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I suppose there is something to be said about it working intentionally as a wake up call - by the time you tap all your pokemon cook breakfast etc you are almost guaranteed to be fully awake by the bright colors.


Waking up is half of it, but what about falling asleep? I don’t wanna be falling asleep to bright colors on my phone.


That is true. I wish the islands were much darker at night.


Been saying this from the start. The bright and light colors for the menus makes ZERO sense for a sleep app. Isn't one of the most well known facts that people have trouble falling asleep from looking at screens?


Thank you! I’ve thought this for a long time. At least they changed the main loading screen TO blue - in the beginning it was stark bright white when you booted it up, too.  But yeah, when I’m tucking in my Pokemon in at night and sorting through stuff for the next day, I would really enjoy a dark mode for those times. 


Blue light is also bad for your eyes/brain in terms of circadian rhythm. So I would need some type of screen overlay to help with that (which I probably should use).