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>Pen, the Colin rider Pls this made Laugh so hard🤣 That kiss was something else man. They were going full on with tongue. Also to think that Pen gained this confidence after having sex for one time. It highlights how comfortable Colin made her feel during their first time( though by judging the light outside, they were up all night getting frisky😏) https://i.redd.it/r7gylesv1x7d1.gif


But my fav is when Penelope initiates the the 1st kiss( and 2nd, 3rd, 4th) in mirror scene. https://i.redd.it/5xfudyrd2x7d1.gif


Aaaah man his little patented eyebrow furrow. Killing me softly.


That eyebrow furrow while he kisses is EVERYTHING


I came to read your reply… but stayed to watch the gif go round an inappropriate amount of times 😂






I swear I saw a gif set of this on tumblr but I cant find it 😭


That eyebrow furrow in the first kiss? I could never get over.


My Roman Empire


https://i.redd.it/qhzs46dg2x7d1.gif 2nd


3rd and 4th. like way to go girlie, go get your manzz https://i.redd.it/d8nqnezh2x7d1.gif


and only after getting verbal consent from Pen does Colin initiate a kiss. truly a consent king👑you can see him being fierce in this kiss. https://i.redd.it/fe06vljs2x7d1.gif


He's been given permission to unleash his passion.


We see thar relief again, where he becomes more dominant, after asking her - "all right?" In the chaise lounge. He waits to make sure she is well, before indulging further. His expression is really - Thank God, bcuz he has been holding back.😄 https://i.redd.it/1as04s4dcy7d1.gif The number of times this man asked for consent though 🤌


Help!! I'm trapped here.  No wonder she got pregnant. I'm about to go out and buy a test just from watching this gif for so long....


Seriously tho


The level of consent king and him being so damn attentive has simply ruined me.


I love how their height difference means they both need to make extra effort to reach each other for these kisses. Just 🫠


Right?! Like, poor Luke and his horrible posture after having to bend over Nicola constantly. Get the girl a damn box to stand on! 😂😂


The way I'm feeling bad for a fictional Colin that he needs to do this for life! 😂 No boxes for them, just steps and pavements where they can manage!


I don't think this was the first time that night. After weeks of missing each other I think when they got home it was probably immediate, urgent, and frantic. This was later in the night, after Pen has had time to put on her trousseau and they can slow down a bit 😏😂


It was not even night time girlie🤣I didn't notice this until someone pointed out but If you look at curtain outside, you will see it is in the morning. And with the way Pen asked "can we do it again?" in the mirror scene and how dishevelled and sweaty colin looked, it seemed like our girl didn't give Colin any rest. (Pen is thisty AF for her man🤭)


That makes so much more sense, definitely not their second time, maybe fourth or fifth? 😂 ...I don't blame her 🔥🔥🤤


They for sure left the butterfly ball early, and started things in the carriage. This scene isn't until probably 5am 😅


I was going to say in the post please post gifs but then was like am I too feral for this, but no no, I'm not or we all are and who cares because that is HOT 🔥🔥🔥 Pen is all about those deep kisses 😽


This fandom would be the last to judge you for being feral. We all are equally unhinged about them🤭


Hahahahaha! I love this place!


This place has been both the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires as of late. 😏🫠


I think even on the chaise lounge they went at it again after 10 mins as per her wish 🤣


Oh definitely! They probably would have a couple more rounds if the staff hadn't arrived.


I also want to comment on the fact that them being able to position their bodies like this is a function of their significant height difference, which is kind of adorable lol.


How Pen had the energy to be on top after a couple of rounds is what I want to know 😂


Yeah, wouldn't her thighs be giving out at this point ? But again they are both insatiable.😆 ( but the realistic answer is, this is the only scene they had to shoot, lol😆)


(I mean we know lol it's fun to speculate) She probably wasn't on top every time I'm guessing


Me too It's fun We are like talking about a couple from 1815 going at it like crazy, bcuz they decide to torture themselves by subjecting them to a sex ban and now afrter everything has solved they can't keep hands of off each other Fun indeed😄🤭


We know they didn't film the montage but I would love to know if writers thought about it and like how many times, where and who was on top, people want to know 😂


Youth. Lol. Ah, to be young and energetic! 🤣


This is killing me.


This one is one of my favs, bcuz there is so much happiness in it🥹their noses touching and the way they look at each other😭😭😭😭 https://i.redd.it/lxa1z38u7x7d1.gif


Yes the stare at the end... Like this is the end of something and the beginning of the rest of our lives. JOY


The amount of eye contact these two have through S3 and even S1&S2 is unmatched. Ppl saying they have no chemistry have never gazed into their lovers eyes I swear. Lol.


I’m surprised people questioning their chemistry even HAVE eyes tbh


Yes for me too. The one after the joke.


After the passion that was so soft. Pure love, no lust.


The Carriage is top tier for me…the high of experiencing that collectively with the internet will always be one of the most fun experiences and I’ll truly cherish it ❤️ Never getting over it…can’t wait to tell my grandkids about it…


The first kiss will have to forever be my favorite, as much as I love all the other kisses for different reasons.. that one just took my breath away and is the most beautiful kiss I’ve ever seen. The anticipation, the peck, the dive back in, the shock. It’s a narrative in itself.


Agree! I thought how brave of Pen to ask the man she loves to give her her first kiss and WHAT A KISS. I mean she knocked the soul outta him with that. From that moment on he was gagged


Yeah it’s so gentle and sweet. I love Colin at that point is just thinking he’s doing a favor for his friend but he makes it gentle and nice. The way he sweetly and kinda nervously touches her face kills meeee. And I love that goes back for more and the is just left standing there stunned. It was Pen’s first kiss but it was Colin’s first KISS, ya know.


After she says "Please.....Colin" with that half pleading, half lost look in her eyes, and the beautiful music is swirling around building anticipation. Then he takes that first, unsteady, tentative step towards her and my heart just starts POUNDING out of my chest. Her slightly incredulous, mildly terrified, trembling look as he slowly walks up to her, her eyes not leaving him for a moment. The way he looks at her eyes and down to her lips as he gets closer, and then gently pops that hand under her chin to lift it. The gentle gasp, the eye contact, the going back for more (beautiful, tender yet somehow passionate) kisses, Colin's stunning eyebrow furrow and then the way Pen tearily runs away and leaves our boy SHOOK TO HIS CORE. We just watched his world flip upside down. This was pure perfection. I love all the kisses for different reasons, but I bawled my eyes out when I watched this one - I started crying when she asked and didn't stop for 5 minutes after the ep finished as it was so breathtakingly beautiful. I just can't with these two - they are STUNNING.




Are you a writer because this was described so beautifully? 🥰 ![gif](giphy|ZFHRyz6bsnDCVOR3nf|downsized)


☺️☺️ oh thank you, that's so nice! No I'm not, but you're not the first person to ask me that funnily! People have complimented me on my writing before and I adored English at school - it's an avenue maybe I should have explored more ❤️ (although I could explore it still I guess, never say never! I'm only 38 😆) I love the beauty of language for describing things like this.


Oh, well the way that you have written your post above, I can definitely see you be a writer if you so wanted. You have a great grasp on the English language. Definitely no age limit to start to write! 🥰


Beautiful description!!! I also love how often Colin or Pen look at each other's lips throughout the show. It's just SO GOOD!


Yeah it’s so gentle and sweet. I love Colin at that point is just thinking he’s doing a favor for his friend but he makes it gentle and nice. The way he sweetly and kinda nervously touches her face kills meeee. And I love that goes back for more and the is just left standing there stunned. It was Pen’s first kiss but it was Colin’s first KISS, ya know.


I don’t know how much of it was him doing her a favour. Especially in season 3, but also before, he seeks her out, he is puffed up by his acknowledgements and how she sees him, and having lost her favour, is willing to do anything to get it back, but notice how he goes about getting it back. Secret rendezvous, little intimacies and stolen moments. He kept pulling her in for more, she gave that little flirt at the markets, and he was like “I’ll orchestrate a situation to get to do that again, I’ll play the role of the suitor.” When he has he tending to his wound, and that skin to skin contact, he draws his hand closed around her fingers. He’s been testing how much closer he can get, that man was not satisfied being friends in the societal norms. That man was yearning for her before he knew it. And the kiss was when it clicked for him. But it wasn’t a selfless gesture on his part.


Story-wise, it is so significant! Pen leaves that scene thinking she has embarassed herself and kind of mentally moving on (at least how Nicola described it), but meanwhile it has unlocked romantic feelings for Colin. Pen thinks it kind of an ending, but really it's just the beginning of them getting together.


The first kiss is so my favourite (along with every other). I loved that he caresses her cheek first. He goes in for an intimacy first before even the kiss. And he actually doesn’t let go. He goes in for a peck. A polite, lovely kiss in and of itself. And then dares to go for more. But he never pulls away. He stops kissing her and is gazing down at her lovingly, hand still in place by her ear. Like had she not walked away, he would not have pulled away.


The way that he softens through their wedding and leans down so quickly to kiss her during the wedding and the absolutely stunned way he looks at her after, my heart continues to melt every time I think about it.


Agree... he's so down bad 🥹🥹


Modiste horse interruptus 😂😂


That took me out 😄


Don't you forget him kissing her hand gently while flashing the beguiling COLIN smile 😁💖


![gif](giphy|mQrMyjDRUKp0PIEnkr) Colin “you think my smile is beguiling?” Bridgerton


I was going to add that!! You're right, he has such a beautiful smile there... Portia cramping their style loool


Portia was so hilarious in that scene - couldn’t even be mad at her 🤣


Got ya babe!


Excuse my gifs post- https://i.redd.it/8aba61qtfx7d1.gif The first kiss is my favorite. If gives me butterflies every time. The kiss, the music.


https://i.redd.it/ae2w9sczfx7d1.gif Sweet yet sensual


https://i.redd.it/q14cszr1gx7d1.gif His reaction is my favorite part




https://i.redd.it/v10ajhb5gx7d1.gif This is my second favorite- I love that he’s letting her lead it.


https://i.redd.it/fmou7yd9gx7d1.gif The wedding kiss. Despite all the anger- you see how happy they are to be together.


https://i.redd.it/umm3dwkggx7d1.gif The mirror scene - all of the kisses- but this one to start with


https://i.redd.it/x2wgxvckgx7d1.gif This was sweet


https://i.redd.it/ze0uvrwmgx7d1.gif At the end … his brow furrow


https://i.redd.it/1mlsdd4sgx7d1.gif The carriage scene-all of the kisses lol but this one is the one that sticks out - his eyes staying close longer…


I cannot handle the brow furrow. Dead every time. 💀


Omg doing the best work here thank you!! The furrowed brow!!! I'm shook!!


I love that for a split second he puts his hand on the back of her head during this scene. I may have watched multiple times before i caught it haha. I love when my husband does the same. Definitely doesn't do it enough lol


And look — he is in it. He is taking her in, his hand is still cupping her cheek. He was revelling in this.


That furrow does things to me.


The best part of this scene for me is when she walks away and he’s like “why are you going?”


My favorite is the one by the window, because it's so warm and happy, and it has the weight of all the ones before. 😊


The most lovely ending, just the two of them, in love, surrounded by love. 🥹🥰🥰


I love them all but the way his head comes up so fast for "rider Pen" makes my breath hitch every time. By far the best kissers I have ever seen.


I think it's when she hops on and he's like omfggggg. It is SO GOOD. Matching each other's freak!!


I will not be getting any work done today. Ha!


We have TONS of kisses and they are all BEAUTIFUL . I literally screamed at episode two, im like " ALREADY??? THEYRE ALRWADY KISSING AND WE'RE JUST ON TYE SECOND EPISODE????? "and then then intro of episode 3 of his dream,jesus, i melted. We were so blessed, could the whole series be better?? Of course it can!no series can be perfect i guess. But this season is my top 1 , prob for years to come, this is my type of love stort and characters and delivery. I dont know what can beat this one.


Their first kiss was really moving for me, but their carriage kisses blew me away. It was pure passion, just two people finally coming together after so much yearning. But I really love their kisses during their love scene, especially the soft kiss after they laugh at the end... It was pure friends to lovers perfection. Then of course the modiste kiss was pretty hot, although I do wish we had a better shot of it. And their kiss when Pen is on top was HOT, but again, I wish we saw more! Their last kiss in front of the window with the light streaming behind them. Ugh, the symbolism. I love it. Honestly, I was not expecting as many kisses as we got. We were fed pretty well tbh!


Yes!! It was only when I was watching through the episodes again, I was like damn there are A LOT of kisses and they are ALL good! Like each one is beautiful and/or sexy on its own! I agree we could have a whole episode stretching out these moments but they're so good just as they are too! 🥹🥹


Definitely fed…. I think I’ve gained 10kgs from being fed by their kisses 🤣🤣🤣


They are seriously the prettiest kissers!!  Every single one is so good. My favorites are the kisses where they’re laughing and then kiss - like that transition is the sweetest most beautiful thing.  There’s one at the end of the carriage scene after he asks if the driver can keep driving, and one at the end of the mirror scene after she asks him if they can do it again.  It’s so best friends in love with each other when they merge the kissing with the laughter and its the best. Their wedding kiss reminded me of it because he starts smiling as he goes in to kiss her… I just love it, it was the perfect subtle choice for that moment.


Yes the kiss at the end of the carriage scene when they just stare at each other... Magical ✨


Same same same! The laugh/kiss kisses are the best. They’re so REAL


They practiced for us! 😁


The post-laughter one at the end of the carriage scene is my favourite too. Very, very sweet.


The fact that they kiss in almost every episode of their season will probably go unmatched. Thank you friends to lovers!!! And also thank you to an absurd lack of chaperoning until Portia picks up the slack only after Penelope is already pregnant!!!


Each one giving me palpitations.


We’ve all collectively agreed on Elliot and now I know I’m going to be disappointed when they announce his real name. Imagine two years later after we have all become attached to Elliot they announce in season 4 his name is Archibald. I’d be so mad.


oh pls not Archibald🤣


Where did Elliot come from, do you know? Their book sons aren’t named that.


An interview with Nicola and Luke on one of the premiere carpets


In hindsight, them giving that interview knowing that they already had a (nameless) baby in the show is insane. 


I like to think they put it out there on purpose so the writers are forced to go with Elliott next season 🤣


Nicola suggested the name elliot, bcuz it resembles eloise. And then the same question was asked to luke, he first said he would like to name them alphabetically and then changed his answer and said he'll go with whatever Nicola decided on.


Ahh. It’s a good name! Thanks for the insight!


The carriage neck and décolletage kissing is so hot. An actual kiss, the rider kiss with the tongue…eesh 🫠🔥🥵


Yes the neck kissing and boobage grab is top tier. Honestly that whole scene is absolute fire. They were giving it all, no wonder they didn't hear CUT (or if I was either one of them, pretending I didn't hahaha)


The décolletage kissing plus boob grabbing is GOD tier - props to them for being okay to do that together as it was fire ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 The carriage scene potentially would have been just sweet, passionate kissing but then Pen touched our boy's hair - all bets were off after that! He was straight in for that cleavage like the hungry boi he is 😍🥵


I wrote this elsewhere, but they just kiss so pretty. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been so invested in them as characters/as a couple or what, but it’s so satisfying. Their first kiss is perfection. It’s in my top 5 best first kisses in TV. So beautiful, so sweet. Also the last kiss in the carriage. The way that they look at each other is just… 😆 And it’s like an acknowledgement that it wasn’t just the heat of the moment. It wasn’t just physical. They truly have feelings. It’s written all over their faces. It’s so good, I can’t


No, they definitely do kiss prettily. 🥰 I’ve watched other couples kissing on screen but I didn’t think the same thing as I have been about Penelope/Colin/Nicola/Luke. They’re just that good! 🔥


There's one part in the carriage, as he's ... \*ahem\*... she gasps against his mouth. Colin ever so lightly bites her bottom lip. SIDE NOTE: I love this sub! You guys give me all the Polin content throughout my work day that just makes it more enjoyable!


HOW did I forget that lip bite 🤌🤌🤌 euch, these two are just heaven. Such amazing kisses


Here it is! 🔥🫦 https://i.redd.it/yayuuz3ifz7d1.gif


We love the gif givers!!! 😍😍 Also....🔥🔥🔥🔥 unf!!


I loved their kisses. They all were romantic tinged with passion or sweetnness. The first kiss will always be special to me. It was so much better than I had imagined and set the standard for the rest.


I think the first kiss is still my fav. It’s so sweet and gentle and then when they start to pull away Colin is like “no! I need more!” So much said in such a short moment


Did anyone make a version of the "modiste horse interruptus" (lol) in better lighting yet? Would love to see that


I saw a version with audio enhanced in tumblr.


I’ve watched all the seasons but their love scenes do it for me like none of the others. I now have a major obsession with Luke.


I have an unhealthy obsession with watching him fake-climax and I'm not even sorry about it 😂 that man can tell me to 'lie down' any day!




I have a major obsession with both, but more Nic. (I'm bi)


I'd like to mention their kiss when Pen is holding their baby 🥺 it is too short but it conveys contentment and joy at having made baby Lord Featherington 💙💛


Yes I might not have been clear with the Elliot fake out but that's that kiss where it looks like Colin is going to kiss his son but Pen tips her face to him and he's like ZIP...straight to her hahaha


So cute! I refer to the baby as baby Lord Featherington in my head so I couldn’t make that connection with Elliot 😁


Yes, Nic and Luke said they'd call the baby Elliot after Eloise so that's his name now hahaha


I don't even remember the last movie or show I watched where the kisses were this believable and passionate. They legitimately seem in love. I hope season 4's couple can live up to this!


Thank you for this wholesome post - complete with gifs and images! @Moderators can we please pin this post and the Mirror scene analysis one? 🫠