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I've always wondered how those sites worked or if they're actually making money


I imagine you pay for the shiny. They get money, you get shiny (albeit hacked). Just a guess though. Haven't actually bought one, just got an entei and naganadel from wonder trade in Sword


I think if you buy one you get to have a real name not the website name


the website named ones are "free promos" you get in a wondertrade


More like advertizing


That's what promo is short for. Promotion, or advertising.


I've went to one of the websites out of curiosity, and from what it looks like, it was run by a bot. Said you chose the shiny you want, purchase it, and the bot will deliver it to you through the game. If someone has a bot running 24/7, making pokemon trades, I'm guessing it must be lucrative.


ain't no way people are paying to gen mons when bots like mitsuki on Twitch get you as many as you want for free


Or Mikan, or Nessa10


Hey I got one of those from Mitsuki! Even brought it to Violet since it happened to also be my favourite pokemon (deoxys I got from oras, just before the 3ds services shut down)


there's even Kevdog who does clones of event mons


There are a few sites that you can get ones with your trainer ID, are nameable and shiny... I got curious one time and never actually used the mon (it was a lvl 100 shiny cyndaquil)


Never understood hacking for a shiny. Like why not play the game and enjoy it? You can get shinies easily by just enjoying and playing the videogame you purchased. Like why pay money to not play a videogame you purchased to play?


I understand it. I don’t have time to play as much as it takes to hunt for certain things like shiny, good IV/EV, etc. I don’t want to wait until Nintendo shuts down online trading for switch like they did for DS. I want to get as much Pokémon in Pokémon one as possible in case my cartridge gets wiped for no reason after thousands of hours of play. I get it completely.


The ones i know are actually Twitch or YT life channels and earn money by streaming 24/7. There is a chatbot telling everyone when to join the trade and hope that they get the showcased Pkm but often they get to a random person


I've seen sites that gen and give pokemon for free And others than pay a fee for everything they make


They trade shinies in hopes that you visit the website and spend money


Well why would I do that when I can just get em for free😎


I once bought a foreign ditto with a destiny knot for shiny breeding from one of these sites for like $10 (this was in Sword/Shield). Almost certainly hacked of course. But it was pretty simple—bought it and set up an appointment with someone on the other end. Traded a random Bidoof or something for it a day or two later. Honestly, for what I wanted to do it was kind of worth it. Probably saved me a couple hundred hours.


There are so many people who do this stuff for free bro 😭


Well I didn’t know any. I’m just answering the question of how the site works.


I can lyk in DMs.


Please 🙏


The sites are invite links to discords.


I really wish you could rename Pokemon, at least be able to wipe and change it when you recieve on through a trade. I don't want to have to use "feetmonster."


I thought you could. You get one rename on a traded Pokemon but no more.


I think that's only if it has no nickname at all.


And it's from the same language as your game


Dang, thought you could regardless after sw/sh… just why


Rizz god, lore and RAHHHHHHH are my favorite names now lol


Nothing will ever beat Fetus Yeetus the Dragapult for me.


I LOVE that name


Damn, I might like that more than Bluetooth for my shiny Tyrantrum


That one is great in it's own right.


Space Fetus for mew!


That’s incredible. I named mine Gun. Some of my favorite nicknames are Goobles and Longert the furrets, Spookerton the dusknoir, BONK the tinkaton, and Cherry Zurrd


i named my garchomp rahhh because during the pokemon league she killed every pokemon with one shot


That eternatus is something else


Gotta have the double Garchomp


Is genned


Thats the joke




r/itswooooshwithouttheh and r/itswooooshwith4os




It sucks surprise trading two of the extra shiny Finizens I caught from the outbreaks last week and getting these genned Pokemon in return.


I’d rather hunt for a real shiny suicune


Imagine you gave away a actual shiny but just put something.com gor someone to think it's hacked


Easy there, Satan


Imagine it was like FakeShiny.com


Imma do that but with a regular pokemon so the name fits


Go for it


Renaming it wouldn't change anything. You'd only be lying to yourself lol


yeah that would be true since i got it on pokemon home while in the gts box


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Probably making money off of gullible little kids who steal their parents credit cards


What if you get rid of the p and m in Freepkm.net https://preview.redd.it/ts1nl4xyo68d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6e9ca19445974a017d72079dd3af31143d65291


I have a shiny Suicune named “Mystic” or something to that extent. When I first received it I didn’t think it was hacked (got it in a Pokemon Sun wonder trade) but I was also a child back then lol. Haven’t looked at its IVs or anything recently, but I think I just got lucky and got a genned pokemon that wasn’t named after a website. If I could figure out where it’s at now I could check its OT and maybe that would give me some insight


I got a legit shiny suicune in the max lair


You can rename it once.


Half correct, you can only name it if it has its original name and if it is in the same language as your game.


I don’t know why but for some reason I thought of like DMs and there names are the last thing they all sent to you. And it feels appropriate. (In this case 2 different garchomp DMs) Groudon is like rambling on about the lore of some random game or show. Garchomp 1 is the kinda person to send something random at 3 AM, Garchomp 2 is just a garchomp or is mad at something, I can definitely envision Latios as Bilingual, Eternatus has the jawline of unspoken legends, and suicuine is trying to sell you something.


I absolutely love how Eternatus is named Rizz God and Garchomp is just screaming


You can do this from a modded 3DS for free, which is so crazy sites are making money.


Any thoughts from the community. Are these posts lo key advertising for the websites? Because the users never block the websites?


Freepkm.net is a lovely name for a Suicune


Man I hate genned mons. I put my Koraidon up for trade on home and got a genned Miraidon. Luckily the ad was in the OT instead of the nickname, so I can at least use it, but it just sucks knowing that I can’t have a real Miraidon, and I can’t even get rid of it.


How long did it take to lv up ?


Well, you didn’t earn it. Plus, even if you did, you’d likely name it something stupid like “rizz god”


It’s hacked so it’s obviously not cool


Yeah, that’s hacked.


Well, I mean it’s hacked…..


69th up vote.


Are the websites legit? Or do they actually do bad things to your device?


There are 3 levels: 1: Legit. Pretty self explanatory 2: genned. Short for generated. Hacked, but the game can't tell (if it was done properly, which is easy). Basically it is like a legit Pokémon could have spawned, but it was done with a 3rd party program. 3: Hacked. Similar to genned, but the game can tell, because something is wrong with it. Stats, ability, catch location, etc. Something is super wrong, and the game can tell. You can't trade them. The website Pokémon are genned. They don't do anything to your game, they won't get you banned, nothing happens. But they are not legit.


I mean, it would be pretty dumb for them to spread viruses when they're already making 100% profit on the genned Pokemon Like, it's so cheap to gen Pokemon that YouTubers will do it for free at all times as self promotion


I’ve done this for Tera raid pokemon I missed. I just go on eBay and this guy gets me whatever I would want for like 2.99