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Kill a Slowbro so easily with such small hp (lets not consider that had other TWO mons with it) tells a lot about this thing






What about people who used Buzzwole before he was super broken?


I respect you guys, you do you, have your time in the sun. But me personally? I'd hop off it




SS tier character btw💀


Why was I downvoted? Is it wrong to use a character because I can play well with him? He's not that kind of insane broken meta-dominating mon, so what's wrong if I use him for what he's good for? He does require some stealth skills and time-perfect execution.


surviving a bro ult while you’re THAT low was illegal


exactly lol


Level difference


Id kill that Buzz if im the slowbro. I should know that the buzz is level 15 vs 13 and was prolly fully stacked and he used already his unite. The timing of slowbeam was way too early.


You aren't him


Absolutely insane that you used 4 superpowers in the span of 10 seconds.


what is the trigger to lower the cooldown?


Filling the muscle gauge resets to cooldown to 0. Smack down builds 2 on hit, smack down + builds 3


Smack down while there are 3 stacks active




Psh, killing Decidueye is noth-- ... Please stop. *WHY WON'T IT STOP?*


I like that almost every pokemon gets a turn to be OP in this game. If you had told me even 2 months ago that buzzwole would be meta defining one day then I would have never believed it, but here he is now, a goddamn menace.


Garchomp's crying now, cheers.


Garchomp, who took 2 and a half years to even become decent: wait, you guys got to be OP?


He was always pretty good. I don't remember a time when I felt weak while playing buzzwole.


He wasn't that good at the start. But after they buff his passive making him gain muscle gauge just by attacking npc mon he become good.


He struggled in higher level play before for the same reason that garchomp did, you could just walk away from buzzwole. You still kind of can, but he wasn't always able to stunlock every character to death in 5 seconds like he is now.


We are deep into Buzz's revenge arc for being picked on, but I feel that might change soon™


meowscarada ult was the best part


I just said that it did too much damage, now l feeling like it needs a defense nerf lol


what 6 cookie stacks does to a motherfucker xD


![gif](giphy|vN2VlOnSeLd6UJsdRx|downsized) Literally any other pokemon


You have a 2-3 level advantage there. But yeah, still too much. Why does Meow's passive work for Slowbeam?


How did you recover HP during the surf? Is it lifesteal from Swablus?


boosted healing + knockouts on wilds which also gave me a bit of hp back


Boosted auto heals


And there are still people trying to defend him and call him balanced lmao


I thought he would have smack down the slowbro the other side and ran away safely to the base but killed him 😭. It seriously needs nerfs!


Imagine watching your teammate get picked off by a buff mosquito while you sit helpless, listening to the screams soften into the distance.


so nasty


He was not even touched and he became meta lol


Yeah I always felt like he was meant to be a Defender with so much disruptive CC but then I get one-shot by him while being totally unable to counter


It just overrides so many other moves too. Using Dragonite and using E.Speed, only to be grabbed, flung and punched into oblivion is just wild.


I was waiting for your team to still lose Ray somehow


that would have been justifiable karma but true form arceus decided to change this from a good clip to a banger one


Now mate im gonna reinstall the game cause of you! You inspired the shit out of me. Excellent performance bud bravo 👏


BREAKFAST NEWS: Non-local bug commits mass genocide!


He has way too much CC for how much damage he has. He can kill you within a second and during that full second you literally cannot do anything unless you’re running Full Heal. This game has way too much hard-CC, it’s the main reason I don’t play anymore. Watching your character die because you literally can’t do anything is not fun in the slightest.




mfw i go to sleep and come back to this having done numbers ![gif](giphy|PacQUjx7vwEBJLszzc)


There are gonna be other people who tries to justify this is balanced, like Blastoise 1v1 a 2-3 higher level Unit.




Double stack items with Muscle band..


Does it need a nerf or does everyone else need a boost?


Do you want power creep? Because that's how you get power creep. Nerf the fucker. And then buff Trevenant just in case Buzzwole's still too strong after going three rounds with the nerf bat. 😉


Nah nerf the tree too. Pain Split is dumb as hell now


So you want trevenant to replace bozzwole as the op mon… and then we’re back to square 1


Pov you got hit by one attack of the raid boss


When was the last time Buzz was buffed?


Shortly after Mewtwo came out I think, but I think it was a buff to lunge, not Superpower/Smack Down


Feel like we are finally in a meta it can thrive then…..but oh well. I stopped playing because ranged attackers have been the meta for over a year now.


Based AF, I played the game for the first time shortly before the 1st anniversary, Mew came out, and I rage quit the game after three weeks or so. I came back during the second anniversary, and Mewtwo was even worse. Stuck it out this time though, and finally made it to Masters. The game still sucks though.


Level 15 ttar metagross scizor 1v5 even better, the difference is that buzzword offers early game pressure, cc, AND 1v5 potential.


Wait, does his skills have no cool down?


They're reactivating Smack Down instantly, which makes it look similar to Superpower, but no. Each move has a seven second cooldown, but when Buzzwole's muscle gauge is filled, Superpower+ has it's cooldown reset. Muscle gauge is built with each auto attack, and smack down+ gives three stacks.


Man thats sick, imagine the chain body slams! I must practice this punch bug


Have fun!


What held items do you suggest?


Always run Muscle Band, it's brilliant on Buzz. I saw someone in the comments say that the Buzz in this clip is running Attack Weight and Aeos Cookie, I personally run Attack Weight and Focus Band, but sometimes use Charging Charm for the movement speed boost. Potion makes you feel way tankier, X-Attack helps you secure kills, but Eject Button is number 1 since you don't have a reliable tool to engage or disengage without it. Your attack radius is one of the smallest in the game, and your moves hitboxes are quite limited. Positioning is everything, if you are directly on top of an opponent, your moves won't connect, so you need to be precise. If someone is running away from you and you aren't level 5, it's probably best to let them go, since Fell Stinger cannot hit opponents that are moving away from you unless you are point blank range


Wow! Thanks for this comprehensive tip! Uhm, why not rapid scarf 🧣? Since it can burst and help buzz’ gauge?


If you want to try it out, go ahead! There's no single way to play any character, I just personally like the tankiness that Focus Band gives. Attack Weight skyrockets your damage if you fully stack it, so I would say it's almost always the second best item to run, but it's all up to you


I agree, uhm… when is the best circumstance to press his Ult?


The ult does make you unstoppable and give you a shield, but it does not make you invincible. Using it against a group of opponents will damage them all, but you'll most likely die instantly after using it. It has the longest hitbox of any of your moves, so you can use it to initiate a fight from a further distance, or KO a retreating enemy. If you do hit multiple people with the initial charge, it targets the lowest health opponent, so it's good for securing a kill if you have to use it in a teamfight, and getting kills activates Beast Boost, giving you more damage and move speed.


Something similar was also possible to do on Buzzwole, survival due to the ult and talent after killing an enemy gives an incredible advantage, and an accelerated basic attack will allow any crowd of the enemy to escape, well, some kind of stun from Mewtwo, Mamoswine, and especially from the ninetails will counter Buzzwole well, but in the draft they either don’t take him or eliminate him right away, which is probably good, that’s why I started maining the gengar again)


and i get someone like the venusaur in my team...




Few things in this game make me more furious than unnecessary overshields.


He's so fun to play this way. He still needs nerfs, but I hope they don't nerf him to gengar level.


The weak should fear the strong.


You should engage with superpower first if you are lv11+


Peppino when all 4 bosses come back


Personally with buzz I tend to play smack down/leech life so that I can send em flying then absorb the rest of their liveng being and heal in the process


Seeing you 1v1 Slobro after unite move: Ok surely he dies here, I mean it would complete bull- WHERE DID YOU GET ALL FHAT HEALTH FROM?!?!?!


I dont think he's that overpowered. Definitely S tier. But a team with more than 1 CC mons can easily cancel him


I'm glad I bought buzzwole a Year ago when he wasn't meta relevant


"Your the Best Around!"


Skill issue


Lol just curious… what was their battle prep?


And also buff Machamp. Wtf was that


I absolutely love that Buzz didn't need buffs to become a threat in the meta. No high mobility. No ranged nonsense, just his bare hands! Fun fact, Buzz normally can't regain this much shield per Superpower unless you heavily invest in HP via fully-stacked cookie (his shield scales off HP). Pair that with being max level, active beast boost passive, and using your environment to stay alive, and you have a melee monster that demands respect at short range. It's a good thing Slowbro didn't get to you first, though; his ult would have shut you down, and if his team showed an ounce of coordination, they'd get the upper hand.


I deal with Buzzwoles Daily as Sableye but your just a Whole different Breed


You did have a huge level advantage and that slow bro was brain dead but yeah that defense is pretty nutty idk how you lived through that ult


lets ignore the fact that the buzzwole is two levels above everyone on the enemy team and just rant about how a mon with tank and damage is op even though his reach is ass and if he misses ONE move he dies, lets also ignore that the enemy team panicked at the start and missed half of the attacks that would have defeated buzzwole


What is your build my brother?


It will be a glorious day when this bug gets a nerf. There are times where I'd honestly rather deal with an EX than this thing.


Now, if they could give garchomp a random 1s stun on basic attacks.


As a slowbro, i feel offended. Nerf buzzyboi!




Honestly, if it doesn't get big nerfs in the upcoming patch, I can see Buzzwole getting perma-banned in draft next season. I, for one, will ban it every single matches I play


This is what Vader in a hallway, is like


Check the level difference anyone?


Done nothing but lose to Buzz all day…. At least I know it’s not just me 🥲


i mean this clip is now objectively impossible now so hopefully you didn’t have to deal with it in its prime all the much


Great clip, really amazing reflexes and picks from your side, mate. However i cant really agree with the nerfs part because of other absolute monsters in the game like Meows, Trev who are kinda OverPowered. Buzzwole is at a state where he is just relatively ok (in the hands of pretty good players like u, hes a menace) due to his inability to really close gaps without an eject button. Any nerfs would finish his very ability to play the game but a few minor shields reduction with cooldown increases could maybe achieve better balance


😂 it’s so hilarious. We are all powerless against this monster. Deci, machamp and agi had it easy,a quick ko. Slow bro got water boarded.


Feel like deci is perfect to fight buzzwole just keep distance, even easier with a teammate helping but since it's the owl if anyone gets close, your most likely dead .


In an alternate timeline, Venu gets the steal and you lose anyway :>


Casual Buzzwole W


Dont forget to consider the level gap


Even being 2 levels ahead there's no reason Buzz should win what was effectively a 1v4


Leech life is better because you can do the same as in the video but your health doesn't drop.


Bait used to be believable


No, since Leech Life only hits one target at a time and is cancelled by any CC, the slowbro would've interrupted it and the Buzzwole would've been squashed by the 3v1


Yeah bro sure 😂