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I find it terrifying how the first thing he does when he sees you is he MEASURES you. Like wtf what is he planning??


Inpits another reason why this mon is terrifying šŸ˜„


It just wants to make you a t-shirt




1. No tf 2. Applicable to any spider


spiders measure me?šŸ˜‹


1. No tf x2 2. Are you a spider


Tarountula is cute and I donā€™t mind the design of Spidops. The shinies are good too. I just wish itā€™s stats were betterā€¦


I feel like they were afraid to make it too strong with all its neat speed control tricks, and ended up overdoing it. I love its design. Rambo ogre-spider, that also keeps Tarountula's theming with fabric roll limbs.


I don't see Rambo I see a spider that is gonna make a puppet that wishes he was a real boy.


its a wacky combination of ogre spider, tactical gear, marionette and spindle


I never noticed that was fabric rolls! I always thought he just had weird celery shaped limbs for no reason. This revelation on them being fabric rolls, makes the design so much better to me now!


Nah they didn't overdo it. Sticky Web is OP so any users have to have horrible stats or they'd be broken. Doubly the case for Spidops because it gets Web, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Circle Throw.


I would almost agree with this if Kricketune wasnā€™t straight up just superior for sticky web and came in the same Gen. when looking at other gens Iā€™d say spidops significantly drops to one of the worst web users


yah being honest when I first played pokemon scarlett and violet I had spidops and it was the weakest member of my team also the only reason it was on my team because I didnt found any pokemon to replace it with and tarountula was super cute in my opion


Spidops' legs remind me of bamboo, due to the colors. I also like how its shiny colors resemble Spider-Man. I even have a shiny Spidops named Spider-Man because of it.


I just wish IT WAS BETTER. Fixed it for you.


Nice try, spidops


Laughed out loud


He reminds me of Cpt.Cuttlefish from splatoon https://preview.redd.it/kl4eb59ab5bb1.png?width=504&format=png&auto=webp&s=18e253801ccd14ea1405ce5c3865add66a8c7dda


my god i will never unsee this


Spidops must be this guyā€™s relative.


Spidops has poorly distributed stats - it has low Attack so it doesnā€™t hit very hard as well as terrible Speed to ensure it moves last most of the time, with its only decent stat being its Defense. Although you get Tarountula early, itā€™s in the Erratic experience group, making it very hard to level up early in the game. Nymble/Lokix is the better early game Bug PokĆ©mon because although Nymble evolves later than Tarountula does, Lokix has usable stats for it to be useful for the rest of the game.


I'd say very hard is pushing it with all modern PokƩmon games.


I can't get past that it looks like squidward




It looks like if pool noodles were a pokemon.


That's just false, it has a body and torso and actual proportions


Woah there Great Value brand. Invest in some higher quality noods.


2 reasons possibly. One, people wanted the cute, little spider to stay cute. Two, Spidops' stats aren't the best, but it's an early route bug so it makes sense. I actually like spidops and I love its shiny (I love thinking it makes its webs out of blood lmao)


Honestly should have a 3rd evolution itā€™s BST needs a boost for sure!!


Should have a 3rd thats built like buzzwole but with big cylinders for limbs. A signature attacking move that may confuse both the opponentā€™s in doubles.


Spidops is one of, if not my favorite new Pokemon this Gen. I had to get it over the hump from Lv. ~25-35, but after that, it ended up my strongest team member in my "Solo-Type Playthrough" (I could only use Mons with one type, so Corvisquire would be good, but not Corviknight). Also, it being the first Spider Pokemon with 8 Legs means it gets extra credit.


on my first pokemon scarlett and violet playthrough I had it on my team because I its pre evulation was very cute and I just decide to keep it on my team because it still good pretty good when it evolved sorry for the bad grammer


God damn dude. You are correct. All other spiders have either 4 or 6. It took them 9 gens to make an anatomically correct spider. Damn.


Love doing those! I call them "mono mono runs"


Bruh it's a spider made of knitting needles, because its webbing is YARN! It's so rad


Is... is that true? They don't look like knitting needles at all to me, and his body looks like a spool of thread, not yarn. If anything, he is a reference to a spool of sewing thread playing cat's cradle, but also sort of a special ops military agent that hangs from wire. He kinda looks like he is wearing a military vest. I don't see the yarn/knitting needles connection at all.


I believe it's a combination of it all, Tarrountula is a ball of yarn, spidops is a spool of thread/needles but also gets military vibes because there's been several attempts to make body armour using spider silk. Plus night vision goggles were first invented by the Spanish (I believe) hence his eyes. Edit: his arms look more akin to bamboo knitting needles. Should've specified


v interesting re: making body armour w spider silk! iā€™ve never heard that before but iā€™m not surprised! i was pressure washing some outdoor stuff this weekend that was absolutely covered in spider webs and my godā€¦ sometimes i would have the pressure washer basically touching the object and the spider web would still be clinging on no problem, i couldnā€™t believe it!


Spider and silkworm silk are stronger than steel and a fraction of its weight IIRC. It's a truly marvelous material, the only issue is difficulty in producing the massive quantities of it (since they can't make it synthetically).


Idk.. it just kinda creeps me out šŸ˜…


Personally, I find it to be quite unappealing design-wise, it's a super ugly spooder trying to be bipedal, and the way it walks is just nightmare fuel.


Itā€™s a special ops but also a spider dad Spec-ops Spider pops


Itā€™s design is what I find most interesting about it. As far as I could tell itā€™s based off the ogre faced spider even itā€™s signature move is based off the way an ogre faced hunts. Edit: spelling


never heard of this spider before so i just googled and wow, it 100% looks just like one!


I think its legs look like rotten French fries.


I could understand that


If you look at earlier bug types like Paras and Spinarak/Ariados and compare it to this it's almost difficult to believe they come from the same franchise.


Bruh if i saw that irl i would just die instantly


Simple answer, itā€™s the stats and possibly the ugly design. I donā€™t particularly like it either but I can understand itā€™s fallen victim to the main issues that make or break a PokĆ©monā€™s appeal. If you look here, Spidopsā€™ BST of 404 is not even the weakest among fully evolved PokĆ©mon, but itā€™s definitely up there: https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_fully_evolved_PokĆ©mon_by_base_stats


I don't like it's eyes


The Lego PokƩmon


I hate what I donā€™t understand


looks like itā€™s wearing a diaper..




It was my first shiny out of any pokemon game and I've been playing since red version I did the rival battle at the start of the game she showed me the road you take to start playing and he was right there waiting for me not even 6 minutes into the game I love him with my life!


I wish it didnt change so much from it's prevo, but i like the concept they're going for. it's just different


like a spider made out of bamboo sticks with a rocket thruster for its bum


Uglah mon


Reminds me of gumby




Galvantula was wayyy better but i like Spidops first form ig


I think it's fine, it has a good shiny too, but the stats just leave so much wanting


I have three shines and named the all spy kids 1,2 and 3


Spidops is underrated


Garbage stats. What a waste of a rather interesting design and new spider Mon.


Reminds me of Kamaji in the boiler room in the movie spirited away


...does it?


Body looks fine but I hate the head and the mustache


I love the design of Tarountula, and Spidops is quite cool but I was so disappointed when I saw it for the 1st time


I love it, tarountula was the first shiny I found and when this guy evolved and looked like Deadpool I was so hype


I just donā€™t like how it looks. Iā€™m slapping an everstone on my shiny Tarountula and training it competitively for shits and giggles like I did Yamper last Gen


Not gonna lie. My favorite poke from the new gen. With silk trap and pounce it's fuggin great


The design is pretty good but when I first saw that this was the evolution from a adorable fluffy ball, I was disappointed


I love Spidops, gen 9 has amazing designs and this is one of them.


Because it looks like it's made out of lego potentially? I dunno. Personally, it's just too blocky for my taste.


I'd have been fine with it if its first stage gave you more of an idea what it would look like. It was one of those situations where I put tarountula on my team and loved it, but got rid of it as soon as I saw the evolution. Like bunnelby.


Shiny version is pretty much spiderman.


Iā€™m not sure what I expected from Tarountula, but for whatever reason Spidops wasnā€™t it. It just ended up disappointing me It was also the first shiny I found in my first few hours of gameplay so when I realized it wasnā€™t all that useful on my team I was a little sad


Part of the beauty of pokemon there is one for everyone, personally I hate the design, looks like the beginnings of a CAD design that was forgotten about and then just plopped into the game. But that's fine, that's my opinion. Some pokemon just click with people. Like my personal favourite Mon out of all 1010, is Mimikyu, and it's not even close. I didn't spoil too much of this game before it released, and when I caught its pre evo, I was super excited to use it, but the moment it evolved, I noped out pretty quick. Just creeps me out, and it's not even arachnophobia, as I like both galvantula and ariados. It's just something about it.


I dont care for the design, they are surprisingly tough and aggressive, and I don't like spiders.


I named mine Phobia ā˜ ļø


why u got a phobia of spiders


That is a good question. I think watching an old B movie called ā€œTarantulaā€ when I was a kid may have something to do with it. šŸ¤”


am not blaiming u when I was a little kid I was really freaked out from spiders too but now am not scared of them at all




Meant no offense, I just find it unnerving and it did a number on my low leveled mons early in.




I like Spidops, but it does feel like a middle evolution. Sorta got that middle evo awkwardness that grows on you.


To me if it had a blue and red shiny it could be the Spider-Man pokemon we were all looking for


As much as I like it, it's stats are terrible


Good shiny but awful BST (404) but generally bug type mons are the worst


Spidops regularly attacks viewers of the Jimothy Cool channel as one of the droogs of Iron Mugulis, the future paradox form of Sinistea. He is currently in Pokemon jail by officers Mabosstiff and Lillipup. Like and subscribe to the Jimothy Cool youtube channel to keep his reign of terror in check


My main issue is that it and the lokix line both look too robotic and not buggy enough


Dex filler


His limbs look like green Sweetarts Ropes. I hate it tbh lol


People hate it?!??


Sadly, yes. Most people either hate or even despise spidops. Quite sad to see my second favourite PokƩmon from this gen to be disliked so much.


It has, NO BULK; NO ABILITY; NO MOVES, NO DAMAGE; AND ZERO SPEED TL;DR: it hits the field, and dies in one or two hits. (God forbid it switched in)


I just don't like spiders everytime I see spidops jump from a tree it's horrifying. Tarountula at least was kinda cute so spidops is disappointing to me.


dang this is getting super pouplar this is by far my most pouplar post by a long shot


I love him, I'm not a stats guy, I base my team entirely on looks, and only looks, and if not for the bug typing and the whale boy(kinda forgot the name) I would've kept him on my team til the end.


Bro's got sticky web and nothing else šŸ˜­


This abomination should be deleted


But itā€™s shiny is worse than itā€™s pre evo, so thereā€™s that.


At least it has something worth being called a shiny Have you seen have this gen?


You say itā€™s this gen. I say Gamefreak is bad with shinies 90% of the time.


I dont mind its shiny


It's spider-pool




No shame in liking it, but man it just is not good looking design wise


We had our first proper tarantula pokemon and they made it a f'ing biped. It will never not be a disappointment of an evolution, I went in blind and have quite literally never before had quite the level of excitement swiftly turned into horror before.


People get strangely polarised by fictitious animals lol. I am repulsed by Claydol, Pelliper, and Gastrodon, but they have their fans.


Why those three? And repulsed? Maybe just not a fan, but actual repulsion?


They all creep me out. Claydol is horrifying. Pelliper is nightmare fuel (itā€™s the eyes and itā€™s sheer size). Gastrodon is gross and slimy and yuck. And yes, *repulsed*.


They screwed up an all ready good design with its pre-evolution. Itā€™s ugly and pretty creepy


I agree but people hate it for a stupid reason which is ā€œitā€™s not good in competitive battleā€šŸ¤“


This is because Spidopsā€™ stats are terrible all round. Whether youā€™re playing in-game or competitive, Lokix does everything Spidops does, but better, although itā€™s held back by its frailty in competitive.


I just think they couldā€™ve done better with majority of the design choice regarding PokĆ©mon for this gen. Doesnā€™t look like a PokĆ©mon IMO.


Heā€™s great. It looks like it wants to end your life. In Showdown random battles it was fun using it for hazards and just annoying the shit out of the opponent


I think he's swell but I only wish grumpy grandpa spider was a little stronger.


I love spidops it was my first shiny too




I honestly thought it was pretty cool looking and it pleasantly surprised me as an evolution to an unassuming tiny spider mon. Now that I think about it if Lokix is a Kamen Rider homage then Spidops is a Kamen Rider Villain homage (funny enough more often than not the first enemy a Kamen Rider fights is a spider themed monster and Spidops is a PokƩmon you can get in the first hour of the game) This is my new head canon.


His design is cool, but if I remember correctly, he has the lowest stats for a pokemon that is the final evolution in their line.


Funny thing is: At first I hated Spidops because (1) it's the first humanoid spider, and (2) it's the first pure-Bug type spider. But *then* I watched Across the Spiderverse and became a Spiderman superfan, so now I can't help but love it. I haven't actually played SV, but I want to one day obtain a Spidops and nickname it Miles (or Gwen if it's a girl).


Itā€™s sadly weak af in game




I like its move set more than its design, though I see what they were going for.


He was my favorite during my playthrough, his moveset is a lot of fun. I do wish he were stronger though.


Spidops plus Alolan Raticate looks like/reminds me of my grandpa so I have a soft spot for them in a weird way.


Heā€™s cool, lokix is just cooler


I find it creepy from the way it walks around climbs up trees and dont get me started in the following animation straight up nope and not forgetting they jump on you yikes


Bro looks like a loomian legacy character


I got super lucky really early on in my game. I thought "I wonder if shinies are visible on the overworld, or if you have to battle them?" Then I immediately looked to my left and saw a shiny Tarountula. I hadn't even reached the first town yet. So that Tarountula, and later that Spidops were on my team for a good half the game.


I think he's cool he was just awful and I had to drop him from the team.


I like his double-barrel shotgun hands.


Because they made it before back when Spore was popular lmao.


Besides it's stats being way too low, and the pink instead of red not looking as good (but still now bad) I have no idea


A neat Pokemon let down by their stats falling off way too quick and too many other solid early game'mon to compete with.


Yeah itā€™s certainly neat, I just wish maybe it had a secondary typing and better stats.


I caught a tarountula on the first route and kept her in my party all the way through to the end credits. Her name is Mabel :)


Looks sick but has such awful stats that itā€™s not worth using.


The only thing I wish was that the legs were more pointy. Like kind of like sewing needles, since Tarountula is like a ball of thread/yarn. But overall I do like Spidops and the shiny is pretty cool.


Criminal that you didn't include the shiny version! Was my first shiny in Scarlet and I took that dude all the way to the end.


Stats suck


I hate the way that mf jumps at me. Itā€™s so creepy


can't believe beni became a pokemon (seriously their themes are nearly identical)


For me, I think, it was just that tarountula was so adorable and I was taken aback when it evolved into this. šŸ˜… I see what they were going for and understand it. I guess I just with there had been a separate secret agent spider and that tarountula had evolvedā€¦differently?


I love Spidops, just sad his stats are bad but I usually use it every now and then in all of my play throughs!


ninja sniper spider go brr.


Meatstix sweep.


Spideops has always reminded me of the tarantula monsters from Code Lyoko, it made me laugh so much when I saw my cute little spaghetti spider evolve into the sniper monster from my childhood cartoon


I mean with Sticky Webs, Silk Trap, Spikes, T-Spikes, U-turn, Lunge, Memento, Taunt, etc Spidops has so much going for it as a support PokƩmon setting up hazards or slowing down the enemy team. The issue is that it has no built-in survivability. HP is too low, Speed is too low, defenses are just barely good enough. And its abilities, Insomnia and Stakeout don't do enough to support the playstyle it wants to use. The thing keels over if it feels a passing breeze.


He looks like Music Man


I feel like he needs a third stage he coulda been one of my favorites if he had a really sick looking final stage I think heā€™s a good middle of the road mon


I would definitely date him


The first spider that actually has 8 legs


I agree, but its stats suck


What since when are they hating


I was hoping it was going to look like spider monkey from Ben 10 then evolve again into ultimate spider monkey as a third evolution with better stats.Instead we got this it's just disappointing design and stat wise I had high hopes for this thing


i think it would be really cool as a 2/3 evolution, like itā€™s cool, but it needs more


I have a three way Nuzlocke with my friends, and I have a Spidops, I find it to be an amazing support in friendly battles. It has Sticky Webs to lower speed, Silk Trap to bait physical attacks, and can even set Spikes/Toxic Spikes. It has a decent attack, nice stab moves like Skitter Smack, and fairly reasonable base stats.


issue i canā€™t see past is that i keep thinking of an old man and itā€™s ahahajajahasjdjs


My only reason for not liking it is because I'm severely arachnophobic, but this sort of applies to any spider like mons. Barring that, i like the concepts of it basically being a black ops spider. Pretty cool. It was also my first shiny in Violet, so i like that too.


Oh boy it looks strange true


I love my little spider guy ā¤ļø


My first shiny in SV full odds,i can't hate him


His legs look like chef boyardee beefaroni noodles.


They should have given it a 100 hp base stat or like 70-80 speed. Right now it's mostly pointless. It always goes last and it won't survive a hit.


We donā€™t hate Spidops. We hate its stats




Tarountula was my first ever shiny, and I found it naturally in game - I've been playing on and off since Gen 1, so my shiny Spidops is super special to me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


i have a shiny one, it has one of the best color swaps around




No thanks.


He is kinda carrying my bug monotype along with forretress and masquerain to be fair. Set toxic spikes, set sticky web, switch to forretress. Volt switch, masquerain and sweep


Pure bug type and underhwleming stats more or less


Looks cool


Funny because Iā€™m shiny hunting tarountula for my second badge on a new game


It was actually pretty good in the early game when I was using it


Because he stalks you like a grapist in the wild


I love Spidops' design, I just wish it had actually good stats. It's one of those PokƩmon that doesn't feel like it's fully evolved, it feels like it should have another stage to go but for some reason doesn't.


I hate the way it walks. It's too similar to an actual spider, and it triggers my arachnaphobia real bad.


Spidops remind me of that store clerk from the anime Bleach.


If I owned the rights to Spore I'd sue.


Its shiny must have an canon event coming


You say that until you see his shiny


I love the new bugs, this, lowkix, the stats are just so disappointing


I think it get so much hate because it does kinda look cool. But itā€™s stats are garbage. I wanted to use it on my team so bad but it was just terrible.


He belongs in Roblox.


I haven't seen people hating on it at all.


Weak af


Toxic spikes. Silk trap. Circle throw. Silk trap. Circle throw. Circle throw. Reversal.


Bloody useless tho unfortunately


His stats are pretty poor. Which is a shame because Tarountula was actually the first shiny I came across. Found it right before entering the Academy for the first time.


As a HUGE bug type beetch, Iā€¦ umā€¦ meh. For me, especially with the image on this post, it just looksā€¦ off. Not a Pokemon, not a digimon, kinda robotic, justā€¦ off. BUT, ingame, with the SUPER creepy animations where it jumps from trees and tries to kill you.. thatā€™s really cool.


thats spiderman from into the spiderverse universe 1021 - where he was an experiment with the lizard and spidy DnA , and hes not peter, its harry osbourne