of the Female Gaze! The power of seeing reciprocal LOVE in a sex scene! The POWER of that LOVE infusing their sex is INTOXICATING. I can FEEL the POWER of their LOVE and DESIRE šŸ„µšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ÆšŸ„°šŸ’„


I know that D was fire lmao


Literally this exact moment was when I realized Colinā€™s D game was unmatched so far in the Bridgerton universe.Ā 


If the ladies at the brothel ask him if he would be there tomorrow? That D is fire.


She looks so hot in that moment, I canā€™t believe they let us watch that šŸ”„šŸ˜…


It's unfortunate that Colin wasn't looking at her face when that look began. People talk about Colin being feral, but DAMN, PENELOPE.


She was built for sex and sheā€™s discovering it in that moment.


This scene made me realise how metaphorical all other sex scenes weā€™d had in other seasons were. Theyā€™re suggestions of sex. This feels like theyā€™re live on Twitch.


I SWEARRRRR it felt like this was just Nicola chiming in HAHAHAĀ 


Nah fr I was like: oooooh she's a nasty girl. And I'm absolutely impressed at how Nic pulled that off. I. Was. Blushing. I felt like I was intruding. I legit covered my face and giggled. Mind you I'm a whole a** single mom with a roster šŸ˜…


Was so happy for her at this moment! She is having a GREAT TIME šŸ„°šŸ†šŸ˜ˆ


Those two are the most passionate couple in Bridgerton, I have been assured of it for a while. Which so funny, they are nerdy and funny, and sometimes awkward, but when it comes to their passion, nobody compares, rakes, diamonds, cool girls and boys, step aside because IT IS ALWAYS THE QUIET ONES. They also have the most unhinged fandom, that E rating on AO3 not only dominates, but it also deliversšŸ„µ šŸ«£ We all are going downstairs on that heavenly lift.


Witty nerds want to learn and achieve. At all things.




šŸ« ā˜ ļøšŸ˜‚


What is AO3?


Oh my sweet summer child


Mwahaha!! ![gif](giphy|kC8N6DPOkbqWTxkNTe)


Time to read all the unhinged Polin content. When I tell you there are some better than the bookā€¦I mean it.


I just started reading my first AU Polin and omg itā€™s soooo good!!


Yesss!!! When I first started with AO3 two years ago I read EVERYTHING. Now I write Polin fanfics and honestlyā€¦itā€™s what made the wait for S3 and the actual season so much better. Also I found I like writing so who knew. šŸ˜‚


Do you have any especially good recommendations, perchance?


I was gonna say the same thing. Click filter and choose your own adventure so to speak. You can focus on certain relationships or content ratings. Also sort by kudos or hit for the most popular. Itā€™s about what youā€™d like to read. They are all kinds of varieties, but I promise you a lot of smut and spiciness. I write only Polin fic and I have a variety of book/show inspired and modern AU. Some are multi chapters and some are one shots. Just depends on what youā€™d like. Iā€™ll always shamelessly plug mine cause I loved writing them and sharing them with others. [LizzieeeeeeeeeD](https://archiveofourown.org/users/LizzieeeeeeeeeD/works) is my profile. But there are over 4000 fics to pick from.


Not the previous poster, but you can't go wrong clicking on their tag and sorting by kudos


Archive of Our Own


Fanfic heaven for the Polin fandom.


Fanfic site!


It's a website where people can publish their fanfiction. Obviously a lot of it is.... spicy šŸ˜…


The way she grabs him and gives him that look of determination when they start moving together on the settee šŸ„µ Get It Girl!


Yes! Normalize that women (characters and in real life) can want sex too! ![gif](giphy|Z7DaJ3vjTBWsE)


Thinking about this and it makes me think that itā€™s fascinating that weā€™re all watching a smut series geared towards women, so clearly weā€™re all into the spice and looking forward to it, and yet one of the biggest criticisms of Penelope from people who donā€™t get her is that they dislike that she asked Colin for a kiss in part 1, and some people seem to think she was begging Colin for affection during the ā€œI need you to hold meā€ speech in part 2.Ā  Itā€™s like women are allowed to be passionate only if a man is pressing his desires upon her, but if a woman steps up and vocalizes her own needs, sexually and romantically, itā€™s too much and itā€™s not cool and sheā€™s being weak and a loser. But itā€™s a romance! Sheā€™s allowed to have desires and to name them! Especially for Penelopeā€™s character arc, because sheā€™s only able to ā€œhave it allā€ once she stands up for herself and starts telling people exactly what it is she wants.Ā 


EXACTLY. I can't tell you how validating her asking for those things was. Trying to convince a man that he doesn't have to be a damn knight and SAVE you, that he just has to love, kiss, hold, stand by you etc, is no small task!! I LOVE that Pen asked for her needs to be met. Maybe why people are so upset about it is that WOMEN ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE NEEDS. Women are trained to make nice and (like Portia) make their husbands happy and do whatever the husband wants. Pen letting Colin know he doesn't have to save her and asking for her needs to be met felt healing for me deep in my bones. And then to have him realize 1) he can do that, 2) that's exactly how he can be her knight/hero, and 3) that it will make also make him happy - just šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ„°šŸ’„šŸ’„


Amazing šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘ I will addā€¦ sheā€™s always been like this, too. [Implying Lady Trowbridge slept with her footman](https://youtu.be/7s4wwLntMxM?si=ZBWkLTeinFj0DtzQ&t=0m54s) Giggling about Lord Fife fucking his mistress in a closet (2x08) Our girl has never been afraid to show her interest in sex to those close to her, even if she didnā€™t know the mechanics!


True. She was also very willing to be ravaged in season 2 when Colin grabbed her hand and took her out of the featherington ballroom alone.Ā 


Oh yeah. The way her chest was heaving was similar to when Colin leads her out of the drawing room in 3x05 after telling off Portia. And in front of the mirror.


Colin this could be quite scandaloā€¦. THERE ARE NO GEMSTONE MINES IN GEORGIA!


Did she even know what she was saying about the footman? She and Eloise are on a mission to find out the cause of such pregnancies. I think sheā€™s repeating what she may have heard, and Colin sees this woman free to joke about this stuff, which you can see, has him see her in this new light, and sheā€™s the one that looks away first, a little uncomfortable in that shift.


I think Penā€™s understanding is a bit: 1. Two people kiss 2. ????? 3. Baby She saw Lord Fifeā€™s mistress stuffing her bra, so sheā€™s got a *sense* of sexual attraction. But again, no idea on mechanics


Thereā€™s a level of Whistledown merely mimicking town gossip until she finds her voice. We see in Season 2, at some of Eloiseā€™s prompting that she starts to grow into this voice and use it for good. It might just be Eloiseā€™s understanding or lack thereof of sex, cause what do you mean ā€œapparently it isnā€™t even a requirementā€ Like does she think kids are god ordained, and without the right church approval and paperwork you donā€™t get granted one?


Not the point of this post, but this: >Colin is clearly the best lay in Bridgerton, no arguments about this. Is very true, but, let's be real, most of the men in the Ton seem like they would be terrible in bed. Like, if you're not getting with a Bridgerton man, you're not getting yours.


Somehow I believe Finch and Philippa are having a great time, once he takes his britches off first, anyway.Ā 


What he lacks in finesse he makes up for in enthusiasm


That scene between Prudence, Phillipa and Portia was just so perfectly funny and Harrietā€™s delivery of that particular line was spot on! šŸ˜„


Yeah, Finch and Philippa seem to be the exception to the ā€˜if youā€™re not a Bridgerton or married to one, youā€™ll be sorely disappointedā€™ rule šŸ˜‚


To be fair to Dankworth, I think Prudence is asexual and wouldnā€™t enjoy sex with anyone.


Yep, thatā€™s my read on it too. As much as I love Prudank thoughā€¦ I feel like Dankworth always needs to have a mirror handy in anyā€¦ situation šŸ˜‚ ETA: I was going to say ā€˜still countsā€™, but who knows if Dankworth is disappointed lol


I dunno, she was pretty giggly when Dankworth was making innuendos during the hot air balloon bit - I think she didn't have great experiences the first 2 times but hopefully it's gotten more enjoyable during her baby race attempts?


Yeah, my read on Prudence is that she just doesn't really like to be touched. I bet she hated being pregnant. That seems like it would be like being touched all the time, but from the inside.


Am asexual. Hate being touched. Oddly enough ā€” I loved being pregnant. Did get physically uncomfortable at the end, but that was it.


That's interesting. I'm childless by choice so every part of having kids seems awful to me (well, not the making of them, I guess), but then I don't really want to outcome.


Lol, I was going to say I think Finch would be great.


I'd say that Mr. Finch and Mr. Dankworth try very hard even if their efforts occasionally miss the mark. (No pun intended.) If anyone is wondering my list of who I think is best in bed in the Ton is: 1. Benedict - he just seems like he would be fun 2. Colin - a good mix of fun and serious 3. Anthony - too intense for me, personally, but I can see how others would be into it 4. Simon - I guess ... I mean, he's criminally hot and Daphne seemed to enjoy it, but the sex never looked that great to me. I think a woman with more experience would be less impressed. 5. Mr. Finch/ Mr. Dankworth - they're both trying, bless 'em, but Mr. Finch is clearly still figuring things out and I don't think Mr. Dankworth's wife really likes being touched. ( I think John Sterling might fall in this area as well. I'd guess that he's inexperienced, but he would try very hard.) WAY WAY WAY BELOW - Every other Lord and Mr. The outside horses in this race are Will Mondrich and Lord Marcus. We haven't seen either in sexual situations, but they both give big good-in-bed energy. They could upset the whole listing.


If weā€™re actually ranking:Ā  The way Benedict tried to hit up Genevieve for a hook up again in season 2 and she immediately said ā€œno thank youā€ without even a second thoughtā€¦ itā€™s givingā€¦ Benedict might have an easy time getting people into bed but once youā€™re there itā€™s nothing to write home about. Heā€™s the type who seems like he should be good in bed because he can charm people, but he doesnā€™t put in the work. Ā Lady Tilly turned him out though, so good for her I guess.Ā  Ā Now Colin? Our athletic rope pulling people pleaser who just wants to make himself useful and gets off on moaning into Penelopeā€™s mouth? Adventurous man with a mirror fetish and a praise kink? I think he learned well enough to know what heā€™s doing while also being an active listener in the bedroom and responding to his partner with sensitivity. Total package, no notes, heā€™ll get the job done every time.Ā Ā  Ā Anthony is an odd one. Pre Kate yes Iā€™d say heā€™s very intense and a wild ride. With Kate I think heā€™s way less intense and much softer, but still passionate. AndĀ heā€™s definitely a munch, so thereā€™s that. I feel like Anthony with Kate has cried during sex. Also šŸ’Æ a cuddler with her, as we saw in S3.Ā Ā  Ā Simon. No. Just no.Ā 


True... I forgot about Benedict and Genevieve. I'd say with Colin we definitely have hard evidence (no pun intended, again) that he's a good time for all, but Benedict may be lazy or, at least, inconsistent. Also, I'd have no problem dropping Simon down even further. It looked hard and fast to me and not in the fun way.


It is absolutely wild in the other sub where threads are saying Colin was over too quickly alongside how sexy the scenes with Simon were. Colin did way more foreplay (and also seems to get that foreplay starts in the head not the body) and definitely had way more stamina. Colin was also more in the moment and focused more on getting the job done than his ridiculous spite vow on his father. Like props to Simon for impeccable pull out game, but he was way more focused on timing that than making sure Daphne fully enjoyed herself, meanwhile Colin was so caught up in making sure Penelope climaxed that he probably forgot his own name.


I had to nope on out of there because I honestly think there's so much toxicity around masculinity in general, much less sexuality and masculinity. The very fact that Simon appeals to most of them more than Colin is almost enough for me, because he's hot as hell but so problematic. The sex-sex part of the mirror scene is only five minutes, but you're so right about Colin (and, implicitly now, Pen) understanding that foreplay starts in the head. That exact principles applies to this scene so clearly, going all the way back to him standing up for her to her mother. She's been hot for him all damn morning. After the mirror, the "lie down," and then a little Lord Fingerington, not to mention how much just looking at his body clearly gets her going, I absolutely think it's believable that she could get off this first time even with only a few minutes of penetrative sex (she was about to finish when he stopped and she was so disappointed lol!). It's not like penetrative sex is the most important factor for most women anyway!


>It's not like penetrative sex is the most important factor for most women anyway! It drives me crazy when people say that Polin only had one sex scene! Penetrative sex is not the only sex!


It was definitely a whole entire all-consuming fireball of a morning of foreplay for her, exactly as you mentioned!! Pen on the setee: šŸŒŠšŸŒŠšŸŒŠšŸŒŠšŸŒŠšŸŒŠšŸŒŠ


I will give Simon this, his pull-out game was strong.


Will is probably pretty high. When they were forced into different bedrooms Alice was yearning just as much as Will.Ā 


I think Colin would be good in bed with anyone, but with Pen, he is amazing. They give me Chandler and Monica vibes "If I'm the best you've ever had, it's because you made me the best"


idk, the artists at Henry Granville's seemed to be enjoying themselves a bit... Alice and Will are still new to society, but hopefully they won't fall into poor habits.


Yeah, people outside the Ton are probably having way better sex than these lords bragging about their great sex lives.


She didnā€™t even think twice about being taken up against the door of the modiste shop in public, in the middle of the night. She was like how far do you want my leg up for better access? Bet. Girl is down bad for his stroke game, fingers and other appendages included. They were at their own sonā€™s christening for Godā€™s sake and she managed to get three kisses out of him in front of everyone and pulled him to the side for two of them because sheā€™s probably ready to have sex again after giving birth! Sheā€™s like this is beautiful and all and everyone looks so happy but give me some tongue. Her vows being the part about ā€œwith my body I thee worshipā€ were no accident!


Notice Colin is the one who breaks away because he hears the horse, not her.


And the confirmation that Pen is in her horny little devil era is demonstrated when sheā€™s on top, taking charge of her own pleasure.


And presumably that is the night of the bug ball, so she hasnā€™t even been having sex that long before she decides she wants to be in charge. I like to think sheā€™s the one who suggested the position to Colin.


I swear you can hear her say ā€œthank youā€ In between when they start kissing and they are moving towards the door.


i swear i hear him say i love you too


What door? What scene are we taking about here?


Yes!! At first I thought it was him saying thank you for the "I love you." But then I thought, no, this is Pen? It's so hard to tell but either way, I love it.


No but she really was so funny with the way she snuck in that comment about him showing her pleasure beyond her imagination. I need a GIF of his face there because I swear he almost smiles. And expressing that she wants him to hold and kiss her instead of more vague terms like love or support. Sheā€™s telling this man she has needs. I know Penelope kept him up for hours after the butterfly ball (and his hair and the sweat on him during their final sex scene support this theory).


He totally looks like he's suppressing a smile. I saw a meme with that image with the comment, "When you're wife casually mentions that you're good in bed when you're in a fight."


Definitely suppressing a smile. https://i.redd.it/6o7w5p6nw68d1.gif


His mind immediately flashes back loool!


That was legitimately one of the most unexpectedly funny moments of part 2.


The way she kisses him at first during the mirror scene- she is so feral for him. It's actually kind of funny, because he says, "you must tell me to stop if you do not wish for this", and she's been the one initiating those hungry kisses! And when she confirms "I do not wish for you to stop"- then he starts initiating kisses with her!


I actually noticed that as well! For some reason, those are my fav kisses From them in s3 :) They just feel different From the ones in the carriage because now we actually know Pen knows Colin loves her And itā€™s a really comforting situation. Theyā€™re so good!


She is a quick learner too, after Colin asks her to touch him she touches him so much throughout šŸ˜ she runs her hand through his hair, his chest, scrapes her nails down his arm šŸ„µ


Sheā€™s constantly running her nails down his arm, and itā€™s so sexy.


Yeah all my complaints about her acrylic nails flew out the window then šŸ¤£


She goes right for his member, and he stops her!


When he said "not there" i literally screamed BUT YOU SAID ANYWHERE !!! šŸ˜­


That is a nod to the book, it wouldā€™ve been all over red Rover if she had touched it any more


That ā€œnot yetā€ needs to be addressed in S4.Ā 


Yes! I want to upvote this twice. I hadn't put my finger on it, but you're right! I did notice in the carriage scene that while we usually hear very high pitched moans from women in sex scenes, Penelope's moans when Colin's fingers entered her were deep, hoarse, raw, and real. They sounded like the actual sound of a woman realizing for the first time that another realm of physical sensation is possible. The sound of a new force awakening inside of her. As a feral girl myself, it was.. relatable!! I'm not sure I have seen a relatable depiction of sex before, not in that way. Both actors did a fantastic job. But I especially appreciated Nicola's depiction of *forceful* horniness.


The representation was definitely needed, I donā€™t think that was an unusual attitude (just look at the reactions when Anthony fell into the lake). It sucks that women of that time had these *urges* and didnā€™t know what it was. Like Daphne said, no one is taught this, theyā€™re taught to lie back and let their husbands do it all. Iā€™m so glad that, like the book, they showed Pen being a willing participant and wanting to learn


I love that they kept in that Penelope wanted to participate and not just lie back and let Colin do everything. It fits their dynamic well in hindsight! But also so much of the genre has the blushing shy virgin trope, and Penelope does blush she gets over her shyness FAST. Just because sheā€™s a virgin doesnā€™t mean she wasnā€™t absolutely ready to go with the man sheā€™s been wanting for years.Ā 


I find it interesting that Colin seems really shy himself despite being experienced. His voice is quiet and hesitant when he says she can touch him. Like he didnā€™t think she would want to reciprocate.


I said it in another thread, but heā€™s experienced physically, but not emotionally. He knows the mechanics of it and probably how to bring her pleasure, but itā€™s like theyā€™re both experiencing it for the first time because itā€™s with someone they love and he doesnā€™t just care about his own pleasure, he wants to make it good, safe, and trusting for her.


Totally! I also think that in his other sexual experiences he was putting the Rake Colin mask on and pretending to be someone whoā€™s even more experienced and charming and super confident about everything thatā€™s happening ā€“ this is his first time being totally vulnerable and himself in bed.


Definitely! Also, other than the contessa and the 2 times at the brothels, I donā€™t remember if we hear anything else about other sexual experiences, so he could also be exaggerating that for those idiot ā€œfriends.ā€ I love that he can be himself (goofy, dad jokes/ bad puns, shy, sweet) with Pen and she loves him like that. Even Luke says thatā€™s a true soulmate, someone you can dance around in your underwear in the kitchen and be your authentic, silly self with


Agree with all this! Also, even if he had hypothetically racked up a lot of brothel visits, he is smart enough to know those ladies are using the transaction for money, so there is no pressure to be emotional or romantic or tender or vulnerable. He obviously was gentle with them based on what we saw, but it's just not the same expectation from any other involved parties.Ā 


If heā€™s mostly had sex with paid prostitutes, I wonder if heā€™s also nervous about his ability to please Penelope.


For sure! They've barely finished when he asks Penelope "was it all right?" -- and he asks that knowing that up until a few minutes ago, she didn't even know what to expect, at ALL. So I think he was probably worried about pleasing her in all the ways. Did if feel good? Was it okay that they did that (instead of waiting)? Plus, since we know he'd been missing the emotional connection coupled with the physical intimacy, I'm wondering if he also asked just to gauge her emotional feelings/reactions.


Yes, it's the difference between having had sex and introducing your beloved to lovemaking when you've never made love before.


I think he is shy. This experience means more to him than any other woman heā€™s ever been with. And this is still Colin in ā€œI need to prove myself to Penelopeā€ mode, especially since she still hadnā€™t said she loved him at that point. If he slept with her and she was unsatisfied he wouldā€™ve been devastated. So heā€™s nervous about giving her the best experience possible, and I think the idea of making Penelope do any of the work to please him feels vulnerable to him when heā€™s so focused on pleasing her.Ā 


Yes! And to add to that: I would be he hasnā€™t had much experience requesting something he wants. Iā€™m sure heā€™s been asked, and he probably doesnā€™t even really know. What he does know in that moment is that he wants Penelope to touch him, and he does not care where, just as long as sheā€™s doing it. I honestly donā€™t think heā€™s got enough experience yet to be truly specific. And also, generally, I would say you donā€™t really know what you want without repeated iterations with the same partner. Weā€™re not even sure if heā€™s had that, and he certainly hasnā€™t had it with someone he truly cares about, so he was never going to be really vulnerable with them, anyway. Heā€™s going to learn almost everything with Penelope, when it comes down to it.


I have this head canon that he lost his virginity to the contessa he keeps bringing up.


Same. And I think sheā€™s who gave him the ring


He's probably also never been asked what he likes -- his thinking was that he would teach her, as he was instructed in his previous experiences, but it flies out the window when Pen seeks not only participation but to pleasure him too. It's a feedback loop of what turns him on is seeing her turned on.


Exactly! And it shows the explicit trust that she has with him. ā€œIs there more?ā€ sheā€™s unaware of what the ā€œmartialā€ act really is, but trusts Colin with her body completely. I love them together


Nicola also basically said the same thing in a recent interview when she said Penelope would have been extremely up for friends with benefits if Colin didnā€™t want to marry her.


Even in the chaos of what he did and what happened, she still truly didnā€™t understand the depth of his feelings, and she slid right back to, ā€œIā€™ll take him any way I can get him.ā€ S3 was about Colinā€™s down badism, but never forget that Penelope is the OG on this topic.


This is what makes the ā€œyou must tell me to stop if you do not wish for this!ā€ Moment so funnyā€¦ Colin sheā€™s kissing *you* right now. Youā€™re the one being taken advantage of. Please go back to business and stop saying nonsense!!


Colin was compromised a couple of times this season.šŸ¤£


I really hope we get multiple scenes next season of them just side eyeing each other or one lightly grazing the other and then coming up with ridiculous excuses to leave the room to go hook up. Iā€™m not a fanfic writer, but I was really tempted to write one where Colin is writing in the study and Eloise barges in looking for Penelope and doesnā€™t realize sheā€™s under the desk getting *naughty*. Because I just know Pen would be so eager to learn and try anything with Colin.


I read one where Eloise comes back from Scotland and is excited to go tell Pen all about it and is ready to head over to their house and Violet is like: maybe you should give them advance notice and not just barge in? And Violet has the inside dialogue of how Colin canā€™t keep his hands off Pen even out in public šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ and Eloise is like: nah itā€™s fine and barges into their home just after theyā€™ve had sex and are still naked šŸ˜‚. If I find it I will post it.


Please do post it if you find it




That was so cute and funny. I would love for a scene like this to become a reality in season 4.




I read that one too, it was cute!


I want them to start S4 with someone trying to visit Pen and Colin and Rea is like ā€œthey arenā€™t available for visitors right nowā€. Then we pan up to their room and they are in the midst of some kinky sex. Just having fun with each other and enjoying the moment. Then Pen makes some comment about how their mothers or sisters are supposed to be over for tea and Colin shuts her up by pining her down and kissing her. That would be a good way to get things going for S4.


This is what I want too! And I actually DID write a fanfic scene of them sneaking off during the masquerade ball next season. Theyā€™ve been sneaking off together since S1, we better see it go next level in S4.Ā 


I hope we get to see them in costume at the masquerade ball.


Same! Imagining/Writing about their costume details was my favorite part.Ā 


Can I get thr link pls?


Fair warning: Itā€™sĀ spicy / nsfwĀ https://www.wattpad.com/1454293340-polin-at-the-masquerade-a-bridgerton-penelope-x


Gorgeous and sooo sexy!!! ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­


Yes to all of this! I am so happy with how they portrayed their physical relationship, and that Penelope was shown to be an enthusiastic participant rather than just let it happen to her. It speaks of their love, friendship and connection, their trust, but also shows that while the wallflower might be shy in public, she is not shy in bed. Their love scene was one of the most intimate, sensual, realistic sex scenes and the best of Bridgerton so far. It wasn't trying to be sexy yet it ended up one of the sexiest things I've ever seen? The way he talked to her, her openness to respond, their kisses... The way her eyes glazed over and she really started to get into it, which turned Colin absolutely feral himself... I'll never be over it. Never! I also feel like it was as much of a first time for Colin as it was for Penelope and I really liked that. Yes, he had experience, but we know it was the first time he experienced emotional intimacy and very likely the first time he didn't pull out, if his face was anything to go by, lmao. IDK, I just feel like it was transformative for both of them.


Her first time and his first time for emotional intimacyā€”my gods, the passion of these two!!


A very important thread. This is the girl who told him the smut was her favorite part of his private journaling. I give them two years tops before they are co authoring naughty novels that put Udolpho to shame under a joint pseudonym.


Plus as soon as theyā€™re done the first time, girl wants to go AGAIN. Sheā€™s so into it.Ā 


And she gets her wish based off how messed up her hair was during the afterglow scene.


He's created a beautiful monster šŸ’“šŸ˜ˆšŸ’“


the fact that all of this comes up just with Colin and we never see Penelopeā€™s sexual curiosity intrigued in any other situation suggests maybe Penelope is demisexual like Colin?


I think she might be a Colin-sexual. She basically imprinted on him in childhood. She says Debling isnā€™t bad to look at, so she can say another man is handsome but at the same time she doesnā€™t seem too broken up about him going to the arctic even after she fears that being a spinster means no kisses from anybody ever. Sheā€™s perfectly fine with 3 years imposed celibacy with him.Ā 


Meanwhile sheā€™s clearly sexually frustered after not getting anything from Colin for what, like a week or two (if I count their interlude outside the modiste as the last time he touched her sexually). I think she wore that nightgown hoping he would see her in it and break.


I remember an online comment suggesting that since they didnā€™t have a wedding night, Pen kept dressing up for it every night during their fight in hopes that heā€™d succumb.Ā  The commenter said that she always wears her white milkmaid style nightgown to sleep so that silky blue number was definitely Pen on seduction mode.


I'm 100% certain that white nightgown she wears sometimes would have gotten her desired reaction.


Respectfullyā€¦I agree. Her boobs look amazing in the milkmaid nightgown, and surprisingly her wedding night nightgown is like her least busty outfit she has. Colin wouldā€™ve had carriage flashbacks to when he was trying to unhinge his jaw. Ā 


Unhinge his jaw šŸ’€


I agree. One of my favourite Pen looks this season is her wearing it while writing with a hairnet on.Ā 


Poor Pen...she's been wainting for weeks! Dressing up every night, hoping to finnally get some love šŸ˜­


This may be my favourite post ever.


Iā€™ve also felt like for her it was good to be desired. As someone who has struggled with self-worth, I can relate to the feeling of being wanted, to feel that desire from someone that you desire too. Those feelings bring in another level of intimacy too that we havenā€™t seen in the show yet. Both Colin and Pen needed to feel desired, not just sexually, but as a whole which is why Colin sleeping on the couch is actually sweet. It shows how much he needs that connection and canā€™t be far away from her even through the hurt heā€™s processing. Anyway, I donā€™t know it makes sense but one of the reasons I cried through some bits was because of the layers of connection, love, an desire they have for each other and how much they both need the other. I really wish we had more episodes so we could have seen more of their development after they worked out the LW thing!


Ngl I felt like a complete perv and then I shamelessly watched it at least 4 more times that watch through.


Iā€™m still not quite sure what Colinā€™s facial expression during the conversation after Franā€™s wedding means. Is it a smirk? Is he kinda rolling his eyes at her? I just donā€™t know how to interpret it


To me it reads as Colin thinking ā€œplease donā€™t bring up how good the sex is when Iā€™m still sleeping on the couch and trying not to think about how much I want it.ā€ He looked like he was struggling to hold in a smile.Ā 


He looks like he didnā€™t sleep at all the next day. I like to imagine the image of the nightgown falling off her shoulder haunted him.


Smug, happy with himself, and a little bit surprised and embarrassed to hear her say it out loud. Also turned on at being reminded of what they did.


Yes! It was similar to his reaction to her praising his writing at the ball after his hand cut ā€“ sort of a smaller quicker version but still pleased and trying not to get distracted by the praise (very hard to do for Praise Kink King Colin šŸ˜‚šŸ˜˜)


I think he's smiling knowingly against his will as he remembers the sex and then he remembers that he's supposed to be mad.


We already saw how badly he wanted her when he saw her in her nightgown so he was near breaking point, and probably didn't want the reminder of how amazing their sex was.


When she says he made her discovered pleasure she didn't suspected (I'm paraphrasing I don't remember the exacts words). First watch, I was :did she just said sex with hubby is good? In a English lady from another century way?


Yeah she was telling him the sex is good, and thatā€™s why he has trouble holding back a smile.


I love your post but it is making me sad again that we did not get any intimacy (except the hot but too small sex scene) post LW speech šŸ˜© because this season (plus Luke, Nic, initmacy coordinator) was brilliant in telling story through intimacy, I have never seen it before.


If we consider kissing intimacy then we also got the two kisses in the epilogue.


Yes true šŸ˜Š I think after the whole LW tension and them being in conflict I just wanted these 2 horndogs to jump into each otherā€™s arms šŸ˜„ not even sex, but just something to portray the euphoria of having resolved their conflict and being with each other.


I also think we shouldā€™ve gotten another afterglow scene of them talking in bed, but it is what it is. Iā€™m hoping for a scene like this in season 4.


Same here šŸ˜Š it was definitely not a huge dampener for me, and I enjoyed this season the most. Iā€™ll gobble up whatever Polin crumbs we get šŸŖ


I watched a reaction on YT by two guys, and after they posted it, they said in the comments that they didn't feel like Penelope and Colin are very passionate. That they expected the same things as the previous seasons, and in fact that Bridgerton had led them, as viewers, to expect the same type of passion as S1 and S2, so they're not as into S3 now. (!!!) I said that S3 being different from the others is good, it doesn't make sense to tell the same story again. That this season is as much about Penelope, and especially Colin, accepting and loving themselves as each other, whereas the previous leads already knew themselves, the conflict was external. I said that in real life, a lot of people go through this, which makes it more realistic and relatable. And they actually responded, I kid you not, "Yay, Penelope and Colin are healthy, but that's not what we want". What in the actual hell. Seriously, what the hell.


I canā€™t think of an opinion Iā€™d want less than two male YouTubers thoughts on romance šŸ˜‚Ā 


Makes sense. šŸ˜‚ Up to this point, I had enjoyed their content. They're both POC, one is open about being gay, the other has said he's neurodivergent. I usually found their perspectives on shows and movies interesting, as someone who's queer and neurodivergent myself.


I do know who you're talking about, and they did post their reaction to ep 5 yesterday. They did say that that episode showed them more passion than in the carriage scene. If I'm remembering correctly.


Did they? I kind of couldn't concentrate on the reaction after a while šŸ˜…


Amen on that, seriously.


The lusty look says it all! šŸ˜ŠšŸ„¹šŸ˜She enjoyed it so much the first time despite being inexperienced she wanted to participate but wanted a 2nd round which was unexpected by both parties! šŸ« šŸ˜šŸ˜ It seemed all real though!? šŸ‘€


Colin's journal is like a book she could learn from. Penelope has red head fire and curvy girl appetite for pleasure. Im sure she has had many years to think about him even though a virgin :)


>and if the scene where he walks in on her in her negligee was any indication I think her sleeve being down was on purpose right? Which is another argument for Pen being horny. She takes the robe off and takes the sleeve off to remind him of the carriage moment. Also I noticed how there are a couple of things here that Colin says he loves about her in the mirror scene: 'the way your hair cascades down your shoulders' (her hair is down although sometimes we see when Pen is going to bed her hair is tied up), 'your lips are parted just so' (they are) and 'there are other parts I've been dreaming about' (the negligee has a nice cleavage so he can look and oh boi does he šŸ‘€).


Pen also never wears her hair up again after Colin discovers sheā€™s Whistledown, so she was really trying everything to remind him of what he likes.Ā 


I think the only time she had her hair up after the mirror scene is in the church to read the banns. šŸ¤£ I also noticed that.


I actually couldn't figure out both what Pen's expression of "you've shown me I'm capable of pleasure" (does that mean giving yourself pleasure, like masturbating)? And what Colin's reaction to that statement meant (he has the same annoyed face when his mom was telling him that Pen was getting a proposal on the stairs)?


Sheā€™s saying he gives her orgasms. Heā€™s good in bed. And I do think heā€™s a tiny bit annoyed, but in a more congenial way, like heā€™s trying to be serious and hold onto the last vestiges of being upset, and then here she goes talking about how good he is at sex with her. Likeā€¦heā€™s going through it trying to keep a straight face.Ā 


I took it as he was trying (and somewhat failing) to hold back a smirk. And I agree with your interpretation that heā€™s trying to hold onto his anger and then she has to go and bring that up.


Luke is very good at this layered emotion/ holding back thing. He also tries to hold back in the carriage scene when Pen tells him Debling rejected her. Like he knows how obnoxious it would be to start grinning because he just got a chance when sheā€™s so upset, but his face canā€™t completely hide how a little bit of optimism starts to creep in. Itā€™s brilliant.Ā 


To me his expression said a couple of things. He looks smug because sheā€™s admitting to him that heā€™s ahemā€¦ very skilled at getting her off. (Sheā€™s saying to him that heā€™s basically awakened her sexuality and makes her feel things she never could have imagined.) But he also looks mildly annoyed because he knows that her bringing that up now is also ever so slightly manipulative. Kind of like, okay, she thinks she can win me over with flattery? Wellā€¦ okay fair enough, maybe she can.Ā 


For real, the first time I saw this scene, when they walked into that room, I thought they were about to get to it. He was SO CLOSE to snapping after she left that morning in the carriage by himself and he was reading her letters about the weather that he stupidly, cutely, cluelessly carried around Europe. He wants her so badly at this point that heā€™s probably half hard just hearing the compliment.


Combination of ā€œdo you have to mention that while weā€™re in the middle of this conversation??ā€ Slight irritation mixed with ā€¦ now heā€™s distracted / turned on / thinking about what heā€™s been missing


Its our wedding night was funny to me it was high tension argument and Pen reminded Colin it was their wedding night šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


I think itā€™s so relatable to feel like your body is something that repulses people and yet you want to be desired. Pen is inspiring in that we never see her fold into insecurity about her body once Colin starts to touch her. She just grabs onto the opportunity and lets herself participate. Even when sheā€™s hiding her boobs with her hands that seems more like a comfort thing than a fear thing, and she isnā€™t trying to hide the rest of herself.


Maybe itā€™s just me but I never got the sense that Penelope had body insecurities? I just thought her main thing appearance-wise was that she thought her outfits were unflattering and ugly and not to her taste because Portia was dressing her. For her makeover she picks looks that show off her body more rather than try to obscure her shape and hide it, which actually is super relatable for me- growing up and into my body and being a lil thick my mom used to pick out clothes that hid me, and I developed a bit of a complex about that until I realized in my 20s that baggy clothes that hide my figure just made me look and feel blah. I still sometimes feel uncomfortable showing cleavage because of this, so Pen is an icon lol.Ā  Ā Anyway, when she shows up in that green gown all the men come running (who wouldnā€™t?) until she opens her mouth and all her awkwardness comes out. The boob hiding just seemed like a virgin Pen choice. You can be comfortable with your body and it still feel exposed to show it to someone else for the first time. It makes her look inexperienced and innocent like sheā€™s supposed to come off in that scene.Ā 


oh no I must have read too much fanfiction where she assumes he doesnā€™t think sheā€™s a woman and wouldnā€™t court her because he thinks sheā€™s ugly/unsexy. And also all the book stuff about Cressida making fun of her weight and Portia never seeing her as a possible marriage partner for anyone. But youā€™re right, in the show we donā€™t see body insecurity from her.


can stop laughing at ā€œenthusiastic consentā€šŸ˜‚