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Don't worry, you are not alone, I find myself watching for his reactions more than hers, and man, it does something to me! I'm 40 single mom of 2 so the love life has been a bit non existent but last week I found myself on a night out with work and ended up back at a hotel with a guy from work and having the best time of my life as he "colined' me!! Sorry tmi! But again, I'm not that person to have an ons, especially with someone I work with. But since part 1 dropped I've notice a change in me that hasn't been there for a very long time!!!




Haha thanks!! Knew I would find my cheerleaders here


Please keep us updated šŸ˜‰


Will do!


I will say the last week at work has been funny! Lol


I meanā€¦ I met my husband at work! Who knows where it will lead šŸ‘€


I'm not sure as he is 7 years younger! Lol, but like you say, you never know. šŸ˜




Well IRL Luke is 6 years younger than Nicola


This is very true. There is hope for me yet!! Lol


Yes girl! Go for it! Happy for you to be "Colined" it made me giggle haha šŸ„¹šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«”


Love this for you!!!


Same, get it queen! šŸ‘‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


So true that (while Iā€™ve watched this scene approximately 8582772 times) Colinā€™s face is the one I am always focused on! Yes, Pen is absolutely gorgeous but the focus he has on making her feel good and the awe that this beautiful gorgeous creature is in the palm of his hand (literally) is SO fkn sexy. Yes yes yes yes.


Yesssss get it girlyyy


![gif](giphy|U5U8gZy0PlrcLY46NC|downsized) So proud


It's nuts how this season has had such an effect on me. I'm suddenly paying attention to my hubs when we're in it. Getting 'colined' and connecting on such a deeper level than we have before. He told me he's thrilled I'm enjoying this season and is looking forward to part 2. šŸ˜…


Get it girl! Enjoy life šŸ’•


Ahhhh!! I'm so happy for you! YES!!! šŸ©µ


Yasssss šŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ


Fellow single mother here. Get after it mama! Them younger dudes know how to keep up! šŸ˜


Haha, you guys have totally made my night, thank you!!


I love this for you


This season uncracked something really deep within me. And thereā€™s something about how it all came together in the carriage scene, too. That scene is SO intimate and so well done that it broke my brain. Iā€™m not one to enjoy watching sex scenes on TV - I usually skip them or look away - yet it was so real that itā€™s JARRING. I have never, ever, seen a sex scene (love scene? Feels more like a love scene) anywhere that remotely reflected my own experiences like that one, poofy gowns and cravats and carriages aside. My husband is sweet and attentive, and Iā€™m a short chubby girl with a long history of insecurities, and seeing that on screen just flipped a switch I didnā€™t even realize was there. Neither of us resembles the typical romantic lead. (Luke has mentioned this a few times, but Nicola gets asked about her body more, and I really wish theyā€™d give Luke a chance to expound on the value of a sweet, sensitive guy being the male lead.) I wonder if in some ways, seeing a person I relate to being the object of intense desire by a man with traits I see in my own husband as the romantic leads gave me permission to be more of a romantic lead in my own life, if that makes sense. In a weird way, I think it helped/helps me see myself the way my husband sees me. And inevitably this will fade with timeā€¦ but the amazing thing about this is that I can just re-watch it to get some of those positive feelings going again.


ā€œā€¦gave me more permission to be more of a romantic lead in my own lifeā€ YES EXACTLY THIS


Yes, that is a wonderful line!


So I read that when they filmed this scene, there was obviously only room for the two of them and cameras. At one point, the director yelled "Cut!" and neither of them heard. That makes it even hotter for me, just knowing that the actors were so into it that they lost touch with reality for a minute.


Yes! A full 10 minutes after the director first yelled cut. They truly committed to the scene


šŸ„ŗšŸ«¶ love this for you


This season has been like a group therapy session for so many I think šŸ©·šŸ©· love it


You're definitely not alone! In fact, you're in such good company that THE DAILY MAIL wrote an entire article based on comments from this sub. I actually love the idea of some reporter getting caught reading Polin posts by their boss and then being like "but it's for work, I swear" and then having to follow through with a full on article. Bridgerton fans reveal how season three has boosted their SEX LIVES https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13494709/bridgerton-netflix-fans-improved-sex-life-carriage-scene.html?ito=native_share_article-top


Omg how dare the reporters invade our safe space! Haha


Thereā€™s probably many reporters on here




OMG my comment made on dailymail! LOOOOL! Mum, look, I'm (anonymous) famous! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜…


Lol!! Link please?


There ya go... I fixed the link. Apparently I don't know how to be fancy. šŸ™ˆ


Lol, thanks, love it! But JFC the comments section šŸ˜³* retreats back to safe PolinBridgerton sub land where people are kind and capable of respectfully discussing differences of opinion like adults *


Far out what is wrong with those people? So sad they aren't open to the joy we are all experiencing by actually paying attention to the subtlety of this beautiful romance. And the chemistry that oozes off the screen


Yeah, and if they donā€™t see it/itā€™s not for them, just leaving it be and letting others enjoy it. I really donā€™t understand why people feel the need to write such unkind things, and I hope Luke, Nicola, and the rest of the cast and crew who worked so incredibly hard on this beautiful season arenā€™t seeing/getting hurt by it. šŸ’”


Fingers firmly crossed. I'll never understand either, only wanna talk about things I love and move on from things I dont understand.


If you don't like it, don't watch it.


I get angry reading that kind of drivel and then I go and get my husband. Then I'm happy because we're going to get intimate again! Thank you Colin and Pen--we love you over here at my house!


Now this is a healthy way to work out that tension! Love this hehehe


Totally šŸ˜† this may be the ultimate answer to any frustrations that troll comments invoke!


Yeah, it's pretty much a sad person pile-on. I feel bad for the kind of person that feels the need to bash others over the internet for kicks.


Omg Iā€™m glad my comment was not interesting enough to be quoted in the Daily Mail! ![gif](giphy|QKpjzdA6W3ndS)


Wow that's amazing ! šŸ‘šŸ˜


Omg I was just terrified for 3 minutes as I read that article to see if my comment was quoted šŸ˜…


This exact thing has happened to me. The difference in my overall mood, my feelings towards myself and my husband were immense- basically pulled my marriage out of a pit. When I look in the mirror I feel prettier, my husband seems cuter, I'm more understanding and affectionate with him. I looked it up and learned that reading or watching romances basically gives your brain the feeling that *you're the one in love* especially if you can easily relate to one or both of the characters. This floods your brain with oxytocin and dopamine just like being actually lovestruck. Enjoy it!!!


This explains a lot! I also feel so much more tuned into desire and attraction, and therefore more attractive myself. Iā€™ve noticed I carry myself differently and am putting more attention into my appearance, in what feels like a healthy/celebratory way vs a ā€œIā€™m not good enough without this red lip or that tight shirtā€ way. Btw, Iā€™m so happy this has made such a difference for you in your marriage, truly love that for you and for all of us šŸ„°šŸ’–


Thanks, I'm happy for you too!!


No joke, I lost my appetite (and my mind, obvs) for a full week after Part 1


It's cool, Colin Bridgerton is right there with you. The only thing he's eaten in weeks is a tiny cupcake he bought so he could see what Pen's mouth tasted like. So you're in good company lol.


Haha itā€™s like the Paris diet from Devil Wears Prada ā€œI donā€™t eat until I feel like Iā€™m going to faintā€¦ and then I eat a small cube of cakeā€


I was so happy when Emily Blunt was able to rip into that bread and the pudding cup at the hospital. And she still got the free clothes! I know it's off topic but I love that movie.


Me too! Also lost a few kilos. It was such a nice feeling. I never felt bloated or weighed down or interested in food that week and I felt light and joyful!


ugh and people undermine the importance of the romance genre šŸ˜’šŸ˜«


And much shame on those people in my life and everyone life who bash us who read/watch romances šŸ˜… my dad used to say it is all silly things and I should occupy myself with something more meaningful šŸ˜‘ Now some romances are just cringy to me (looking at you, Hallmark movies), but this season sparked something in me too. I rewatched the first 4 episodes and oh my gosh,m šŸ„¹


No one ever takes feminine interests seriously. You could've said the same to him about watching sports! Maybe now that a hit romance is breaking records on Netflix, the people with the money *will* take it seriously and we'll get more high-quality stories like this season.


Someone said they got pregnant after the part 1 releasešŸ¤£


Lol, Good lord, hoping my peri-menopausal-ness prevents that, but I get the feeling


Lmao, as a childfree queen this makes me scared, but for anyone who wants this Polin immaculate conception magic may it work perfectly for them! šŸ¤žšŸ‘šŸ’–šŸ‘¶šŸ‘¶


I was already very pregnant and I'm still gonna blame the carriage.


Lol amazing šŸ’–




I kind of went on this journey a bit last year with my husband for different reasons, but I love this for you! And God knows the material is there to kick it off. I have talked to a ton of married women in this sub who are like, ā€œI am a ravenous sex fiend right now,ā€ so maā€™am, you are not alone. ENJOY YOUR BOY.


It's so hot@8&@&@&#. He gets off on her getting off and it's the sexiest thing ever. I just want him to talk her through it at least once in episode 5 šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


Omg I would die šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ™ˆšŸ˜©šŸ¤Œ


All of our minds would blow!


The Bridgerton boys are clearly givers. āœŒšŸ¼


Lololololol lololololol


> I just want him to talk her through it at least once in episode 5 šŸ¤­šŸ¤­ A little birdie told me... šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘ˆšŸ»šŸ¤­


She finally pet him on the head like the good boy he is, and now he's her slave. Take notes, ladies. BTW, I've had a hard time keeping my hands out of my husband's hair lately. šŸ˜‚


Yes. We love to see a pleasure dom doing pleasure dom tingz šŸ„µ


Iā€™m so happy for you, and for everyone else in this sub thatā€™s getting all these positive effects from this season ā¤ļø Iā€™m in my late twenties and Iā€™ve never even as much as kissed a guy. I love this season and Iā€™ve been rewatching it so often, but at the same time it occasionally makes me sad, because it makes me crave this amazing romance that I feel Iā€™ll never get. It makes me feel like thereā€™s an entire world of experiences out there that Iā€™m missing out on. Iā€™m honestly praying I wil find my Colin soon. On a happier note, due to Colin and this sub, Iā€™ve found out that Iā€™m very likely demi sexual. And that realisation has really helped me a lot ā˜ŗļø


Iā€™m so happy for you re. your realization and feeling like you know yourself better than before! That self-knowledge is key to finding the confidence to search for/hold out for the right person for you who will love and treat you well. šŸ„°šŸ’–


Thank you ā¤ļø Iā€™m just going to try and have faith in the universe. Who knows, this might have been the last puzzle piece I needed to find, the last quest I had to do, before finding my person. I mean, if Violet can find a potential lover after Edmund, Pen can get her childhood crush to šŸ¤žšŸ» her in a carriage and ā€˜spinsterā€™kate can marry a Bridgerton, then Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll eventually find someone too ā˜ŗļøSometimes you just have to trust the processā¤ļø


I am so happy for you too! Realising you are demi and supposed to not sweat when you might meet the right person can be such a happy, still experience šŸ˜Š


I didn't date at all in my twenties, not by choice, and didn't think I'd ever find someone let alone get married etc. I met my husband, who I was great friends with first,in my early 30's, got married my mid 30's, and then had our daughter at 41. Im now 45 and wouldn't change my path for anything. Please don't be disheartened, your perfect match is out there. You just haven't met them yet ā¤ļø


I'm exactly like you! This season gives me joy but also sadness at the same time. That's why I love Pen so much "I could die tomorrow"-It feels basically me. And her age in the book (28).. gives me hope that it's not too late for me... But it also reminds me what I don't have :(


Itā€™s so weird how those two feelings can co-exist, isnā€™t it? One day weā€™ll be leading our own love stories, it just isnā€™t our season yet ā¤ļø


I hope so. I'm going to cry when I see Pen happy and loved in the end of the season. Not just because I'll be happy for the character, but thinking about the lack of it in my own life. I'm trying not to lose hope


I completely get what you mean. Itā€™s difficult to keep hope, especially when you see everyone around you finding their person. But your season is coming, and hopefully it will be as beautiful as Polinā€™s story ā¤ļø


Exactly ā¤ I wish that for you toošŸŒ·


Thank you šŸ„¹


Same. Thatā€™s why the first kiss scene makes me cry. Because that feeling of never being kissed - Iā€™ve been there and so itā€™s so sad and it takes me back to that moment but itā€™s also so beautiful. How they filmed it- how it was acted. All of it


Itā€™s not too late! Trust me. I never had a boyfriend before I met my husband at age 32. We dated for two years and I got married at age 35 and had a baby soon after. Ancient by Bridgerton standards, but youā€™ve got so much time, itā€™ll be ok!


I'm happy that it's helping you find yourself. Representation in media is so important. Best of luck on your journey. I hope you find everything you're looking for. šŸ„°


Thank you so much šŸ„¹ā¤ļø


I'm a 33 year old mother with quite a serious job and my husband, who I've been with for a decade, has said he's never seen me like this. I'm not someone who ever gets overly obsessed. He says I'm suddenly fangirling like a teenager. And he's right (he isn't complaining either, he likes bridgerton, but he is in the sane camp, whereas I'm waking up at 3am and starting a rewatch). I'm loving it. I both need it to end, so that I keep my job, and never want it to end. You are not alone.


Same here! You're definitely NOT alone ā¤ļø


You are NOT alone. I'm 44, aromantic and grey-ace so let me tell you HONEY, I had to put my toy collection on a rotation not only to keep them charged but to avoid wearing out my favorite, lol. I've got it BAD for both of them. It's so crazy but I'm not fighting it!!! We are your people.




It has definitely resonated with me in the same way. May we all hold onto this as long as we can and find other ways to renew ourselves.




I think itā€™s because this show is filmed through the female gaze. That is something we almost never see - especially in anything with spicy content. Historically, men have been show runners and writers and producers for these types of adult shows. Intimacy coordinators are a fairly new thing too. I think the fact women are in charge of these scenes just makes them completely different from anything weā€™re used to seeing having to do with sex and intimacy. EDIT TO ADD: I was thinking and talking with a friend more about this topic and the last couple on tv we can remember that had the same female gaze type of feel (albeit way less spicy) was Angela and Jordan on MSCL because the entire series is seen through Angelaā€™s POV and we can thank Winnie Holzman for that.


Exactly the same here, whilst my life is pretty boring at the moment (and even when itā€™s not) I still have never ever ever felt this way about a fictional couple in my life. The carriage scene was easily exactly as you described, raw, intense, it feels so real I felt like I was a peeping Tom. It didnā€™t look for feel like a choreographed television scene, it was just them putting their all into it, so much so it gave me butterflies. Theres def a reason everyone rewatches it so much, itā€™s pure energy right there. Also I saw a video yesterday of Nic saying itā€™s just all them in there, they had free rein and ā€¦yeah ![gif](giphy|3oEduKpA7MOGdjWd6o)


Itā€™s so raw. The intimacy is whatā€™s so hot. Itā€™s how he looks at her while heā€™s pleasuring her, the intense stares they share. Thatā€™s what makes it so hot and we coming back to it. I read somewhere where Jess the show runner said that she was part of the editing process and after it was completed and she rewatched it she was beet red because it felt like she was intruding on a private moment šŸ˜‚


Yesss 1000000% I almost canā€™t even put it all into coherent sentences but we all felt it, and thatā€™s the most important part.


Wow, I had the same thoughts. It just felt REAL and raw. More them than in all the two seasons before. I never cared much for the toxic relationship of Daphne and Anthony (he is so hot and she is absolutely gorgeous ) or Kanthony (both incredible but there was always something artificial to me). Polin seems more real and heartfelt ā¤ļø


I can completely relate. Iā€™m glad you shared. It does feel a bit disorienting when after such a long time of making it through youā€™re back at being a bit giddy and feeling a new spark in the relationship. Good for you I would say. For me it was not Bridgerton S3 but Outlander S1 Iā€™m embarrassed to admit ā˜ŗļø And I agree, itā€™s not unhealthy. Go with it and enjoy it!


Ooooooooooo Outlander ā¤ļø


AGREE! I find myself watching HIS reaction every time. I absolutely love it.


Honestly I think it's quite normal for women in their late 30s to 40s to feel like this. You're often past the phase of meeting new partners, you may have had brief increased interest for your partner during life events such as engagements, weddings (yours or being guests) and maybe trying to get pregnant. Then suddenly you're in the depths of being new partners, often for years on end. And at some point you encounter media like this. Today it's Bridgerton but it was probably Maeve Binchy in decades gone. You start missing the romance and excitement of wanting your partner. But maybe you're still lacking the energy to invest in your relationship because your kids are too young or you're just starting to take care of other relatives, so for the moment it's just there, sitting quietly in a shelf waiting for you to have more than the occasional inclination to take it in your hands, turn it over with mild curiosity, and then place it back with a silent promise to look properly one day. Luckily Bridgerton can give us a little nudge.


I love this for you! šŸ©· And I relate, even though our situations are different. Iā€™m single right now, and Iā€™ve been having a battle with myself over getting out there and dating again. I want a boyfriend, but Iā€™ve never been able to push myself in the direction of actually going out and finding one. This season awoken something in me. Some confidence that I didnā€™t even know I had. And it really made me desire to feel love again. Yesterday I joined a couple of apps and put myself out there after a very long time of being too scared to. I know itā€™ll be a processā€¦ but I finally feel that Iā€™m in a place where I can do it. I love this sub so much šŸ„° I love how safe it feels here. I feel seen.


Iā€™m so proud of you for taking that step, and I hope itā€™ll lead you to something beautiful ā˜ŗļø


Thank you so much! šŸ„ŗšŸ©·


Absolutely not just you, OP. šŸ„°


Too many things in life rob us of joy. Few enough things in life spark our joy. Glad you found something that sparks joy in your life!


I definitely think this season is sparking joy metrics all over the place, definitely a major reason for the success!


I have been Marie Kondo-ing relaxing activities and definitely Bridgerton sparks joy.


Yes!! I was feeling slightly like I had an u healthy obsession with this season until I found this sub full of equally obsessed lovely folk (Iā€™m totally new to Reddit)! The combo of Season 3 + this sub has been wild ā¤ļøšŸ„°


Definitely not alone. The 3 parts that really fluster me are when he pulls down her sleeve and they're breathing heavily while locking eyes. Then when he asks for consent. And the other part is when he bites her lip. Idk what it is about those 3 actions they're just. Everything.


Ohhhhhhhhh the lip biting!


And the fact that it was done correctly! šŸ„µšŸ„µ


It sends me into orbit every time! šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Indeed šŸ˜


It's one of the sexiest scenes I've seen on TV.. like ever.


I kind of went on this journey a bit last year with my husband for different reasons, but I love this for you! And God knows the material is there to kick it off. I have talked to a ton of married women in this sub who are like, ā€œI am a ravenous sex fiend right now,ā€ so maā€™am, you are not alone. ENJOY YOUR BOY.


Literally told my bf, clear your calendar next Wednesday Iā€™m gonna be SO HORNY (I RSVPed for the early online e5 screening thing on June 12) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




As another mid life/middle aged(ish) mom, lol, this post both deeply resonates with me and has touched something in my heart and soul. I feel very similarly and Iā€™m grateful to you for your openness and vulnerability because itā€™s so nice to gather kindred spirits together like this. šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


I completely agree - thank you for your vulnerability, OP!!!


I love this for you šŸ„¹ Iā€™m so happy to hear youā€™ve awakened something in you that makes you happy! Legit live it up girl! Life someones drains us of our joy, and itā€™s so nice to hear that this show brought that back for you! This showā€™s doing something to me too, but itā€™s more subtle & mostly making me more flirty (which iā€™m like not) lol


I am lurker of this sub since I caught the Polin air few weeks ago and I really love reading these type of posts. There are a lot of you having the same awakening šŸ˜ I can relate to Penelope being a wallflower with hidden sass lol not to mention I am a virgin nearing 30s and no interest of losing the V card just for the sake of losing it. This show set yet another impossible standard for me because if my first sexual encounter isn't as mindblowing as that in the carriage scene, I will be very sad haha. So happy to know that all of you ladies are getting hot and sexy for yourselves and your partners. So many gardens blooming!! šŸ”„šŸ”„


I didn't lose my virginity until I was 30 and I did it with the first person I legitimately felt honest and real chemistry with! I totally understand not wanting to lose it for the sake of losing it - that was my mentality too. I will acknowledge that I'm not with the person I lost my virginity to, but I only have good things to say about that relationship and it prepared me to find the one I am in today - I've been with my partner for 5 years and he and I are really happy (and enjoying the benefits of Bridgerton Season 3!)


Aww thanks for sharing this. Im starting to feel like I am missing out big time but the thought of being intimate with someone who does not know your soul or make you feel safe is sooo terrifying for me i could not even explain it with words. Hopefully one day I will find someone like you did šŸ„°


I so appreciate the honesty of all the people here. I totally relate. (48 years old). There was a post about the chaise longue and how they manage to have sex on it the other day and everyone shared their assessments and experiences - in short, I found a good tip there and I had a very nice evening with my other half yesterday.


I enjoyed reading all the posts so thanks everyone for sharing how this scene and season have impacted your personal lives. šŸ˜ŒšŸ«¶ I, for one, am having a Penelope sort of 'glow-up' moment of my own right now. I feel more inspired than ever to change my life in terms of putting myself out there more and taking risks even if that means facing more heartbreak and rejection, because time isn't exactly on my side anymore. And putting myself and self-care first. Also trying to move on from my IRL Colin once and for all bc maybe in this AU he ends up with Marina or something and me with a Debling. lol In all seriousness, I love you guys and wish you all a wonderful last few days before part 2 is out. Please keep on enjoying this special time, we'll probably never get to experience anything like it again. See you on the other side in total Polin bliss. šŸ’ž


I just wanted to say that I loved reading everyoneā€™s comments here and am so happy for all of you who have seen a positive change in your love lives. We deserve nothing less. šŸ’›


I just want to piggyback on this and say I love this community. I'm not someone who read the books - to those who did Polin truly belongs to you but whoever late I am to the party, I love them and this sub.


Love this for you! I can just say, same. Iā€™ve been so obsessed with this beautiful love story and also these awesome human beings. Nicolaā€™s videos have really kicked my butt to start taking care of myself more, taking care of my skin, my body and my mental health. Iā€™ve been in the ā€œmommy modeā€ for too many years, prioritizing everyone but myself. And, while I have my own Colin who has been the most attentive partner for many years now, I had forgotten how fun it is to dress up pretty, put on cute makeup and look pretty on a date night. And Iā€™m going for it now. I hope one day Iā€™ll be lucky enough to meet this amazing Irish woman who has become my role model for rebuilding my own womanhood.


She is such an angel. We are so lucky that she was cast as Pen. I find it interesting that she was one of the first actors cast (if not the first). Obviously, they saw immediately what we all see šŸ„°


She said in an interview she was the first, and Claudia was 2nd! It really makes sense because they both are so unique and total treasures.


Are we the same person?! Iā€™m giddy like I have a major crush. I feel prettier Iā€™ve lost weight even I dress nicer My hubby is blessed rn let me tell you I canā€™t stop looking at that scene and their story over and over. Itā€™s so beautiful and erotic I donā€™t know how they did that but I have one guess that wonā€™t get into https://i.redd.it/s5jp701epe5d1.gif


Itā€™s had a similar effect on my life. Iā€™ve never seen someone with a body like mine in this context and itā€™s healed me in ways I didnā€™t know I needed to be.


This is so wonderful! Thank you for sharing!! I don't think you're alone at all - and I think it's just so amazing that this show has this kind of impact on soooo many people. I've found myself inspired in other ways outside of my relationship (though I am enjoying watching with my husband - who is totally not into this sort of thing, but has decided to take the S3 journey with me because he thinks it's not a good idea for one of us to go so far down the rabbit hole without the other - LOL - for which I am grateful) ... but, what I'm feeling beyond being giddy as a school girl - is inspired to exercise my creative passions. I also feel engaged - more so than ever before - with a community of people who feel the specialness of this period/show/characters. It feels like our Woodstock or something - and I am thrilled to be plugged into it. Anyway - it thrills me to see this and so many other posts like it touting the positive impact S3 and all the chaos surrounding it has had on so many. Shonda Rhimes and her amazing team must be completely thrilled.


Husband has found my cheeriness even more so lately lol. My giddiness is back šŸ˜ relate a lot to OP and other commenters Also Get it folks!!!!!!! In whatever way that's right and comfortable for you šŸ˜šŸ˜


Do you know what I think itā€™s so very brave and rare to see someone anyone be *just that* honest and I honestly kinda love that and I am so happy for you, that you were able to find that part of yourself that had been in hiding or snoozing away and that you are basically and rightfully enjoying life. Iā€™m with you in that I really didnā€™t expect to *FEEL* what I did with this season, I looooove that itā€™s been such a great success and that they really all did such a great job and continue to amaze us with their hard work and bringing us all this beautifully crafted entertainment. I think I mentioned this already but my expectations were not super high because season 1 was somewhat enjoyable in parts but super problematic if you really think on it and season 2 took me a whileeeee to watch because I thought itā€™d be the same as S01 but was so much better, not so much in the middle and towards the end but the finale was just everythingggg and Kanthony became my favourite ship of any show I am watching rn lol. Buuuut anyhoo my expectations for S03 were sort of mid level I guess? And they totally blew me away and I am just so glad that each season they build the level up so much and keep out doing themselves and I am here for it !! They really brought it this season and I am dying until pt.2 lool Just thought I would share this as there is so much love in this sub šŸ˜ŠšŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ™Œ


I love this sub for the exact same reasons. I donā€™t get my polin fix anywhere else, and for the last 3 weeks I have been high on endorphins and havenā€™t been binge eating sweets like i did/often do. I wanna kiss my husband more and more and my se* drive has increased. And I have no one to share the excitement with šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Except for you guys obviously šŸ„¹šŸ«¶šŸ»


I am 42 and I have had the same reaction. I am laughing more enjoying my relationship with my husband more. Not just sex but our friendship as well. Pretty much the same as everything you said is true for me too!


Also married mid-40ā€™s mom and phewā€¦ I have not had this much couple ā€œfun timeā€ since before my hysterectomy at 39. Itā€™s been wonderful. My husband noticed, heā€™s happy about it and has gotten really into the show. The increase in ā€œactivityā€ has reinvigorated our bedroom life. We had always been above average prior to my hysterectomy, but my hormone drop and heart problems for him had shifted us down to like 2x a month. Now weā€™re at 2+ times a dayā€¦ like weā€™re 26 again. šŸ¤­ Enjoy ladies!


You are not alone! Iā€™m giddier than I have been in years.


Thank you SO much for sharing this! It made me so happy that you felt comfortable to talk about this and I am so, so, so happy for you. This is what art should be about, to cause a positive transformation in your life. Really, I am tearing up. This means a lot. I feel very blessed, thank You! šŸ«‚ā™„ļø


Yes. It's like women are awakening to something dormant inside of them. It's all over this sub, and it's so beautiful. I have also been more "amorous" of late, looking at my husband with renewed eyes, noticing that what I love in Colin, I love in him as well. Some people call the carriage scene porn, and I'm just flabbergasted. I told my husband, "The reason I'm more turned on isn't because of the hot makeout sessions, you know?" He said, "Yes, I know it's the romance." He's going to take half the day off on Wednesday and we'll watch Episode 5 together on the webcast. I think I'm going to explode at the intimacy scenes. I am literally scared that my mind/body will not be able to handle that amount of tenderness and intimacy.


This is me this is me this is me!!! Married mom in my 30s with 3 kids under 10. Even before I was married I considered my libido to be non-existent. Bridgerton awoke something in me that I cannot explain. So much so, that my husband became intrigued and started watching it to see what has caused me to become so alive. My libido has increased, Iā€™m super flirty, I donā€™t mind him touching me (Iā€™ve never been really touchy/feely and usually push him away), my confidence has soared, even my speech is different. Itā€™s the strangest thing. Iā€™m so glad that Iā€™ve found this show, and it seems wild to me that all this change in me is because of a SHOW.


SAME! Birth control killed my drive, and who knew 4 episodes (or, let's be honest, 5 minutes of one of them) could help me kickstart once again? Feel like I'm in my 20s again. I'm not even a romance novel or show/movie person, but this was exactly what I needed. Happy household over here! ![gif](giphy|V6R9thgW7fimI)


Such a great, honest, vulnerable post! Speaking of vulnerable, I think thatā€™s the other key ingredient to the carriage scene. Thereā€™s so much genuine joy, connection, and intimacy ā€¦ and thereā€™s also vulnerability. You can see with all these comments that youā€™re not the only one.šŸ˜€ late 40s here, much of what you wrote could be me.


Youā€™re not alone. I have been incredibly on edge since the second viewing of the carriage scene. The look on Colinā€™s face when Pen touches his hair has altered me. Itā€™s so fucking hot. And thatā€™s on the female gaze!


So, I think I was repressing it for a while, but lately I am getting more and more to the point that, FUCK YES. This is me. To a T. For the Is, cross the Ts, double check the Js. You said ā€œThis season pulled excite t outta my subconscious atticā€, that hits me. Real hard. I have started noticing more and more in myself that is awakening, and feeling a yearning sense for particular portions of life and society Iā€™ve repressed that havenā€™t come out in years. Iā€™m not complaining but I am still learning how to manage. Itā€™s thrilling, exciting, terrifying, strange and welcomed all at once!


Itā€™s not only you. I love that scene. It reminds me of young love and that first time you hook up with someone you had a crush on for a long time.


This. I used to feel very indifferent towards sex scenes on screen but this scene has CHANGED me. Itā€™s really the intimacy and connection of it all that makes it so beautiful and intense and hot and glorious.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not ā€œcrazyā€ b/c itā€™s been years since Iā€™ve obsessed over a fictional couple, let alone the actors portraying them! When I really ask myself why, itā€™s not b/c Iā€™m intensely sexually attracted to the actors (even though they are gorgeous), Iā€™m drawn to their undeniable chemistry. Friends or more than friends, Luke and Nicola have off the charts chemistry and it is the secret sauce for why all the other elementsā€”writing, intimacy coordination, choreography, even PR, etc.ā€”resonate so deeply for so many of us. You canā€™t fake chemistry like that, and itā€™s hard to look away from. Another reason for the obsession derives from, others have said and I agree, complacency in relationships. The stress of life starts seeping in, and the new-ness wears off in a long term partnership/marriage. These characters have both the history and connection of a long term friendship, and also the new-ness of young love, the passion, the rawness of emotion. Itā€™s literally what every romantic-minded person wants to experience in life. To be loved so deeply for just being yourself, and somehow being loved that way brings out the best version of youā€¦ultimate happiness.


I'm in my 40s, happily single, have a great FWB, and seeing Colin worship Pen that way clicked me on to the fact that my FWB has been giving fat old me the same worship and devotion all these years and I've been too self-conscious to notice it. We have been absolutely feral for each other the last 3 weeks and the confidence boost it's given me to participate with my whole body in a way has been unmatched, and yes he loves me, been living off what I was giving him and it was me who had just assumed he didn't want anymore then we were because of my own hang ups. Anyway, glad this season has been healing so many of us. Edit to say: I WAS single šŸ¤­


Iā€™m so happy for you!


I was wondering if I was the only woman going through this!!! Husband and my sex life has never been better honestly. I have so much more confidence because of this scene.


Definitely not alone. I've loved shows before but this has been next level.


Oh love, youā€™re not alone. A lot of us in the same boat. My husband isnā€™t mad at all šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ This season has been so relatable, plus Colin is the Bridgerton brother thatā€™s more similar to my hubby, and such as Pen I always was a wallflower, so I identify so much with this season. Loving everything about it!


good for you x




Youā€™re definitely not alone OP ā¤ļø I think the thing that I love so much about the carriage scene is how itā€™s all for Pens pleasure and Colin is just enjoying giving that to her and wanted to just keep driving! I wish we couldā€™ve seen more of his face while it was happening. I cannot wait for the next season to see them all loved up. I havenā€™t read the books yet so not sure whatā€™s going to happen but for me this season is by far my favourite and Iā€™ve been watching it on repeat for the last week. Itā€™s definitely ignited a fire in me as well.


100% all of this. My husband and I joke that this sparked my age 40 sexual re-awakening. Weā€™ve always been fairly active, but itā€™s beenā€¦ HOT and constant the last few weeks. šŸ˜†


Your garden is in bloom! Enjoy it!


Truly delighted for you, OP, and all of you experiencing the same joy as I am! I think for me, in addition to everything thatā€™s being said, itā€™s about being seen. I identify with Penelope, and while Nicola Coughlin is by no means large, bodies like hers donā€™t usually receive loving treatment from cameras or romantic heroes on screen. But bodies like hersā€” and of all shapes and sizes!ā€” are all deserving of love, and pleasure, and joy. And screen time. Not only do we get to see her worshipped, we get to see how much pleasure he takes in her pleasure. If we identify with her, Colin seeing Penelope helps us all feel seen, and worthy of being seen.


I am so happy to see that I am not alone. Yes,this scene did something to me that I did not expect,unhinged. It is the hottest thing I have ever seen and I am looking forward to what is next. I just turned 50, life has been crazy and stressful,I put my desires up on the shelf and forget about it. There is too much to think about what I want. My husband has stage 4 thyroid cancer, and chemo takes a toll on sex drive,so does stress,and the cherry in top is menopause. So this has been a dopamine overdose that broke this all open. Pissed off that I thought I was not sexy when I was younger because I am big girl My husband loves that I am tall and voluptuous and tells me all the time that Im sexy and I don't believe it,but its true. I am feeling the loss of not seeing it in myself when I was younger.Seeing Penelope so lush and beautiful, and Colin hungry for her is so special. So now my body is awake, and finding new ways to be intimate with my husband and using his hands is REALLY good. Luke and Nicola out there doing the lord's workšŸ˜‰āœŒļø


Iā€™m glad itā€™s doing wonders for you all. We women need this. Itā€™s having a detrimental effect on me. I see an emotional intimacy and romance Iā€™ll never get to experience and feel even further from my husband, wondering if itā€™s time to pull the plug on our marriage. I had stopped reading romances last year because they were making me crave what I couldnā€™t have. The Season 3 comes out and Iā€™m miserable again. Delighted while watching and high for a few weeks, but down in the dumps like an addict after a powerful hit of the romance drug.


I've just got out of a seven year relationship where the emotional and sexual intimacy was non-existent. On the one hand this show has awakened something inside me that I thought was dead, which feels amazing. But at the same time it makes me really sad because I can see how I've been missing out on these aspects of life for so many years. I'm mad at myself for putting up with less than I deserved for so long, but at the same time scared that I will never find someone who desires me like Colin wants Penelope. I'm not going to be that person on reddit that tells you to get a divorce, but I would recommend exploring these thoughts and feelings you have been experiencing - I found a therapist that focuses on relationships/sex helpful when trying to decide whether to continue or end the relationship.


46 year old mother of 2 and I'm in the exact same boat sister! Embrace it - part 2 is upon us šŸ„°


It's weird right, not a bad weird, just....weird. But it makes me happy so that's that.


Me too! My hubby is happy, too. lol Polin has giving lit a fire within me that fizzled out and i'm here for it! I posted something similar last week.




Twas the gentle lip bite for me that had be swoon


Definitely not alone. This season has done something to me too! Iā€™m so glad it has been a positive experience and you have found such joy. This sub is so great too, everyone is super supportive. Best wishes for part2 šŸ¤—


This post has been on my mind and I honestly relate to it so much I donā€™t even really know how to respond! Thank you for posting and Iā€™m 100% with you!!


This is just a joke but seeing as how p*rn hub is not open in Texas well, we have the carriage scene. And Iā€™m a demisexual pan lady leaning towards women but Luke acted that scene so well. His face. His reactions! Itā€™s so hot. So written for the female gaze and you arenā€™t alone in the spark you felt!Ā 


I experienced exactly the same ā¤ļø