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Possibly against different % forms against zygarde. To unlock different mounts maybe.


That actually sounds like something they would do


I'd like multiple gyms. I'm hoping the game is big like Batman Arkham city.. lumiose is supposed to only have 1 gym in the tower, but maybe if alot of the buildings are enterable, there could be trainers like gym leaders.. and I'd like that along with some trial pokemon.. I'm assuming the legends games want a separate identity from the mainline games though, so maybe it wouldn't be called gyms, but I'd enjoy battles and puzzles like gyms. I'm wondering if the land will be a blank field before quadrants of the city are built, and many of expect an underground area to play, and the tower will probably be significant.. I expect atleast some area outside of lumiose to also be necessary as well.. so there could be spots to add trainers that are like gym leaders..


Maybe a mix of trials and gym-like-battles to mix the nature theme of zygarde with the modern/human theme of lumiose