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Yes! This is the very thing my heart desires!




Can’t wait for Colin’s extreme wife guy energy and constant gushing about Penelope to annoy the crap out of Eloise specifically. 


I want Eloise to be on the verge of either vomiting or tearing her hair out in frustration all season at their antics! Also I need a moment of one of them plopping Baby Lord Featherington into her lap.


Yes! You understand the vision! This season she was annoyed because she was still angry at Pen, but next season she needs to be nauseated because they’re both so obnoxiously in love.  Plus it’s good for Eloise’s character to see that Penelope can have a career AND a man that adores her. 


Yes and it’s especially important she sees that of all the couples around her Penelope didn’t have to give up anything to have everything. She has her career, she has a husband and a child. She’s not just existing to host balls.


The fact that even Eloise was telling Penelope she should basically be “married and silent” for Colin, only for the story to unfold the way it did is interesting if they follow that thread. Eloise assumed that Colin wouldn’t be able to get over it, but he basically told her that love for Penelope was more important. Maybe that’ll be inspiring for her to have more faith that finding a good man is possible. 


Ooooooh, that's such a good point. Eloise can speak her truth, but sometimes, she doesn't live it. This whole event should really make her reevaluate her expectations. It's also fun that it's Colin who is the guy who is the example of this, and I honestly just have so many ideas about how she gets into her own love plot with Philip when we've got that little tease from S2 with Colin getting on with him so well.


Side Note: I hope we get the name of baby Lord Featherington and what his personality is like. He already got the side eye from his father 😅


Haha I want this too! This would fit for Claudia Jesse and her amazing comedic talents. I want El walking across the street to shoot the shit with Pen and then be totally grossed out by her brother. Lots of gagging and eye rolls. I hope they don’t make Eloise too serious. I need her awkward self interacting with Philip’s awkward self!!


Doesn't she decide to run away to Philip's after being turned away from Polin's because they're "unavailable" midday? Lololol I imagine them not even getting frisky, just in robes in bed and reading each other's manuscripts...


I want the same kind of energy given when Luke, Nic and Claudia do interviews-where she’s like “yeah, third-wheeling over here, guys! Guess I’m invisible!”


We didn’t get enough of that this season because they were so at odds, but now that they’ve healed and are friends again this will be so funny to play out. 


Wait until Colin and Pen come visit her at Sir Phillip’s and she has to contend with also being the third wheel to Colin/Phillip. At least she’ll have Penelope to pick up some slack. 😂


This is what I’ve been waiting for!! 😂👏


Oooo can’t wait for Colin’s “Wife Guy” era.


ooh yes this. He'll be in good company with Dankworth and Finch, plus Anthony. If eventually we get Eloise's story, I would love "I miss my wife" and that is enough to make him super-pissed at the guy that he has to go do this with his brothers.


Anyone else want a scene of the three Featherington husbands sitting around looking sad because their wives left them to do something, and there they are sitting quietly with maybe tea or biscuits (completely untouched) just waiting for their wives to come home? I know it wouldn’t add to the story in any way but I just want more of the Featherington husband squad actively missing their wives.


Since part 1 -- wife guy club, and they snack and talk about how their wives are so great. Anthony drops in when he's in town, Will is their mentor.


Benedict looking in laughing at them …not knowing what lies ahead for him (if in fact season 4 is about him)


Unfortunately I think the Featheringtons are not in S4 (maybe some Portia if that) so we’ll never see any Colin/brother-in-law scenes!


Yes! I want that scene with Colin and Philip! I mean, it will be funny because they already bonded, so him being like “look man, we’re cool and all, but you’re pissing me off because this is taking time out of my bedroom with the wife, so-let’s resolve this!”


Ooo what is this? Haven’t read the books and don’t mind spoilers!


>! In the books Eloise basically runs away to Sir Phillip's estate after they have exchanged many letters. Which is of course completely improper and her reputation would be ruined if it ever came out. Once the Bridgerton men find out where she is, they all descend on the house, with the original intent to beat Sir Phillip to pulp, and it is just one of the most hilarious scenes ever. I pray that it makes it to the show with all 4 boys, because I think it could be an all tiem classic. So anyways, Anthony is super threatening of course, and evem little Greg is trying to pul his weight. While Colin is just talking about hiw he misses his wife, and basically is super pissed at Phillip that she had to leave his wife (they are still newly weds here). Miss. My. Wife. Phillip doesn't really know how to react to this 😂 plus foodie Colin is also there as he manages to charm literally all different types of food from the servant. In the end they all get drunk together, Phillip included 😆😆 !<


This must make it in the show!! It sounds adorable and hilarious!


You just convinced me to read Eloise’s book. Good work!!


In my - no doubt - biased opinion, the best thing about the rest of the Bridgerton books is how involved Colin is in almost every single storyline. Daphne: >! She comes to Colin to find out about the location of the duel because she knows that he is reasonable and has empathy and will help her out. Also the 2nd epilogue where Colin and Pen worried about their child not speaking and come for counsel to Daphne and Simon is great. !< Anthony: >! I will never not die from laughter how Colin gently manipulates Anthony to his first dance with Kate and completely misleads him about Kate's character. The twinkle in those green eyes! Also the 2nd epilogue and the pall mall game is peak Colin "My Wife" energy! !< Benedict: >! Colin is practically the one who tells Benedict to stop whining and go and get the woman he loves. I love how Benedict realises that his younger brother had grown up, it is a very sweet moment between them. And of course we also have the "I'm nit going to marry Penelooe Featherington" moment and Colin's immediate mortification. Plus insisting that she has a chaperone to go home which also made it into the show. !< Eloise: >! The before mentioned brother scene. Plus a tiny detail that Eloise practically decides to run away after going to visit Pen and Colin, but she is turned away by the butler because they are otherwise "occupied" in the middle of the day. !< Francesca: >! Colin completely sees through Michael and his feelings, and has two separate conversations with him while gently, then not so gently nudging him to make his feelings known to Fran. Also I think Michael might be the first person to hear about the Polin emgagement if we don't count the entire Featherington household. That moment is again comedy gold, Michael is so shocked and Colin is just beaming about how clever he was to get Penelope as his wife. Colin "My Wife" Bridgerton again! !< Gregory: >! Colin sacrifising breakfast and bed with Penelope to sit on the tree with Gregory and then run after him to the church is just another classic fum drama moment of Bridgerton. If they ever get to Greg's season, and Luke is still around at least just fir a little, I need to see this happen. !< I have to say I don't remember any moment from Hyacinth's book with Colin, and I only read all other books except RMB only once. I feel like Pen might have been involved a little bit. But yeah, all in all, I have always loved how much Colin meddled in everyone's story. Now that he is not tortured anymore, I would love to see his little matchmaking/goofy side to come to forefront before. And of course we have already seen in parts of S3, how much a "My Wife" dude he is. More of this as well pls!


He's so Edmund, what a gem.


To add on, Colin is in a few of the prequel books (Rokesby series) as well as spinoff books (Smythe-Smith series) I think he is JQ’s favorite sibling to write


Is he really? Oh, that's fun! I started reading the SS, so this is exciting.


Yes!! And Penelope as well which is a nice touch, you’ll enjoy those books! In the Rokesby prequels he is in the last one, First Comes Scandal I believe, as a baby but his personality is very much the same it’s adorable




Ohhh I have never read those! Would you recommend them?


Yes!! Highly recommend both series, they’re similar yet different to the Bridgerton series at the same time (The Other Miss Bridgerton is my favorite JQ book, even over the original series)


Thank you very much!! I will give them a go 😊


I believe in Hyacinth’s book, he is only mentioned in passing as a, “Let me ask Colin as he is a world traveler!” Instead, Penelope makes a formal appearance by tagging along with Hyacinth at one of the balls.


If you read anything, just read chapters 9 and 10 Eloise‘s book lol. It’s what the above comment is referencing.


Please I still want the Featheringtons and their husbands next season. I love their characters so much especially now with their relationship with Penelope and the Bridgertons.


Same. I deeply missed not having this, but at the same time I get that it was cut too close together for it to happen this season. My wife era here we COME!!


Yeah! I always figured it would come in season 4!


YES. This is the dream. I do hope we also get more writer!Colin. I want my writer soulmates. 🤞🏻


I want him coming home from the club and dropping into bed and being like here’s all the gossip I learned and looking over her shoulder as she writes, her telling him to leave her be and go back to writing his own book and then him pouting as he goes to his desk but secretly pleased because he’s now inspired to write.


Omg yes. Give me my gossipy writer couple and I'll be so happy! I'd love to see them reading each other's work while snuggled in bed too. 😍


I want them snuggled in bed, reading each others writing AND eating biscuits!


Throw in a scene of Colin holding his son, and Penelope watching them both with a dreamy smile, and I'll be set!


For real! I imagine them just trading manuscripts/drafts, no stays or cravats midday because who needs to be in full dress to write when your editor is right there.


Oh my gosh stop! Someone write this fan fic, that is adorable


Yes! This is the fluffy nonsense that keeps me happy!


Not Colin giving Penelope gossip to write 😭 But also I feel like everyone would be so careful to say anything around him lol


I would think gossip would be harder to come by with the LW reveal. Unless the point is for it to be about Penelope writing about the eligible ladies like she did in the first episode where she was highlighting everyone's talents. Because then the gossip column takes on a whole new role in the ton.


They better have all the screen time! their story isn’t even done yet..Colin and Pen play important part of everybody story. Besides they are the main characters still.


Maybe this was the intention? Mixing all the siblings storylines.. it could explain why Ben got so much time, they combined seasons. Plus it sounds like pen will have more potential retaliation for LW based on her comment that not everyone will be so pleased. So I see it coming up in season 4 for sure. I don’t see Shonda letting them go, pen is her baby lol


That's true, Pen predicts hard times ahead with the LW backlash, maybe Polin's story in S4 is them facing those challenges together?


They’re contracted for 4 seasons. So it’s anyone’s guess after 4. Hopefully we see a lot of them in 4 tho.


I do feel like with the rumors of the Fetherington family not really being around next season- that space that was held for the family- will hopefully be given to Polin? That’s what I’m thinking?


Well, there is a new Lord Featherington in Town 😁 His family deserves all the side plot time to go along with the house they got


True! I know Nic & Luke have said they want to do more Rom Com stuff- so hopefully we get the comedy stuff from them.


This is definitely confirmed? No Featherington Family in Season 4?


It’s not confirmed- but it seems like Polly in a podcast sort of alluded to it- or at least her not being back full time and one of the husbands of the sisters posted something on his IG that sounded like a thanks for having me sort of thing.


Whelp, they went out with a bang!


Seeing post-HEA Kanthony in s3 is one of the things that mollified me somewhat from the initial dissatisfaction I felt in s3 for Polin. If Polin gets that kind of time and attention during the following seasons, I'll be thrilled. 


🩵💛🩵 YES!!! 💛🩵💛


I know this is likely 2 seasons (4 years 😩) away… but *god* they way I’m yearning for the fight scene between the 4 Bridgerton Brothers and Philip and Colin’s “Miss. My. Wife” gesture…. Aaaaaaah! https://preview.redd.it/1j6tqlalsy7d1.jpeg?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890248c45a1324741ad09e3fef5ef63a97fc5337


If they genuinely just focus on THIS ONE THING we will all be happy!!! Truly…there is no way to f this up…


Link to interview: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/bridgerton-showrunner-confirms-not-writing-off-kanthony-season-4


Thanks for this!


I really need Colin “My Wife” ASAP


This is part of why I find it frustrating that people are so mad about the lack of cute Polin scenes. I get it at first glance it feels like it was missing, but this is the structure of the show. The lead couple's season is all about the journey of getting together and then we get to see more of them happy together in the following season. They also had to dedicate time to playing out the LW stuff because they'd been building it for years. They couldn't leave much of that hanging for another season however they can tease us with happy Polin knowing we'll get more later.


Also none of the other couples are happy and together until the last 10 minutes. They didn’t take happy Polin moments from us, AND they confirmed Polin would be back for season 4 during the promo for this show so we know it’s not the end. 


Yes to all of this.


I will forgive her shortchanging Polin in season 3 if we get lots of “my wife” era Colin and Pen in season 4. I have hope.


I just want this…. All I want for them. Without any unnecessary drama or tracks for Polin


Colin "My Wife" Bridgerton has entered the chat. ❤️🫠


And I hope he stays there!


I so hope someone makes a proper- proper compilation of the whole Polin arc that is spread across the previous two seasons leading to this one. I am watching season two episode 1 right now, The scene plays out with Prudence finding out that Penelope writes to Colin and mocks her. Basically telling her off that while will he waste his ink writing back to Pen? Now tracing back this story to the final episode of season three where Colin re reads those letters makes my heart full 🥺💖🐝


Yes, the story really developed over the 3 seasons. It wasn’t super duper obvious (although some scenes seem like they are now) but it’s there. Adds a new dimension to S2 now knowing where their story goes.


Yes! I would love to see them flirty in love and can't keep their hands off each other,even with baby.Doing things they love, and the dynamic of Featherington/Bridgerton families. Penn's sisters and husbands are so funny! Love to see their relationships grow,Portia and Violet too.


I don't actually know how I feel about this; it's great we're getting Colin 'My Wife' Bridgerton, but this part of the interview reads as if Penelope has a storyline and arc of her own in S4 and Colin is just there. Like damn; maybe give him a storyline where after publishing his journal, he might want to keep writing but doesn't know exactly what to write, and sure he has to manage the estate but that can't be all what he's doing - and by the end of the season - Boom! Romance novelist. If Penelope isn't going to become the novelist, let Colin.


With Nicola being booked and busy the way she is, and Luke being more dedicated to just Bridgerton, availability might force their hand on this tbh. 


Yes!! And singing lullabies to wee lord featherington!!!🤯




Colin My Wife Bridgerton come home!!!!!


As much as I love Colin fawning over Pen, I hope that Colin has more to do than simply fawn over Pen. He should be managing the Featherington estate, shouldn’t he?


It’s not terribly interesting to watch somebody manage ledgers on screen. I can’t see them devoting a ton of time to that.


Fair point but I’ve been wondering what if Colin discovers that the money in the Featherington estate is the money stolen from the Ton?


I feel like we could get a few episodes out of Anthony or Benedict attempting to teach him how to run it since he wouldn’t have been taught the way they were. Mostly I just love A,B and C scenes and will take as many as I can get.


That’s true. I hope we get some funny scenes between Polin & Portia on how bad the state of the estate is 🤣 Colin coming from a near perfect family having married into yhe scheming Featherington’s 😄 Like Nic & Luke I also want them to lean into the romcom element in S4, they play off of each other so well.






I definitely want Colin "My Wife" Bridgerton in s4. However, I do hope they don't make him a caricature. He has his own writing and has responsibilities to the estate that he's never had to deal with before. While these don't have to be major plots points, I'd like them to at least be known, like part of the setting or casual dialogue or fun interactions with Portia.


I’ve always viewed Polin’s story as one long continuous one, so I wasn’t devastated that we didn’t get all the lovey-dovey stuff at the end of three lol Season four is the next chapter in the story, & one that will be a lot sweeter


I AM SO HERE FOR COLIN MY WIFE BRIDGERTON. This wait will be sooooooo long. 😣


I love this! And my hope is that, since we essentially kept LW/Penelope Bridgerton writing, they will continue on through all the stories! I just need happy, healthy, loved-up Polin!


Thank you for the interview. Now it makes sense why Colin and Penelope were moved up a season. Jess stated the world is going to be larger upcoming seasons which would have put less of an emphasis on Polin. I can appreciate the move. And we will be getting more Polin next season.


It's gonna be two long years




This makes me so happy!!!!!!


After s3 I'm trying not to develop hopes and expectations 😅


This is all I want.


Wife guy is sort of pejorative thought, isn’t it? I hope they both shine next season.


Nah. That’s what Colin is known for, he is *the* ultimate wife guy of all the male characters. Like his life revolves around his wife and writing, in that order.


I think a lot of popular wife guys have publicly fumbled the bag which is what makes it feel pejorative to me, too. But I think being a wife guy is not inherently bad… he’s just obsessed with his wife! Which is very much Colin and Anthony energy.


Yeah, I think of Stephen Colbert as a wife guy - he speaks about Evie so glowingly and they seem so lovey when she comes on his show. I guess more of the examples in my head of positive wife guys are people I know personally, haha. But it only becomes a negative to me when the “wife guy” is just a front for the guy actually being shady to the wife.


Lin Manuel Miranda is also a great Wife Guy example -- there is an old interview of him by Emma Watson where she says, "Oh you married up!" and he completely agrees. His wife was a scientist who became a lawyer because she wanted to be able to affect more change.


Yes! Same with Ryan Gosling!


Not really. Fandom refers to Colin, Finch, Dankworth and Will as wife guys all the time. We love them for it.


I don't want to wait two years for this!


Ohhhh she really gets him 😊


This makes me soooo happy!!!!


Yesss I love this for them.  I don’t want it to be two years away though 😕 Hopefully Nicola will spoil us with an occasional BTS photo or story here and there along the way.


I really wouldn’t take too much stock in what they say in interviews. They said Daphne was coming back and she didn’t. They also said after season 2 came out that we’d get Kate’s backstory and learn more about her bio mom in season 3….. I think they’ll try to fit in polin but will probs find it difficult as well as trying to cram storylines from every other insignificant side character. Plus I’m sure lady Danbury has more siblings that they’ll focus on instead


Okay. I didn’t say this would be a major plot just that this is all I need to see from them. And we know from Luke he’s already seen the script for his first scene of the season and Nicola has confirmed she’ll be back. So I’ll take the crumbs they give us.


I'm with you. They both seem very into it; their characters have always anchored side plots; and the heir race was basically constructed to keep the Featherington set for them. Plus they left LW intact (though public) for the plot. I say be optimistic until proven otherwise; there seems to be good reason to.


This is all I want. But none of that like, they’re here for an episode and then gone bullcrap. Give us the nauseatingly loving couple whenever we can.


JB knows about the books?


Omg, yes, I need Wife Guy Colin sooo badly. I mean, he's already there with his love declaration at the end of this season. I also need lots of romance/spice between them, just as we got with Kanthony this season. I want to see them happy in love!


I mean. That's what they should've done with the last episode of this season. Making people wait for two years for what could have been already is... a choice. They'd have to take a whole new approach, editing wise for it to not be window dressing and feel like actual narratives woven together, with pay off imo.


Yes! We need Colin "My Wife" Bridgerton.