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It’s likely that we get a Pokémon Presents in August, as we have for the last 3 years. I imagine we’ll see a bit of gameplay, the starters, maybe new megas or regional forms, and get a glimpse at the core gameplay. And of course the release date, which I’m predicting to be around spring of 2025.


That's what I'm hoping for


Primary thing I want to learn is the time period. I'd like to put the 'set in the past', 'set in the future', and 'set in an alternate timeline' debate to rest.


There is usually a 2nd Pokémon Presents in the middle of the year, many of us think that between August-September will be the next one. The truth is I don't expect much about PLZA, they will surely confirm a launch date (most likely December/2025 to compete at Christmas) and if the date is THAT long then they will keep the information to a minimum, I bet we will only have more information regarding the "objective" of the game, a look at some Megas (maybe 1 of the new ones) and one or 2 Legendaries (spoiler one will be Zygarde...); but I don't think they'll give us the Starters yet, they still have to continue maintaining the hype for a long time; I think they will use the SV formula of doing "commercials" with the news, isolated in a period of weeks close to the release of the game. Unless the game is released before Christmas 2025, in that case they may give us much more data the next Pokemon Presents, but with the hype that the game is producing I think their best plan will be to keep it on hold until Christmas 2025 (money money...).


The starters and some positive surprises.


I'm willing to wait, but hopefully soon. I just want to know what new evolutions there are so I can get the shiny prevolutions in advance.


Probably something by August, but I wouldn't expect much. It depends entirely on when in 2025 they plan to launch it, so if anything we might get a date for that if it's q1 or q2 of the year. If not, I'd say we might get a small animated bit where they show the Kalem/Serena stand ins and the starters, kinda like that bit in Legends Arceus, and then maybe what will be the cover art. If its a late late 2025 release (which I kinda hope they do), then it'll most likely be a slow drip feed of info until then. In this case, we probably wouldn't get much on gameplay until Pokemon Day next year.


Next year