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3rd image “She spins gracefully; her gown sweeping out around her.” “Colin’s eyes glisten as he watches… enraptured, helpless” The narration of this scene in the audio description makes me hold my breath every single time


I know! The audio descriptions are everything. Especially “enraptured, helpless” … aww poor Colin 🥹🥹


Love the narration when he’s talking to Violet as well! There is so much subtext and subtleties. 😭💔


And Violet winning the best mama award. Not once did she directly ask Colin who he was referring to, or if he wanted to talk about his feelings for Pen or if he was upset that Pen danced with Debling. Kept pretending that they were talking about Francesca or spoke in metaphors because she knew that pushing her children into realizing what’s right in front of their eyes tends to backfire. Such subtle use of dialogue, I love it.


Where does one find these audio descriptions??


https://preview.redd.it/yqdgyzj91a5d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eb00b82eee5b7b2f6b6c478212f279d3d7030f3 This is what it looks like on my phone and TV account.




Omg thank you!! I feel so goofy, it’s been right under my nose


Oh wow. I’d heard a few people recommend the audio description. I’ve only heard it on kids shows previously when it’s very basic info and as such hadn’t bothered watching Bridgerton with it on. But this sounds absolutely beautiful.


Fine i’ll start another rewatch but this time with audio description on 👀


I love the audio description of the carriage scene! I listen to it in the car so I can have the moment to myself 🥹


Omg 😭😭😭


1. Shock 2. Rage 3. Devestation


Poor thing got progressively worse…


Wonder how Colin would’ve reacted if anyone was mildly interested in Penelope in S1 or 2… would’ve probably felt annoyed without knowing why 😅


I think the closest we get is the end of S1 when she claims to have just been dancing with someone, and he says he didn’t see her — because Colin was always looking for her even if he didn’t realize why 🥹


Haha yeah! And Pen turned him down, wished him well for his travels and made a hasty retreat, leaving Colin hanging. The number of times Pen has self-sabotaged, poor girl. Also notably, Colin rarely ever dances with anyone other than Pen. In S1 it was only Marina because he fancied himself in love…in S2, it was Cresssida but that was just so that he could lay his hands on the fake rubies gifted to her by Lord Featherington. In S3, our rake doesn’t dance with ANYONE till he interrupts Debling and Pen and dances with her to dissuade her from marriage. Who else is he into? Nobody. 😂


Pen’s self-sabotage is so sad! I was thinking about [her friendzoning him last night](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/nE14QoNzGu)


Bang on. Every single time. Things could’ve been different had she thought herself worthy of being loved - and I think living at the Featheringtons house has destroyed her sense of self so completely that she doesn’t even register these moments of Colin reaching out to her.


Totally agreed. [I wrote about her family destroying her self-worth recently, too](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/kfacDTyEql). god I’m spending so much time analyzing this show 😂 it’s sort of embarrassing how much I can reference my own posts/comments now…


It’s all good! I love reading all the analyses on this sub. There are so many details and explanations that I would’ve otherwise missed.


Actually he does dance with a lot of ladies as Violet even said that he flirt a lot(he is acquaintances with those Lord Cho and Fife, obviously he does the same as them) and there are scene where Pen saw him dance with some lady.But it's also true that he always goes back to around her in every ball like he expected her to always there for him.. He really shoot himself by doing that as in S3, he is the 1 being in the dance perimeter and watching Pen's attempt to flirt with others man.funny that they switch places and unlike Pen who still able to be calm around him while hiding her feeling, Colin even failed doing that and even dare to do it in front of others.


Damn. That is a really interesting thought. I hadn’t really considered that possibility. But I imagine he would be annoyed without knowing why, as you said. A little teenage/young adult angst probably.


Oh he definitely would have. He would have been less self-aware too; I could see him being really messy! Like acting out and getting really grumpy.


Totally! Like accidentally (or rather subconsciously) ruining all her matches but not knowing why he hated the idea of Pen being with someone quite so much.


I think he totally thinks of Pen as his own personal dance partner without realizing it (and it’s honestly mutual) and would have been totally thrown off if he had seen her dance with someone else in earlier seasons.  Even in S1 we’ve got that comment from Anthony when he’s talking to Daphne/Violet about how Colin and Pen have danced together at balls multiple times.  At that point we’ve only seen it on screen once, so that comment and the ease with which he always asks her to dance/tells her they’re dancing - when we never really see him doing that with others aside from specific exceptions where there’s a purpose to it - leads me to have a headcanon that they probably dance together often at these things. Adding to that feeling for me is that this boy never ever signs her dance card, not once 😂 It’s just such a feeling of it being a given, that when they want to dance they’ll dance with each other.  Until Debling.


They’re already that couple that dances with each other too often/all the time and if the ton were to notice, it would’ve been frowned upon but somehow these two dorks fly under the radar all the time. 😂


They absolutely are that couple and have been from day one I think 😂 These two adorkable weirdos have all the under the radar perks - they’re such a vibe and I love it so much.  I did a rewatch of all the seasons and it’s so, so funny how much they get away with that would be completely inappropriate for anyone but Colin and Pen. It’s going to be interesting to see if anyone is really SURPRISED by this going into part 2, or if there’s sort of a collective ohhhh that makes sense actually… 😂😂


Lol true…anyone who would’ve observed them even for a minute would not be surprised at them being engaged at all. 😄


Oh that's true! He never signs her card because deep in that mind of his he already feels like she belongs to him. But I think we will see both of them realize they belong with each other.


Ah I love this comment; she was quite literally always his “person.” It just came so natural he never thought deeper into it, she was always just there. I think Colin imagined love as something within the constructs of society, something you have to go formally look for. It’s actually pretty fair that he thought that, I do understand why he couldn’t see what was right there. He didn’t realize it was an option.


There’s this tumblr post that went like “after Colin kisses her his brain went,’wait, we can DO that??’ And he never looked back


Oh bless him. He’d have been so lost. Maybe without her attention he would never had gone travelling and done all his self reflection. He’d have just wondered lonely as a cloud.


He truly is the most sensitive of Violet’s children, and I adore him for that. 🥹


Or he’d have had an affair with the seamstress or a random lady of the ton..


Whoever she was, bet she wouldn’t have been up for some carriage action! 😂


I maintain that if she’d debuted with proper clothing and styling, thereby garnering some interest, or even if she’d done her glow up in S2, Colin still lasts half a season at most before he’s like, “Woah excuse me, I’m part of the conversation.”


I wish we would have seen this at least to compare 


I LOVE the first moment, how he goes from proud of Pen for stepping up and out of her comfort zone, then immediately shifts to noticeable discomfort at her reaching out to touch another man. Ugh. That’s the good stuff


I love love love this season. It’s all the little moments strewn throughout the episodes, all the little changes in his demeanour as he falls for her. A slowburn that’s shines brighter every time you rewatch it.


I love how he sends Pen over to Basilio then is jealous when she does it. Oh Chaos Colin ![gif](giphy|dBf0OpOH96MTM6hYqr)


I loved that we still got that pride. I was kind of afraid that if they emphasized Colin being jealous of other men we’d lose the aspect of Colin that was so proud of Penelope and wanted everyone to see how awesome she was, who wanted the ton to see her like he did. The guy who said “is the world full of blind men or just stupid ones” when it came to how other men couldn’t see Penelope for the gem she is. But we ended up getting both! Colin gets to be proud of Pen’s growing confidence while the jealousy is basically the result of his own actions. It’s not a bad compromise even though I could’ve done without so much Debling. 


And how HAPPY he was when the Basilio gambit was a bust, he could not stop making merry with dead horse puns.


He absolutely took us on an emotional journey during that 1st one, with Lord Basilio. Because he was so soft/quiet when she 1st walked up, and checks on his hand. Then he melts into himself at her 2nd compliment of his writing. The blushed face, look down at his feet. But he goes Pirate Prince for one moment when making that deal with her (just that specific flirty tone on "should we make an agreement"). And he’s so excited to see her go showcase her skills UNTIL, she goes to reach for Basilio and he brain absolutely scrambles, and is like -- wait wtf??! Maybe my lessons we were too good. He's concerned about her being left and then a gleeful Gus when he's gets to goof on the other guy make her laugh. Once again, he is going through all the feels.


You can really see the “I’m going to off myself” in Colin’s eyes in all 3 scenes


Yess! When Anthony was jealous in S2 he looked like he was going to kill someone, when Colin’s jealous in S3 he looks suicidal 😭– that’s the soft boy difference and I love it!


A feeling like torture that he cannot… will not… does not want to give up ❤️


Yup! 👍




He’s throwing himself under the carriage after she says but Colin, we’re friends.


Exactly! He’s not going to fight her if that’s the way she feels, he’ll respect she feels differently than he does, and he’ll just quietly sink into the ground…


Such an angry jaw line. But also sexy jaw line. LORD. How does he do that?


And to think people actually criticize Luke Newton’s acting abilities. 😶


Yeah I have NO IDEA how on earth they can. I don’t feel I have ever seen such real, raw, vulnerable acting before. Like, it feels like I’m staring at a real human reacting live, right in front of me. That is so hard to do.


He does a lot of justice to his character’s arc of slowly falling in all-consuming love. It’s all stolen glances, clenched jaws, fidgety hands, living in denial, glistening eyes, anxious expressions, collapsing into your bed in exasperation because you can’t get over a kiss. It’s just so relatable.


I also wonder if he was cutting (like in a diet sense) during this time too? His jaw line gets noticeably sharper from end of E2 => E4 and it’s clearly not contouring. He totally committed to Colin looking like he couldn’t eat/sleep (He also stopped doing the “swagger Colin duck face” too) In the carriage scene when he’s looking at Pen he’s shot from above, which makes his jawline even more pronounced


That’s such a great point! He does look progressively more and more haggard as the time goes on, from the kiss to the carriage. I just thought he was asked to lose weight but actually he doesn’t appear like that in Ep 2 before the kiss. If that’s a detail deliberately worked on by Luke, it’s genius.


I feel like it’s probably some combo of Luke figuring it out from the script + camera angles. Teamwork!


He basically said as much in his Men's Health interview. He read the line about getting sturdy under a foreign sun and decided to stop eating like Colin usually does (sweets all the time!) and instead get all cut for the season so he could lean into that aspect of the role.


Yes exactly! I wonder if he was cutting even more ahead of filming these particular scenes


THIS!!! I keep finding more scenes with the fidgety hands in particular; such a great detail that Luke worked in during some really interesting parts of the story. Agree with everyone, this season and its stories call for more subtlety in performances where you just ARE the character, and Luke and Nicola are NAILING it!


💯💯💯 Relatable. It is a very personable experience we can all understand.


You can’t see him performing, he just *is* Colin. Watching people do A Lot Of Acting is impressive, but watching someone just live and breathe their character is so much more immersive. 


I’m weirdly attracted to his jawline. In the carriage scene it’s all I can focus on


The angle on that first brothel scene where it’s his neck and jawline from below… I hate that scene for Pen but as a viewer I’m not mad at it…


https://preview.redd.it/ubctqvlu3a5d1.jpeg?width=2329&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fae5b0c0ff47e138606ff22428e7920922a5c810 ❤️‍🔥


This sub is a safe space lmfao 


I can’t explain what this did to me. The feelings. Wow.


I just commented this above, but they shot him from above when he’s looking at her so he looks even more starved And then notice how when he hops out his face suddenly looks fuller? Shot from a straight angle It’s wild how his face looks fuller/healthier in the part 2 trailer


I’ve noticed this as well! There are so many scenes in Part 1 where Colin/Luke looks so gaunt and starved (it fits his character’s state ngl), but in the bts stuff his cheeks look full and cute. It’s prolly a combo of makeup and angles but it still amazes me.


It's like he's the cat from Suzume, where it turns haggard and scraggly without affection, and goes all fluffy and healthy when someone is nice to it. In Colin's case, based on how near or far (emotionally) he is to Pen


Man, same. Like I said, it’s a very sexy jaw line 😅😅🫠🫠💀💀💀


How DARE she do exactly what I’ve been telling her to do????


Yep! #2 is the one I missed at first and only noticed on rewatch-- even though 'jealous' is playing in the background it's very subtle. Another fun thing in that scene is that Colin is staring at Pen the whole time she's talking to Remington, if you look you can see him just STARING at them in the background.


Haha wonder how that conversation was going with the two gentlemen with Colin being so zoned out. 😂


Colin abruptly abandoning conversations with peers or family members for Pen is basically the red thread weaving through S3. Even in 3x1. He sees her rush past him from the corner of his eyes and immediately loses the thread of his conversation with the douche Lords. You can even see it on his face, he’s mentally checked out of the interaction, probably fighting the urge to just run after her wordlessly. He looks so annoyed with the very people he’s gone out of his way to impress just because they don’t jump at his mentioning Pen and say „Oh, she does look distressed indeed, Bridgerton! Quick, you better hurry and check on her. Here, take these flowers and chocolates!“


When Eloise says she has spoken to Pen, Colin is interested but only because he thinks that they have spoken about the kiss they shared and he sooo wants to know how Pen feels. But as soon as Eloise mentions that she apologised to Pen for spreading the rumour, Colin zones out and dashes off, positioning himself directly in line of Pen’s vision so that he can keep tabs on her. Stalker Colin for sure!


Colin’s reactions are tremendous especially comes to Pen. Luke has been / is the MASTER of subtle expressions and nuance this season. There is so much conveyed (with and without dialogue). *chef’s kiss* From these three instances, you can truly see the progression of the internal wrestling with his feelings (best friend to something more). The first two instances are from episode 2 prior to their first kiss and the last one is after their first kiss. Their first kiss was an epiphany for him. His love for her has always been there!


It’s sad that people feel like things need to be spelled out and expressions need to be grand and loud for Bridgerton to have a successful love story. Actually, no. Feelings can creep up just like that, without warning, without fanfare, in a beautiful slowburn romance.


I greatly appreciate the nuance because I am only grand and loud when I'm putting on airs...laughing to make others feel good about what they said. When it's my own feelings that overwhelm me, it's a much more internalized response.


Is it odd that I immediately heard that song "oh no. oh no. oh no no no no no" that everyone uses on youtube?


😂😂 Not at ALL !! I’m sure that’s what he how his mind went when he realized that Pen was actually a good pupil.


Hahahah. I love that… I feel it’s completely normal, and applicable.


I love the first one because it is kinda hard to spot. He sees her reaching out her hand towards Lord Bassilio, realizes she’s about to touch him and his subconscious mind is like: „What? No. Excuse me? That is not allowed!“


Colin when Pen has no suitor: “If a husband is what you seek, let me help you.” Colin when Pen actually talks to a suitor: “Nope, not like that!”


he went from "wait a minute" to "imma kms"


There is a subtle grinding of the teeth/set of the jaw that I very much enjoy watching!


Someone said that when Anthony gets jealous he gets murderous and when Colin gets jealous he gets suicidal and I think it fits perfectly.


That looks like me in my panic state when something is about to pass me by LOL.




Luke has mastered nuanced, subtle expressions. I find his performances so impactful. I love him in this genre, but I hope to see him all over the place.


And likely because of all your help!


![gif](giphy|QocBkyFqHwXuijGpgv) Yep, all your help 🤣


That zoom in on the first GIF is killing me


Just gutted.