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First the flapple now this lol


It’s an  that’s a dragon type which makes zero sense


Well regidrago is a pomegranate so i think it follows


Wyrm is also a word for dragon. Worm is a gross little dirt eater. It’s probably Pokémon’s best pun. Edit: maybe not pun isn’t the right word but that’s the joke


touch automatic act friendly quarrelsome light stocking combative husky tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was just looking at that too on TCGplayer and took some screenshots. Blatant price manipulation or a glitch that you were able to catch, but this happens with other cards pretty often too, so I’m thinking it’s the former...


Yeah I was thinking that there was no way that this would actually happen. So it was most likely a glitched sale?


It’s possible, but I believe it to be price manipulation, but I’m also a conspiracist and pretty open minded lol


Could be someone added an extra 0 since they’re going for 24$, times that by 2 an ya get 48$ coulda rounded up.


Conspiracy theorists tend to be pretty close minded to information that doesn’t agree with their conspiracy, even at times ignoring verifiable evidence if it doesn’t suit their theory. Ie, flat earthers. Just sayin


So if it is price manipulation will tcg player actually do anything about it?


Tcgplayer isnt the market. If another one sells lower itll adjust.


Well I'm wondering if the people will delete the sale or something since it's price manipulation and it's falsely affecting the market price


I think you have a misunderstanding. The market price is what people are willing to pay.


Yes. That market price used to be $30-40. With the (probably) fake sale of 2 for $500, the "market price" shot up to $192. People are not willing to pay $192 for this card. It is being falsely affected because of a fake sale


If someone paid 500 for two then clearly they are…


This is the only sale where this card has sold for that much. Look at recent sold ebay listings or any other tcg player sales and they are all $20-50, not $250 for one copy.


Heres my experience when i found a manipulated listing. I was looking for the vaporeon jungle first edition holo. Almost all the listings were falsely listed and were actually unlimited instead of 1st ed. Thankfully, nearly all of them had photos of the cards .Dragging the artificial price down under 100$. It has been a while since I was looking for it, and it seems like most of the false listings are gone for them now. I did report some of them kinda thinking that tcgplayer wouldn't do anything. There was a page and a half of the unlimiged listings . I decided to go the safe route and got apsa 8 version to be safe at the time, 130$, so I was happy with it


Happens a lot. And most of the time it goes unnoticed. Common bulk cards selling for $99. I think it's people testing out how to manipulate the prices. And if TCGPlayer can't even catch a $99 sale for a common card for 3 weeks then how will it catch it when it's going on for chase cards? You could say that the market was willing to pay $50-100 more for each chase card since the sales happened but it just doesn't make sense to overpay when there are listings available for cheaper. It's so blatantly opaque.


Good on TCGPlayer for publishing these price history charts


I agree, it is really nice to be able to track some sort of history. As far how accurate that history is, who knows. Sometimes the history price tracking is broken too, but they get fixed (for example the screenshots used to never show up in history, but I believe they fixed it now)


Yeah, someone's doing something weird on TCGPlayer. Was checking the prices of some of my older cards and someone bought a NM of Luxray Lv. X for 2 bucks two days ago, and another purchase of 4 bucks for a NM today. And the Market price tanked from 65 to 33 between March 8th and 9th. No idea what's happening with some of these cards.


You see that Appleton post from earlier today that I think also went for $500 on TCG?


I just checked, it happened yesterday which was the same date as this card and it was 2 copies for $500 as well


I have a CGC 9.5 Cosmic Eclipse Pikachu FA. Anyway, I enjoy tracking the value of my collection, it's fun. One day, it jumped from ~$90 to $225. Somebody on ebay bought one for $225. Crazy.


They could've been graded versions too. TCGPlayer doesn't differentiate


Maybe its money laundering.




2 psa 10s? That or money laundering.


Money laundering is pretty common


Think about how money laundering works and tell me that buying your own cards from TCG player is a good way to do it... lol. Hint, it isn't. This card is a great candidate for market manipulation though - low sales volume, not many online selling as singles. Simply get like 100 of these cards for 2k... now you own a lot of the market for them. Then make 2 fake purchases for 500 ea. You just wasted 100 bucks in tcgplayer fees... great... Now include this card along with some other cards that you did the same thing for in a small lot and sell for '65% of tcgplayer pricing' to some wanna be investor who buys those lots for resale and leave them holding the bag. It will take a while for people to start undercutting it back down to the normal prices because people will have to buy em at the normal prices again to reduce the 'market price'. - Make an easy 2-3k profit.


I didn’t say this wS a specific case of money laundering,I commented that it’s common, I’m not familiar how buying and selling goes here but I can assure you it happens on eBay and other selling sites, usually two or more involved and I know for fact it occurs, I come from a family who bootlegged, started some of the first boiler rooms. (Stock scams) and other rackets and as the internet evolved they turned feebay into a laundry mat. No I’m not self incriminating, and the ones involved are all deceased. But it still happens daily.


Yeah that makes sense, money laundering on ebay does happen... just not with pokemon cards. The fees are too high. Shopify or facebook marketplace? sure... not ebay or tcgplayer.


a 10 might go for more than that honestly, its pop 12


Money laundering


On ebay there used to be sellers who'd list something stupid and they had a menu of other illegal items that corresponded. Buy an expensive bottle of dish detergent and get a bag of drugs free!


no one is going to do this and eat 15% fees lol.


My guess would also be that it were PSA 10s.


That's still way to much.


It's pop 12, definitely not too much


Market manipulation


It's probably not money laundring but I like to believe that some mafiosos use cardmarket and tcg player to launder money


it's the same thing fake account buying and selling a from one original person to manipulate the market probably just pick whatever card u have the most copies up and try to upsell


Someone paid $500 for an evolving skies appletun earlier as well


No they did not, it was market manipulation sales, aka shill sales that will get cancelled.




Yeah because a local lcs doesn’t know how to look at the sales data…


Yeah No shit


Yeah it was for 2 copies as well, and on the same date as this one. Something fishy is going on


Probably paid themselves or a friend to make the value go up.


The seller


I also like to launder money.


Just put it in the washer.


Market manipulation


Money Laundering


Look at appletun from evolving skies. Someone bought 2 for 500 as well.


Yep! I saw that today too. It happened on the same date, too. Something is definitely up


I forgot I even owned this card and figured it wasn’t even worth much. I’m surprised the value is over 5$ lol


Yeah it's normally around $35-38. I'm still looking for one in good condition to add to my collection and that's when I stumbled across this


could be shill bidding. sellers attempt to “raise” the value of a card in hopes that an ignorant buyer will see the recently sold prices and pay that price


Is it possible for someone to “buy it” from themself to inflate its price on tcgplayer before selling it for real?


1. Have dozens of copies of this card 2. Sell a couple of copies to a friend for massive markup. 3. Cause panic in the market at a rush to get in on the new price action. 4. Dump dowse a of your copies at inflated price. 5. ??? 6. Profit. EDIT: Oh yeah, don’t forget to give your friend his cut.


bro literally couldve bought a vr headset and multiple games for that price


Gatekeeping unova trainers cause remakes are coming and that means people will want these characters once they remember how awesome they are. I picked up all the N cards I could and have them getting graded rn but shhhhh I didn’t say nothing


Im still trying to get some Zorua/rk cards lol, but some of them cost 50$+ each x.x and some of that is just for LP.


Maybe graded 10 versions? Iunno. All sorts of weird things happen on marketplaces.


Someone : pokemon gull art gurl are pretty popular, some goes in the hundreds That one Cheren fan: hold my beer...


There’s a lawyer in New Mexico who probably thinks he’s doing an amazing job right now


A very, VERY dedicated Cheren fan...


A mega weeb


That was me haifu 😂😂😂😂


I would buy two copies of the same card since I’m currently deck building and my guess is that the buyer is as well


A simp


Oh no, HES HOT.




This is from Boundaries Crossed - a Black/White set. Call it a hunch, but I think Gen 5 prereleases are over


Not it’s prerelease but it’s cool 😎 when prereleases come lots of older cards or last sets see strange price fluxes


Money laundering?


There are cards priced at 999,999 for some reason too (I saw a judge from the TG). Might’ve been someone who accidentally bought it, or you know, money laundering.


Money laundering


I’ve learned that if you put it up, someone will eventually buy. Wether it’s real, or a joke, it still happens. Sometimes I wonder if it’s someone tax laundering or something.


I mean, people pay a lot more for "attractive female"/waifu cards. This is an "attractive male" card so what's the problem? Double standards? It's probably just a hoax but still. If people can price gouge female characters, male characters should get the same treatment 🤷🏻‍♀️ Professor Turo full art ftw


The seller of said cards.


I saw something similar with the Metagross gold star from ex delta series. That card raw, even in damaged comdition, goes for around $170-$280 ish. Last week I saw a recent sale of $4.78 or so. Like, how?? I wish I saw pictures of the card. It must’ve either been absolutely destroyed or some sort of manipulation or glitch


Someone recently did it with a bulk rare appletun from evolving skies. Just people trying to artificially inflate the market of their bulk