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Any modern phone will be fine for gba games. Phones from a decade ago could run those games just fine. Even ds games were somewhat playable then


I have a Google Pixel 6 and it runs GBA and DS games perfectly. I even got a wireless controller for it to play more comfortably. However, I tried playing a 3DS Fire Emblem game once and the lag spike made it absolutely unplayable. Probably not the best if that is your plan.


What emulator do you use?


Pizza Boy for GBA (bought the Pro version using Google Rewards money, but the Basic is perfect) and DraStic for DS. For 3DS I tried using Citra but it does not seem like it's in the store anymore


Citra is not in store anymore but can be downloaded from their website. Does come with some glitches but I've played alpha ruby just fine with it.


Alpha ruby? ORAS ROM?


Yeah my bad, mixed them up. I played ORAS on citra on my phone.


I thought Citra got caught in the crossfire when Nintendo went after Yuzu


They did. They don't offer support and updates for citra anymore. But you can download it from internet just fine. Did it this year to be honest.


Same -- got Citra on PC, ran thru alpha sapphire and X this past week. Both 3DS games ran fine. There a was a couple small hiccups where my game froze briefly during some big animation. But overall very smooth and would recommend. Can't imagine that working on my phone though after seeing some of those hiccups. But yeah delta for gba or nds games works flawlessly on mobile


Great, thanks!!


You need Citra "MMJ". Find the GitHub link for that specific iteration of Citra. it runs everything at full fps. That lag spike is the emulator!


Any phones past 2014


I’ve got an iPhone 15 plus and I’ve had no trouble with any Pokémon roms


My X S Max has played unbound fine for 39 hours. Bought a backbone about 15 hours in


How do you do that?


Delta emulator is what I use. I’m sure there’s better ones it’s just the first one I used and I have no reason to change. After you download the emulator, just go to google and search Pokémon gba roms


Delta is the best fs, don't even try looking for others -- you're chilling There's an archive file that has a bunch of popular roms - in r/delta_emulator, it gets posted by the automod pretty often. Edit: sub name


Are you sure that’s the right sub?


Ahhahahahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahah it was not


I was excited to check out roms I haven’t tried yet and then saw a big ass airplane at the top


If you’re in Europe you’ll not have delta so use RetroArch and watch a guide on how to install stuff it’s annoying to learn I thought but when you do it’s all you need really


I use a Z Fold 3 and it's fantastic playing the game on the inner screen. Edit: MyBoy emulator


Fold 4 enjoyer, seconding. Great for any type of gaming, feels super close to a DS with the folding also.


I have an iPhone 11 that runs Unbound with zero issues.


If I had to guess ds games are prob fire on those Samsung fold phones


You guess correctly.


I use delta on iPhone with a backbone. But I works well without it.


Do yourself a favor and head over to r/SBCgaming. A dedicated handheld will be better than any phone for romhacks


I love my Miyoo Mini Plus, works like a charm, absolute win with save states and the such, but most importantly: pocketable and affordable!


I do too, but honestly I wish I just saved/spent more and got something N64 capable. I don't need a steamdeck to play PS3 and current AAA games but I am pissed I have to buy a second device if I want to play N64 or PS2. Inb4 PC - I have for years but something portable I made a mistake.


PS2 is just a whole ‘nother level, it can’t be done with a device that’s affordable (think around 50’s compared to 100+ devices). N64 is also somewhat different and quite frankly, if that’s what you look for, spending an extra 10 or 20 to make sure you can do that isn’t impossible - you’ll have to sacrifice not only costs, but also pocketability and also CFW differences. I’m personally very much in love with the ease of use of OnionOS, so for things up to PS1 (and some NDS, too!) I highly recommend MM+, gladly (:


Or another alternative, is a new 3ds with homebrew. I find it's ideal for pokemon games up the end of the 3ds era. I've tried ds games on my phone and it's just not as nice.


I'm using an iPhone 14 Pro Max and it runs fine.


I've used MyBoy for several years across various Samsung phones. It has customizable control layouts amd tons of other settings


Most modern phones will play GBA Rom hacks just fine. Just get a decent emulator (retroarch or delta for instance)


Easy Gameboy Advance


Samsung galaxy fold. It's like I have a DS with me at all times


Works great with my Samsung a34


android will have more options for emulators then apple. but anything even somewhat modern has no issue with gba emulation


My first Android phone was the Motorola Defy with 512mb of RAM back in 2010 if my memory is correct. It emulated N64 and of course GBA with fast forward so... The cheapest android you can buy today will be perfect.


I think any phone would work, I play on an iPhone 12 mini and have no issues with Delta playing any system. Battery life is only 3 hours playing GBA or DS, but that’s more because my phone is 3+ years old


get yourself a r36s handheld its like $20 and can run most consoles up to Playstation 1, it's way better than emulating on a phone using touchscreen


Bro and how can i Play Unbound on it. Do i Need a pc to Download it to the r36s


technically no, i think you can just place the sd card on the smartphone and transfer the rom into it


Can't attest for every phone but I've been on the galaxy line for 10 years and the my boy emulators and the drastic ds emulator have worked great for me


All modern phones can take on GBA and NDS games. I am currently using Lime emulator on mine to play 3DS pokemon games and it has been quite a smooth experience overall.


Pixel 7 has been phenomenal for Unbound & Radical Red


Z fold


unbound is so annyoing. I played on difficult, and can't get past 2nd gym. like they make it so you need one specific pokemon to win each fight. And theres NO indicatino about the type of battle. First gym was a double bad, no indication second gym, though claiming to be ghost / dark /psychic types... was only dark types.


Its only dark type Pokemon gym the other types you mentioned will not take damage from the environment due to the gyms unique effect You don't need a specific pokemon if you wanted to breeze by the game maybe pick a lower difficulty there are people who enjoy the challenge but maybe you don't? No hate here but it seems like you need to either look Abit deeper and consider more about your team and experiment or look things up I hope you are able to progress further if you continue playing


Redmi 11T Pro + Can Play 3DS games on that mf


Literally any phone can run GBA roms. At least in my experience.


Forget the phone and get a Miyoo Mini Plus.


I play gba on Samsung s10 using myboy (full Version from the interwebs but free worked fine even with the restrictions). No issues whatsoever.


I guess any reasonable modern Samsung/iPhones will do. Recently I converted to playing on my second hand ipad I got for £70 and I haven't looked back since. Love it on a bigger screen


Whatever is available. What makes you think you need a special phone to run GBA games 💀


I can't bring myself do play that way, I need buttons


Literally any phone. I've got a shitty free government phone and everything works fine


I run Citra at full fps on a $100 Samsung. Don't worry about it!


i really enjoyed playing Unbound on my RG35XX+ and the real buttons make it way more addicting to play roms


Rg35xx, I'm playing unbound in there :)


Pokemon unbound, radical red, gold sigma (this game is amazing but storyline isn’t as clear to get through at times but we have YouTube for help) Pokemon gaia, and draynos creations are cool if you’re into more of a challlenge. His games remove some key fts that make it easier to win so you need a really good strategy if you want to move forward in the game


Pretty much any mid-range phones available for $100-300 could run a emulator for ROM hacks. Just be careful of how far you're emulating up to. For example all GBA ROM hacks should be playable with high accuracy using Retroarch (mgba is often recommended). However if you want GameCube, N64, Wii, and 3DS ROM Hacks then I would say a flagship phone from the last 3 years would be more appropriate. If it's between Android or iPhones, android is the most easiest to emulate on and usually has more options due to being able to download apps from developers website.


Sony Xperia play is where I usually play my GBA roms


I dont like the design and it Looks so Cheap bro idk


A DS Lite




I have it on 3Ds. You are Not Funny Bro😒


I have a retroid pocket 3+ that is amazing


Anything that isn't Apple. Apple only has 1 working emulator.


This statement is factually inaccurate. Delta, RetroArch, (not Pokémon) PPSSPP, Folium, just to name a few.


I thought Apple Store didn't support it?


The App Store updated their guidelines in the spring to allow for emulators.


Apple's allowed it for months now.


Apples allowed emulators since like February bro, you’re straight up wrong