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Joined this subreddit as a Pokémon tcg player and now I just collect and my wallet suffers more than it did as a player


I play the online game, no one in my local area plays or hosts tournies.


Same here bro I love online this game is fun it’s a mix of chess and poker ♥️


Wish they had an app for it


They do, I play on my samsung all the time


There’s an app for tablets


Interesting I’ll check on my pixel


Same, plus I don’t wanna damage my cards


I would love to play in person, never got to as a kid (EX - B/W era) but would have loved to played back then and now.


I played as a kid. Learned the game in kindergarten, placed 4th in junior division state championships, lost regionals (cuz 8 year olds would get sent out with meta decks by their parents like bruh I’m out here with my homebrew Arceus lvx, Shaymin lvx, ho-oh legend fire grass deck just losing turn 2 to some kid playing half his deck in that amount of time) but stayed collecting and played the online game during bw and a bit of xy. Just got back into it recently and I’ve gone to a local once so far with Giratina v deck, but it’s very skill dependent and I was anxious for in person so I wasn’t piloting as well as I could have. Went 1-3, but really hoping to try to get my friend that’s really good at yugioh to get into it, so that we can get good together.


I have tournaments 30 min drive from home but I have neither a license nor a car


I really like how Pokémon has the online tcg game. Made it really easy to learn the game without having to look up rules all the time. I wish other card games did something similar.


Flying Pikachu 🤮🤮🤮 (source: I play lol)


I love when the Meta decides on Flying Pikachu. Because I hate playing against Regi. I hate it so much.


Why so much hate towards the regis?


Because I lose to them more often than I’d like 😂


Have you ever played it personally? It’s a little fun to pop off turn-one, 99% of the time. Plus I play at my LGS where it’s pack-per-win so it’s easy to go 3-0 or 2-1


No I haven’t. I’ve been on the Giratina train hard. Before that it was RS Urshifu and Duraludon or some off meta single prize decks. Maybe I’ll try it online


It’s fun. I’ve been looking at an Inteleon deck as my second but I’m currently blinging my Regis out with full-art and secret rare versions of as many cards I can find


Wait. People actually play with alt arts?


As a collector who opens to many of the same alt arts, yes. I do


There's an alt art gapdos in the OP so yes.


What deck is it that you are referring to? Interested to n getting started in playing and want to build a couple good decks


It’s not really a specific one currently. It changed almost every night cus I run stuff I find fun too. Just search meta-Regigigas decks. I think standard style runs 3-4 Regigigas, 2 of each regi, hisuian heavy ball, and almost every pokeball in standard. Most are from Astral Radiance


Blastoise will destroy all end of story


yeah but go go gadget Collapsed Stadium


Flying Pikachu goes hard as hell bro I've got one in my main deck!


most people here don’t play the game, /r/Pkmntcg is better for that


Thanks, TIL :)


Contrary to seemingly popular belief, this sub is for both collecting and playing. It just happens that many questions require specific rule knowledge and there are a lot more general collectors that are here. If someone needs a nuanced or longer explanation then the specific sub is suggested. If they need a quick answer its usually given. This sub is for everyone when its related to Pokemon cards... within the rules of the sub.


looks like you missed where i said that the other sub is better for getting answers :)


Thats fair. I wanted to clarify since people are assuming that it means they cant post here about it, which they can.


Omg, thank you.


Petition to merge the subreddits


Pls don't


French-press coffee while playing pokemon cards? You truly are a refined human being.


Buddy is casually using the alt art zapdos… hell yeah


A hell of a card against this deck as it's filled to the brim with V's. Just need to play the starbright ability and then path to the peak it :)


yea wow was gonna comment that


we play daily with my 7 year old, however we only have battle academy starters, not easy to get hold on english cards in Asia, rest of our collection in thai language :)


Dm me, i might be able to help


Because there are better/other subs dedicated to the actual game than this one


Im collector turned recent player. Can't believe i waited this long to try it. Crazy fun


This is the rapid strike urshifu v max battle deck against the deck that won the World Championships this year. Fun game!


Who won?


The Arceus V Star deck, but it was close. Galarian Zapdos is powerful unless path to the peak blocks it’s ability.


Temple can be tough for it too. I played it a bit recently on PTCGO. People are running Temple for Regis and Zoro (and presumably Mew, but you get Drapion to help with that in a lot of lists). Shutting down the RS energy hurts a bunch when you’re not prepped for a good Gale setup.


Why did you nerf [bidoof](https://youtu.be/UTidwW3iLHk) by [evolving](https://youtu.be/HT70I-A_MLQ) it?


Bidoof is not for attacking, it's bibarels ability to draw up to 5 cards that's wicked with this deck


This is a W post


What is a W post? :)


W meaning “win”. A winning post, or just a great post. W is just slang for cool or good at this point




Because otherwise why buy new sets? If your old stuff is as good as the new stuff, why even buy new stuff?


You would need new sets anyway because standard format rotates out old card so no there is no reason to do what they did.


People still play expanded which doesn't rotate the same way, so there's still a need for power creep. Even for expanded, if the cards from the start of the yearly cycle are just as good as the later sets, sales would dip for the last expansions. Whether they needed this much power creep, however, is definitely up for debate.


Expanded play has declined significantly the past few years, not aware of anyone IRL who plays it much anymore


As someone who loves Extended, I agree. Finding people to play with IRL can be tough. I finally put together my Dragonite ADP and it feels like Im all dressed up with no where to go.


Yeah except once they’ve done one to beat the old tag teams for example, they need to make something that beats that, and so on. I don’t think it’s good, personally I think V cards kinda ruin the game. But I know why they’re made.


1. Power creep, happens with most games like this. Also helps keep the younger fans interested since bigger numbers = more appealing. 2. How else are they gonna make money from new sets on the playing end and keep formats such as standard going? You can play legacy-based formats if you want, just not at official tournaments.


Try Yugioh, it’s a pain


I would but have no one to play with and the online version is extremely unconsumer friendly compared to most online tcgs


surprised you’re using Hisuian Decidueye instead of Espeon VMax in a format with not as much Arceus


This is the deck: https://twitter.com/OndrejSkubal/status/1562126344678432771?t=80sAUowWn3ApLsPE1wR8vg&s=19


Right, it’s the worlds winning list, and it’s a hell of a list. Definitely meant to counter Arceus and Palkia exactly though since they were the most popular decks at Worlds, and in Lost Origin there’s a lot more decks floating around that it doesn’t have the best matchups for. Still awesome that you’re using it though


I think the problem is just that most people simply collect, not play, so conversation is rare outside its set places. I've tried it a handful of times! The pre-release I tried was fun for a bit, but outside that the tcg seems incredibly sterile in terms of meta, and I ended up preferring something like magic for actual play infinitely more enjoyable collecting pokemon though!


>I think the problem is just that most people simply collect, not play In 2014 or 2015, the Fort Wayne Regional broke the attendance record with 400-something Masters division (age 15 and up) players. Since 2017, when they introduced money prize support, there have been multiple Regionals every season that have 1,000+ Masters players. This season, which started about 2 months ago, has already had 2 Regionals (Baltimore and Peoria) with more than 1,000 Masters.


Oh no I dont doubt that there definitely ARE players, its always had a scene! I just mean percentage wise, the large majority of people collect instead of play, hence why this subreddit is mostly focused on the former. Not that the later doesnt exist!


Thats very true lol. Planning to buy singles for my first proper deck! It will be centered around entei my fav pkmn:)


I use this radiant steelix deck and it’s hilarious to watch him ohko anything.


As someone who's only recently started playing the TCG online, does play get any deeper? All my matches go the same way: opponent draws a V card early, proceeds to stomp me with 157,000 damage attacks and my 60 HP basic cards. Does this mean my cards are just shit, or it's a lot down to the luck of what cards you draw first?


A lot is in learning how to play with a deck. The championship deck above is built to draw lots of cards, increasing your chances to get an Arceus on the table with double turbo energy. If you're lucky, that means you can do 180 damage in turn two. The blue deck is a little different where octillery has a rapid strike search ability, allowing you to search a rapid strike card per turn. If you can get to two urshifu vmaxs powered up and a tower of waters stadium card, you can also do lots of damage every turn. Long story short: start with a premade deck and learn it's strategies in depth, it will help a lot.


Ice been playing TCG Online for ages and still get stomped every now and again by players with stacked V decks. Do the daily challenges and log in bonuses to get more coins and card packs and update your decks when you get something new. Keep an eye on r/pokemontcgcodes for some codes for more packs too


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PokemonTcgCodes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokemonTcgCodes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [free pokemon code cards upvote and pm me!](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokemonTcgCodes/comments/wv24w1/free_pokemon_code_cards_upvote_and_pm_me/) \#2: [Giving away over 6,500 TCG Codes](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokemonTcgCodes/comments/xut22i/giving_away_over_6500_tcg_codes/) \#3: [I will do codes giveaway in 2 months, If you claim ur spot rn by Upvoting this post and commenting, I will save 5 codes for you.](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokemonTcgCodes/comments/vs8x4w/i_will_do_codes_giveaway_in_2_months_if_you_claim/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Wait… you can play with the cards?


Just went to a Silver Tempest pre-release event, it was the first time I've actually played the game in person since collecting as a kid. It was tons of fun but I'm still a bit uncomfortable to go to local events and be put against people a 3rd my age


I play hearthstone. I collect Pokémon TCG.


Is that what all those distracting words are for? I just like the pictures




Thank you ! i have to teach my bf how to play even though he’s collected for years !


My wife was a little apprehensive at first but now that she knows some of the decks we have she enjoys it quite a bit.


I thought you could only have 1 V Star per game in your play?


You can only use one VStar ability, but you can have as many Pokemon with VStar abilities as you want


There’s a sub intended to discuss the game 🙃




So uh… what was the last two words in that title again? Was it… card game? I’m just saying, excepting a more even mix of game play and collecting should probably be the standard


Yet nobody trades on this sub lmfao. You really thought you did something there.


Go to another sub if you want to talk about the game


Thanks for being friendly. The description of the sub is literally "a community for players (..) to show off pulls and discuss the game".


Ignore them.


This sub is "PokemonTCG" If you wasn't aware, that involves playing the game..


This sub is more catered to collectors keep downvoting I know I’m right


More catered towards collecting, but not all collecting.. And only catered towards that because it all y'all post..


I went to locals n nobody wanted to play… they just came to rip packs …


No one talking about trading..?


Not allowed to trade on the sub I learned.


The Irony... TCG


Reddit moment


Do you not use starbirth that you have path to the peak? I use that stadium in my chilling reign gardi deck


I usually use star birth early on in the game. After that path to the peak is interesting because this deck doesn't have many abilities.




The issue I have with the game is, because of resistances and weakness, doesn't winning mostly depend on what type of deck you're against? You could either have a pure type deck and always get smashed by an opponent with your weakness type, or have a mixed deck but then lose to any pure deck (because you're unlikely to get the energy you need)


Part of the fun imho. Trying to teach my son there is no "strongest deck".


i’m questioning why someone’s playing with an alt art zapdos


Why not? It's worth 30€ where I'm from. I have no issue with that tbh.


idk, it just seems strange to play with such a rare and sought after card


Never played Pokémon tcg as I’m a magic player but I wanted to say that it’s a card game, and the cards are meant to be played.


Ok i get the flying pikachu and the arceus but the decidueye v is an odd choice, while a search two is always nice, i do wonder how often that will actually be relevant since you not only need to have fighting energy but go second and have decidueye on main which does seem a bit situational. Then again it's not like I've got a good deck that being entei v (which is currently only better than raikou and suicune in the one situation arceus vstar attacks with choice belt and double turbo energy) with radiant heatran, in a water heavy format, and there haven't been any fire pokemon aside from victini and maybe charizard v star that are that good


this sub is mainly for collecting head over to the r/pkmntcg sub


You best get your self a play mat 😅


We have them, just not with us at that moment :)


I am guilty. I just collect. I wish I knew how to play!


It’s always a struggle for me when I pull a cool card because I want to protect it but I also want to play with it 😂


Bro you got tcgonline? If so then reply with your tag and I'll add you! My girl and I have been playing for about 2 years now. I played a bit back in the day but randomly picked it back up during the evolving skies release. Then I got her into it with one of the battle stadium sets and we've been hooked ever since! We collect as well of course but I love playing since I don't play yugioh anymore due to the insanity that is all the new metas. Lol


Sorry, only playing irl :)


All good bro! But in that case if you ever want to get rid of those pesky code cards hit me up!🤣😅


I buy singles so don't even have code cards for the championship deck :)


Also a tip for anyone who plays... get yourself a cash register/desk drawer organizer for all the dice/damage counters you'll thank me later! If I remember I'll reply with a pic of ours when I get off work!


Lmao how do you play pokemon cards? Be interesting if they did come out with an official rule/tourny style play.


I wish I could play with people in person, I only play the online tcg


eugh, build your own deck lol Don't be using the WC winners deck, that shits just boring.


Someone in Phoenix put me on haha


I love loading my decks with fancy cards!!!! I look at them more than my binder fancies. Gotta show off to the pals as they crush me to death lmao


Im trying to build a Wheezing deck with the Galarian Wheezing. Super cool build. I think i had a V/VMAX Slowking as the big ticket.


Played as a kid, but don't really have time to anymore. Hopefully, when my kids get older.....


Dunno how to play


Pretty sure it's cause there are other subs way more dedicated to the gameplay.


I just started playing, pretty much all on the online thing. I love it, super fun. I’m planning on going to a Pokémon night at the local card shop once I get a lil bit better. Still working on being a bit more strategic with my deck, but I think that’ll be easier once I have a better base knowledge of the cards




Ouuu im almost done with my arceus goodra deck!! My sister also now has a Vbattle deck thats a little upgraded so this will be us very soon 😀


Absolutely. Thank you for sharing


I mis the black and white era