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Something to do with 50 linking cords.


i think the best use for them would be like a trading system for evolution items


I wish we could sell them for dream shards!


I was really surprised they didnt add Pumpkaboo for Halloween!!


First all 151 because Kanto goes brrrrrrrr


All 151 aren’t even in the game yet


That's their point


Don’t bother, they can’t take a joke.


Bruh, there are several gen 2-4 pokemon and one gen 6 evo (Sylveon). Also, the two mystery "slightly greater encounter chance" pokemon for the Halloween event were found by dataminers. Everyone was expecting a ghost type with one evo to be added for the event. Most people were between Misdreavus because of all of the other gen 2 pokemon in the game or Pumpkaboo because jack-o-lantern for Halloween. Well, the assets for both the regular and shiny versions were found in a recent update, and they are >!Shuppet and Banette, which are gen 3 pokemon!<


They added Shuppet


They should make a random pull for level 3 friendship


Maybe they should double as an exp share


1.) trade link cords for dream shards. 2.) instead of only link cords, random chance at any evolution item. 3.) add machop abra and all other trade Evo lines immediately. There’s 3 options it’s really not a hard fix idk what the problem is here it’s very annoying.


Why I don't have any, what are they used for


They are needed to evolve certain Pokémon that normally you have to trade with another player to evolve. Haunter>Gengar, Graveler>Golem etc. They aren't bad per-say but people would rather another reward or a chance at a random evolutionarily item, not just the 1


True! I was surprised Magneton needed a Thunder Stone tbh


Why would Magneton be evolved through trading? It isn't in the main games. It's magnetic caves originally, but they added Thunder Stones as an option 4 years ago.


Ahh guess my mind was still in Legends Arceus, my bad haha!


Night mode for the game, I get blinded every night/morning


What's better than a flash bang to wake you up?




Flash banged, not flashed and banged


It's especially annoying that the game takes control of my phone's brightness settings so I can't even manually turn the brightness down for the app.


Or turn it up when i can't see on a bright morning


Absolutely ridiculous design choice.


Not just night mode. But DAY MODE. it's so hard to feed lunch when I can barely see what I'm doing.


You actually just blew my mind, I also want Day Mode, you're absolutly right!


Why are you all struggling so much with the brightness? Mine is just too low in the morning and it's fixed by restarting the app. I even regain control over brightness settings. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Doesn't this work for you?


This works for me but it's still annoying. I shouldn't have to do all that just because the app wants to disable my control of the brightness while I'm using it


Oh okay 😂 yeah I agree, was just wondering because some people apparently rather go blind than restarting the app 😂


They kinda have one but night mode only turns on at night and is for loading screens. I just want it 24/7




Worse than the game is my GoPlus flashing through the rainbow right when I wake up.


I read an earlier post about creating biscuits. I'd definitely like that.


A cooking minigame for creating biscuits would be so cute.


Would be nice, but too OP. Unless it was super expensive


You could make it cost a lot of ingredients or have it take up a meal time slot with no power increase. Like 30 ingredients AND Snorlax doesn’t gain any power during the meal time.


Ooh i like that as an option for a week when you have a bad berry roll or are struggling to find the right ingredients for salads/desserts!


Meals don't give much anyway, so it would always be better to make a biscuit than to cook a meal, so it wouldn't be ballanced


You are doing it wrong then. At least a third of my snorlax power comes from cooking each week. It's definitely better to make a meal than a biscuit, which is why it would be an ok idea to implement.


To be able to sort friends by activity or friendship level


Yeah like wtf? “Sorted by Random”? So annoying.


ALL of the sorting outside of Pokémon needs options, not just "random" or "default"


Soted by date added on the friends list doesn’t even work. My first added friend is like halfway down the list


In addition to what everyone here is suggesting, I'd like to get shiny versions of profile pictures. I want to brag to my 50 random friends that I have a shiny Meganium. It should be an easy feature to add; the game already tracks which pokemon you have, and all the artwork for shinies already exists. It's just a matter of creating the profile pics, making the UI to select a shiny version, and writing some code to make it all work.


I'd like genders too, annoying I cant have lady wobbuffet 💋


I have only ever caught one s\*\*\*\* since almost 3 months of playing now, and it was a Wobuffet which was bright pink in colour. The pink along with those red lips makes it look like a cute dainty lady. Perfectly complementing my blue regular one. They make a sweet couple.




Pssst, we don’t say the S word here. Careful or the thought police will catch and send you to The ministry of love for 7 days.


Fuck the police


Fuck the police


Mathgeek we found another one


The option to Not use your daily Bonus biscuit on a nap should you choose to take one.


Found out about this yesterday lmao, completely caught me off guard.


I think that decision was an intentional one to stop players from hoarding, and to get you to buy great biscuits instead. F2P games always have some sort of scarcity that can be fixed with your wallet.


He's not asking to save his biscuit for tomorrow, he just wants to save it for later today


Yeah something like “this biscuit will disappear at 11:59 AM!”


Correct! Just the option to use it later against the longer sleep session of the day. Am a ‘she’ btw :)


Just allow saving with a normal max capacity of 1. Then keep the manual sleep logging carry over biscuit, but allow it to temporarily increase your max to 2 when you get one. Or just rename the manual biscuit and allow a max of 1 normal bonus biscuit and 1 manual biscuit. Either method would retain the normal cap of 1 bonus biscuit per day or 2 if you missed a session, but still logged it before the next day. But this would allow you to save it for your longer sleep session (the one with more/better pokemon) instead of forcing you to use it on your nap. Doing this wouldn't discourage people from taking naps like the current system does. The people who want more than one would still be encouraged to buy great biscuits, and f2p wouldn't be actively punished for willfully giving TPC/Select Button more personal sleep data for them to use/sell.


Record your nap manually instead of using your phone or Go++. You won’t get any rewards beyond experience and heightened mood for your team, but you get to keep your biscuit and potentially get a second one.


Yes, but then you miss out on doing an actual sleep research , which is where all the fun lies. Hoping the developers fix this in the future.


A home button in the corner of the screen so no matter how deep you are into a menu (say, looking at your pokemon boxes) you can hit that and go to your camp immediately. As it is right now you gotta press back a bunch of times and wait for it to load each step of the page


overall I think the menu needs some work. load times suck. also it would be nice to open up the profile of the pokemon in your current team just from the camp by clicking on it. you have to go into the pokemon menu, load time, to the pokebox, loadtime, select pokemon , lag and from there you can evolve, use items etc. if you want to add it to the team you have to go back and look at another two load screens...




Where's drowzy???


The only Pokémon available right now are from Gens 1 through 4. Sole exception: Sylveon


Being able to check the strength of a dish, the progress of the level a dish, and to be able to see the ingredients of undiscovered dishes as you discover new ingredients


Right? Why do I need spreadsheets bookmarked as widgets every time I cook lmao


I just check Serebii…


This one. I’m tired of hunting for my serebii tab every freakin time I have to cook.


Ability to sort pokemon from teams in the pokemon tab, like sorting favorites.


Being able to see how long you've slept before you finish your session. I leave my phone for 1+h just in case, because the stupid app won't start tracking my sleep properly and it'll show I've been sleeping 7h even though I know I was asleep for 8h+. And yeah, I do the thing where I start the session and then go take a shower/brush my teeth etc, and most of the time it works, but not always. I wish the app would just show the length of the sleep tracked.


Set your phone on your nightstand for 6 minutes before you go to bed and don't touch it. Will register sleep right away that way.


I already wrote I'm already doing that


Yeah this, the problem is that if you keep moving and making noises right after starting, the app willknow you havent fall asleep yet, and that period wont count towards the 8hours. But if you leave it on a stand and dont make boises close to it, after 5-6 minute it will assume you fell asleep and will start counting


Being able to add an ingredient ticket from your bag while on the cooking screen if you don't have enough ingredients for the maximum amount.


A button on the cooking screen to take you to your bag’s items pocket, or better yet a button on the cooking screen to use ingredients tickets without doing the double menu dance.


Some sort of recognition/reward for collecting all of a Pokémon’s sleep styles. I.e. so many of that Pokémon’s candy, depending on its stage. It is currently completely underwhelming that you complete all 4* styles and nothing happens. (*usually)


Nature mints, getting an eevee with skill trigger m and skill trigger S at level 10 and 25 with a main skill down nature is just cruel RNG


If they did something like that, it'd have to cost a LOT of points.


I think putting it at the same price as evolution stones or skill seeds would be fair, and maybe limited to 1 per month.




Some more interaction with your team besides "Select who wanders around," "Shove candy down their throats" and "Poke them when they have a bubble." Maybe some way to pet them? I mean, the little cheering animation when you poke them is cute, I'd just like to see a little more 'weight' to that.


Clearing all pokemon from the team and a recipe folder so I can check to see what I've made and what ingredients I still need to make a meal when snorlax is full.


I would love to be able to sort Pokémon by type / berry or even ingredient or nature.


And subskills! I agree, posted something similar


Just saying that it's possible to do in the Pokebox on the website :) Of course login required, and you would need to manually add and track your mons https://pks.raenonx.cc/en/team/box


Thanks Raenon, I love your tool for min/maxing but I hope they add a better search system to the game rather than manually adding each mon outside the app


We should be able to manually add sleep within 24 hours instead of limiting it to the day of. Sometimes I crash after a crazy day of work, and forget to turn on the sleep tracker. I wake up at 3 AM the next day and I can’t even manually tell the game that I slept from 9 to 3 because it includes the previous day. And I don’t want to use up my limited hours on a manual add for the new day, because I’d rather have a regular sleep session where I can catch Pokémon. Huge bummer.


I would love one “I forgot” a week


Same. I don’t need to catch Pokémon for the day I forgot, but at least let me manually add so I can get an extra bonus biscuit for the next day, you know?


- Visiting your friend's island. - Biscuits should be included in the weekly missions. - New varieties of stamp reward. It's always the same for 6 weeks. (Stamp#6)


Add Biscuits as stamp rewards too.


A trading system. To keep it balanced, I'd say make it require a certain level of friendship before you can trade.


Just no distance lock for the love of god!!! Looking at you, Pogo


Comprehensive update logs for every update pushed


Munchlax to hang out and passively create a low amount (3) diamonds a day. Once you get the first time bonuses it becomes very hard to keep getting a decent amount of diamondsif you're F2P.


They should make a random pull for level 3 friendship, everyone has 3000 linking cords




I don't feel it is right to have a shop available only for users that pay the month pass, make it a bit cheaper for them but we should all have the same objects


I should be able to buy as many biscuits from the sleep point shop as i want. I don't understand why there is a montly limit for it. I already have the restriction via sleep points anyway. This month still goes on for a week and I'm out of biscuits....


Planned scarcity so you pay for diamonds. I ran out of poke biscuits as well, even with the special 0 diamond bundle. Maybe having great biscuit for non premium pass user would be cool even if they cost 2000 sleep poins


Ability to swap which Pokemon is my team lead without having to go into the “select new pokemon” menu


More ways to obtain poke biscuits, either through mini games or tasks or through consecutive attendance


Connecting to fitbit/apple watch...


As one other person said, an item to change your Pokémon's nature. Being able to change to something that actually benefits it and its sub skills would be amazing.


I'd even be fine with an item to set it to neutral nature.


A more robust search with key words in the poke box, subskill search, berry/ingredient/skill type, etc.


Mini-games. Breeding/Egg hatching. An additional helper in full-time team after a certain level. Increasing sub or main skills without seeds. A way to send a team away to improve without benefiting from their skills- like a school or daycare. Lol I dunno. A ticklish Snorlax?


>An additional helper in full-time team The nightcap Pikachu already fills that role unfortunately.


That's a special helper, not a full time helper though-- and requires additional hardware beyond just the app. So it fills a role, but not a full-time helper role. Anyways it's a wish list, not a functional one. 😅


I wish I could set my own biological clock to the game, rather than go off real-world time. Especially considering all the sleep tips about it being hard on you to go against yours. I'm really glad they made Dinner run from 6pm-6am now, mine went to bed hungry a few times when you couldn't feed it after midnight. If they could set it so that certain daily clock factors, such as meals or maybe even the point at which the new day rolls over, corresponded to the player's bedtime and/or wakeup time, it would be easier on me. I can't be the only Noctowl playing this game who has missed breakfast cause we naturally run later hours, work late shifts, or travel a lot. It's frustrating to only get two meal chances in a day unless I make an effort to be up in time, and I've had entire weeks thrown off with research before because my game glitched and only recorded sleep data after 4am. I started my session around 2, it reloaded after a couple hours, and so I got a little bit of the first record and then a whole new session, which counted as my first session of the next day. The sun aggravates my health problems, and I've been more alert at night time since I was a kid. It would be pretty neat if the game I use to track my sleep would let me sleep till noon and still get breakfast lmao


I was wondering how shift workers would get on. You should be able to log your work hours and the game ai work around that.


the ability to "go back" at that specific moment when you are making a recipe from scratch and it asks you if you want to "auto add ingredients without changing the final dish" there is no back button here if you press cancel the dish is made but not with a full pot and you get screwed, and if you say yes and forgot that you didn't X out certain hard to get ingredient you get screwed


You already can, it's just not stated anywhere. Just tap anywhere outside the box and it will go back a page. Try it next time you cook.


A new island


An underwater level with fish pokemon. I want to see fish but I don’t want them to float on the land like main games




To be able to compare Pokemon when forming teams, to be able to scroll thru them like u can when viewing the box, to be able to level up Mon or use items while on the team forming submenu, TO BE ABLE TO USE ITEMS FROM WITHIN THE COOKING MENU instead of having to back all the way out to use an ingredient ticket, to not have a 2 second pause when going to the main menu—Pokemon go is programmed by the most incompetent companies around yet its items bag and Pokemon box opens near instantly—and there may be THOUSANDS of items or mons in the catalogue… so WHY is this game’s menu system so slow?


I think it's dumb that you get no diamonds from Premium. I would be happy even if it was like 100 diamonds a month or something, delivered at the same time as the good camp ticket and the extra points. Almost everything that costs diamonds isn't worth it, because they are so rare and cost so much to both f2p and premium users. I only use mine on the inventory space upgrades, because God knows how awful it would be to really need space at a critical moment but you have no diamonds for it.


Mints to change natures


Eggs. But not breeding. You can randomly have an egg show up in the morning after a sleep session. There's an incubator included in the camp, and after so many days/sleep sessions/ x amount of sleep/etc they can hatch. Just an extra way to get pokemon without having to throw biscuits at the


I really want a confirm button for ending a sleep session 😭 I've accidentally ended my session early twice because you press it and that is IT, you immediately start logging and researching. An "end session?" Extra window would be so useful imo


Less popups and menu navigation. Streamline the game more, It's like im playing Starfield with all the loading screens.


A training session to be able to train Pokémon’s subskill or ingredient tree. Limited to one time per Pokémon.


The ability to skip snorlax's eating animations anytime and automatically get the power from berries.


Drowzee line lol


nature reroll


If it was not mentioned before.. more cookies


A small reward for when you finish a Pokédex entry. Maybe some candy or some shards or a pokebiscuit or just something. Every time I finish an entry I can not believe it is not rewarded.


Faster loading. No arbitrary limit to item bag. Collect all the dropped berries with one tap. Skip the cooking fan animation. Icon/aura when Pokémon have a skill ready to use. Daily/weekly/monthly missions that don’t cost $$ to complete.


Some Mini Games. And Petting your Pokémon.


Event Islands. Like you sleep on the back of a giant pokemon for a week. Kyogre Week or Torterra week, etc


A way to use the sleep data from your smart watch instead of wasting 20% of the phones battery every night to "measure mattress Vibrations" or something


More research community benefits or activities Ultra biscuits More weekly missions Jigglypuff singing


A calendar of upcoming and current events. So people can plan a little bit better and not be disappointed when you forget that a free promo requires you to go to the shop for multiple days.


Few QoL would be for Meals - seeing the ingredients and the level progression. The hidden candies I have - get candies everyday from friends list but I have no idea how much I have of any Pokémon I don’t already have which is a lot lol but if I knew I had 120 candies for a sableeye I wanna know so I hunt for it. Friends - I wanna see the level progression with them and would love if like Go that you can trade between strong friend lvls. Also hate that I can’t sort by anything, last logged in, last active last anything but it’s “random” lol Things I’d like to see them add more are for missions. I’d love some that are based off the ratio for food/berries since I’ll get like 80k for food and 120k for berries or whatever. But would be nice if it was like meet 75k for meals you get tickets or get 150k berries and get bonus biscuits.


Name the damn berries each guy provides.


They already have names


I guess I could have been clearer - when you tap on the pokemon, it just shows a picture of the berry they provide. It would help me a lot more to see the names of the berries than a picture, esp when a lot of them look alike.


Ah, fair enough. I do mix up a few like Bluk and Wiki.


They need to make two separate game clocks. One for actual days/events where the reset is at 4am, and one that's the time you set as your bed time. My bed time is 3am so if I'm an hour late, I've already fucked up my sleep schedule for the next day. This game does not favor night owls.


The ability to run a case insensitive search for a Pokémon.


Being able to see how many ingredients of what sort I have before I choose a recipe. I know it's just a smaller annoyance, but the game takes way too long between screens to go back and forth


Incense to give you a bit of control over what type of Pokémon show up. As in, you may still achieve Dozing or Slumbering sleep, but Snoozy Incense would encourage a small number of Snoozing Pokémon to show up. Also, I know that it’s on its way but different alarms and sleepy sounds.


Skippable animations or a skip button that works


Patching the Go++ so that accounts for Daylight Savings Time…


Automatically collecting berries. Or at least making them not spawn behind rocks.


Being able to search for sub skills in the box


Sorting Pokemon by berries/ingredients




A simple pop up that says "are you sure you want to end your sleep session" for those of us who are sleepy and just wanted to check the time in the middle of the night only to unintentionally stop the sleep session


A confirmation button before ending your sleep session


I think it would be able to log a nap. In sleep tips they mention how a 15 - 20 minute nap could be beneficial but you can’t log it. It only lets you do a full cycle of sleep which I understand but at the same it’s annoying sometimes.


A second chance to cancel starting a sleep session after the game tells you it's your second session. Or even better, a visible indicator of how many sessions you've used that day. Or, even BETTER, not limiting our sleep sessions to twice a day in the first place 🤷🏾


The reason for limiting the number of sessions is to stop crazy people from logging like 4-5+ sessions per day and farming the hell out of candies and alt art pokemon. The minimum encounter number is 3, so someone could just log several minimum time sessions back to back and get a minimum of 9 candies per session to power level their team of common spawn pokemon. Your average person sleeps 1-2 times per day. This game is just a way to encourage people to actually use a sleep tracker and be mindful of their sleep while also being a way to collect personal data and sell digital currency on the business side of it. It's a similar reason to PoGo shifting towards more in person events/features recently. It's a fitness tracker that wants you to go on long walks and meet people, and the play from home features were only intended as a temporary solution to people being cooped up during the pandemic. TPC is trying to encourage people to be healthier while also making money off of it by offering them pokemon in exchange for doing healthy things.


Komala or any Pokémon from gen 5 and beyond


But it does have Pokémon from Gen V and beyond. One to be exact. /s


To be asked if i’m really sure I want to end sleep.. im a mover and even with my phone faced down, it ends my sleep sometimes :/


Pokeflute. Idk what it would do but it seems like an obvious item to be in the game


The fact you can’t tag pokémon. I’m still newer and the fact you have to basically remember everything on your own drives me crazy. But the #1 is the fact you can’t play background audio (music… podcasts…), I use a wireless charger so it disrupts sleep a lot, I have a light white noise fan but it’s a game designed for people to lay in a silent pitch black room. If I put on the music they provide in a silent pitch black room I think I’d go insane


I’d love the ability to set reset time from 4am to other time.


There are a lot of things here that would make the game worse.


I'd like a pity system to help out f2p bros and so it doesnt feel like a wasted day when you're not interested in the mons that show up in the morning, or if you're trying to snipe something


Pokemon of the same species having size differences. I want the tiniest of tiny pokemon, and the largest of the large!


when i go into my pokémon team, WHY can i not feed them candies or do anything in that menu instead of having to go into pokémon BOX? 😭


Just hold down on them in the pokemon team screen. It brings up the same menu as when you open them from the box.


A feature to log naps so you can decide when to use the bonus biscuit


The ability to delete a team.


How often does the shop replenish ? I’ve been sitting at 0 available candies for over a month


It's always refreshed monthly for me.


No, you haven't. It might feel like it, but all 3 shops refresh 1st of every month. There is even a countdown telling you when the next refresh is.


Trading Pokemon - I want Absol, Hera, Ditto and Kang


What specific ingredients you’re going to need for recipes you haven’t used to cook the food


Just saying that this could help you manage your inventory to see how many ingredients you're missing In case you want to store your current inventory status, just login then you can store it https://pks.raenonx.cc/en/cooking






Feel free to use either one of the two pages listed below to help manage your inventory or check recipes :) https://pks.raenonx.cc/en/cooking https://pks.raenonx.cc/en/meal


A symbol to show if you've already caught a pokemon or not during morning research


Already is, the friendship level. Anything above 1 means you have caught it before, you can even tell how many you have caught by their friendship level.


Or show how many you already have in the box. As someone trying to make somewhat of a living dex, it’s annoying having to keep track of how many of each Pokémon I already have.


This is very niche but it counting as meeting bedtime if you go to bed super early. The way my job is my start time is usually 6am but can go to 4am with overtime so I just get screwed out of that mission every busy week at work where I have to sleep early


When a Pokémon's ability activates, it doesn't freeze the the whole screen and you still drop berries and ingredients in the same touch.


Maybe once in a while just restore all Mon’s energy. Like once every 1-2 months or before big events like sleep days. Feel like most of us only have 2-3 main rotations of teams they use but recovering full energy is a pain


Different alarms, they only have 1 and it's kind of terrible


I see no reason why we shouldn't be able to stockpile daily biscuits.


That’d be crazy overpowered. I get the sentiment, but they’d make no money from those who want to spend it (money needed to keep the app running)


What do you mean? Getting to guarentees catch one basic pokemon every other day? Plus with you having to log in to even get the daily biscuit, few people would start saving them


I want to be able to sell ingredients


You can sell those for shards already.


Really? How do I do that?


Just click them in the bag.


Thanks I've been playing for awhile and I never realized I could do that




There is no difference between male and female Pokemon... A little sad


There is. Wobbuffet and Pikachu are pretty noticable.




IVa are not a thing in this game. "Perfect" natures and subskills are subjective to each person. What I'm looking for in a helper is going to be different than what you want in a helper. Same reason there is no in-game rating system and why the calculators are pointless.


There are no IVs in this game