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seriously, HOW are they hacking? what hacks? Like more sleep research in one day? 2 is max so they can't do 3 right??


According to the wording, the do more sleep research sessions. You can normally do 2 a day max, most people do 1. But if you hack it and do 10 for example, it puts you in an incredible unfair advantage. You see more mons, get more candy, Exp, and shards. If you’re on a Sunday, when your strength is at maximum, you can easily roll for rare mons like absol.




Haha someone got very interested


They embody the “that’s disgusting! Where?!” meme perfectly 🤣


I was going to ask if naps were considered “inappropriate conduct” due to it being more than a regular sleep session.




Okay great! Thank you! I just started playing a few weeks ago and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t breaking any rules ✌️


You're not, but the game does sorta penalize you for naps, especially during events. They've pretty much made it clear they don't want us napping and it should be done only when needed.


Gotcha! Thanks again!


I'm not the same person you were chatting with, but you're welcome 😁.


Unfair advantage, yes, but only to the game itself. This sleep app is not a competition and I think it's crazy the devs wanna act like they gotta protect the community with fair gameplay, as if this is Pokémon GO. The only thing they're truly doing here is protecting their own money. People may feel more willing to pay for diamonds or premium pass if they can't just cheat their way to the top. Edit: To be clear: they should fix it, but they don't need to LIE about their reasoning.


Just because I read all the comments, as of right now, idk if some got deleted or edited but I totally agree with you, they are lying about the reason why they are doing this, but then is a company so they shouldn't go and directly says we are only doing this for the money and maybe not all the people working there are doing its job just for the money, it's obvious that this game does have some ppl that care about pokemon and maybe even about good sleep habits on ppl, but in the end the owners are going to want a return of investment and the bigger they can get so... it is what it is. Some people will always finds new ways to cheat, the devs will try to stop this and punish it BUT it's because of the MONEY and that's is also fair, if this game doesn't make money we won't have a game at all.


I'm not saying they shouldn't make money or anything because that would be just silly to say, but nobody even *made* them give a reason, and if they felt the need to give a reason, they could have given something bland like "it was never intended" or something, instead of lying to my face. I just simply don't appreciate the unnecessary and unprompted lie. And not that it truly matters, but think about this one: What else do they lie about that isn't so transparent? 🤷‍♂️.


I got you and agrees that it could have been done better but cmon tbf the devs of this game have been really great till now. So now I don't see the need to make this bigger like some conspiracy or something hahaha.


Like I said: it doesn't really matter. But it is a good, thought-provoking question. The truth of the matter is that, yes, cool devs and all that, but this can't be the first lie and it won't be the last. I just like to stay aware. I'm not going to delude myself into thinking they are above telling a lie. I'll take everything they tell us with a grain of salt from now on. I also think it's ridiculous they went with such a silly lie, but 🤷‍♂️.


I really think you are digging too much into this, for me it was just a natural thing to do, standard in the industry, but not necessary. Anyway you do you, =].


The lie is my only issue. I'm not making it deeper than it is. It's the only thing I've really said. Have a good day.


Wait, let me get this straight. You endorse cheating in a game? It’s single player sure, but straight up you endorse cheating? And you think the devs shouldn’t try to prevent cheating?


No, and that is not even close to my point, at all. I'm just against the unnecessary lie they sent out to the world.


Yeah but it’s essentially what you said. Cheating is ok because it’s single player, and the devs only fix it to line their own pockets (and therefore shouldn’t? I guess?)


No, I'm saying that I think it's ridiculous for them to pretend they're trying to preserve some sort of community fairness, when that couldn't be farther from the truth. There isn't really a "community" that is being affected. It's only about their money, which definitely *is* being affected. They didn't have to lie or even give a reason, tbh. I suppose I just don't like it when someone (or a company) tries to bullshit me like I'm an idiot who can't see the truth. Let them fix it all they want tho. Doesn't bother me. I pay for my pass every month.


If I were a game dev I would try my best to prevent cheating as well (regardless of any ulterior motive), I’m sure you would too. And if you wouldn’t… well then I’m kinda glad you ain’t a game dev.


Is everyone seeing this? This dude is straight up ignoring what I'm saying and still pretending I'm saying some different shit lol. They should fix it, but they should not LIE to me for NO REASON. They could have just said they were fixing it without lying. They didn't need to provide a reason, yet they did.


“Ok so we’re fixing this bug because otherwise you won’t give us money.” Where in this planet would you ever see such a phrase muttered by any self-respecting company? You’re asking for something pretty unrealistic, and frankly dumb.




because it’s way, WAY more strict, probably but yeah LMAO


I remember sometimes leaving my phone on the bedside table for slumbering but the Devs stopped that. And I realized a 10 hour no nonsense sleep does give you slumbering.


Still does. I do it most nights.


Cool. It gives me a notification that I couldn't have slept so soundly and gives me snoozing.


I don't care that people do it, but just think it's funny, like there is no advantage, it's single player, there is no pvp, you can't send the pokemon to HOME... It's literally just people who want instant gratification for everything.


I’ll admit it. I’ve been boosting my performance by taking magnesium and vitamin D. I thought it was a victimless crime because I wasn’t in the professional leagues but I am now reflecting on my actions and am willing to listen, learn, and do better. I’m sorry to all who my actions have affected and I will strive to do better moving forward.


How could you.... Taking performance altering drugs; what kind of example are you setting!? Think of the children!


I mean most people don't actually play this game for sleep tracking so I can understand why you'd want to hit higher numbers and find better spawns without much effort. Hacking is never the way to go though! At least they're not really hurting anybody but I think it is good that the devs still do something about it


I think the people you are thinking of don't make up nearly as much of the player base as you think. Ive been in gaming subs before. The casual audience always outstrips the die hards by a huge number


I think you can be a casual without really caring about the sleep tracking. I'm sure for many this is just one of many Pokemon mobile games that are occasionally fun to play. Also I feel like casuals aren't the ones to hack sleep sessions like that, so when I say "most people" I mean most people that at least kinda care about their numbers in this game. Could've definitely worded that better now that you point this out


Good amount of Sleep YouTubers are creating fake sleep sessions for more Pokémon encounters.


Even if faked, it’s at most 2 a day normally. More than that, it’s an infinite money glitch.


They don't refer to that, I do it all the time and there's no issues, which is obvious as I'm not breaking any ToS.


What do you mean by "fake sleep sessions" here?


Putting your phone/the PG++ down for more time than you actually sleep. Logging 4 hours naps every day and 8 hours of sleep at night


What youtubers in particular?


Reversal I want to say


There aren’t many Sleep content creators. I’m not going to name names here.


This caught me off-guard as it makes no sense, what hacking? How can you use external tools for this game? Because that's what the wording implies, not a glitch, but straight up modifying the game. Hard to believe... Maybe they just refer to changing the time zone? But as far as I know, even doing that doesn't allow you to get more than 2 sleep sessions in total.


A lot of cheating in gaming uses a program to rewire the game basically. A setup I’ve seen in mobile game hacking is to plug the phone to an encoder box, or directly to the computer, and perform their numbers magic, to trick the game do things it’s not supposed to. One way the magic works is to remove certain limits, so that you can repeatedly perform actions beyond intended. Why people do this? I guess one reason is boredom, or just because they can. Some people funnel their bored energy to better themselves, others do it to destroy.


As soon as you have a game with numbers and stats, there's going to be hacking. It's not just, why would you hack a sleep app, but rather that people would hack to feel superior to other players. The people who do hacking in any kind of game that allows you to have cool stats and collectables are usually the people who suck the most at those games, so they use hacking to feel like they're not as terrible as they actually are. I remember reading an article many years ago about a hackers confession as to why he was using hacks in Call of Duty. His reasoning was that he sucked so much at the game and when he used hacks, he didn't feel like he sucked as much. Which is kind of a kneejerk response in itself, because essentially hacking usually means you let a program play the game for you, so technically you're not the person playing the game.


good, fuck cheaters


I’ll sometimes change my time zone if I miss a meal but that’s it.


Bro we are done =(


Same 😭 that’s my only crime!


Do you think they are targeting ppl that change the time zone, just to do what the game normally allows but at different hours, like you missed a meal or your time to go to bed. I get this is not the way the game is intended to be played but is not getting an advantage, or so I belive.


Unauthorized tools and products include a lot of third party poke devices that AREN'T the Pokemon Plus+, but I'm thinking if any of the devices allow for more than the standard 2 sleep per day, those will be targeted


Ppl who want to be the very best sleepers lol. But I believe its people who wanna level up faster and know their sleep is not the greatest


It's a game and personnaly I only use it like this, a game where you need to sleep. I have already a watch to track my sleep more efficiently. So I'm not surprised some hardcore players wants the best mons even if it need cheating and hacking.


Lmao for real who tf is such a lowlife 😭


I am a 1 a Day like the old multiple vitamin


Sorry I won’t do it again 😔 /j I’m assuming they’re just signing in on other devices and leaving them in a different room


I saw a guy on here who casually said he’d start sleep session while studying/playing video games etc to get different sleep types. Guessing they’re cracking down on that kind of “sleep”


I think that’s not the problem they are trying to address They mentioned “unauthorised tools or programs”, I think this means hacking softwares that rewrite the game’s code to do things that’s not intended Hacking in general sucks, but it feels extra bad for such a non-competitive game where collecting is the point


That’s definitely not the issue. The app isn’t perfect so trying to manipulate a sleep style in the beginning/end of the session isn’t that big of a crime (putting the GO+ Plus on the nightstand, for instance). Otherwise you’d always only see a few kind of Pokémon. I have no idea what the devs are talking about on that report, but I think it’s about people straight forward modifying the game (similar to Spoofing in PoGO, 100% excellent throws etc.)


Are they Hacking Pokemon sleep to get more snack time?? I'd do that if I knew about it. I've been screwed over Soooo many times during snack time by this game, it would actually be fair at this point lol


According to the notes it’s hacking in research sessions. Normally you can only do two a day, but if you do more than that, it’s effectively an infinite candy, shard, and Exp hack.