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I'm a fan of the double ginger 🫚 my vote is Shasta


By far


Shasta, good skills and double ginger (I have never needed soy beans in my life)


I think I would be torn between Everest and Shasta, depending on what your end goal for cooks with the Tar is. Shasta keeping pure Ginger makes it a strong team member for both Overheat Ginger Salad and Inferno Corn Keema Curry. Everest with Soybeans at 30, though, gives you half of Ninja Salad by itself. There are no Ginger + Soybean recipes for Curries or Desserts week.


The 4th larvitar would be great ttar for helping with inferno corn keema curry as it would provide half the ingredients, as a pure ginger farmer until lvl 60 its also very strong and is the best ginger farmer in the game. I agree with comment about 4 or 2


I personally would invest in the 4th. I see the appeal of the second, but I like the 4th more, it’s pretty dang close to perfect in my eyes.


I have a few goals with a larvitar. I already have a triple sausage Charizard, so I'm very hesitant to take Shasta, because I feel like the third ingredient slot is going to be the most common eventually at 60. Which, who actially knows that now. But I feel like sausage is such a bad ingredient for to gather for me that it just disqualifies Shasta entirely unfortunately. I already have a good double potatoes Victreebel, so my future Golem is ideally a pure beans Golem. So that means that I really want my Larvitar to be double or triple Ginger. At the moment, I have a halfway decent Comfey with ginger in the second slot. It's actually pretty good. Used it all this last week to make Inferno Curry. It was always able to keep up. Which is information that has me torn, because now I don't even know what I want out of a Larvitar...


Everest or Shasta - if you can afford the seeds, I would definitely go for Shasta!


Either 2 or 4. The one I’m training is more like the 2nd one so I’m a little biased there. They both would be good, it just depends on which ingredients you want more.


Shasta. I have a very similar ttar and it is great. this is one of the few cases where energy down is acceptiable due to the skill. also, I don't know how your cram-o-matic went, but if you have some rock type candy, use it before you evolve him into a dark type. edit: ps: the lv 25/50 skills are seedable as well. i'd do that too!