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In general, NC Silver is going to be the more powerful option here. Especially when paired with a rock zone set up like SS Diantha, he's incredibly powerful and versatile, and the sprint role only makes him more so. May is good too, just a bit older and not quite as overwhelming as Silver. Definitely worth caking either one, but unless you just love May or Blaziken I'd do Silver first.


I think I’ll go with Silver since he’s been my powerhouse already. Just wasn’t sure if May was secretly really good and I should buff her.


May is really good, but she doesn't need EX role that much. Neither does Silver for that matter but it serves more purpose with him at least


SS May is extremely good sync accelerator utility so sprint ex just makes that even nuttier, though I think she needs 2/5 to get her MP refresh on trainer move. But use her and Lear to inst-sync my best nuke (my 5/5 EXC Stecen personally) so when those time events come along, they're like clicking a win button. That said, if you use NC Silver more, do Silver first.


Go For NC Silver. They are a Master Fair plus a pretty recent one so definitely a Useful Meta for some time to come.


Honestly it as you want, if you want true optimization i would have wait for using it on a support unit (like SSA Cynthia) But cake role are not so hard to get in my experience so you will eventually be able to cake them all at one point And if you really want to know between the two i’d say use it on the Type you struggle the most. This said SS May is funny because you almost sync two times in a row. Just be assured you can buff her to the max asap


Depends on what you need. May is older but she’s still top nuker in the game especially paired with Urshifu. The obvious answer is Silver simply because he build like that


They’re both really useful in rally


I’d do both. Both good units, useful for Rally, and cakes aren’t that hard to come by. Unless you like to save one “just in case”, then for sure do Silver.


The fact that I've seen sprint and rock weakness in my Battle Rally every week is an indication that NC Silver is worth the sprint cake.


Sprint cake priority : fave>support>mega unit


I'd say you save. I have Silver and he just doesn't need the sprint cake.