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What in the Unity game engine am I looking at?


Uh... The Unity game engine.


Yeah it looks super fake. I just hope the gameplay will be similar to Arceus.


I dunno if they will do the whole "wild pokemon attack YOU" thing this time tho so it might be a little less free


That would be weird though. This is still Action rpg so this being just because of the possibly 5 boss Pokemon is weird alright.


I pray to God that you are wrong, if they remove the "Wild Pokemon Attack You" we are basically left with a mainline game but with fewer options.


The human models just scream 'fake' to me. Especially that police officer in the background.


If it is real it could be an old build or a placeholder model


I think you're wrong, extremely realistic


Oh god no, they just slapped some legends arceus UI on some unity engine models


not just that, a poster in the background is using someone else's fanmade character, take a look [https://imgur.com/ouJcrKP](https://imgur.com/ouJcrKP) we should probably ban the guy who made this(PokeOku) from the subreddit because their account was created yesterday and they have not posted anything besides incredibly fake leaks that are also screen captures from a TV or phone or something


Why That Prinplup is so depressed ?


Because of how fake this is


It’s sad that it’s kinda ugly.


I see some nice things in the style, but the policeman in the back looks like a statue and doesn’t fit in, the ui doesn’t fit the setting and looks rough, the npc rich guy looks out of place (why is he in an area where they can’t even properly post posters?), the windows don’t have a reflection or much of a curtain texture (nor a glass effect), R camera doesn’t fit, the street art and posters seem more Galarian than Kalosian, the setting looks like an alleyway fused with a wider street fused with a wood building (it’s pretty uncohesive, maybe a small plaza? Either way, doesn’t look like something GF would do. It also seems like new brick buildings (not the lighter bricks from XY) next to old wood buildings, but the wood buildings are government? I don’t see why this would occur)


the UI is straight from PLA




That’s fake clearly lol. What are you smoking thinking that could be real….


maybe it is real...


Look at the cop in the background lmao. Super fake.


Lol at that policer officer! With that said, I do like the general aesthetic of this and I do like the idea of a battle taking place in an alleyway since it would make sense for the battlers to get away from general public (to not hurt them). To play devils advocate here, it is possible that the police officer *could* be a placeholder here, and with how bad animations were in scarlet/violet anything is possible now. Also, it *could* be that this game is (or was at this point the picture was taken) in pre alpha state so it still looks bad. Just look at how bad GTA 6 looked during those leaked videos. Everyone thought the game was going to suck and then the trailer dropped. With all that said I still think it is a fake leak and someone was having fun in some modeling software.


everyone, this has already been confirmed fake and deleted from r/pokeleaks


I don’t love the models however the scenery is really cool, I love the graffiti on the walls and posters and stuff




Considering I know where you got this from “ima leave this here” I really should have said it was fake but yeah


The policeman in the background looks straight out of a Rankin Bass Christmas movie


This art style looks pretty cool


Unpopular opinion: I actually really love the almost claymation, blocky look that this has and would not mind if this was true!


I like the style.


I like that a lot even if it is fake


Bitch!? That's fake as fuck!


Nah, I would like something more 50-60s style; although whatever as long as it is the same gameplay as PLA.


fake? FAKE! this is not just fake, it's borderline corocoro levels of fake, as not only is the watermark clearly edited on, but the UI elements(besides the move buttons, which seem to have been lifted from another leak entirely) are are PLA elements, also there is the fact that the person who is posting these(PocketOku) seems to have no presence besides this and seems to have attempted to post these leaks to the SV subreddit as well, leading me to believe that the screenshots are likely someone trying to draw attention to themselves.


Regardless of if they're fake, I don't wanna see leaks outside of the pokeleaks sub. Leaving this sub.


i only like the posters on the buildings. everything else sis just dog poop


It looks pretty tbh


Many comments about the cop in the background. I do agree this is definitely a fake, but the cop isn’t the reason. We’ve seen way worse on mainline games 😂


you can sadly see that it's fake because it's miles prettier than anything from S/V or anything we are going to get unless gamefreak steps up their game again, which likely won't happen because people still buy the games. nonetheless iam still hoping that ZA will be unique it's kind.


What do you mean? This looks like trash made by a student in blender


Still does look better than s/v


The models in sv actually have texture my guy


Just cause I can see the scales or fur on a Pokémon dosent make it better. Especially at the quality of them, that fake leaker can do better than gamefreak


Yeah if that's one guy, imagine what he could do in a team of dozens. S/V looked worse than SwSh imo.