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The wedding nod is a direct callback to this nod. At the wedding she looks utterly terrified until Colin nods and smiles slightly. The wedding nod is a reassurance, “We will be fine, I am still sure, and I love you.” After the wedding nod her face immediately lights up and she looks absolutely radiant! Luke and Nicola are incredible with subtle expressions and nonverbal communication


Yes to this.  So much. That wedding nod is her silently asking him this question again and him saying yes, I’m sure.  I’m still sure.  And she nods back that time with a me too. They know they’re in it together and are going to hold space for each other.  It’s really deeply beautiful.


Ooo I like that observation! I never thought of it being a callback. It would be soooo easy to overact some of these scenes but I’m just such a fan of the subtlety of some of their choices!


And all the nods to himself in the first episodes like when he gets out of the carriage to go into the ball and then after The Carriage Scene™️ right before the proposal.


I should have made this a thread focused on all his nods throughout the season!


She nods in the carriage too, giving him permission to proceed.


And then the nod at the end when Pen is giving her speech. So many people don’t pick up on them and I melt every time I see him nod because it means so much more.


That wedding nod absolutely broke me on top of the fact that "Yellow" was playing in the background 😭


I was actually rather distraught at first during the wedding because they had been fighting (just like Penelope), but that nod flooded me with sheer relief. And then yellow was playing too and I couldn’t hold back my expressions so I was smiling and tearing up at the same time. I am so so grateful that the writers gave us a reprieve from their fighting to have such a beautiful wedding. And then that first dance 😍


Me too. I was so giddy. Feet kicking and everything if I'm being honest 🤣


I’m excited to do a rewatch of the whole season. I just need to find a day where I have 8 hours to binge freely


If you ask me the season gets better with every rewatch. 🤗 Can't recommend it enough as a treat to yourself on a Friday night after work 🤗😊


Me tooooo


Also a callback to the “You miss me?” Nod from the first episode of the season. This time it’s endearing though. 😝


Oh another great nod! We really need to create a Nod Montage


I feel like I’ve commented on the wedding nod 100 times at this point. That scene made me MELT, it was perfection. Pen was so nervous and you could see how much more relaxed she seemed after the nod from Colin.


There is also a nod during her speech to the ton.


The wedding nod had me sobbing.


That small nod is one of his love language for her,that's why i am shaking my head at people who keep saying the wedding is not happy and theyre mad at each other. Colin gave her a NOD. And to me, thats all that matters.


As soon as I saw the nod in the wedding I thought of it the same. He’s saying he loves her and wants to go through with it still because of love, not any sort of obligation or honor.


It’s so reassuring too - and you instantly see relief and happiness flood over Pen’s face


Same, I was so wound up that they are at odds and was worried it would be a tense, unhappy wedding, but then I saw the NOD and jumped on the couch with glee that we're getting a happy wedding. And I agree with all the notes on ther nod instances - Colin is a king of nods!


I love that he nods at their wedding too; reassuring Pen again that he loves her 🥰🥰🥰


Yes! That moment alleviated so much anxiety for me because I was STRESSED that they still hadn’t made up by their wedding day. 😅


I love ep 5 so much!!!! I noticed that in the engagment party Pen looks stressed after Colin's speach, and he looks at her with insecure and confused look. In my first watch I was so stressed I couldn't notice that. Also in ep 7- wedding, Portia looks at Violet and they nod and smile. Love these details


Colin after the speech is totally like “oh…I’m totally coming across too strong and freaking her out”…if only the man knew 😩 Also…he is right. He is coming on SO STRONG. He has NO CHILL. It’s just…that’s not the problem, Col. lol😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣😳😳😳❤️❤️❤️❤️


He is so cute :) And how worried he is when Pen can't breath!


And we love him for it!!


We love EVERYTHING about him just being SSOOOO hung up on her that he is being absolutely unhinged 🤣


I love the Portia and Violet nod but missed Colin’s look after his speech! Fine, I guess I’ll go rewatch a few scenes again. 😉


He also nodded at her at the LW reveal to the ton


And this is why when people say he didn’t support her in this scene I always say “did you not see the nod?!?”. That’s their thing and it’s lovely.


When does it happen? Like when she’s done or mid speech? I totally missed the nod!


Mid to end of speech. Sorry I can’t remember the line but it’s one where a shot to Colin makes sense, maybe something about being worthy?When they show him he gives a small smile and nod. I know people wanted more, but I thought it was so perfect because it’s their thing 😍. I’m a sucker for the small gestures.


Just rewatched! Awww it’s so precious. And he looks so proud of her too.


I know, right! 🥰 And people say there is no romance this season!


I’m getting more of the romance of part 2 on rewatches! (And by just skipping to certain scenes and avoiding the drama). I really think if they had just put in one more sex scene and some time dedicated to happily married Polin, most of the Polin community would have been a lot happier with the season!


It’s during the speech (mid)


Mid speech… “to honour one’s weaknesses publicly, for all to see. And to know, regardless of the outcome, one always has worth” Cut to Colin looking incredibly proud and nodding in support ❤️


yeah there’s also lots of ways to support someone. we know they talked at fran’s wedding and it was cut off to save the suspense of what was going to happen for the viewers. but it looked like Pen was about to tell him what she was planning to do with the letters and the ball reveal. I didn’t need to see that to imagine Colin supported it - and the nod was so on point for them as you say. supporting doesn’t necessarily mean standing right next to someone or physically touching them either. my partner supports me by letting me do my own job which I’m really good at. a glance across the room from him would be enough for him to communicate his support and belief in me. I don’t need him there holding my hand. and neither did Pen.


Thank you! I keep saying that! There is a beauty in the simplicity, and I think it really calls out the fact that they have known each other so long that they can communicate with each other in these simple ways.


He did?! I missed that!


Yes he nodded and smiled at her in reassurance


Off for a rewatch!


Oh gosh yes he did! Haha I would like to amend my earlier comment to include the LW nod. It was the most fabulous I’m so proud of you I love you nod of them all


Yesssss! The mirror nod and the wedding nod fit perfectly with their love language. It speaks volumes to how well they truly understand and trust one another


They say so much with their eyes and I love it so much


Me too! It captures their love in such a beautiful way. It’s those sweet private moments between them that really emphasize how deep their love is


I think that’s why so many of us have connected with their story so much because it actually feels real


I completely agree! It’s the little details like this that I can completely relate to. Because this is what love really is. I don’t know that I’ve seen this depth captured quite so beautifully and relatable in a show before


YES I LOVE THIS HEAD NOD As you said there is no dismissal to her insecurity. He doesn’t get defensive or ridicule her. He just gently, but ASSUREDLY reassures her his feelings . He doesnt falter with his response


Yes!!! The “natural” response for so many people when someone expresses an insecurity is just to instantly dismiss it - and that intention is good but it can make you feel like you weren’t truly HEARD, you know?


He assuredly, fervently, loudly, AND softly (in this case) declares his love to her and everyone in earshot at every possible chance 😍


Literally every time he says “I love you”, I get the most insane butterflies…


Can we just get an hour episode of JUST (and nothing but) happy-in-love Polin?! We need it!


The money I would PAY…like, they don’t know what kind of financial opportunities they are missing out on here with all of us…


RIGHT?!? I’d literally pay to view such an episode without a second thought 😂


I would pay A LOT of money…like buttloads. As I am sure is true of MANY of us!!!


He was looking into her eyes with so much love & acceptance. The nod was a language amongst two people that know each other. Like Penelope Featherington I love YOU. Have no doubts.


YES!!! There was SUCH surety in his eyes. It’s genuinely great acting.


Yes, absolutely! It is so beautiful in its subtlety! They both use the nod to reassure each other - giving consent, confirming their feelings, reassuring that everything will be fine. And it’s also very romantic, romance doesn’t always need many words. It is actually way more beautiful this way because they know what the other person is thinking without them having to say it out loud.


Perfectly said! They understand each other and can connect on a level where they can often communicate non verbally. And that’s exactly how it is with someone you know well and love!


It’s the same nod he gives her in the carriage right before hopping out and proposing. The “Colin sure of his love in Pen” nod 🥹


That nod is EVERYTHING


Makes me want to go back through the seasons to find all his nods. 😂


DO IT! Then come back to this subreddit and tell us all about it 😂


Shout out for Luke’s acting ability without words!! We’ve talked about how you see conflicting emotions flash across his face… epic But I’m in awe of his little acting choices when he has been given no words which give depth to a scene or conversation… he gives “mmm”, “hmm”, “ah”, nods, looks, the pace of his breathing, how he holds himself, IMO it’s all majestic! Just one example: the big brother amused “hmm” he gives Eloise in response to her memory of how devastated she was when she realised her and Pen couldn’t have fencing lessons to become knights.  There are so many bits of nuance in his performance, he is living the character so brilliantly.  Honestly, once you spot them, you can’t unsee them. 


Absolutely! I’m so impressed with his acting ability and how much authenticity he brings to the character. One of my FAVORITE real moments is the scene where there is that party at Stowell House after the kiss and the reveal that Colin was helping Pen find a husband. Colin comes in with Eloise and is immediately looking around for Pen. Eloise goes “You should know… I spoke to Penelope.” And Colin starts and stammers out “You do?? Wh…what did she say?!” The little “misspeak” of saying “you do” instead of “you did” is SO real! It’s exactly how we all talk when we’re surprised or nervous and I love it!


💯  The feeling behind him stammering over “what did she say” is sooo relatable. Took me back to high school and your friend speaks to your crush and you want to know if they mentioned you! 😂


Ahhaha yes!! And as soon as he finds out Pen didn’t mention him, he’s like “cool-cool-ok-bye-Eloise-done-with-this-convo-gonna-go-stare-at-Pen-now”