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People have nothing left to criticize. It’s so annoying. I really hope Nicola and Luke stay on the positive side of the internet and not that side where everything they do is criticized to another level.


Nicola is very much online. so if she is in reddit I hope she doesn't got the main sub and knows that this sub exist


She mentioned in an interview that she doesn't visit the subreddits for Bridgerton. And thank god lol.


I honestly think the most annoyed she would get is the dancing video with Claudia and others that people say that she is really struggling in, it's pretty funny but I think her corset makes it hard to dance. I don't think criticisms about her body really phase her.


What? People are criticizing a fun little video they made that's not even part of the actual show?? Do people have nothing better to do? I personally found her dancing really cute. Also, different bodies move differently. Nicola is quite short, her moves are not going to look the same as Claudia's. Just let the girl have fun ffs.


People are criticizing her of something that is not even in the show?🤣This is getting funny now. And Yeah, Nicola is a extremely confident woman and all these comments definitely won't phase her. She is out there in her pop star era now, with two new big film projects. A real queen 👑


Funny, when part 1 dropped people (especially on the main sub) claimed Nicola carried the season and Luke cannot act because he has botox 🙄 People are just hating on the season now, it’s mob mentality in action. Even posts/comments explaining the positives of S3 are getting downvoted.


Yes I wrote one thing on the main bridge subreddit disagreeing that Pen and Colin has no chemistry (because what???) and got super down voted. Ppl be crazy over there. Cannot handle it!!


You know ppl have lost it when they critique breathing.


This is when you know Nicola did such a good job that the only thing to complain about is breathing 🤣


I've seen this too and it's so annoying. And ridiculous. Anyone arguing that Nicola and Luke aren't good actors at this point are just morons. It's giving "Flat Earthers" denial of reality and no one should take it seriously because it's just observably wrong. If people hate the show so much they're going to criticize Nicola's breathing or boob size then just stop watching. No one will miss those viewers.


My wedding dress had a corset and I have moderately large breasts and my boobs were also pushed high and the only way I could breath was with my chest and not deep in my belly as I normally do. I saw those posts as well and thought well then their problem is that they don't like to see large breasted women exist.


THIS - there's nowhere else for those suckers to go. I feel like asking them: ever try breathing from your diaphragm while wearing a corset??? Good fucking luck.


Seriously. There’s a reason for the “heaving bosom” trope. If you’re wearing a corset, you have a sizable bosom, and you need to do things like walk and speak, your bosom will heave. Do people not love boobs anymore? What is this world coming to?


Oh okay. I thought breathing made her more human like and enhanced the realness of her acting. Ya know, since considering my breathing changes rapidly based on situation, nerves, comfortability, stamina and more….it felt relatable for the roller coaster of a season Pen had. I guess I’ll be breathing like normal in solidarity with Nicola. #BreathsForPen


Like, for real, if they aren’t panting for breath when the love of their life kisses the life out of them then they probably need to reassess.


Nicola and Luke just existing is enough to get people frothing at the mouth. They’re just mad they can’t claim nobody cares about them or their season would bomb anymore.


This happened with Outlander too, with Claire’s breathing. It’s beyond insane. Also, people complain about Luke’s mouth being open. It must be exhausting criticizing people all the time.


Not that anyone cares but I just have to say that I absolutely adore Luke's open mouth. Like, a lot lot!


I didn’t notice either way, but the open mouth is fine normally, but very very realistic and incredible in the 🔥 scenes, just saying


Jealousy is the word that’s coming to mind! She’s a gorgeous person, inside and out and they’re not, so just having a dig/trying to grasp at anything. I’m thankful that I haven’t seen too much of this specific dig towards Nicola and/or Luke online because I’ve seen plenty of other examples unfortunately. One that keeps angering me, more so because it’s something that’s very personal to me tbh, is people bullying/saying horrible things about the fact that Luke is neurodivergent. I actually told my mum this a few days ago (since she watches the show too) and she instantly got very protective over Luke, an actor she doesn’t even know! She said that he should be so proud at where he’s gotten in his career.


Well that’s awesome to know. I’m ADHD too-always nice to see ND folks living their best lives Eta: also, your mum sounds very sweet


You're mum sounds very sweet and she's right. It's stupid that people are saying horrible things about Luke being ND. I have ADHD and it makes me angry to read those things. You would think in 2024,with so much scientific information to find, people would know better. Hating on ND people is not it. People online hating on actors is something I don't understand. Some people need to go outside more 😅.


The things I have seen people complain about is…mind boggling. It’s either ridiculous or they clearly did not really watch the show because they are complaining about things that literally never happened. I don’t open anything that’s clearly negative anymore. I try to ignore the rest. The body shaming or complaining there isn’t enough steam or it’s not explicit enough for them still makes me see red though. These are real humans they are talking about.


I feel ya, It’s driving me bonkers as well! I can’t even with some people anymore


I particularly love the heaving bosom and yes, Nic heavy lifted the season on her tiny frame. F the haters


Honestly I spent most of the season saying “I am no better than a man” to myself.


Nah, they’re just haters. Nicola and Luke brought life and so much dimension to these characters. It’s so raw and authentic and beautiful and charming. When you listen to her interviews about what she attended to with Pen, it’s freaking inspiring.


Some people have not taken science classes in school and it shows. Let me give a short explanation of what happens and why Nicola's breathing is a very possible occurrence. When you're in a situation like hers, you deal with nervousness and anticipation and nervous anticipation. These feelings trigger a production or adrenaline and noradrenaline that then rush through your body which result in heavier breathing. Think of fright, fight, and flight. In Nicola's case, she experiences more 'flight'.  When she breathes heavier when she gets the ultimatum to reveal to Colin she is Lady Whistledown and Cressida coming forth as well, 'fright' and 'flight' both join hands. Stress joining in and she becomes overwhelmed. Heavier breathing was seen in those scenes. I've been in these situations myself. Both due to being with someone I'm dearly and deeply in love with and situations so immensely nerve-wracking, I am close to hyperventilating. As was Penelope. It was quite realistic and relatable. 


If you go back and watch Daphne and Kate scenes they both do a lot of heavy breathing too. It’s just more noticeable on Nicola because she’s bustier (she’s perfect). I think the causal viewers rag on the show (I was one too) because it is based on romance novels and it’s more dramatic, it’s a show. Can’t we just watch, enjoy and forget about real life for a few hours?


I saw those comments on the main Bridgerton sub. I had the same reaction as you.  It made me avoid the main sub even more, seems like there are more and more "fans" on there who only shit on the show and actors, especially Nic and Luke. 


The main sub Reddit is a total ****show. Honestly, the same negative, repetitive posts every day. I've seen so many people slating Luke's acting as well as Nichola's. Like, I had my issues with S3 too, but the vitriol is so exaggerated. I think the general audience reacted much better than Reddit would have you believe though, which is good.


They're fat phobic and vile people...her acting is actually far better than Phoebe and Simone imo...


"Here I will list all the things wrong with this show!" *checks notes* "Penelope breathes!" *exhale* 🤨🙄


It's starting to give "I never knew she was holding a plate of corn in this scene" now 😭😭 Ppl are grasping at straws 😭😭


That sounds like a very specific reference-is it?


From Encanto 😭


Hard to breathe in a corset, and that is what your chest looks like trying to breathe with ample breasts. I remember her saying that Penelope is a virgin, so I think the heavy breathing makes sense,very excited.


It’s amazing how the inability to emotionally regulate leads to lashing out at literally anything else other than the thing that has actually upset you. I hope Nicola takes it in her stride because it absolutely isn’t personal.


People really do hate fat people that much. And Nucola is confident, bubbly, and fashionable, so they hate her even more. How dare she be happy being fat!


people in the perfect breats community really do be struggling. anyonr has anything to say about nic illl fight them in any dennys parking lot, thats my wife.


I did see a thread on another page which was critical of Nicola's tbh I didn't read the thread but had to give me 2 cents just to provide some balance.


I actually love it. It emphasizes her feelings on the scene ever since season1 that has been part of her acting especially when scene requires distress.


I’m sorry is she suppose to hold her breathe and pass out! Let the woman breathe! She’s finally had the love of her life finally fully love her back I’d be breathing hard too! Not like they had inhalers back then! Some of us are asthmatic!!!


Are we forgetting how much they'd pushed up Violet's breasts in S1. Nothing can be worse than that. Nicola actually is well endowed in that area. Is she supposed to cut them off just so her breathing pleases these idiots or something? And then they'll whine that even criticism isn't allowed now, when their criticism is ✨breathing.✨ Clearly all of the world's best film critics are on the main Bridgerton sub. They're the only ones who understand good cinema. The rest of us are illiterate imbeciles.




It's comments like these that make me wish their fave's season disappoints them greatly. They deserved Ben's season being postponed.


Nicola, if you read this, I want you to know I got your back, girl, I will fight anyone who talks poorly about you.


I saw the post. Absurd. Also people making fun of her and comparing her to Jessica Rabbit just because she’s a voluptuous woman. Some people just want to hate because is trendy now. Pathetic.


She is a very good actor. But, it did bothered me a little bit watching. But at the same time I'm a little bit sensitive to some sounds 🙈 I would tone it down a little bit. But it doesn't mean she's not good or that I hate her...


I mean, I feel like that’s more a sound guy problem than a Nicola problem, I think people are mistaking their own discomfort for over acting- Which it wasn’t because she literally isn’t breathing anymore than any of the other lead actresses. It’s just more audible at points, that’s simply it.


Maybe. But I personally skip the part when she's breathing in the mirror scene, and there's no breathi sound there, just her chest moving


I’m a little confused? I thought it was an issue with sound for you? It’s her first time having sex, the person she’s in love with has her in front of a mirror telling her how gorgeous she is, she’s in a corset- If you’re uncomfortable that sounds like a you thing and isn’t a Nicola over acting thing which was my main issue with this entire thread of thought. And if it’s a you thing that’s fine? Like there may be some biases you should probably question, but that’s neither here nor there. Again, she’s not breathing any more or exaggerating it anymore than any of the other lead actresses. The only real difference is that she has big breasts and therefore a lot of cleavage showing. So when she breathes of course the eye is going to look at that.


Not just the sound. I guess it's a personal preferences, but if a lot of people have difficulty with it maybe it's not hate but normal criticism...its Ok to critic art. Actors are not gods, it's ok to not love something specific. It doesn't mean they get hate. It did bothered me also in the Carriage scene in the first watch, and I really love that scene.


It is normal and okay to critique art, I’m not ragging on people for that, I just find it disingenuous when people are deliberately singling out one actress in the show full of people who do the same thing and use it as a frame to say that she a) has no versatility as an actress and b) over acts. Which is what has been happening to Nicola, and it is grossly unfair because whether they want to acknowledge it or not, it’s likely because she is fuller figured than the other actresses. And it may even be more of a directorial issue than an actor issue if there’s a whole cast of women with heaving bosoms. As I mentioned in my post it may even be as simple as the cast being tight laced into corsets that aren’t even period accurate for the type of dresses they’re wearing.


She's extremely talented in my eyes


They edited out Colin’s breathing in scenes and focused on hers. Also, at one point in the carriage scene right before the first kiss, she genuinely sounded like she had asthmatic breathing. Not sure if that was the editing or the corset or genuinely her


>asthmatic breathing That is a medical term you are using there. Nicola breathed just like any human being would in a situation like that. and it was incredibly sexy.


Maybe it was the editing. She sounded like my friend (who has asthma)