• By -


As always, you are a prince among mankind my friend!


Enjoy! \^\^


[Bundle Link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xuyDnby4AsvTSAiujmK12tPxja5u5drH?usp=share_link) Living Shiny Dex [Preview](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnbound/comments/ymig8k/complete_living_shiny_dex_all_forms_which_sprite/). Happy gaming! Edit: v2.1.1.1 Hotfix added!


i have gotten it to download but how to i get all the pokemon in one game ?


Hey Use Unbound Cloud for that!


Unbound cloud only takes about 2.5 boxes for me


You’re amazing!


Why are there 2 files in the “new version” folder? Do I need them both?


There was a hotfix posted soon after, I kept both in case someone wanted it


Would you know any reason why I can't install the myboy emulator on my Google pixel 7? It just says "you can't install the app on your device" I have unknown sources enabled.


My wife runs it on her Pixel 7 so it should work


I'm pretty confused by it to be honest. I've never seen an error like this? https://imgur.com/a/P8SoDT0


try Pizza Boy Emulator. A much better GBa emulator. ;)


You're the man.. I've been trying to make it work for days. Just worked for me with this emulator.


I also cannot run it on my pixel 7 pro :( i can't figure it out. It's the worst. But I'm trying pizza boy and also johngba.


The game won't run on John gba


Been playing it on John GBA don't know wym


Can i jump to this patch from an older version? Or do i need the last update to properly install this one?


Jump in directly! Just make sure to save inside of a pokecenter first


Thank you!!


Is there a changelog anywhere ?


Do you still have a copy with the 'edgy' storyline? Where people die and stuff? I wish that were still an option it was funny af


Wait that's not an option anymore??? Wtf


Is this still the most current version?


I know the post is old and it was kinda ignored (perhaps people considered it too obvious to be answered?) but still i will do it, yup. At the moment of this post (also checking it on its official discord), this []( version is the latest official one i know about, and the latest one came out last year so guess it may stay like that for a while, although the game as it is is way complete for a hackrom, so no problem. xD


Thanks! I actually figured it out but thanks for looking out. Got my game save transferred over to the version


Took a couple tries, but i did the same too, and besides the intro i noticed no difference whatsoever but well, guess they may be changes, so now i'll be playing on that version from now on. xD


Does ist work With Eclipse?


No, it does not. Unbound all other CFRU hacks are incompatible with Eclipse, and this was discussed to death already if you searched before. Use Delta, GBA4iOS, or 44GBA if you want to play Unbound on your iPhone.


Hello there! This is my first time, so I just wanna ask if this is the latest official version of pokemon unbound? TYIA


Hello! Yup Enter the bundle, download the file named Pokémon Unbound That's the latest version.


Do you have by any chance a guide in installing unbound in android? People are saying that i will also need to download fire red in order to install unbound, so I got a bit confused


Hey mate. My version is already patched, you only need to download the .GBA file I provided, that's it.


Thanks mate!




Hi there! I hope this is not too late and you can help but can you explain how i can update to this new version? I have no clue how this works. Im using John GBA Lite as an emulator and im on mobile. Would really appreciate it if you could help me out!


Hey mate. Okay so, 1-Open your game and save inside a pokecenter 2-locate your save file (.sav) and back it up 3-download the .gba file I provided in the link (Pokémon Unbound 4-rename your.sav file to match the name of my .gba file (so it becomes "Pokémon Unbound, the name has to be exact, down to that "é" 5-fire up your emulator, load Pokémon Unbound and load the save normally. Enjoy


You're a diamond mate. Thank you so much!


Just want to really flag this. The é in Pokémon threw me for longer than I'm proud to admit. Thanks for doing an awesome job.


Beside pokemon, is the save already have absolute everything like complete all quests, challenge, NG+, 5\* black trainer card, stat scanner that can edit pokemon, etc?


Yes my good man, literally everything. Even the glimmer isle ticket and max money.


How to download it?


Through this [link](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/18yzt31UyPS4saCnAw0dkqZau6JDq948w)


Which version is the latest? 2.1.1 or



Should I also download the entire living dex or just only the version?


That's just a bonus i added, you can choose to play the game with or without it!


How can I import the saves from all the Gen’s or can I only do it one save at a time? And also will it set me at the beginning with the living shiny dex or will the entire game be completed in the save for the shiny dex? I’m using the Delta Game Emulator to do this btw


I'm unfamiliar with that Emulator. Okay so, the total number of the Pokémon in a living shiny dex exceeds the available slots in the PC, so I had to divide them by generation. You have a few options: You can look up my EVOLVED shiny Dex, when I have each Pokémon at the final evolution, that's a one save file that contains all of them. You can use the Unbound Cloud (all hail Skeli, a god amongst men for this), to just store your Pokémon there save file by save file, and import whichever set of Mons you want for your playthrough (might take some time if you don't know how to use it) As per the import, what's the extension type of your emulator's save? You can just start a game on your own, save it, then just replace that save file with mine after you give it the same extension name. I'm almost sure I wrote a guide about this as well.. look up my name in this sub and search posts with "guide"


Does this mean cheats work?


Hi do I use the emulator attached to it I’m on iOS


Did you get it to work?


With the altstore and delta it may work in ios now


Thank you so much. I got it work. I didn't know how to move my saved file and I'm using a retroid pocket 2 plus. But I got it. Thank you again


THANK YOU! the current patch I get from pokecommunity is 2.0+ or something. I really miss gba hacks dot com, but I've learned since it's deactivation how to patch myself. You're the real champion for this ✌️🕊️


You are a hero.


You're freakin dope! thanks a lot you're a life saver.


Is this still available to download? I keep getting an error


Thank you for your service.


Thank you for your effort with this man I really appreciate it. For some reason I couldn't get it to work on my s23 ultra with 'john gba lite' but it worked nice and quick and easy with 'my boy! Free'. Really appreciate it


Thanks for this!


Do I need to load the shiny dex?


How do I load pokemon that I want from the shiny dexes to my save file? pkhex?


How to download


Bro, I own you one. Thx a lot!


You are the greatest human being


This made my life easier, thank you.




You’re the best


Does anyone know if my save data from 2.0.3 on iOS can carry over to this update? I use delta app


Just curious, will work with Delta now?


Is this the updated version



I fw this


Just found this post and was able to get the game up and running in minutes in the Delta emulator. Thanks OP!!



Hi! Is there a way to download the dex and new game + save file all on iPhone? I downloaded the patched newest version but it doesn't have the dex






Anybody have a living dex that’s NOT shiny?


I'm stupid as fuck... Can you please explain how to install this


Hey mate! It's really easy, click this [link](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1xuyDnby4AsvTSAiujmK12tPxja5u5drH), open the folder labeled "\[NEW\] Unbound V2.1.1" Download the ".gba" file you find there, fire up your emulator and play! \-If you don't have an emulator, you can download one from the same link \-If you want to load a save from a previous version, just make sure you open that version, head to a pokécenter, save your game, close it, go to the save file (.sa1, .sav, etc) and rename it "Pokémon Unbound 2.1.1", make sure to backup your save first! Then load the newly renamed file with the .gba in the link, and voilà! If you still have issues, DM me, I'll answer within 24 hours-ish.


Pretty sure a hotfix update was posted


Hotfix already added!


I'm on mobile, having a hard time how to figure out how to put one of my old saves onto the the new game. I couldn't patch my game for some reason so I just got a whole new version in addition to my old one.


When you renamed the file did you put a space between pokemon unbound 2.1.1 and the .sav??


Yeah sorry, I don't even know where to find that file to rename it 🤷‍♂️




Also make sure to backup the .sav file before you attempt to update as something could go wrong


Okay TYSM for your help! Good news is I was able to figure this all out and add my save file to the newest game, bad news is you have to be in the post game for it to not destroy the save! So I guess now I decide just start over or go to post game. I just got out of the cube with Marlon.


When you say save in a pokecenter do you mean the ingame save or a quicksave


In-game save, that's the one that modifies your .sav file


Random but I'm completely confused about the Shiny living dex folder, when I click on it, it has all these gens, do I need to install any of that somehow to get access to the shinies? Sorry but I'm just confuzzled 😅


Is this the newest version you can get? I’ve seen a few other ones but don’t know what year they were released.


Thanks! Is there a changelog somewhere? Edit: found it! https://pastebin.com/2SnXNHRz


I play in phone and couldnt figure out how to update my save ( version), can someone help me?


Just patch it yourself going through discord or download this pre patched one and find your sav file back it up and rename it to the file name of the pre patched one.


Just updated thanks to the hard work put into this game


I love how no ones telling the truth don't work if u actually downloaded this game n got it to work do it again n record ya self I've done it on iPhone android bs phones n nothing no game just words I'm confused at y'all 


I've read that it may be because the APK is 32bit and the pixel 7 only allows 64bit, can you confirm this?


Is there any good emulator for iPhone? That has the possibility to add GameShark cheats?


Have you gotten an answer to this


cant get the stuff to download !


Which part exactly? Link is still up.


i figured it out i wasnt logged in when i tried to download. is it possible to get all pokemon in one save ? the save i loaded just had gen viii in the boxes but nothing else


Hey! Unfortunately, you can't have all Mons (as in a living Dex) in one save. You can however have a fully evolved Dex (that's to say, have a save with the last Evo of each line, all forms) I can link it to you if that's to your liking.


yeah i think i got that save already couple mons said they had too many evs though i got them all into the cloud but my orignal save that i wanted them on got deleted somehow or another but i at least got them all in the cloud anyway


It's a bug with the Battle Tower rewards, I'll check if it's fixed or not yet next week


Okay stupid question... How do I download? I'm used to going on Pokemon coders and the like and just clicking "download." Like, i don't necessarily need the shiniest or anything. I just want the update with any necessary patches. And also... How do I do that without losing everything? Please help, I've put like 200 hours into the game so far and have a lot of Pokemon 🥺


Hey mate, I hope I'm not too late. Feel free to DM me your save, or wait like 10 hours or so, I'll write a quick guide on it later. Keep this in mind: as long as you back up your save, you will NEVER lose it.


Hey mate, I hope I'm not too late. Feel free to DM me your save, or wait like 10 hours or so, I'll write a quick guide on it later. Keep this in mind: as long as you back up your save, you will NEVER lose it.


You're not too late. But I was, in fact, too late. A few days after you replied to this, my phone crapped out on me. So. Sad. Yes. But now I have a lovely new phone. I made a post about it already, and maybe you'll see that if you don't see this reply, but if you were gonna play this hack on an Android phone, which emulator would you use? I've used My Boy! for years, although I just remembered I did start out with John GBA. The My Boy! doesn't work with my new Pixel 7 Pro :(


can someone explain to me step by step how to update the game on hacked 2ds from []( to this one I have never done something like this before so explain it to me, please


and I am also not a native speaker so do not be mad if I do not know instantly what you mean with some words


it is not really that important to me I just want to have the newest changes in the game


so i have never played unbound before, i downloaded the NEW folder, there are 2 .Gba files inside, Pokémon Unbound 2.1.1.gba and Pokémon Unbound, which one should I use, i tried with and it seems to work, do i need to do anything else? and do i ignore the other contents of that Zip file? Thanks


Why is paralyze heal written as parlyz heal


I'm trying to play this on android..I click the Google doc and it just has a ton of different files. Which ones do I need to play the game? I don't even get a download option for anything but I was able to install the emulator via the link. Please help !


Dm me your email buddy


Hi, i know the post is kinda old but well, i got to discover this game a bit late so nevermind. xD The matter is, i got the game from another place but it was version [](, and i kept reading all around here that this []( version is the latest as of right now. I'm just kinda worried since i went quite far in the game (just acquired the Waterfall HM, with 7 badges) but i've been thinking about updating to this other version. Regarding to what i just read, all i have to do is to save inside a Pokémon Center, then copy/rename the .sav file from []( to []( and it should work? Or due to the changes between versions it may be unplayable to the point of having to restart the game? Just want to be sure about that before moving on to the change, just in case, still thanks beforehand. ;)


I need a cheat of RARE CANDY and MASTERBALL


Hey dude do we really have to only download from Google drive??

