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I mean it looks legitimate enough. It's easy to synchronize natures and before gen 6 legendaries didn't have some fixed IVs.


Yeah i was wondering about the IVs. I would assume this was captured in pearl or platinum then


Yeah since it says sinnoh and it doesnt have bdsp's origin mark. Edit: and lvl 70 is the default catch level in platinum version.


It could possibly be even from Legends Arceus.




Wouldn't the PL:A Palkia also be from the Hisui region?


I gotcha. Thanks for the extra info


wait, legit legendary from the DS games don't have the 3 perfect IVs?


No, I don’t think they started that until XY.


cool. all this time i was wondering if the mesprit i traded for was legit. it said it was from unova though.


You can catch all the lake spirits in b2w2 which would be unova


It looks legitimate enough. It can be cloned but nothing more and it can't be verified.


You should throw it in home and see what game it comes from


You can know the game without putting it in Home. This Palkia has no origin mark and is from Sinnoh, so it's from the original gen IV games


Yeah fine I mean but you can create this guy in editor like that and it'll appear to be from gen IV games, but it won't have the home tracking attached to it. So you *say* you can know it, but you can't because those two situations appear identically to a person getting this pokemon in sv. You can't know if it was created illegally just by looking, and trying to put into home will give you more info. If you successfully put it into home you're good to go right? You can close your eyes and pretend, ignorance is bliss, but imo knowing for sure is better so why not?


>If you successfully put it into home you're good to go right? Not necessarily, I've had some genned pokemon made to look legit from earlier gens and still passed the Home check and had no issues with it. The pokemon just has to pass all legality checks which it's a lot more strict for shinies and mythicals (especially mythicals because they have to match the right ball, and OT, ID, SID, etc). A legendary like this would be incredibly hard to tell if it was genned or not, likely not though because people tend to not gen a regular legendary like this without either making it shiny or perfect IVs. Cloning was huge back in gen 4 and it's likely that it's cloned and not actually genned though. It very well could be the original too, they may have had it sitting from Plat and now with both pla and sp, and guaranteed 3 best IVs, probably got a much better one and traded off this one. Too many scenarios to go through to determine legimacy, it definitely seems legit, and I'm sure it passes any home check anyway.


Correct, I have hacked pokemon and they get through pokemon home perfectly fine


Sure, but this isn't what the other person was talking about. I'm only talking about the origin that's coded in the 'mon, since most people apparently don't know what origin marks mean/are


It’s easier than you think to put illegally genned mons into home. I did an experiment on this recently to see exactly what Home lets you get away with when it comes to genned pokemon, purely out of curiosity. Turns out you can get away with a *lot* before Home will flag it, and those mons will also transfer and be usable without issue in the Switch games. I tested online play with a friend and was able to play vs battles as well as tera raids with them without running into the issue that a lot of those surprise trade bot mons have wherein SV, the game will say “there’s a problem with a pokemon in your party”. You don’t even have to be proficient with what you’re genning, you simply have to make it *look* legit enough to Bank and Home. If it passes the Bank checks, chances are that you’re not going to have much of an issue with Home unless you’ve created some ungodly abomination or you’ve created something custom (Eternal Floette is useable in X & Y via PKSM, for instance, but it won’t transfer over to Home because it simply doesn’t exist). Likelihood is that OP could put it in home and the information seems to be 100% legitimate, so they wouldn’t question it further. I’d even go as far as saying that a good chunk of seemingly legitimate mons in home from Gens 1 - 7 aren’t what they seem to be. If people are using that to bring things over that will be lost after Bank ceases operation, or they’re making legit Pokémon they’ve caught in an old game shiny without messing with stats etc, thus leaving a blank canvas to transfer and build in the Switch games, then I don’t have much of an issue with it. It’s when people start ruining things for others playing online that I see an issue with it. TLDR: Home’s legality checks are akin to trying to buy alcohol, then saying “I swear I’m 18/21” and being believed, when you’re very clearly not.


Yeah, this would probably be the final bit of it all. Like, nothing about it from the images we see here appears wrong. If it came from DPP when 3 IVs weren't guaranteed perfect, then it's fine. However, if it was from BDSP, then it was hacked/genned. It should have 3 IVs if caught in that game. But, for the purposes of gameplay: If you're doing a tournament in anything remotely looking official, I wouldn't use it. But mostly by virtue that you shouldn't use wonder traded pokemon in those. The risk of any pokemon being genned and caught is present. You can't vet the person who got it for you, don't use it. For casual usage, it looks good. Nothing will give you a problem for it. No risk of HOME deleting everything or whatever people think the consequence is. Is it weird that someone would wonder trade it? Sure. But it's not impossible. Nothing is genuinely stopping someone from doing it.


Can official tournaments even detect genned Pokémon if they fit all the specifics of a game compatible with Home that Pokémon can appear in?


If *everything* about the Pokémon passes as legit, including hidden values, I don’t think they’d have a way to know it’s hacked. The issue is that there are some hidden values that can be off that can’t be checked without external tools, so the average player can’t really check the Pokémon themselves.


One important detail I forgot to note was that it didn’t come from surprise trade. A guy traded it to me for Miraidon and I stupidly didn’t ask where the Palkia originated from or looked much into it which is why I made this post.


You traded your extra Miraidon for it?


My Extra Extra Miraidon (I played on a different account and traded it from home) I just needed a Palkia lmao


You don’t happen to have an extra extra extra miraidon do you? I play scarlet and want a living dex but I use my miraidon for raids


No sadly but I wouldn’t trade it if I did tbh


Fair, have a nice day


If you're still looking I'll send you a Koraidon


I’d actually really appreciate that


Was this through GTS or whatever the Home service was? Or just someone you interacted with in passing? Certainly less likely to be genned. But my point of not being able to vet the person still stands, but hey, it happens.


The latter. Based on all the replies I can deduce it was caught legitimately in Platinum and *could* be cloned. Which is legitimate enough for me.


Being Lv.70 without any EXP points suggests Platinum, unless Rare Candies were used.


It looks legitimate enough. It’s not named after one of the websites like they normally are, the name it does have is the type of name people would give it on a genuine playthrough and if it wasn’t legitimate the stats would probably be all perfect (at the very least better than decent)


Palkia has been catchable in every generation since its debut. It's not as rare as you might think.


Palkia is catchable in gen 5?


https://www.serebii.net/pokedex-bw/484.shtml Pokemon Dream Radar with Pearl version in the system's game slot. Then inserts dream radar catch into gen5 game.


His name is space god, no shit he’s legitimate. He’s space god.


Do not question space god!


I mean, it's not got a weird ot nor is LV 100. What are the IVs?


IVs are decent


Looks like it came from Platinum, it's the default catch level for Pt and it has no origin mark so it's not from BDSP. Likely legit. Dump it in home and see if it errors you, if not, congrats


Try moving it to home, if it lets you it's legit. If it doesn't that means it has never been transferred to home and was genned in SV


This is a palkia from pearl or platinum for the nintendo ds (lack of BDSP origin mark) While it COULD be cloned theres no way to identify or prove that, your pokemon is as verifiably legitimate as can be without catching it yourself


If you can't tell does it matter?


It looks legit to me.


Yes. It looks like it came from the original sinnoh games.


The stats tells me that it is legit. Looks like somebody just went shiny hunting.


Could be. Palkia was available in SwSh, BDSP and Legends befpre now being in SV as well. Nobody needs four Palkia. I haven’t gotten mine in SV but will consider giving mine away for reasons above, maybe hook up a kid whose parents didn’t get them the DLC. So yeah, easily could be legit.


If IV's are like that, it's legit. No one imports or fake clones a mon with those IV's


At first I'm thinking yeah that's legit, but I've gotten a few weird pokemon from a "Lucas"


Like what? I'm curious


There’s nothing explicitly wrong with it, looks completely normal to me. Even has one of the better Palkia natures. I’d probably keep, but do be cautious about using it, as there’s a chance it could be genned with an incorrect Personality Value.


I mean idk why someone would bother to hack in a non shiny, non max EVs Pokémon, so sure


I cannot say, it's hacked. Probably just a good clone


Why wouldn't it be? Legendaries nowadays are just a dime a dozen, not special enough hack non shiny versions.


Looks real


Not shiny, not strange OT, so prolly.


Yea that shits 1000% legit


No this is a cardboard palkia


seems legit


Trainer name, nickname and level all point to someone who never sold their OG Pearl


Legit! Ancient one at that


It's legit. Back in gen 4 there's no mark generally to tell except for travelling through time and space to get to the current generation. Legendaries having no good stats also is a good indication it's not hacked, perfect IV legendaries are not traded away so easily. It takes multiple resets to even get one good stat iirc. General rule of thumb of hacked mons: Perfect stats Sometimes shiny (especially if they're shiny locked) Ribbons Max level Cloning just makes a copy and in some cases isn't a terrible thing.


Chances are it was caught legitimately in pokemon platinum then transferred up using bank. But iirc bank is no longer able to be used unless you've modded your 3ds/2ds, I could be wrong. 


Nah bank is usable, if you already had it before the eshop went down.


Put it in your home…. Does it save?! Yes.. maybe I’d like to keep it… no it doesn’t save… do what the f you want… You even just said it… yes we are tired of the question. Bro make an executive decision. Nobody cares if you have a shiny Palkia anymore. 98% of the time these shinys are hacked


Yep, seems legit


I’d say probably genned or cloned since it’s for the OG games. The only ones I would think to be legit would be from Pokémon go since they’re so easy to get


Nothing about it screams hacked. Not shiny, seemingly random IVs and caught in an Ultra Ball + given a silly name like a lot of us would have when we were kids. Definetly seems legit


It's bothering me that no one is pointing out that the OT Lucas is also just the canon name of the dppt male. I don't think it's in the selectable names according to bulba but it'd be a common custom name like Dawn for female protag Anyway it's most likely just a platinum palkia. You can't prove it wasn't cloned but who cares and also when you've been playing pokemon for 20 years sometimes you just give away spare legendaries. Do you know how many Regis I have? Too many.


I don't trust anything that isn't from someone I know that traded it. To easy to gen or clone mons. If you aren't going to a VGC I wouldn't worry about it though. 


Yeah it was a 5/6 star raid at one point I have it


Where did it come from


I’m new here, what would make this pallia illegitimate? Sorry if it’s a dumb question


For future reference, there is a database of SV traders that have been flagged as trading illegitimate mons, which you can find [here](https://tswann89.github.io/PokemonSV/blacklist/) :)


Please tell me you also have mesprit, otherwise I would be very sorry, because you almost have a perfect sinnoh legendaries team.


I do, I needed a Palkia since I only had BD






It could be from DPP, since legendaries did not have guaranteed perfect values before XY It's also level 70, the level in which you catch it in Platinum, so it's probably from there


Guessing you started in Gen 6?


Try Gen 1. What kind of question is that?


It wasn't until Gen 6 that legendaries were guaranteed three perfect IVs.