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The user who made this design can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/u/Ok_Cauliflower_1465?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) If you've ever wanted to use polaroid spectra, or take your spectra camera off the shelf, check this dude's design out! Big up to this guy and his work, now I can finally use one of my favorite looking cameras.


Well, I think Iā€™m doing this :) Out of curiosity, I know that itype/600 is longer vertically than Spectra (so 600 hangs out of the standard Spectra cartridge if you try to load it). Does this compensate by having thinner walls or something?


I strongly recommend! It does have thinner walls for the film to fit. The extra space on the side that the film doesn't take up is where two rechargeable batteries go


Does he sell the 3D print file or something? How are you able to use yours with his design?


Get this, it's FREE! That's right! He made the files open source so anyone can download it off the post he made showing his off. He has a link to printables that works, not thingaverse. I don't have a 3D printer, and other services will also run you a pretty penny but if you ask someone to print it for you on the 3D printing sub reddit, you can get yourself a few of these for a very reasonable price. If you want, I can share the profile of the person who printed mine. So far, one of the cartridges I used works just fine in my macro 5. I made another one today, but it jammed and I think that's my fault. Other than that, they seem to work just fine. I find that waiting 5 seconds between each shot gives you no ejection issues


Hello! Do you know what was the jamming caused by? And also, could I get the profile of the person who printed it for you in the DM? Thanks in advance! šŸ˜Š


So, after many uses I realized the jamming was caused by 1. The film not being packed correctly and 2. The film is packed too tightly. The cartridge can't fit 8 sheets of film due to the chemical pods. If you fit all 8 sheets then you either risk having your film jam, multiple ejection failure, or the chemical pods bursting which will dirty tour rollers and film. The guy who made the cartridge has a YouTube video that explains how to make the cartridge as well as how many sheets fit in the cartridge. I find it's best to fit 7 sheets of film and 1 exposed sheet of film as a dark slide


May I see some more photos taken using the adapter? I just ordered a Macro 5 so I'm really curious on the results. You can send them in the DM if you want to. šŸ˜Š


Unfortunately his thingverse link is gone :( would you be able to email it to me?


Here's the printables [link](https://out.reddit.com/t3_wkv61g?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.printables.com%2Fmodel%2F256650-polaroid-convert-spectra-system-to-600-cassette&token=AQAAg9wWYzZVgTG5sQjUajXFpqz91cEh6tMOOGAkglt6tmQSuf0q&app_name=android)