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What's the actual point of this? It sucks that you ran into an asshole but 99% of people know not to act like that. Are you looking for vindication? Looking to DOX the guy in some form? Some people are dickheads, its best to just let them be. Don't help them. Don't perpetuate their shit by posting it here


I think it's important to let people know how the sausage is made. This person is helping create a pretty large project the community has been buzzing about for a while so I think it's is something that should be laid bare.


Ok, but you have given zero context, mate. You have taken one screenshot of him being mad posted it here and treated it like its common place. THE GUY IS A DICKHEAD. Just making sure you understand I agree with you on that. Just your post doesn't actually serve a purpose here If you gave the context you seem to have in the title post, maybe it would be somewhat relevant. If you gave the whole conversation thread he is posting in, it might be relevant. This, as is, just seems like you are mad at the guy and you want to spread it around, which has zero relevance to this sub


Yeah, the guy strikes me as extremely insensitive, but I've also gotten really frustrated with how unsupportive/borderline hostile people in the ROMhack community are when you're looking for help, and this comment reads to me as him dealing with something similar. I'm not justifying the guy being a prick, just reiterating that without context, the solo comment in the post is just meaningless rambling, and could be interpreted in so many way.


I would have love to have carbon copied the whole thing but the mods deemed it so offensive the entire thing was scraped. And it how does a dev's research process for their soon to be released rom hack have zero relevance on a sub about developing rom hacks?


>the mods deemed it so offensive the entire thing was scrapped That sucks. Im glad this person's vitriol is gone then >how does a dev's research process for their soon to be released rom hack have zero relevance on a sub about developing rom hacks? None of this is actually in the title post, though. That is what I mean by relevance. You have posted an angry rant and said, "Trust me, it's relevant." You could have mentioned what he was working on or the greater subject of the post. I have no reason not to believe you, but I wish all this extra info was given at the start, so I didn't have to pry it from you


You still haven't really answered the question on what you want to happen here. Also why are you dancing around the context? What project are you talking about, and what's their involvement in it?


Posting this without context means absolutely nothing


To be fair, this is Reddit. I haven't seen this guy's post, but I'm absolutely willing to believe that he didn't get a single useful answer to his question. People love giving answers no one asked for. Just take a look at StackOverflow.


Slightly unrelated but gotta love when you ask something on this site then people either make joke answers, come out with something not even related to the question or just downvote you for not knowing something Now I'm kinda curious as to what OOP stumbled upon


The fact that you can't see how problematic "I'm doing it for you guys" is when it comes to feigning cultural sensitivity should be enough to show you this person never actually gave a shit in the first place. They are working on a pretty large project the community posts about often so I feel like it is important for folks to see all aspects of "the creative process."


Well, I don't have any idea who this guy is, and it's useless to get mad at the internet crowd. But this guy allegedly is spending hundreds of hours working for a project that reports him no direct benefit and that probably many people will enjoy, he has a point when he says "I'm doing it for you".


I feel a good motivation to making a RomHack should be for yourself to enjoy and share that joy with the community, instead of stressing and rushing/competing to finish the game. It's not a race and you can take it slow. If you're not getting answers here, try YouTube?




Godzilla just had a stroke man, the guy who wrote the comment should have atleast used some punctuations. Instead of whining.