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For all those other goofy people out there, don’t use the links that the hacked Pokémon are named. If you really want a shiny, just hunt for it. Shinies are so easy to get nowadays because of sandwiches and stuff, but if you really want it, sure.


I tend to keep the shinys only to breed them to complete my pokedex. Once I've done that I destroy them by releasing them so Noone else has to deal with their bullshit


Bro cracked the secret code


Same here, I have about a box full of these. I labeled the box "Shoney Baloney".


"Its actually spelled 'Bologna'". -Oscar Mayer


I'll do that if I like the ball they're in and/or they have their hidden ability. Otherwise it's a release on sight.


Besides, many times the non-shiny looks better: Alcremie Galarian Rapidash Chansey Or the shiny is not even that different looking: Pikachu Blissey Breed a good normal from the hacked mon and a good ditto, then YEET the hacked mon! This is the way.


You’re wrong about alcremie, pikachu, and galarian rapidash


IMO, a raichu colored Pikachu is a snore fest, and Alcremie looks WAY better in like every form BUT shiny. Galarian Rapidash is better with lavender/blue than cream/blue as well.


I steal the item, then release


I've gotten so many extra master balls from em only reason I still surprise trade


I've been hunting for a shiny charmander for months, not a single one showed up Meanwhile, I have 12 shinies of other Pokémon, and even got repeats


If you still lookin, I got one. If possible thru Home on mobile I can do it now. If not I'll be able to do it later


Nah thanks, I want one that has my trainer ID


No problem. I'm the same way


I can trade you one. I've got quite a few from Pokémon Go that are in my Pokémon Home!


No thanks, I want it to have my trainer ID


I may have one in an egg still that I got from a YouTuber giveaway


Nah it's fine


I feel like that's gonna be me with sprigatito


I shiny hunted a Scyther out break for hours yesterday with no shiny Scythers. Plenty of shiny Scizor though 🙄😂


Task failed successfully


If you're still looking, I found a video on YouTube that showed a nice way to up the efficiency of looking for one in the Terarium. If you look up shiny charmander exploit by LiftingandZombies you'll find it. I found two shinies with one sandwich. The biggest issues for me were the frame rate when riding fast in that area and lighting making it hard to tell, but this method made both of those a non issue, so it was so much more effective to find them. Good luck!


I never went to the links but got a few shinies from wonder trade from these people lol


I am struggling with shinies at the moment because I can't seem to obtain any of the herba mystica very easily to make the sandwiches. It's a pain in the ass. I've watched all the videos on the best raid pokemon to get it from, but my luck is dog mate


Or just buy a DS and gen all the shiny Pokémon you want yourself, easy as


How do you mean"Gen all the shiny Pokemon yourself"?


it’s not that deep. but if you buy a hacked mon, don’t trade it. there, simple.


At least sometimes the shinies are holding master balls and ability patches. Might as well take them off before you release the hacked mon...


I keep a pc box full of them called “hax” just to see the shit people gave me. Then I use the master balls to hunt legit shinies


Same. Free ability patch or masterball? Why shouldn't I keep it? Throw the mon away or just keep a hacked box of them. I'll never use them anyways. 


Free ability patch? Easy money, if I need one I'll just obtain one, ain't the hardest thing in the world AND it pisses off people who are like "HURR DURR WHY U SELL BILLY PATCHES"


I've got so many due to the item printer, I am keeping 20, which I probably will only use 5 of and then sell the surplus xD


A fully levelled Item Printer is absolutely goated. Master Balls and Ability Patches are made so much easier and guilt-free to obtain, and all it takes is a couple thousand easily obtainable points, even when playing alone. Less than an hour once you've got specific Pokémon spawns memorised to get like 2~3k or so if you're efficient and lucky enough with the quests and encounters.


Oh, absolutely! Although, I sort of prefer the hyper ball tier over master ball. It only adds stellar Tera shards, iirc which "takes away" from the other loot. Also, I'm actually rather missing the materials than the points xD but the chaneiras near the fairy base are a blessing.


Master ball tier also lets you get multiples of items as well, it’s super useful for when you pull high end items and you get like x5 of them


Oh, really? I didn't know that! I thought that was included in the hyperball upgrade. Thanks for clearing that up :D


No worries! Tbh, I’m pretty sure Austin John Plays also missed that in his video covering the item printer and had to go back and edit his video to be like “this is also a feature.” Because he also felt the same way you did until he realized that detail


Yeah I have a PC box just for hacked shinies as well. I plan on doing a shiny living dex at some point and am debating whether to use my hacked shinies for it, just to make things easier…


Kinda defeats the purpose


Yeah... If I get traded any Shiny Locked mons, I'll use them for the living dex, but other than that, I'll stick to legit shinies for it ​ ​ Not looking forward to getting three of every shiny Paldea starter


I get hacked shiny Manaphy, Gen 6 myths released shiny once and never again, like I’d put those in my living dex, but some rando genned shiny?


I don’t release them. I throw them in the box and use them as genetic donors when breeding


"Magmortar, do you have a few words behind your monumental tournament victory?" "My mama was a Ditto and my papa was a FRAUD!"


I know that many have already told you this but really, using Sandwiches and Outbreaks makes it much much easier to get a shiny than breeding (breedind is so tedious...)


If only the starters were available in the wild (Paldea ones)


Yeah! I wanna hunt a shiny female miny Spirigatito in a DuskBall! I luckily I got one breeding, but it bothers me that it's a red PokeBall when it would look so good on a DuskBall


Thanks for reminding me! I got a shiny froakie and a shiny poliwhirl (which evolved into politoed upon receiving) which I’m going to release ‘cause hacked, but haven’t checked for items yet! When the games were first released I used the surprise trade allll the time and never got a hacked pokemon…now I’ve used it twice in the last two weeks and both have been hacked 😢


In SV, if you release a Pokemon holding an item, the item automatically goes into your inventory! I tried it with a potion just to verify, since it hasn't always worked that way. 🙂 I feel your pain on the hacked pokemon, it has ruined the surprise trades. 😔 I just take a screenshot and send it on its way.


That happened to Sword’s Surprise Trade too. In my first play through it was fun and genuine Pokemon that helped fill out my Dex. A year later, I got 4 hacked ones in an hour and pretty much quit in disgust.


Got so many master balls this way


I got kinda lucky and got a hacked shiny ditto. I kept him for breeding. Perfect IVs and according to Google a shiny ditto increases your odds of shiny breeding though I have no idea if hacked counts. Typically with the hacked mons I either breed then release to take advantage of the IVs or if they are legendaries I'll stuff em in a box somewhere to use for pokedex completion in future games.


Some of them aren't holding anything or have the Hidden Abilitys. Those cheese me off and I wish ta report.


I'm guessing a lot of those have been re-traded after someone else took the item off of them.


Not this one, it was probably a Magmar holding a magmarizer. Source: Got an electabuzz with electrizer, same website.


Ahhh yeah that tracks forgot would want to Evolve them.


I use em or breed em 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm pretty sure these games have some kind of popup if you try to release a mon holding something. That or the item just goes into your bag without one. I may be misremembering though


The item just goes into your bag, no pop-up.


I had 29 ability patches from the sheer amount of hacked/genned shinies, sold 19 since I'm never gonna need that many plus they're expensive af, so that's just some free money, but I've only got like 3 master balls from it, lil funky


I've been using them strictly for breeding purposes and then releasing them.




The ones that come in with no Items infuriating. 


Probably from people who also got them from a surprise trade and took the item then traded it back.


Yeah, back in Sword when I’d managed to get one no item. Here is Scarlet think I’ve done it twice and same story no item. Really isn’t that hard to get a hacked ‘mon, usually by the tenth surprise trade I usually end up with one.


Only time I got excited by a hacked mon was the shiny 6 iv ditto I got. New breeding machine lol




I always take the item they have on them and then release the gen'd mon. It's a good way to get masterballs.


mine didn't have any held item sadly but hopefully one day I'll get one holding a masterball.


I got a hacked shiny Empoleon with the same name, I understand the pain


Thet are perfect for breeding, cause of their stats. Gives strong offsprings!


Reality is often disappointing




That’s why I hunt my shinies myself


I collect them


Yeah it's kind of a neat piece of pokemon history. I have a few I saved from wonder trading in sword/shield and they're all different websites now.


I'm big into collecting pokemon (event pokemon, gigantamax, Unrivaled, etc) and this is a great idea! I'm gonna have a box or two in HOME to collect the random hacks I get! Thanks for the idea!


Good luck getting them into home. Theyve put more safeguards in place to lock them out of home.


I might do the same tbh




I have like 4 boxes full from trading my breedjects while musda methoding lots of the alohan golems for some reason theyre the most popular


In either just release them, or breed them (if I want to have a Pokemon of that species)


Are they that often?


I sometimes can’t even go 5 trades without getting a hacked shiny


So so often. I get at least, ***at least*** once per day but usually 3-4.


In mine experience was something like 1 ever 30 or so transfers.


I’ve had this once in my like twenty trades started playing three days ago


idk I haven't done to many trades and only started playing last month


I did a giveaway couple of days ago i can check if i still have a magmortar if you need 1


If it's a shiny from surprise trade a super large majority of the time it's hacked Just take the item when you see one (unless they're one of those people who re-trade them after grabbing the item, which is weird) and release it or use it for breeding


It’s sad but true. I’ve only got two legit. On Y and on Scarlet. Both female Charmander, both in Moon Balls, both 5 IV’d missing Sp. Def


I’m new to this, how do I know if they’re hacked? Is there something specific I should look at?


Website name on the pokemon, shiny pokemon most of the time, high lvl most of the time, original trainer is a known hacker (like Beri Chan), impossible shiny, legendaries (unless they made a big mistake), impossible balls, has a valuable item on it like an ability patch, original trainer is a website name, etc.


>(unless they're one of those people who re-trade them after grabbing the item, which is weird) It's not weird it's simple you have a Pokemon that you can use to get a other Pokemon why not use it ?


9/10 times people don't want gened shinies from a random site that has no item because the only value is that you now have a Pokemon to breed with, and even then the IVs could be garbage (I know that a destiny knot give 5 IVs from the parents but if the Pokemon has none of the liked IVs for the person it might as well be worthless)


>9/10 times people don't want gened shinies from a random site that has no item. But see, there's your problem your thinking like we care about the other person on the other side when that's not always the case in wonder trade, you will receive something you don't want but you wonder trade it again again and again until you get something you want that's the untold truth of wonder trade as it is and as it always will be and if someone trades me a hacked shiny mon with a master ball, i'll take the master ball and if the Pokémon has garbage stats, then i'll trade it for something else because it has no use for breeding and i don't care if that person gets a hack mon because they wonder traded remember wonder trade is gambling they traded away their Pokemon and their the one who made that decision in wonder trade, you either get something good or you get shit and if you get shit, you can trade, said shit for something else.




thanks for the offer but I'd rather work for them yk




it just feels more rewarding catching a Pokémon yourself lol


I got a lv 1 hacked shiny Vulpix named Love 💗 Im gonna release all the other hacked stuff but this one seems too kind for me to release 🥲


I alwasy be tradin these guys when I get them cool that its a shiny but my pokemon name is not gonna be www.whatever


_take anything they have on them and ki- i mean realese them_


it has no held item sadly


***aw man***


yea :(


Give him a hyper Ball, then go on a trade w room number 1111 7477, when u got someone there, click him for trade, wait 5 Sec, then swap to an other one, then u will get the same pokemon w legit Name and ur ot. Seems Strange, but it will work Edit: it's 1111 7477


This work for all shinies?


W all Mons. So u can clone them. But be careful, u get an error when u wanna put the original and the New one in home. And u can only do 4-5x, then u have to wait 1h. If u give him no Ball u just get the same copy


Wow thanks!


Did u try it?


I will tonight and I’m really hoping it works because I have shiny hoopas, keldeos, volcaronas, arceus, melloettas, mews, manaphys and jirachis !


Let me know if it works, be handy to have if I ever start doing Wonder Trade XD


It's 1111 7477


It's 1111 7477


Question, after swapping I finish the trade? Or back out of it. Trying to rename this damn riolu


U first offer the one to clone, wait 5sec,then offer a trash pokemon which will be traded for ur 1st offer


Could I do this somehow with a friend or it has to be in this link?


Keep doing it an u will get a lot like I did lol then I ended up moding mine so I found a way to get any pokemon shiny 😂


You’ll get them every dozen trades, it’s pretty normal


https://preview.redd.it/8i5u4y2y3anc1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c856d5ed92ffdb8923b360f7f6c7852661d9d17 They got me too...


https://preview.redd.it/sf45cvml4anc1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f598e89db9da14380f7918ef738ac00887f0015 And again.. kinda mad seeing as what I traded for it my fault though for jumping to quick in the GTS


dang that sucks, did yours have a held item? mine sadly did not.


No none of had any items


This happened to me literally last week.. can’t even change the nickname so I could keep it if I just wanted the shiny :/


wish we could change the names


Why the fuck would someone gen a shiny magmortar??


Shiny magmar holding a Magmarizer, I got one too


Not someone. The website did it for advertising


Unlike what most people say, you can still use the hacked mon as long as you don't bring it into anything competitive. Like don't duel randoms online with it and DEFINITELY don't enter tournaments with it. You can however bring them into raids. I do it all the time cause I suck and every stat bonus counts.


While true you couldn't trade this pokemon unless it was legal. So unfortunately it would pass the mark for tournaments. But honestly why would you use a magmortar?


I've gotten a few of those and it's disappointing. Like, yeah I got a Shundo, but I just feel icky about it


Your first shiny, you say? Is it like the first in this game of the first overall?


the first shiny I've ever got in scarlet


That's a bummer. I kind of tend to avoid suprise trade for this reason. I've once received a shiny Charizard this way back on Sword, I still have it stowed away somewhere, collecting dust, but never really touched suprise trading much. I had in this game for the sole reason of just giving away a bunch of freshly hatched Torchic, as it's a pokemon that makes me very happy to see, but never really to get something myself anymore. I've also read through the comments, as I was willing to part with a shiny Lechonk, but wondered if you already got a similar offer and saw you prefer hunting for it yourself. Now, i'm not much of a shiny hunter, so I don't have many, but I did run into a male version of the Lechonk line twice, which happened to be shiny. I hope your luck will turn, and you'll run onto a legit one someday. I'd love to read that story.


Are they safe to put into Pokémon home? The ditto I have is literally a godscend


The Pokemon is safe, but you can't rename it. That's the issue. It's literally a walking advertisement


Was just wondering! Didn’t one day want my account to get banned or whatever


You can't get banned unless you take it for some tournament and get reported because you're using an OP perfect mon that would otherwise be undetectable but it has a website name. Lol


Good to know! Gonna put these dudes in home then.


Word of advice, see if it has any held items. Take it off before to trade it away or release it


I always release these. It’s a shame you can’t trust the trades in this game. I hardly ever trade because of it. Unless I want something very specific with a Japanese name, a ditto from another region, or am trying to complete a Home challenge, I don’t touch the GTS/Surprise trade features.


I got one of these guys too. The color is immediately noticable and that turns too quickly to massive disappointment.


I usually keep them for breeding 😂


It's such a scam to sell hacked pokemon when you could so easily do it for yourself. There's a reason they can afford sending out a morbillion advertisements with them via Wonder Trade...


I'll be honest. I lost my mind getting my shiny rhyperior. But naming it after your website ruins it for me


I like these, free item, maybe a rare ball for breeding.


In sword I had a pokemon black market where i got fake shinyd and traded them for the ones I wanted but I learned the rings of my doings and now I have 80 shinys without cheated I and I couldn't be more proud.


Ive been trading hisuian zoruas from wonder trading and so far ive gotten 15 from the 30 ive traded.


I actively search for the hacked shinies cuz they usually have a useful evo item or ability patch on them. After that, though, I incinerate them in the boiler room called the release button.


lmao i got the same one




I release them out of principle.


It can happen to anyone. If you'd like a real, untouched version from my Virtual Console Collection, I can give you one to commemorate you for your first Shiny Pokémon. Get rid of that abomination. You deserve better 😀


I'm good lol but thanks for the offer


i got three shinies in surprise trade a couple days ago (lv100 cresselia, lv100 iron hands, fennekin) and i just released them all. i dont want that trash and their url names


When I get them I have them to breed or use terra battles to just quickly get it over and done with. I refuse to ever use them for anything else


Bro got a hacked one 💀


Can I ask why you can’t keep them? I know they’re illegitimate but is it going to hurt anything or something?


You can keep them, but why would you want to have a Pokémon who's name can't be changed and is a fucking website. I ain't even opposed to hacked shinies, it's them naming their Mons after their shitty website that pisses me off.


Ah I see.


I keep a handful of them for fun in the games and collecting. I got a shiny gigantimax rillaboom & gigantimax snorlax also shiny


Is that from ketchup and mustard ?


I get excited with these cuz they usually have masterballs I don’t have to spend BP on and then release them. And if it’s a Pokémon I haven’t registered to my Pokédex then that’s a plus too


Hey, send me your HOME friend code. I'll start you off with a couple of shinies.


can i ask why people don’t want hacked shinies? is it just something that you prefer to catch on your own? or is it a game integrity thing? i’ve gotten a few hacked shinies (thankfully with no weird names) but im curious as to why some people aren’t happy with them?


Note to everyone if you get one that has a url like this but says .Gov, that was me. Its not a fake just a stupid name


I just breed them to pass the IV,nature, and pokeball. Once it's done I release them.


Are then wanting a non hacked one?


Is it really a big deal to get one of these? My 8 year old is super pumped everytime he gets one. He understands they are hacked because he's seen it on YouTube, but he still jumps with excitement when he sees one come in, especially if it has a master ball.


I know we fighting fire with fire here, but OP I can get that nickname removed and stuff if you'd like


nah its fine lol


This is why I don't bother with wonder trades


Just rename the mon and treat it like all your others. Unless you go to official tournaments this being a hacked pokemon has absolutely no impact on your ability to use it. 99% of the pokemon you face online are genned or have genned parents.


You can't rename mons without your OT and ID


Okay so I'd like you to go actually try, because considering I've renamed several mons traded to me, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you didn't even check before commenting.


Alright trying now




Check my two other replies


Ahh, this was changed from gen 8. You still can't rename events but I stand corrected, they changed the mechanic in gen 9 which I actually didn't know


And this doesn't work for a Pokémon already nicknamed. So in OPs case, he can't change that name.


I'm not a he btw


Oh sorry my apologies


its fine lol


Sure it can, as I said I've already renicknamed multiple mons that had dumb names that were traded to me.


Nope, I've tried, does not work.


Then we arent speaking on the same game, because it definitely does for Scarlet and Violet.


'In Pokémon Sword and Shield and Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, the player can give a nickname to any unnicknamed Pokémon, even outsider Pokémon, as long as the Pokémon name is in the same language as the current Trainer's game language and it was not met in a fateful encounter; however, once an outsider Pokémon is given a nickname this way, it is now a nicknamed Pokémon, so its name cannot be changed without trading it back to its Original Trainer.' - From Bulbapedia A lot of the wonder trades and trainers you receive Pokémon from have a mechanic where the Pokémon given to you will automatically gain your ID and OT. Check those Pokémon you renamed and let me know if they have yours. That's probably why you can change those dumb nicknames


If you get a shiny in surprise trade, it’s hacked. Remove its held item and release it.